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Verhaar, et al., “5-Methyltetrahydrofolate, the folate compound, a folate derivative compound, tetrahydro Active Form of Folic Acid, Restores Endothelial Function in biopterin and mixtures thereof. Familial Hypercholesterolemia', Circulation, vol. 97, (1998) pp. 237-241. 20 Claims, No Drawings US 6,537,992 B2 1 2 REGULATION OF ORGANIC NITRATE (i) a first active ingredient comprising an organic nitrate; TOLERANCE (ii) a second active ingredient comprising a folate compound, a folate derivative compound, tetrahydro biopterin and mixtures thereof, and BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION (iii) a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier therefor. 1. Field of the Invention In yet another of its aspects, the present invention pro In one of its aspects, the present invention relates to a vides a kit for use in organic nitrate therapy, the kit com pharmaceutical composition for regulation of organic nitrate prising: tolerance. In another of its aspects, the present invention 1O (i) a first pharmaceutical composition comprising an relates to a method for regulating organic nitrate tolerance. organic nitrate, together a pharmaceutically acceptable 2. Description of the Prior Art carrier therefor; Organic nitrates Such as glyceryl trinitrate, isosorbide (ii) a Second pharmaceutical composition comprising a dinitrate, isosorbide-5-mononitrate, and the like are recog folate compound, a folate derivative compound, tet nized as important pharmacologic agents used in the treat 15 rahydrobiopterin and mixtures thereof, together with a ment of coronary artery disease and congestive heart pharmaceutically acceptable carrier therefor. failure-see Parker J. Nitrate Therapy for Stable Angina In yet another of its aspects, the present invention pro Pectoris. N Engl J Med 1998:338:520–531. Despite suc vides a method for regulating tolerance during organic cessful application, the use of nitroglycerin is limited by a nitrate therapy, the method comprising the Step of adminis number of its pharmacologic characteristics. One of the tering to a patient: important limitations is loSS of efficacy during continuous (i) a first pharmaceutical composition comprising an therapy, a phenomenon known as “tolerance'. The etiology organic nitrate, together a pharmaceutically acceptable of tolerance is not clearly understood, however recent carrier therefor; and experimental data have improved the understanding of the (ii) a Second pharmaceutical composition comprising a mechanism(s) involved-see one or more of: 25 folate compound, a folate derivative compound, tet a. Minzel T, Sayegh H, Freeman BA et al. Evidence for rahydrobiopterin and mixtures thereof, together with a enhanced vascular Superoxide anion production in pharmaceutically acceptable carrier therefor. nitrate tolerance. A novel mechanism underlying toler In yet another of its aspects, the present invention pro ance and cross-tolerance. J Clin Invest 1995; 95 vides for the use of a compound Selected from the group (1):187–94; comprising a folate compound, a folate derivative b. Münzel T, Li H, Mollnau H, Hink U et al. Effects of compound, tetrahydrobiopterin and mixtures thereof for the long-term nitroglycerin treatment on endothelial nitric production of a pharmaceutical composition useful in regu oxide synthase (NOS III) gene expression, NOS III lated tolerance to organic nitrate therapy. mediated Superoxide production, and vascular NO bio 35 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE availability. Circ Res 2000; 86 (1): E7–E12; and PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS c. Minzel T, Mollnau H, Hartmann M et al. Effects of a Thus, I have Surprisingly and unexpectedly discovered nitrate-free interval on tolerance, vasoconstrictor Sen that Selected compounds are useful in obviating or mitigat Sitivity and vascular Superoxide production. JAm Coll ing tolerance during organic nitrate therapy. Cardiol 2000; 36 (2): 628–34. 40 Thus it would desirable to have a pharmaceutical com The compounds may be selected from the group com position which obviates or mitigates tolerance to organic prising a folate compound, a folate derivative compound, nitrate therapy. tetrahydrobiopterin and mixtures thereof. The term “folate derivative compound” will be readily understood by those of SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 45 skill in the art to encompass compounds having a folate “backbone” which has been derivatized. Non-limiting It is an object of the present invention to provide a novel examples of Suitable Such compounds may be Selected from composition which is useful to obviate or mitigate tolerance the group comprising tetrahydrofolate, to organic nitrate therapy. 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and mixtures thereof. It is another object of the present invention to provide a 50 The dosage administered of the folate compound, the novel method for regulating tolerance to organic nitrate folate derivative compound or the tetrahydrobiopterin will therapy. vary depending on the use and known factorS
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