Naomi Ellemers CV (11-5-2021) 1 Curriculum Vitae Name: Naomi Ellemers Affiliation: Faculty of Social Sciences Utrecht University Address: P.O. Box 80125, 3508 TC Utrecht Telephone: +31 – 30 – 253 4575 / 71 – 527 3824 Email: [email protected] Date of birth: January 31st, 1963 Place of birth: Amsterdam, the Netherlands Nationality: Dutch Family status: Married, two children (1997, 2000) Home page: http://www.naomi-ellemers.nl/ University positions 1987-1990 Research fellow, Social and Organisational Psychology, University of Groningen 1991-1996 Assistant Professor, Social Psychology, Free University, Amsterdam 1993-present Full faculty member of the "Kurt Lewin Institute", Interuniversity Graduate School in Social Psychology 1996-1998 Associate Professor, Social Psychology, Free University Amsterdam 1999-2015 Full Professor, Leiden University, Social and Organisational Psychology. 2015-present Distinguished University Professor, Utrecht University. 2019-present Honorary Professor, University of Queensland. Non-academic activities 2015-present Member external supervisory board, PwC (Pricewaterhouse Coopers), the Netherlands (expert for culture and behaviour). 2010- 2020 Board Member, Praemium Erasmianum 2015- present Co-founder of Athena’s Angels: Four women who work towards equal opportunities for women in science (https://www.athenasangels.nl/nl/) 2016- present Co-founder of the NIM: The Netherlands Inclusiveness Monitor for organizations (https://nederlandseinclusiviteitsmonitor.nl/) Education 1980-1981 University of California at Berkeley (V.S.), College of Letters and Science (Honours student) 1981-1987 University of Groningen, the Netherlands, Department of Psychology, Doctoral exam (Cum Laude). September 1991 Doctorate (Cum Laude), Identity Management Strategies. University of Groningen. 2017 “Commissarissencyclus” Nijenrode Business University. Naomi Ellemers CV (11-5-2021) 2 Teaching 1984-1987 Teaching assistant (University of Groningen) 1987-1990 Teaching associate (University of Groningen) 1991-1998 Lecturer/senior lecturer (Free University Amsterdam) 1999-2000 Teaching coordinator (Leiden University). 2000-2015 Program director and full Professor (Leiden University) 2013 Teaching Certificate, Leiden University 2015 Senior Teaching Certificate, Utrecht University 1993- present PhD teaching Kurt Lewin Institute 1995 - present PhD examination and guest teaching at international universities 2006 - present Teaching for professional development and public education 2000 – present PhD primary supervision: 30 completed, 14 ongoing. Awards and distinctions Free University Amsterdam: Psychology teaching award (1991) Honorary Fellowships in recognition of distinguished contribution to science: Association for Psychological Science (2000) Society for Experimental Social Psychology (2009) Society for Personality and Social Psychology (2013) Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW, 2010) Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW, 2011) British Academy for the Humanities and Social Sciences (FBA, 2014) Academia Europaea (MAE, 2020) Publication awards: Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research (2009) Journal of Organizational Behavior (2010) Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance (2017) Women in Financial Services Diversity Resarch Accelerator Award (2017) Professional association of public regulators – VIDE (2020) National awards: Merian Award for women in science (2010, KNAW). Spinoza Award (2010, NWO), the highest scientific distinction in the Netherlands. Top-100 most influential women in the Netherlands (2019, OPZIJ) International awards: European Award for early achievement (1990, EASP) European Award for significant contribution (2008, EASP) European Award for service to the field (2017, EASP) Senior Career Contribution Award, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (2019) ISA Medal for Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Bologna University (2019) Aristotle Prize, European Federation of Psychology Associations (2019) Honorary Doctorate, UC Louvain, Belgium (2019) Naomi Ellemers CV (11-5-2021) 3 Scientific impact Current (May 2021): H-index: 97, i-10: 244 (Source: Google Scholar); six papers with over 1000 citations. Major research grants Year Funding Source Topic Co-applicants Amount 2002 Netherlands Organization Ethnic/gender Dr. C. van Laar € 215,000 for Scientific Research integration 2003 ING Financial Services Work-family E. van Steenbergen € 174,000 commitment 2003 Ministry of Economic Public opinion on Dr. D. Daamen € 1,200,000 Affairs CO2 capture 2004 Netherlands Organization Migrant identities Dr. C. van Laar € 180,000 for Scientific Research 2005 Netherlands Organization Newcomers in Dr. F. Rink € 290,000 for Scientific Research groups/workteams 2008 Netherlands Organization Diversity measures Dr. B. Derks € 180,000 for Scientific Research 2009 Ministry of Economic Public opinion on Dr. D. Daamen € 2,000,000 Affairs CO2 capture 2009 Netherlands Organization Conflict and Dr. F. Harinck € 600,000 for Scientific Research security 2009 Australian Research Minority hostility Dr. J. Jetten $ 156,000 Council and resistance 2019 Royal Academy of Arts Research Faculty of Social € 285,000 and Sciences innovation Sciences, Leiden 2010 Netherlands Organization Spinoza career € 2,500,000 for Scientific Research award 2011 Netherlands Organization Graduate school Kurt Lewin € 800,000 for Scientific Research award Institute 2017 START Foundation Inclusiveness Dr. J. van der € 200,000 Monitor Toorn 2017 Netherlands Organization Sustainable Dr. R. Wittek, Dr. € 18,800,000 for Scientific Research Cooperation R. Spears, Dr. T. Gravitation Grant van der Lippe, Dr. B. van Bavel, Dr. M. van Hees 2019 Instituut GAK Evidence-based Dr. J. van der € 200,000 diversity policies Toorn, Dr. W. Jansen 2021 Netherlands Organization A threat and coping Prof. Dr. D. € 740,000 for Scientific Research perspective on Scheepers social change Naomi Ellemers CV (11-5-2021) 4 Editorial services Netherlands Journal of Psychology, editor (1992-1996) British Journal of Social Psychology, associate editor (1994-1998) Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, associate editor (2002-2004) Annual Review of Psychology, editorial committee (2011-present) Social Issues and Policy Review, co-editor (2017-2020) Current Directions in Psychological Science, editorial board (2020-present) Executive responsibilities University administration Teaching coordinator, social psychology, Free University Amsterdam (1995-1998) Program director and chair, social and organizational psychology, Leiden University (2000-2004/2009-2014) Chair, scientific research committee, Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden University (2001-2004) Teaching director, Department of Psychology, Leiden University (2002-2004) Chair, Department of Psychology, Leiden University (2004-2007) National scientific organizations Chair, National committee for equal rights and diversity in scientific education (1998) Chair Scientific Board, Kurt Lewin Institute (Dutch Graduate school in Social Psychology, 2003-present) Member of the board of the Social Science Research council of the Dutch National Science Foundation (Gebiedsbestuur NWO-MaGW, 2004-2007). Chair scientific board, SCOOP Gravitation Program (2017-present) Advisory Board member as representative of the Netherlands Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), national committee for scientific integrity in the Netherlands (LOWI; 2019- present) Chair, Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences advisory committee requested by the Minister of Culture and Education to promote social safety in Dutch Universities (2020) International Treasurer, European Association of Social Psychology (1996-1999) President, European Association of Social Psychology (1999-2002) Publication record Scientific publications: International peer-reviewed journal articles published/in press: 208 Chapters in international edited books: 59 Monographs and edited volumes: 10 National peer-reviewed journal publications: 88 Naomi Ellemers CV (11-5-2021) 5 Outreach publications – regular contributions: Het Financieele Dagblad. https://fd.nl/auteur/naomi-ellemers Toezine. https://www.toezine.nl/zoeken/?q=ellemers Sociale Vraagstukken, https://www.socialevraagstukken.nl/?s=ellemers Psychology Today. (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/social-climates Recent Monograph: Ellemers, N. (2017). Morality and the regulation of social behavior: Groups as moral anchors. Milton Park, UK: Routledge. This book was identified as a ‘revolutionary book’ and ‘provocative study’, https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2018/12/28/de-mens-wil-te-allen-tijde-moreel-deugen-a3127165). Naomi Ellemers – Key Publications Ellemers, N. (2021). Science as collaborative knowledge generation. British Journal of Social Psychology, 60, 1-28. Landmark article Ellemers, N., & Van Nunspeet, F. (2020). Neuroscience and the social origins of (im)moral behavior: How neural underpinnings of social categorization and conformity affect every day (im)moral behavior Current Directions in Psychological Science, 29, 513-520. Ellemers, N., Fiske, S., Abele, A.E., Koch, A., & Yzerbyt, V. (2020). Adversarial alignment enables competing models to engage in cooperative theory-building, toward cumulative science. Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, 117, 7561-7567. Ellemers, N., & De Gilder, D. (2020). Categorization and identity as motivational principles in intergroup relations. Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles
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