University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 10-25-1990 Central Florida Future, Vol. 23 No. 20, October 25, 1990 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 23 No. 20, October 25, 1990" (1990). Central Florida Future. 1024. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1024 • • • Future· Volume 23, Number 20 University of Central ·Florida/Orlando Thursday October 25, 1990 • • 13 protest suspension of SG statutes by Tom Kopacz "I want to get rid of Dr. Tubbs' con­ STAFF RE PORTER trol of Student Government," said Lance Turner, one of the organizers of Thirteen studen ts took part in a sit­ the protest. in outside the Student Affairs suite Attempts outside the Administra­ Tuesday afternoon protesting the re­ tion Building to enlist spectators in the · • cent decision to suspend Student protest failed. Most said they had to go Government's statutes. to class. The protesters blocked the suite's Don Taylor, whose appeal led to the main entrance for about 30 minutes, decision to void the election, blocked then left. the main door to the suite. with his The sit-in comes in the aftermath of wheelchair. Taylor has multiple sclero­ Vice President for Student Affairs Lee sis. Tubbs' decision Thursday to suspend At one point, Taylor refused to move SG's statutes and hold a new senate out of the way of someone who.wanted election before the end of the fall term. to enter the suite. • Tubbs suspended the statutes after Student Affairs staff finally opened SG's interim Judicial Council threw a side door to the suite. The door, lo­ out the original senate elections be­ cated on the north side of the trophy cause the old student senate did not case in the Administration Building, is pass a reapportionment bill before the normally blocked by a chair. t.tchaet Pohl/CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE end of the summer term, as required by Students staged a sit-in outside the Student Affairs suite in the Administration statutes. see SIT-IN page 5 building Tuesday protesting the suspension of student government statutes. Russian poet travels to UCF to recite.works by Heidi Steiner sponsored by the Department of English, UCF and Morits sai~ she portrays herself and her experi­ CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE the Orlando Sentinel. ences in her poems. Mori ts' translator, Tonya Nyquist, translated into . Morits said one difference between Russian and Unna Mori ts, considered one of the finest poets in English the following nine poems as Morits recited American poetry is that in Russia, everybody reads the Soviet Union, read a selection of her writings them in Russian: "An Apple," ''The Birth of a Wing," poetry to each other and people learn poetry through . Monday at UCF as part of the World Writers Series. "I Never Drank Vodka with a Genius," "Face," "A word of mouth. Because of this, Russian poetry has a Morits has writt~n eight books of poetry and six Memory," "After the War," "The Dumb Man's Hand," stronger rhyme scheme~ which makes it easier to c:hildren books, and is a particular favorite of Anna "Saturday Evening" and "From Some Terrible remember. Akhmatova. Now Mori ts is traveling and receiving Moment." "In the Soviet Union, the poems had to be ea~y to recognition abroad. A discussion session followed the recital. Many of memorize," Mori ts said. "W.e were limited without Morits is the first of several writers to appear at the audience members inquired about Morits' per- UCF this semester for the World Writers Series, sonal life. •· see MORITS page 6 Kuwaiti _woman vacationing in U.S. can't go home, finds work at UCF by Jill B. Simser By the following day when robe, a car and a small amount CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Palmer had been informed of money in a bank account. that there were no flights to Palmer said she has been One of. the newest faculty Kuwait, she realized she keeping in touch with several members in UCF's Depart­ would not be returning home. colleagues froni all over the ment of Health Sciences had "We did not see it coming," world who also were on sum­ every intention of returning she said. mer break when the invasion home to Kuwait after her vaca­ Palmer has been working took place. tion in the United States. as a consultant to the UCF Palmer said not knowing But for Carole K Palmer, Department of Health Sc~­ what has happened to m~y of the department chairwoman ences for the past six weeks her friends is particularly dis­ of radiologic sciences at Ku­ while living with Edwards' tressing. wait University, that was not relatives. "We share a common bond of meant to be. Palmer was vaca­ Palmer is also visiting ele­ grieving," she said. tioning in the United States mentary schools in -Orange Once a month she calls the when Iraq invaded Kuwait on and Seminole counties to talk Kuwait Embassy in Washing­ Aug.2. ton, D.C., to see ifthere are any "I went away on summer new leads on her friends' vacation and they stole my "I went away on sum­ whereabouts. But so far they country," Palmer said, laugh­ mer vacation and they haven't had any new informa­ ing. tion. Palmer, who has lived in stole my country." Palmer said she has heard Kuwait for the past five years, horror stories of the Iraqis was visiting relatives in Penn­ looting whole business dis­ sylvania when she got a call • Carole K. Palmer tricts and dismantlingmedical from her friend, Dr. Jo Ed­ Radlologlc Sciences chair, . equipment from hospitals. wards, associate professor of Kuwait Unive'rsity Even though she calls it "a Health Sciences at UCF. brutal situation," she said she Edwards told Palmer to to students about car~ers in believes it is one that can be turn on the television to the health sciences. overcome. Cable News Network because Though Palmer said she Even if the Iraqis level Iraqi troops had begun to oc­ enjoys the part-time work, she Kuwait, the country can al­ cupy Kuwait. never dreamed she would be ways rebuild, Palmer said. Edwards lived in Kuwait relocating under such circum­ In her view, the United Jim Ferguson/CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE from 1983 to 1 ~85, working at stances. State's military buildup in TIE .A KNOT..• the Kuwait University devel­ She said she lost most ofher Saudi Arabia is fully war- oping curriculum for the Col­ personal possessions, includ­ Pisea Seug, a freshman studying sports medicine, got bored one lege of Health and Sciences. ing a home computer, a ward- see KUWAIT page 6 afternoon ad decided to try scaling the wall of Orange Hall". I. 2 The central Florida Future October 25, 1990 I • I -- .,. , I ;ii '~ I l I· • 1! .I I ( -.. • I! : ( I i ( j \ I .. \ • t '. 0.: . 1., \ . I I I I ( lI . I • I I ' I I \ i • • • • -wtlO: 18 AND OVER WHEN: OCTOBER 31st AT 8:00 PM • WHERE: .SWEENEY'S . WHY: BENEFITS TO LEUKEMIA SOCIETY TICKETS: $5 IN ADVANCE, $7 AT THE DOOR • PRIZES: BEST COSTUME, ..D90R P~IZES, MO.RE! . 'Ior more information or for atfvance tic/(ets, watcfi for ta6les at CE/BYl! I and tfie Li6rary • • • UCF REPRESENTATIVE. • RYAN FISH • • 380-0064 • . ' . • • • •, •. • • ' ' ... ~ 4 .. ,. • ,,, t .. • • • ~ • " • • • • • • • t " • • • • ,, The Central Florida Future October 25, 1990 3 • UCF works to drop • · human error in • ·aviation acCidents • by Chris Marlin Dr. Richard Gilson, UCF CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE psychologist/engineer and ex­ e~utive director of the center, UCF and Embry Riddle said th ere is clearly a lot for the • Aeronautical University are center to do. working together through ''We're trying to find differ­ their Center for Applied Hu­ ent levels of funding support • man Factors in Aviation to and also see what problems we deal with the human error rate want to work on," Gilson said. in aviation acci- The center's dents. research fo­ • That rate, 70 "H · · cuses on the to 80 percent, is uman error IS a national air a.n ~la~ng ~ta- major problem area space system tistic, acc?rding in aviation " . policy in the to many m the · areas of air­ field. space alloca- "Human error tion, weather · Denoy DeBoer/CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE is a major prob- • Biii Motzel aI!d air traffic The UCF Gospel and CuHural Choir performed Oct. 15-in the Student Center Auditorit1m. The choir lem area in avia- Embry Riddle Unlverslt_y management. is also planning additional performances this year. tion," said Bili ---------­ "More than • Motzel, special half of Gospel and Cultural Choir ready assistant to the president of Florida's airspace has restric­ Embry Riddl~ "There was a tions," Gilson said. need for this center, and here According to Gilson, not all for Pert'.ormcince at Seniors' Day we have a very unique re­ of Florida's-or America's­ source." restricted and regulated air­ by Kelly Anthony variety of activities this year. The center consists of an space is being used to its full­ CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE The group is planning to perform at UCFs ., interdisciplinary research and est. Seniors' Day on Oct.
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