m- I I DECEMBER, 1935 I- If Eastern Edition An African Mystery Story hy Wynant Davis Hubbard X Q m m ilountVemon Pour IZ ounces grape juice, ounces l grapefruit peeled and sliced. Let stand pineapple juice and I pint MOUNT for 3 or 4. hours. Then place a cak VERNON Straight Rye Whiskey into of ice in the bowl; add i split of soda punch bowl. Add 5 unpeeled oranges water — a modern touch that gives and 2 unpeeled lemons sliced small with sparkle —and serve. (This recipe •will make jS to 20 glaiset — for smaller quantity, reduce proportionately) HOinHXTTT I;: nhiskro ERE is a ripe and fruity as it is in tradition, this distinguished whiskey colonial whiskey punch adds a touch of soul-warming joviality to any that has been making holidays merrier ever holiday occasion, since George Washington's day. And the best whiskey to make it with is the same MoutttVertion ~^uit&dm ^ond fine old mellow rye that was first produced Under U. S. Govcmtnene supervision' in Washington's own distillery, and so A Good Guide jBV >0 Good Whiskey named '^Mount Verno?i." As rich in flavor ) 1936, Tho American Memcinnl Spirits Cumoratiun. Ballimore. MJ. December, 1935 $25.22WEEKLY BENEFIT also $10,000 Principal Sum Suppose you meet with an accident Some of the Features of This Limited Policy or sickness tonight—will your in PREMIUM $10 A YEAR No Medical Examination come continue? No Dues No Assessments Remember, few escaps without acci MEN AND WOMEN Payable ^2^5 down 16 to 69 years Accepted dent—and none of us can tell what to $10,000 Principal sum morrow holds for us. While you are Balance in monthly payments SlOfOOO Loss of hands, feet or eyesight reading this warning, somewhere $25 Weekly Benefit ghastly tragedy, flood or fire, some ready to help lift from your shoulders for stated accidents and sickness automobile or train disaster, is taking the distressing financial burdens in case Doctor's Bills, Hospital Benefits, Emer its toll of human life or limb. of a personal tragedy? gency Benefit and other liberal features to help in time of need—all clearly shown m policy This is a simple and xinderstandable Now is the Time to A. Sudden Accident! A Sudden policv—without complicated or misleading clauses. You know exactly wliat every Protect Yourself! Sickness! Can you say neither word means—and every word means will happen to you? exactly what it says. If you suddenly became ill—would your income stop? What if you suf Then don't delay another day. Pro Over $21,000,000.00 Paid in Claims! fered from lobar pneumonia, an ap tect yourself by insuring in the largest SPECIAL AUTOMOBILE CLAUSE pendicitis operation, or any of the and oldest exclusive Accident and for disabh'nR injuries sustained while rid many common ills which are covered Health Company in America. Send the ing in or driving a private automobile or in this unusual policy; wouldn't you coupon NOW for complete informa by being struck by any moving conveyance. rest easier and convalesce more quickly tion about our new $10,000 Accident ★ ★ ★ ★ if you knew that our company stood and Sickness Policy. ....MAIL THE COUPON NOW ............ Under Direct Supervision of 46 State insurance Departments North American Accident Insurance Company Largest and Oldest Exclusive Health and Accident Insurance Company in America 160 Title BIdg., Newark, N. J. <icntlomt>n: _ .. At no cost to me mull copy of your FRKh lionk- NORTH AMERICAN let "CASH or Sympathy." There i» no obliRittion. Acculeiit Insnrauee Co. {a/cUo} \ Name too Titl« Uidg., Newark, New Jersey [ A(h1rc! City . .State. Established Over 49 Years AGENTS Watticd for New Territory ( !^\l i/> one5/^sMkgazine National Publication of the Benevolent AND Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America. Published Under the Direction of the Grand Lodge by the Na tional Memorial and Publication Commission To inculcate the principles of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity; to promote the welfare and enhance the happiness of its members; to quicken the spirit of American patriotism; to cultivate good fellowship. From Preamble to the Constitution, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Joseph T. Fanning Editor and Executive Director Neal H. Folwell Charles Spencer Hart Managing Editor J. J' A. McGuinness Business Manager (-•omptroller December 19 3 5 This Month This issue of The Elks Magazine contains ^ews of Elkdom General Features what the editors believe to l)e a pleasingly varied collection of stories and articles. It is true that both Paul Annixier s slory, ihe Grand Lodge Officers Paul Annixter Die Off," and H. Kent Richards article, ''Dogs Against Darkness," have animals as and Committees The Die Off Ibeir main characters, but the smularity ends right there. Mr. Ainiixter tells a blood curdlinR story of the fierce struggle fnr existence which is the lot of the crea- A Message from the Shov\ Business lurcrin the norlhern «ilds, .vl.ercas Mr. Rifhard-' article deals with dogs and the great humanitarian T^^^h "The Grand Exalted Ruler Cast and Broadcast 12 Taught to render to the blind. Both The nTe Off" a.id "L»ogs Agamst Darknes mLke fascinating reading and can be heartily H. Kent Richards recommended. Editorial Dogs Against Darkness 13 TetTafr for ev- U.e hardened of mysterr . one who is Under the Spreading Wynant Davis Hubbard a tale laid ^fnca, ^ doubt Antlers Tamhati tS The Grand Exalted Artie McGovern following the fightmg. , "Condition with a Capital j „ Ruler's Visits Condition with a called to your attention [or ^ou Capital C 20 News of the State Cover Design By Another outstanding f"7«J",,;j;'Vrnnd is the inspiring message from Associations Walter Beach Humphrey &eryFx-iltedmemberRuler ofwhichthe Orderappearsshould read 5-.1 thoughtfully. Address All C onnminications to The Elks Magazine, SO East 42nd Street, New York, .V. y he haiicllcd ivitli care Imi tliib Magazldc a^uinw dh rcspimsiljllUy fur ihcir .•iufciy Copv'iP>>'. tOS-'i. f'U thr Bc)ici-ol''nt mi'l Protcctlir Ordir nf IClkt of tin' I'niti'l St'ilm ;! 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In all human history only this thinker and talker, a more fluent writer. ^ ONE man has seen so deep into the hearts of all—only he has held the keys to unlock every Let us send you this book at OUR RISK human emotion, every strength, every weak Discover the unsuspected pleasure of a Shake ness. ... No wonder that today he is more speare your schoolday type of reading may alive, universally and immortally, than he was never have revealed. Be fascinated by sensu 300 years ago! ous Cleopatra. Shudder at murderous Macbeth. 1312 Realize anew that Shakespeare ALONB is Chuckle at Falstaff. Thrill with lovesick PAGES the cornerstone of the well-read man's or Romeo. Stand aghast at the treachery of lago. woman's culture. He teaches you history by Be enchanted with the beautiful Sonnets and making it so thrilling that you are held in the wild passion of "The Rape of Lucrece" Ibreathless suspense page after page. His and "Venus and Adonis. SEND NO MONEY—7 Days' Free Examination Mail coupon today, without money. Pay To know English better—to read any nothing in advance; nothing to postman when book more appreciatively—to speak and book is delivered. Read and examine this write more colorfully, effectively—you handsome 1312-page volume—printed in large, must know Shakespeare! Send cou easy-reading type on thin but opaque paper, pon, without money, now 1 beautifully bound in morocco-grained cloth. Walter J. Black Then, after 7 days' free examination if you Inc., Dept. 1912 feel you can part with this volume—simply 2 Park Ave. send it back and forget the matter. Otherwise New York send only 98c plus few cents postage. N. Y. 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