LEGAL COMMUNITY ENTERTAINMENT Commercial Law Wild things are post to Maddux all around you Find Public Notices Chambliss attorney New IMAX fi lm shows inside & online: tapped to lead regional what we’re missing by not www.HamiltonCountyHerald.com commercial law group. paying attention. P2 P28 Volume 105 | No. 11 Single Copy 50¢ CHATTANOOGA, HAMILTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE March 16 – 22, 2018 Inside track to Chamber post Gillenwater’s What was going on in Chattanooga in 1968? research on city Friday, March 15 for national A fi rst-grade teacher at DuPont Elementary School, organization Mrs. Inez Quinton, has been named one of Tennes- leads her here see’s outstanding teachers by e Instructor, a nation- By David Laprad al magazine for elemen- tary school teachers. Mrs. hristy Gillenwater Quinton has taught in the had done her due Hamilton County School diligence, invest- system for 32 years. ing the time and Chattanooga Mayor work required to Ralph Kelley told the Rota- be considered for the position ry Club meeting ursday of president of the Chattanooga CArea Chamber of Commerce. that the city must annex if it is to “live and grow.” He But she wasn’t sure the organi- said taxes from the pro- zation’s board was going to give posed annexation would be her the nod. adequate to fi nance services By this time, Gillenwater to them. wanted the job. Not only that, Miss Sue Barrett Web- but everyone living under her ster, a senior at Girls roof was ready to move from Preparatory School, is Indiana to Tennessee and start Tennessee’s Betty Crocker a new life. Homemaker of Tomorrow. When her husband, Brad, She won a $1,500 schol- had seen the Chattanooga arship from General Mills Chamber’s award-winning and is eligible to compete “CHA CHA Land” video show- for the national title of casing why businesses and indi- All-American Homemaker viduals should consider moving of Tomorrow. to Chattanooga, he was all in. Secretary of State Joe C. So was Gillenwater, a long- Carr addressed a meeting time chamber executive who’d of Hamilton County Young spent countless hours research- Democrats ursday night ing the Chattanooga Chamber at the courthouse. He drew as part of the 2017 panel to applause when referring select the national Chamber of to GOP candidate Richard the Year (which the city won). See 50 YEARS, page 18 She’d dissected the local cham- ber in an attempt to learn what, if anything, elevated it above INSIDE its very stiff competition – and ■ FINANCIAL FOCUS P12 what she found impressed her. “ eir ideas on where they ■ REAL ESTATE P15 See GILLENWATER, page 12 Photograph provided 2 | March 16 – 22, 2018 Hamilton County Herald www.hamiltoncountyherald.com News and notes from the Chattanooga Bar Association Bar Association Chambliss Law develops internal talent Chambliss, Bahner & Stophel team with identifying client has promoted two team members. needs, implementing custom- Lindsay Cast now serves as a parale- ized estate plans and adminis- gal in the fi rm’s estate and tax group, tering trusts and estates. and Bruce Launey recently became Cast is currently pursu- a paralegal in the labor and employ- ing her Master of Business ment group. Administration degree at the “We are fortunate to have Lindsay University of Tennessee at on our estate planning team,” says Chattanooga and is involved in Greg Willett, tax and estate section the UTC Graduate Student As- chair and shareholder at Chambliss. sociation. Originally from Cali- “Not only does she bring additional fornia, she earned two bachelor depth to the practice, she also shares degrees from the University of our sharp attention to detail when California at Berkeley. working with clients on such person- Before coming to Chambliss, al matters.” Cast participated in Teach for Cast joined the fi rm in June 2015 America and was named Teacher to assist in the tax and estate depart- of the Year for 2013-2014. She ment. She works with the members previously served as an emerg- of the department on various matters ing leader for the United Way of Photograph provided related to estate and trust planning Greater Chattanooga. Lindsay Cast, left, and Bruce and trust administration. In her new Launey came to Chambliss at the Launey serve as paralegals in role, she will assist the tax and estate See CHAMBLISS, page 3 separate Chambliss groups. Mid-South Commercial Cancer Society Law Inst. picks president honors CBA director Attorney Jeff rey Maddux of the law bankruptcy law in fi rm of Chambliss, Bahner & Stophel Nashville. e next will serve as president of the Mid- seminar, which with survivor’s award South Commercial Law Institute in attracts nationally e American Cancer Soci- 2018. known scholars, ety honored Chattanooga Bar Two additional Chattanooga attor- judges and lawyers, Association Executive Director neys are serving with Maddux on the will be Nov. 29-30, Lynda Hood as a 20-year survi- 25-member board. Robert Wilkinson, 2018. vor at its 2018 Life Inspiration CHATTANOOGA BAR ASSOCIATION BAR CHATTANOOGA a Chapter 7 Trustee and bankruptcy Maddux More information Awards, held Friday, March 9 attorney with Tom Bible Law, has about Mid-South at the Chattanooga Convention been elected to serve a fi ve-year term and its annual seminar can be found and Trade Center. on the Mid-South board. Nick Foster, at www.midsouthseminar.org. A well-known community a trial attorney with the U.S. Dept. of At Chambliss, Maddux serves leader and volunteer for many Justice, will serve as treasurer of the banks, credit unions, businesses and local organizations, Hood was institute in 2018. individuals, who rely on his advice diagnosed with breast cancer Regarding his fellow Mid-South regarding federal and state law issues after the birth of her daughter, board members and offi cers, Maddux involving regulatory compliance, Lauren. She tackled her treat- says, “I’m excited about the talent and commercial litigation, the Uniform ment and getting well “with energy our new directors and offi cers Commercial Code, business bank- more than an adequate amount bring to the board. We’re already ruptcies, consumer bankruptcies and of toughness and grit,” said Jed working on the 2018 seminar and are real estate. Mescon, emcee for the ceremo- making every eff ort to continue pre- Maddux also has experience in ny. “And look at her now. She’s senting a top-quality program featur- representing doctors, physician truly a role model for cancer ing nationally recognized speakers.” groups and nursing homes in medical survivorship.” Each year, the non-profi t insti- malpractice defense. “When we hear the word tute conducts an advanced two-day Source: Chambliss, Bahner & Stophel See HOOD, page 3 CLE seminar on commercial and Photograph by David Laprad Executive Committee Board of Governors Ex-Officio Member Lee Ann Adams Marc Harwell The Honorable J. B. PRESIDENT Sheri Fox Bennett Robin L. Miller George G. Hixson JUDICIAL REPRESENTATIVE TREASURER Steven M. Jacoway Thomas M. Horne PRESIDENT-ELECT William G. Colvin Jeffrey W. Maddux John C. Harrison PAST PRESIDENT Jimmy Rodgers SECRETARY Linda Minks Hood Drew H. Reynolds, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR YLD REPRESENTATIVE Chattanooga Bar Association | The Pioneer Building | Suite 420 | 801 Broad Street | Chattanooga, TN 37402 | 423-756-3222 | Fax: 423-265-6602 |www.chattanoogabar.org www.hamiltoncountyherald.com Hamilton County Herald March 16 – 22, 2018 | 3 n VIEW FROM CAPITOL HILL Florida’s epiphany on guns means little here Memphis resident Stevie Aldean concert. time. publican control. Moore has been waging a war But in the midst of national Rep. Micah Van Huss, a On the orders of House Ma- to take illegal guns off the outcry from young people, as Jonesborough Republican, jority Leader Glen Casada, state streets since someone shot his well as moves by President defends his legislation, saying it Rep. Mike Carter, a former son in the head with an AK-47 Donald Trump to ban items will help people “protect their General Sessions judge, rolled 15 years ago. such as bump stocks, which the families” from the “evil that’s the bump-stock ban two to “It’s my mission to fight Vegas shooter used to increase out in the world.” three weeks in the House Civil these guns whatever way I can,” the number of shots he could Of course, Van Huss wants Justice Subcommittee. says Moore, who founded the Sam Stockard fire, the Tennessee Legislature people to be able to carry e move caught the ire of organization Freedom From [email protected] is lightening, not toughening, handguns without a permit, so the bill’s sponsor, Democratic Unnecessary Negatives in an gun laws. this is a victory of sorts for him Rep. Dwayne ompson, who effort to steer youth away from Demand Action, a grass- For instance, the House and others who say they believe had two people lined up to violence. roots group pushing “com- passed legislation recently re- government shouldn’t be regu- testify, victims of the Las Vegas Prentice Moore, 23, died in mon-sense” gun legislation. ducing the penalty for carrying lating weapons. shooting, both Tennesseans, the arms of his twin brother ey have plenty of work to a handgun without a permit to Yet it keeps alive the eternal one of whom made a trip from after a feud over a woman led do in this Legislature, where a $250 fine for the first offense question: Do more guns in peo- Dallas to speak to lawmakers. to a fight, then an ambush at state lawmakers are at odds and the confiscation of ammu- ple’s hands mean less crime? “ey’re experiencing an Exxon on Mendenhall Road constantly over weapons-re- nition but not the gun.
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