Pockets of grapevines weakened from phylloxera feeding. is difficult for a number of reasons. Phylloxera are often widely distrib­ uted throughout the root profile and can be found to great depths. Soil chemistry, especially pH, may neutral­ ize an insecticide and reduce its effi­ cacy. Chemical movement through vineyard soils is uneven, depth of pen­ etration is often insufficient and cover­ age is limited by some methods of application. In addition, there are often environmental concerns about groundwater contamination. Even when there is initial high mortality of phylloxera, populations can rebound due their high reproductive rate, and there may be little improvement in Enzone does little to grapevine growth. In California, only carbofuran improve health of (Furadan) and sodium tetrathio­ carbonate (Enzone) are currently regis­ phyl loxera-infested vineyardstered for use against phylloxera in vineyards. The use of carbofuran in Napa, Sonoma and Mendocino coun­ Ed Weber o John De Benedictis 0 Rhonda Smith ties was banned in 1992 due to avian Jeffrey Granett mortality associated with its use. Enzone was granted full California registration in 1994. Enzone is a liquid formulation of Enzone was applied to phylloxera­ termed biotype B, has become a sig­ sodium tetrathiocarbonate. It is ap­ infested vineyards in four trials in nificant problem in Napa and Sonoma plied to soil with irrigation water, Napa and Sonoma counties from counties due to its ability to attack and where it rapidly breaks down to liber­ 1989 through 1994. Improvements kill grapevines growing on AxR#l ate predictable amounts of carbon in growth or yield were occasion­ rootstock. disulfide (CS 2), a general biocide . Car­ ally seen, but most occurred only North Coast vineyards are now be­ bon disulfide was widely used in Eu­ after the vines had been severely ing planted on rootstocks other than ropean vineyards during the phyllox­ affected_by phylloxera and yields AxR#l that have adequate resistance era epidemic of the late 1800s, where it had plummeted. to phylloxera. Growers with existing was injected into soils. This technique AxR#l vineyards that are infested was dangerous because of the volatil­ with biotype B phylloxera are faced ity and explosiveness of CS 2, and it Grape phylloxera, Daktulosphaira with declining yields and the need for was often phytotoxic to the vines. The vitifolia(Fitch), are aphidlike insects expensive replanting. Treatments that use of Enzone circumvents the danger that damage grapevines by feeding on would reduce phylloxera populations, of explosive volatility posed by direct roots. They can be destructive to vines slow the overall decline of the vine­ application of CS 2• that are own-rooted or grafted onto yard, and help maintain an economic Studies in our laboratory confirmed susceptible rootstocks. Rootstocks re­ level of production could allow them that the concentrations of CS 2 in va­ sistant to phylloxera have been used to delay replanting . pors or solution expected from Enzone for over 100 years to combat this pest. Historically the application of pesti­ applications are lethal to adult phyl­ In California's North Coast wine­ cides to vineyard soils for control of loxera, larvae and eggs. From 1989 grape growing region (Napa, Sonoma, grape phylloxera has been ineffective. through 1994 we conducted several Lake and Mendocino counties), AxR#l While several chemicals have been field studies to evaluate the efficacy of has been the most popular rootstock. shown to kill phylloxera in laboratory Enzone in phylloxera-infested North Recently a new strain of phylloxera, studies, effective control in vineyards Coast vineyards. CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE, JULY-AUGUST 1996 19 TABLE 1. Enzone field trials: Locations and vineyard descriptions Field trials Irrigation Date Rowxvlne Pruning Our primary interest in the field Trial name Location Variety method planted spacing (ft) method studies was to determine if grapevine Napa 1992- 1994 Gameros Chardonnay Drip 1975 6 X 10 Canes & growth and yield would improve as a spurs result of Enzone applications. We Sonoma 1991-1994 Sonoma Valley Chardonnay Drip 1974 6 X 12 Canes & monitored phylloxera populations in spurs Napa 1990--1991 St. Helena Chardonnay Drip 1978 8 X 12 Cordon each trial, but we already knew from Napa 1989--1990 Rutherford Cabernet Furrow 1974 8 X 12 Canes& Sauvignon spurs laboratory work that CS2 produced from Enzone could kill phylloxera. Simply reducing phylloxera popula­ TABLE 2. Enzone fleld trials: Summary of treatments tions would not be considered a suc­ Number of cessful outcome unless there were also Trial name treatments Treatment descriptions positive effects on grapevine growth Napa 1992-1994 5 Water-only control and production. 5 gal/acre Enzone All experiments used randomized 5 gal/acre Enzone + fertilizer 10 gal/acre Enzone complete block designs in vineyards 1O gal/acre Enzone + fertilizer on AxR#l rootstock infested with bio­ Sonoma 1991-1994 2 Water -only control type B phylloxera. Enzone was applied 7 gal/acre Enzone (15 gal/acre in 1991) with drip irrigation in three trials and with furrow irrigation in one trial. Use Napa 1990-1991 2 Water -only control 15 gal/acre Enzone of a spray-blade injector is discussed later in this article. Untreated controls Napa 1989--1990 2 Water-only control were irrigated at the same rates as Enzone @ 300 ppm ai treated vines in all trials. Table 1 de­ scribes the vineyards used for the field in May 1993 and following harvest in for sugar (degrees Brix), titratable trials. October 1992 and 1993. In each single­ acidity and pH. At harvest, the 12 data At the onset of these trials there row replicate, 21 vines were selected vines in each replicate with undis­ was no recommended strategy for us­ for data collection. Nine were used for turbed roots were individually har­ ing Enzone in vineyards. Treatments root sampling and phylloxera rating; vested. Crop weight and cluster num­ were selected with input from the 12 were used to evaluate crop yields ber per vine were measured and manufacturer's research staff and were and vine growth. The same data vines average cluster weights were calcu­ intended to evaluate efficacy and to were evaluated each year. lated. Numbers of berries per cluster develop an effective Enzone applica­ Phylloxera populations were rated were calculated from average cluster tion strategy for North Coast vine­ by digging roots from soil underneath weight and berry weight data. During yards. As a result, treatments varied the drip emitters and examining them the dormant season, pruning weights among the field trials (table 2). for the presence of phylloxera. Vines of 1-year-old wood were measured as Napa 1992-1994. In 1991 the vine­ received a rating based on the highest an indicator of vine growth. Treatment yard showed early signs of decline population found among the root means were subjected to analysis of due to biotype B phylloxera. A trial pieces examined. Ratings were made variance. with five replications of five treat­ on 3 vines per replicate on each sam­ Sonoma 1991-1994. The trial was ments was initiated in 1992. Enzone pling date. Vines were rated on the conducted in 20 rows, each containing was applied through the drip system numbers of phylloxera found, as fol­ 80 vines. Enzone or a water-only con­ at rates of 5 and 10 gallons per acre lows: trol treatment, replicated 10 times, was (gal/ ac). The other treatments were 0 - No phylloxera found. applied to entire rows through the Enzone at these rates with the addition 1 - Phylloxera only on rootlets, or drip system. There were two 1-gph of potassium nitrate applied through one or two individuals on older (than emitters per vine. Phylloxera were the drip system, and a water-only 1 year) roots. present throughout the trial area when it control. Fertilizer additions made in 2 - Individual phylloxera scattered was established in 1991, although only 1992 and 1993 totaled approximately among older roots, or one or two colo­ half of the vines were symptomatic. 5 pounds per acre (lb/ ac) N and nies on older roots. Treatments were applied four or 15 lb/ ac K20 per season. Treatments 3 - Several colonies established on five times per year. In 1991, 15 gal/ ac were made to entire rows of grape­ older roots. of Enzone were applied on each appli­ vines. There were two 0.5-gallon-per­ 4 - Large populations of phylloxera cation date for a total of 75 gal/ ac. In hour (gph) emitters per vine. present on older roots. the following years, application rates In each of the three years, treat­ Berry samples were collected from were 7 gal/ ac and the total amount ments were made in June, July and each replicate prior to harvest and of Enzone applied ranged from 28 to August, with additional applications weighed. Extracted juice was analyzed 35 gal/ ac. 20 CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE, VOLUME 50, NUMBER 4 We selected five vines per row as data vines, from which yield compo­ nents and pruning weights were indi­ vidually measured throughout the du­ ration of the trial. Opposite-cluster bloomtime petioles and preharvest berry samples were collected by repli­ cate. Crop yields from entire indi­ Above left, equipment for Injecting Enzone into Individual drip lines. Above, Enzone being vidual rows (replicates) were also applied with furrow irrigation. taken. Roots were collected from each replicate on two or three dates each year, and phylloxera populations were rows 102 to 104 vines long. Berms of licate and analyzed for berry weight, assessed by a private consultant. soil were raised between every vine degrees Brix, titratable acidity and pH. Napa 1990-1991. The vineyard row to contain the applied irrigation At harvest, all the fruit from each two­ was planted in 1978 and irrigated with water.
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