.1932 * The Students' Voice for Over SO Years ·1984· Vol. 52 No.7 Baruch College, CUNY December 4, 1984 StudeBt-TeaeIter WBMB May Lose Funding Evaluations To Unless It Meets Four Conditions Be Held This' Fall Three Have Been Met By Eric J(un By Eric J. Fox According to Anatoly Herman, the chairman of the Communica­ Student evaluations of teachers WBMB, the college radio sta­ tions Board, the submission of a will be held this fall but there will tion, may lose its funding unless it written time-frame for full broad­ be no spring evaluations, although complies with four conditions set casting capabilities "will result in a students say evaluations should be " .. "" -';'.-. --::" by the Baruch College Communica­ significant improvement in the held both semesters. tions Board, according to Ronald quality of programs." The Com­ Jeffrey Weiss, chairperson of the' ..; M. Aaron. the associate dean of munications Board is responsible student council, said that evalua­ The bathroom where the incident is said to have occurred. students. for allocating money to Baruch , tions held "once a year is not "A lot of money has been in­ College media. r- _.' enough." Weiss explained that a vested into the operation of WBMB has complied with ~e\ student can only voice his or her Three Students Robbed In Bathroom; WBMB," said Aaron, "and ques­ first condition, according ~ tb" opinions about a teacher once a tions were raised last year by an ar­ Aaron. "The initial report did year. Since students have different Second Incident In Two Weeks ray of board members as to where come in well before Oct. 15 and professors in the fall and spring, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~'s g~ng? Wh~'s going to hap- what she (Joan Chin) has done is the evaluations should be held twice By David F. O'Brien security guard on duty at the pen?" give me a periodic update," said a year, Weiss said. Weiss added elevator bank of the 26th Street The four conditions are: WBMB Aaron. that since the results of these On Nov. 7, three Baruch College must submit to the board by Oct. As of late November, according evaluations are for everyone to see, students were robbed in the first building. About twenty minutes later, a police car from the 13th 15, 1984, a "written time-frame" to Zweroff, the 360 Park Avenue students should go to the Day Ses­ floor men's room of 46 E.26th Sr.. Precinct arrived at the building. for completion of broadcast So. basement and cafeteria have sion Student Government (DSSG) according to,the security office. The students spent the rest of the capabilities; a long-term plan for been "hooked up." The Student office and look at them. One of the victims, who wishes to night making statements and look­ the direction of WBMB must be Center andtbe cafeteria in 17 Lex- Lester S. .Golub, dean of the remain anonymous until the pend- ing through mug shots, while police School of Education, disagrees ing police investigation is over, said tried to make a composite of the with Weiss. He said that "once a that a medium complexioned ~~... from the reports given by e year is enough." He said there· male, ~ .~.~~~aDd ~¥~ ~:,.,,~ . -c..' u ..• ~ aren't 100 percent-·..esponses to 230 t . .. ... ,'t··· ..•. ., ..: .•.. -; . ",' .~-,;,_';;,~.m'JOI1: of··-a: ~ J;:~ ~... ,'4 , "·:iii.·.~ .~'..-- '~?~~~f:~~ -.. ,..'. .': .,.. :',., ... ....,... _. .'." . _.~ .".. _-__...onal student...course. and teacb..er._ apinst.'-.:~~·~'~:·t~~&ilirii&)'*· week earlier; was -- ~..-...-~ " .... "'"'--*--.-'.;.---..6-_.... ....... ,...__-....... ~_ but·. ~~ "if--is; iiC .- _..., . ..- ,~~ demanded my waDel. I asked him if person who reported theindcteDt to . he could give the wallet back and security left after giving the com­ plaint and has not yet come f~- just take the money, and he did. ward to formalize it. The descrip- U After that, two other people tion of the assailant in this case is carne into the bathroom. The guy took a watch offofone ofthe other similar to that of the description students and then gave it back. given by the three students on Nov. After that he took off." 7. Henry J. McLoughlin, director The three students then told the Continued on Pg. 7, Col. 1 IJIa F~.He of WBMB's tIIr jockeJs. pnlllftS 10 split • record. Reporter Face' Staffing Shortage; presented to the board by Nov. 1S; ington Ave., which were originally i-e a listing of past and present adver­ wired to receive broadcasting, were in tisers must be provided to the rendered inoperative because of ~ Two Issues Delayed This Fall board; and the staff of WBMB student vandalism. "They' hooked ~1-~~~~--~~~-~~~~-~---~-~-~--:--~-1... must enter into negotiations with up the transmitter for the 23rd By JiB Ricbburg "There have always been prob­ The Ticker "to print a column or Street building," said Zweroff, lems. At first they're enthusiastic purchase space for the inclusion" "and then it was taken apart." The The Reporter, Baruch's evening (potential staff members) and then of the Music Box, WBMB's apparent motive was dissatisfaction evaluation projects agreed and add­ student newspaper, faces chronic they're not so interested," she said. newsletter. The first three condi­ over the type of music being ed that "most students don't take under-staffing that delayed Presently, The Reporter's staff is tions have been met. played, said Zweroff. evaluations seriously, " and made up of fewer than 1S students, publication ofthe paper's first issue Top officials of WBMB agreed The second condition was neces­ "students don't exercise their or about half the number who work this semester, staff members said. with the board's actions. Joan sary, according to Aaron, in order right" to view the evaluations. for The Ticker, The Reporter, which normally Chin, the general manager of to "outline some sort of direction Golub said ifa student wishes to ex­ publishes five issues each semester, "We are just not as staff-heavy WBMB, said, "I'm kind of glad press his or her opinion about a for the station." Herman added, will put out only three this semester Continued on Pg. 7. Col. J they did it; we need some sort of teacher, they should write a letter to "This radio station has a potential due to the start-up delay. Accord­ guidelines." Max Zweroff, the the department chairman. of becoming a very successful ing to Charles F. Lyles, director of business manager of WBMB, medium in New York City, if it is Golub also said that the evalua­ evening student services, initial agreed with Chin. "I think that tions cost too much to have twice a properly financed and orpnized." staffing shortages "frequently hap­ with the track record of WBMB the A "long-term" plan was submitted year. Ronald Schurin, director of pen." board's actions were fair," said institutional research, said that The Reporter did not go into Zweroff. Continued on Pg. 9, Col. J evaluations held once a year cost production until Sept. 19 when between $10,000 and 512,000. This Yvonne M. Cannon, an evening cost covers such areas as staff time student, assumed the position of and paper costs. Schoon said that editor-in-chief. "1 t.ook over "one staff person works on this for because I didn't want to see the months." paper die," Cannon said. Asked if there should be evalua­ The person who was slated to tions twice a year, Ronald M .. become editor-in-chief, Chin-Chan Aaron, associate dean of students, Sun, could not because of "per-. said. HI see nothing against it," sonal problems," Cannon said. although Aaron added he did not Beverley Douglas, former editor­ Continued on Pg. 5, Col. 4 in-chief of The Reponer; said, . CENTERFOLD • PPINGLIST * , ..., * Paa4' 2' December 4, 1984 December 4, 1984 The Ticker The'Deker Page 3 , , ED'ITORIALS LETTERS OP-ED Drinking Away Our Rights Nuclear Suicide Ungrateful Middle -Class On Nov. 1, Club Fair was held in the Student Center. Later that afternoon, a fire valve strategically weaker than the Soviet was opened in the ninth floor stairwell of the 23rd Street building. Previously, during the To the Editor: Union. We have been at parity with cast their ballot for Waiter Mondale. By Steve Baum Evening Session's Oktoberfest another valve was opened in the 17th floor stairwell of the 360 I am a member of the Brown each other since the sixties, when Using demographics we've just solved the University group, "Students for we lost our strategic superiority. dilemma of how Reagan won this new PAS' building. Suicide Tablets." Much of the What Reagan really wants is to In the past couple of weeks, I've heard found support. In 1964, these social pro­ Subsequently, on Nov. 14, a meeting was held with student leaders "to fully address the media has distorted our message restore American superiority (this.is the talk, "Boy, I'm glad Ronald Reagan grams were considered acceptable to the by emphasizing the word,"sui- exactly what an outer space "defen­ recent problems involving vandalism and the issue of alcohol consumption at campus won, so we can cut those bullshit social pro­ middle class, because they were the' 'cide." For example, a New York sive" system would do, if sue- events." One question remains: is there a real correlation between this vandalism and our grams nobody needs anymore." Hmm ... benefactors. Groups such as the blacks, Times headline read, "Students to cessful). But this will not increase social functions? funny. As recently as twenty years ago, in Hispanics, poor and the ill weren't taking Vote on Suicide." It is important our security. On the contrary, it is the election of 1964, President Lyndon B.
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