'...5-*... VALLEY REMAINS IN GOOD BUSINESS AREA * « j_ __ _ _ omgsays GREATPOWER i’ ** ™ Embraces Del^h Prin- cipals Usually Had 0AI J|A Jf In Larger Car p Some Interests Seem A study of power plants in tho To Be Waiting Upon light car field discloses that the p Whippet, following tho principles of De- tno awnww « I Developments, design usually employed only in tho its construction, construction of six-cylinder engines, crankshaft la tho Whippet Mag clares Writer holds a distinctly individual posi- equivalent to that wm eight tion in the light four cylinder field ^of “* WASHINGTON, Feb. 25.—A pro- for development and out- cSaduSk"f^Twnd ^babbitt*** trend in power ■ Bounced forward and upward standing It is pointed Tho fall force food lubrication «yo- a industries performance. There is something the matter with man's auto the steel and automobile out that the Is the only tom has boos employed to moot tho feature of Whippet vision if he cannot see that this is has been the outstanding in the ear field that requirements, of a power plant with repair shop dur- engine light ip tiie general business situation more than doubles its rated horse- the high efficiency of tho Whippet the one that should furnish all the necessary re- Frank tho con- m lag the last thirty days, says power at its point of maximum effi- meter, tho oil poising to pairs to his auto. Our methods of doing business • » Greene in hie monthly business re- ciency. This unusual development of necting rod hearings through holes will and car. view in Nation's Business Magazine, power Is said to be due in past to drilled in tho crankshaft help you your HK published by the Chamber of Com- the unique design of tho engine, this This system of lubrication was States. V aierce of the United design bringing about a complete adopted in tho Whippet after nu- “In some other activities, how- revolution of construction in the merous tests with other types proved and .over,” he writes, “a lack of form light car field since tho initial in- inadequate to bring about tho high- ; appearance of waiting upon events troduction of this car. est degree of efficiency demanded that into the tended to show entry Engineers out that the com- in the light four cylinder a matter of point KS? now year was more ratios of the light sixes by^beysrs de- pression bookkeeping than of distinct range from 4.70 to 8, at which point parture in trade and industry.” detonation of the gases is likely to VIRGINIA HOMES DECREASE and m. Notable features of January occur. Tho average piston travel is than the rela- Oarly February-, other said to be about 2,200 feet a minute. RICHMOND. Va. (*»>—While the §|l tively fast p*ck up in iron and steel In the the piston travel is blooded horse still bolds high rack Greene Whippet operfljnons, noted by Mr. 2,200 feet a minute and the compres- in Virginia, his poor relations are "fair accord- With business conditions rather quiet throughout most of the nation, averaging about , sion ratio is 4.7, which represents passing oat of tbs picture. The manufac- a of the United States Chamber y“A speeding up of shoe ing to summary written for The Nation’s Business, official publication the ratio of compression of the gases state bad only 204,000 horses on turing, accompanying further sharp of Commerce, by Frank Greene, the Valley remains in the white or "good” business area, according to in the cylinder from their originsl farms in 1927, lowest number since hides. advances in leather and the accompanying map. volume before they are fired by the 1878. “A raising of rediscounts rates by _ the regional federal reserve banks ia design and , of seven districts, led by Chicago. | four-year development while the com- the last to go dow nto the 3 1-2 per perfecting of detail, cent rate. pany has been at work three years “68.” The entire Marmon Wholesale Gain MORE HARMON on the new 1 embracing 1,200,000 square fact active but none the less plant, t “A very of floor is now used in manu- with a space, very erratic stock market, facture of the two lines. Expendi- trend of the moderate downward tures in the last two years in ma- measuring averages. i tools and equipment to bring to life ox | CARS PLANNED chinery, slow MA rather coming the to the scheduled trade after; plant capacity wholesale and jobbing total of 1928, represented more than the year-end quieting. 2,000,000. "An almost equally slow awaken- j Total of 45,000 Autos Ing of retail buying which, retarded by lack of real winter weather, To Be Built In •eemed reluctant to take advantage President Will of intensively advertised sales. Next Year Meet. “A continuance of the unsettled j Rival in Taciturnity condition in manufactured cotton: G. M. William*, president of the i , goods, reflecting diverse influences Marmon Motor Car company, an- LIVINGSTON, Tex. UP) —President of announced heavy mill curtailment ! nounces a production program, rati- 1 will meet a rival in taci-1 with the lowest quotations for the fied by the Marmon board of direc- Coolidge raw staple since the first days of tors, of 45,000 automobiles for 1928. turnity when Sun-Kee Mikko, new of the Alabama Indians, calls i August; and in the first week of, This is by far the largest produc- chief February a sharp rally in raw cot- tion in the history of the Marmon at the White House. j, ton prices which brought out some company. Output at the Marmon fac- Mikko, who gave newspaper men better buying of cotton goods. tory is rapidly approaching the peak a two-word interview when he was “A turn in the tide of pig Iron required to meet this anticipated inaugurated as the head of the peo- production after nine months of re-; schedule. The Marmon plant, ac- ple who once dwelt in the forests of to e, cession. cording to President Williams, is al- Alabama, will go Washington “A quite notable easing off ini ready turning out from 200 to 216 February 24 to intercede with the Ll|! year-end failures and liabilities. cars a day. president for financial help for the “A downward trend in the com- After the most exhaustive tests of small band of Indians. The Alabamas modity price index after six consec- tkfe New Marmon “68” and “78”, both are poverty-stricken due to the fact j t* utive monthly advances. on the Indianapolis Motor speedway that their reservation is restricted i “The second largest monthly total and in gruelling transcontinental to only two sections of land. of sales on the New York stock mar- runs, the executives of the Marmon When reporters asked Mikko what j ket. with bank clearings and bank | company felt confident that in these he had to say as spokesman for his debits dutifully tagging along with! two cars they had evolved something tribe, the chief pondered a while, second largest monthly aggregates. | of unusual importance both to auto- and then answered: It Mines Slack mobile dealers and consumers. “Nothing." was not until had found en- “However, neither trade nor in- they Still persistent, the reporters dustry for January, excepting auto- thusiastic ratification of their judg- asked him what he thought of the it- mobile, steel and shoe manufactur- ment on the part of the public world in general. The old chief Chi- ing, seemed to exceed the totals of self at both the New York and again pondered, and finally replied: Shows, as well as a Phila- January of the year before; and em- cago “Cold.” Cleveland, San Francisco, ployment. although gaining in a few delphia, Thus ended the interview, which Instances, appeared in the whole Detroit and elsewhere, that the de- was also the shortest inaugural was arrived at to country little better than in Decem- cision definitely speech ever made in Texas. ber and much lower than in January. proceed on a 45,000 cars a year basis, full ahead <1927. The steel .trade uncovered | and orders for speed giv- en. ***■ ■■ *»*t4v in January a very considerable of the new Marmon Hair Governs increase in unfilled orders, which I Reception Tiny in resulted from the an-j straight-eights, one of which sells apparently the field and the other in Moisture of Rooms =5 THOROBRED ^uncement early in December that low-price STABILIZED RED the class, is evidence wrices of finished steel, and especial- medium-price S BLACK CORDS j of the in of the CHICAGO, UP)—A small strand of I STR,PE BALLOONS Ty plates, shapes, sheets and bars, growth popularity of which there were human hair controls humidity in spe- D would be advanced in the first quar- straight-eight, 4-P«y Thoro. Cord.$ MS IHI"fc©H more sold in 1927 than in other cial testing rooms in the research *8x4.75 Stabilised Balloon .... $1245 ter. It saw operations advance any Sp ox 31x4 Standard Cord . $13.25 In fact, the Marmon laboratories the Portland Cement Balloon .... to an 80 to 85-per-cent-of- year. company jilOTObred CordS 2»x4.75 Stabilixed $1340 sharply of association. was dem- enjoyed the greatest percentage 32x4 Standard Cord .$13.15 capacity basis. November 30x4.75 Stabilixed Balloon .... $13.48 increase in sales in 1927 of com- W hen there is too much moi ture Cfahi!i7P>ll RAI IAAMC onstrated to have been the low any ,3x4 Standard Cord .$14.65 3WHlIZCa DALLWITC in the and this in the air.
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