The Developer Business Report June 1996 AppleDirections CONTENTS APPLE NEWS STRATEGY MOSAIC IBM Licenses the Mac OS 1 IBM Licenses Why Mac OS 8 Strategy Mosaic: Why Mac OS 8 is Important 1 the Mac OS Is Important Editor’s Note: Too Much News 2 New Mac OS Sublicensees By Gregg Williams, Apple Directions staff IndustryWatch 5 Also Announced New Apple Developer Relations Part 1: Backward Compatibility Charter, Organization 12 and the Mac OS 8 Architecture Taking another large step forward in its Apple Multimedia Program Becomes expanding Mac OS licensing program, Apple Apple Media Program 13 Computer, Inc., recently licensed the Mac OS Mac OS 8 (formerly known by the code name New Release Schedule for Mac OS 8 13 to IBM. As a result of the agreement, Apple and Copland) is a big step in the ongoing evolu- IBM expect to work together to expand Power tion of the Mac OS, even bigger than the tran- New QuickTime VR 1.0 Tools Made PC microprocessor and Mac OS market share sition from System 6 to System 7. With Mac Available as Apple Plans Next far beyond what it is today by offering OS 8, Apple Computer, Inc., is stepping away QuickTime VR Release 13 customers additional sources and greater from an operating system designed in the choices for Mac OS–based systems. mid-1980s and moving toward a later version Apple Licenses Sun’s Java 14 According to the agreement, IBM will be that will serve the Mac OS platform well past Technical Support Now Available to able to sublicense the Mac OS with IBM Power the year 2000. Eventually, Mac OS 8 will All Developer Program Members 14 PC microprocessors to any manufacturer of replace System 7.5 as the operating system boards or systems, marking the first time a Mac that ships with every Mac-compatible comput- Increased Power PC Compatibility, OS licensee has been granted such far-reaching er, so you and your products need to be ready All-in-one Design Featured in sublicensing ability. The previously announced for it. New Apple Hardware 15 licensing agreement between Motorola and Apple Directions has written articles about develop Issue 26 16 Apple gives Motorola the ability to sign anyone various Mac OS 8 technologies, but with the it wishes to sublicense the Mac OS, but Motoro- upcoming widespread release of the Mac OS 8 CD Highlights: Reference Library la must supply the logic boards, or complete Developer Release: Compatibility Edition, it’s Edition, June 1996 16 hardware systems, used by the sublicensees. time for Apple to step back from the individ- Both IBM and Motorola are able to sublicense ual technologies and give you a “big picture” Multitasking Under Mac OS 8 17 the Mac OS without prior consent from Apple, look at Mac OS 8 itself and why it is important Human Interface: Addictive Interfaces 18 although Apple will certify all systems sold with to both your and Apple’s continued success. the Mac OS to ensure compatibility. That’s what this two-part article is about. Microsoft Under the Microscope: The agreement puts IBM’s marketing and Mac OS 8 is important to you, the develop- Learning From the Market Leader 25 service prowess behind the Mac OS platform; er, for four reasons: that, and the efforts of IBM sublicensees of the • It provides a high level of backward com- It Shipped! 29 Mac OS, is expected to further expand market patibility with System 7, ensuring that, wher- opportunities for your products. IBM has ever possible, your current System 7 applica- Developer University Schedule 31 already signed sublicensing agreements for tions will continue to run under Mac OS 8. Apple Internet Pages 32 the Mac OS with Datatech Enterprises Co. and • Many of its technologies provide the Tatung Co., both manufacturers of a range of user benefits of increased performance, Next month: computer equipment. increased stability, and greater ease of use. A close look at the Game Sprockets IBM will be able to distribute the Mac OS These features are important to you because software development kit. on systems employing the current Apple they provide an environment in which your please turn to page 2 please turn to page 6 2 News AppleDirections Directions Apple Too Much News Volume 4, Number 6 There’s so much news this month—and so newsletter that digests the latest news and Apple Directions, the monthly developer newsletter little space for it—that we’ve decided this points to locations on the Internet and of Apple Computer, Inc., communicates Apple’s strategic, business, and technical directions to deci- month to lend most of the space usually elsewhere for more information. Subscribe sion makers at development companies to help devoted to the Editor’s Note to the news. by sending e-mail—with the string <sub- maximize their development dollar. It is published by the Apple Developer Periodicals group within Even by doing that, and by using a new scribe your real name> in the subject Apple’s Developer Press. design that accomodates more words per field—to [email protected] page, we can’t fit all the news—this .apple.com. And, please, fill in the survey Editor still Paul Dreyfus (AppleLink: DREYFUS.P) month or any month. We’ll report the on the facing page—we need your input. items here that we think are most impor- The Editor’s Note will return next month— Technical Editor Gregg Williams (GREGGW) tant for developers, but if you want to be space permitting. sure you’re getting all the news from Paul Dreyfus Business & Marketing Editor Kris Newby (NEWBY.K) Apple, you need to subscribe to Apple Editor Directions Express, our biweekly email Associate Editor Anne Szabla (SZABLA) Production Editor/Graphic Design Lisa Ferdinandsen (LISAFERD) Contributors APPLE NEWS Peter Bickford, Alex Dosher, Tony Francis, Cathy Hams, Caroline Rose and building upon the success of the Power- Manager, Developer Press Dennis Matthews IBM Licenses the Mac OS PC platform. Apple has been our valued part- continued from page 1 ner in defining the PowerPC chip and [Com- Manager, Apple Developer Periodicals Mark Bloomquist mon Hardware Reference Platform], and proprietary Power Macintosh hardware design today we join forces to enable the industry Production Manager Diane Wilcox as well as on Common Hardware Reference for Mac OS.” Platform–based systems. Common Hardware Since committing to licensing the Mac OS Prep and Print Consolidated Publications, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA Reference Platform is the specification devised in September 1994, Apple has implemented a by Apple, IBM, and Motorola for PowerPC two-phase licensing strategy. In the first phase, © 1996 Apple Computer, Inc., 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, processor–based computers that can run a Apple focused its efforts on licensing the Mac CA 95014, 408-996-1010. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, APDA, AppleLink, AppleScript, Apple- variety of operating systems, including Mac OS with Apple’s proprietary hardware designs Share, AppleTalk, LaserWriter, Mac, Macintosh, Macintosh OS, Windows NT, AIX, and Solaris. to a relatively small number of licensees. With Quadra, MPW, Newton, OpenDoc, Pippin, PlainTalk, PowerBook, “IBM has long been a strategic Apple part- the Motorola and IBM licensing agreements, PowerTalk, QuickTime and WorldScript are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Balloon ner, and has the global, technical, and market- Apple has moved into the second, far more Help, develop, Finder, and QuickDraw are trademarks of Apple ing strength to propel the Macintosh platform open phase of its licensing strategy, in which Computer, Inc. Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe to a new, expanded role and influence,” said licensees will design their own hardware Systems Incorporated or its subsidiaries and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Java and other Java-based names are trade- Dr. Gilbert Amelio, chairman and chief execu- based on the Common Hardware Reference marks of Sun Microsystems, Inc., and refer to Sun’s Java-based tive officer of Apple Computer. “This much- Platform specification, independently of technologies. Netscape Navigator is a trademark of Netscape anticipated agreement instantly opens up Apple. This is expected to bring greater inno- Communications Corporation. PowerPC is a trademark of Interna- tional Business Machines Corporation, used under license there- business opportunities for computer manufac- vation to the PowerPC/Mac OS platform, pro- from. SOM is a licensed trademark of IBM Corporation. UNIX is a turers worldwide.” viding customers additional sources of Mac registered trademark of Novell, Inc. in the United States and other “The Mac OS is renowned for its ease of OS–based computers as well as a broader countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. use and consumer appeal,” said Michael J range of feature-set, price, support, and distri- Mention of products in this publication is for informational Atardo, general manager, IBM Microelectron- bution choices. purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a ics. “With IBM’s worldwide reach and our The licensing agreement includes Macin- recommendation. All product specifications and descriptions were supplied by the respective vendor or supplier. Apple relationships with systems manufacturers, tosh System 7.5.x, access to the next major assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, perfor- we’re committed to proliferating the Mac OS please turn to page 12 mance, or use of the products listed in this publication. All understandings, agreements, or warranties take place directly between the vendors and prospective users. Limitation of liability: Apple makes no warranties with respect to the con- tents of products listed in this publication or of the complete- July Apple Directions Online ness or accuracy of this publication.
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