University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 11-12-1971 Central Florida Future, Vol. 04 No. 08, November 12, 1971 Florida Technological University Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Florida Technological University, "Central Florida Future, Vol. 04 No. 08, November 12, 1971" (1971). Central Florida Future. 109. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/109 Ecology Committee Preparing Area Land Use St __ By Mary Anna Jackson A land use planning committee students, has been preparing the sites solid waste disposal areas, taxes and further construction of of Dr. Martin Wanielista's "Man and report on present and future uses of wast~ water treatment plants and needed facilities may provide Environment" class is searching the land in Orange County. The report w ate r treat m en t plants , adequate employment for teachers county to obtain information for a will include the group's respectively. now being graduated from area report to be released next month. recommendations for land use Students Clarabelle Haller, Bill colleges and universities, A few of the findings uncovered planning in the area. Fricke and Charles Neale, project particularly FTU. This quarter the by the committee thus far include One result of the committee's director, have also included College of Education will graduate such tidbits as the following: study will be a map of Central triangles of green and gold, green more than 70 students. The Winter Park area has nearly Florida showing areas already yellow and plain green to indicate FTU and its importance in the double the national per capita developed, areas proposed for parks and recreational sites. Land community will be considered average of solid waste disposal; development and areas for the recently-approved Turkey under the topic of housing and On the comer of Gatlin Avenue recommended for particular uses - Lake project has been indicated by urban environment. It has been and Ferncreek in Orlando stands an or non -uses, as the case may be. a green and gold triangle with a red ranked as an 'influential area' along historical marker commemorating The map, now in the production dot. with the Orlando Naval Training the Council Oak, a Seminole Indian stages, will present a graphic Dr. Martin Wanielista Among other areas to be noted Center and Walt Disney World. meeting place, and description of existing and the proposed east-west expressway, on the overlays will be locations of Other areas of concern are the Some environmentalists consider proposed situations in Orange the inter-county beltline and the area schools to illustrate the section present urban environment, the the period from 1880 to 1895, County. Lakes have been marked county beltline, which i.ncludes of the final report devoted to an impact of Disney World on the when the logging industry began in according to the amount of "life" part of SR 436, have been outlined examination of the school economy, the population and Central Florida, to be the beginning left in them, blue for living lakes in green, yellow and red, situation. surrounding land, a history of the of Orange County's environmental and a brown overlay indicating respectively. According to preliminary Orange County area, and waste, problems. eutrophied (dead) lakes. Dots of gold, green, yellow and findings in the education phase of water and air - the present situation The committee, composed of 28 Transportation routes such as blue indicate locations of historical the report, a combination of future in relation to pollution control. ........r.4 ............. ,,,1111.lm We Live in the Present By the Past, but for the . .. Vol. 4 No. 8 Fu TUre November 12, 1971 FTU Area To Be 'Model Community' Campus FTJJ will likely become the center of a model community, as evidenced by the rapidly increasing number of student-oriented housing A NOVEL river bank art marathon, designated Marathon Scorpio, developments currently being planned and constructed in the surrounding ~Glances was undertaken recently by Art Chairman Steven Lotz (right) and Dr. area Walter Gaudnek (left). The two cocreated a pair of 12-foot-square A total of eight apartment canvases which where mounted on two small boats and sailed acros.s the members indicates that there may Indian River near New Smyrna Beach. complexes, mobile home parks and be a permanent moratorium on THANKSGIVING DRIVE housing subdivisions, which will nonacademic construction, such as FTU' Bl k St d t make available thousands of . s ac u en u mon· 1s· residence halls. 1 · t b · f d to 250 dwelling units to FTU faculty, staff According to Wetherell, "the P andmngf 0 il. nn~ 00th C t and students, are currently in the · d" t d t d nee y am ies m e en ra 1 trend will be uec e owar Fl ·aa th h d £ d Early Registration planning or construction stages by · t f on area roug a canne oo re fime ment an d 1mprovemen o ~..: t . d f T h d t various local developers. older dormitories." ,u.uve o aI am1 ies -~ o o no FTU on-campus housing will not FTU will probably always have food for Thank~givmg ~ay. be placed on a competitive basis as mam· t am· a l.imi ·t e d num ber o f BSU . representatives. said . the a result of the boom in "th t . group will appreciate any donation, To Begin Tuesday d orms an d ere are no pans1 o ill construction, according to T. K. gradually phase out the present whether_ food or money,- They w Wetherell, director of housing. halls or build more ,, Wetherell be . askmg for donations from Advance registration for winter quarter will begin Tuesday, and "The residence halls and the dd d ' busmesses, students and faculty. Registrar W. Dan Chapman has requested students to be advised before off-campus developments attract a ~u·e to the shortage of ~oxes for d?n~tions will be pla~ed their appointment times. Advisement forms are now available in the different segments of the university h · g n m every bmldmg on campus with Administration Building lobby near the records counter. Advisement will o n ..c a m ~ u s o u s I n , a t h e e x c e p t i o n o f t h e begin Monday. population," said Wetherell. ever-mcreasmg number of FTU . He also said that the off-campus students are expected tO seek Admm1stration Bmldmg. Advance registration will be held financial aid office, AD 266, to · The Black Student Umon has a in the lobby of the Library Building obtain their checks to be presented units will reduce the turnover rate housmg off campus. As a result, b h. f t d t E h in the dorms because students will area developers are planning to mem ers ip o 50 s u en s. ~c and in LR 108, the weightlifting to the cashier. have the o.pportunity to research stress construction of apartment stu~e.nt . will. select five ?eservmg room, The south entrance to the Stu dents receiving as.sistance both types of living before they units first to meet the soon-to-be famJhes m his area to receive food. library will be blocked off dqring from vocational rehabilitation must make a final decision. the preregistration days and report to the cashier with their critical ne~d for student hous~g. The housing office has and will Accordmg to a recent article m Supervz·sor students are requested to use the registration and as.ses.sment forms as north entrance only. continue to maintain a listing of the Orlando Sentinel, after these soon as the forms are received, in Registration times are set for off-campus housing available to first priority needs are met, the order to insure registration. rp R • 9:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. students on file. "We will serve various developers intend to begin .1. 0 egzster Regular registration be held more or less as a referral service," work on patio houses, Tuesday through Friday, with a late January 3 and 4. period Friday from 5 to 7 p.m. for said Wetherell. condominums and single family FTU T7 Dormitory building is presently dwellings. y O students who are unable to keep D bate rpea m at a statewide standstill and recent ters their ~igned appointment times. e .l ~ consensus of the Board of Regents (Continued on Page 6) Students admitted to Master's As part of an effort to register as programs may obtain their trial Scores Wins many eligible voters in Orange schedules and upon advisement, County as possible, representatives they will be considered registered. FTU's debate team tested its from the Orange County supervisor They need not go through mettle against the finest debaters in of elections office will be on registration. the United States last weekend at campus Tuesday and Wednesday. Post-baccalaureate students may Emory University in Atlanta. be advised, but they may not Two teams from FTU were The FTU registration program is register until regular registration, entered in the tournament, and being coordinated by Lambda Chi 8: 30 to 9 a.m.
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