*****************ECRWSS**** PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE POSTAL CUSTOMER PAID SHAWANO, WI PERMIT NO. 135 NOVEMBER 25, 2020 x OSHKOSHHERALD.COM VOLUME 3, ISSUE 47 County’s pandemic INSIDE authority restricted Winnebago board needs to approve any action By Miles Maguire Herald contributor A close vote late last Tuesday by the Win- 9-0 Knights nebago County Board gave the local health officer a legislative mandate to impose re- Lourdes football strictive orders to fight COVID. season ends perfectly But that vote, which came after five months of review and a series of raucous Page 15 public meetings, also means that any such orders will be subject to intense political scrutiny and are unlikely to contain the Photo by Emil Vajgrt most sweeping measures allowed under Rock show Oshkosh North alumnus Tyrese Haliburton talks about his selection by the Sacramento Kings state law. Granite boulder’s move in last Wednesday’s NBA Draft. “The secret to keeping this power is us- in 1939 recalled ing it as cautiously as possible,” said Coun- Page 5 ty Executive Mark Harris. He said much Spartans star becomes of the controversy has been the result of a “huge public misunderstanding” about what the county was trying to do. Holiday cheers Critics said Harris and other county offi- Seasonal brews have Oshkosh’s first in NBA cials were engaged in a power grab and try- fessional basketball player from my city ing to restrict individual rights. But Harris a history here Haliburton praises means the world to me. I know I’m not go- said the goal was public safety. Page 6 ing to be the last so I’m trying to embrace Winnebago County, which reached community support everything right now and show as much 10,245 COVID-19 cases and 88 deaths this love to my community as possible.” Monday, is facing continued rapid growth By Alex Wolf To say that Haliburton, who helped Herald contributor in cases, he said. the North Spartans to a WIAA Division “We just have to slow that growth so we A lifelong dream became a reality for 1 state title in 2018 before spending two can get the community to the point when Santa coming Tyrese Haliburton last Wednesday night. seasons at Iowa State, earned this feat is an vaccines are available,” he said. The former Oshkosh North basketball understatement. During a Zoom meeting that includ- star became the city’s first NBA player af- Unlike many Division 1 athletes who ed hours of testimony, mostly negative, to town for ter he was selected No. 12 in the draft by make it to the NBA, he’s had to prove him- the Board of Supervisors voted 20-16 to the Sacramento Kings. self time after time. Being under-recruited amend the county code. The amendment “This is a big time for me and my fami- in high school, the 6-foot-5 guard had to clarifies the enforcement powers of the lo- holiday visits ly, my community – the city of Oshkosh,” prove to the Cyclones that he had poten- cal health officer, who is also the director of By Dan Roherty said Haliburton, who was projected to be SEE Haliburton ON PAGE 14 SEE ON PAGE 12 Oshkosh Herald a lottery pick this year. “To be the first pro- Pandemic Without the annual city holiday parade to join with this year, Santa Claus will be making his own rounds around city neigh- Oshkosh Corp. selects new leader borhoods in December to bring holiday Oshkosh Herald out the collective efforts of our 15,000 & Emergency and Commercial segments. cheer. dedicated and talented team members With his additional appointment to pres- Escorted by community members in ve- Oshkosh Corp. Chief Executive Officer around the world. ident in May, he also assumed responsi- hicles led by Mike Bennett, Santa encour- Wilson R. Jones will be stepping down Stephen D. Newlin, independent chair- bility for the Defense segment and global ages residents to wave and share greetings from his position April man of the board, supply chain, digital technology and mar- from their yards, porches and windows. 2 after 15 years of lead- praised Jones’ lead- keting functions. Not affiliated with any organization or ership and John C. ership through vari- “I am honored to lead this outstanding benefit effort, Bennett is bringing Santa Pfeifer, president and ous milestones while team,” Pfeifer said in the announcement. in a drive-by fashion to neighborhoods chief operating officer, achieving significant “We have tremendous talent, a commit- in the city and elsewhere in Winnebago has been named his growth for the com- ment to innovation and strong values that County from 5:30 to 8 p.m. most Thurs- successor. pany. Jones is credit- enable us to deliver essential products and days through Sundays next month. “It has been a priv- ed with instituting its services that build, serve and protect peo- As long as he has drivers and navigators ilege to serve as CEO People First initiative ple and communities around the world. I for each of the nights using his company’s of this great company Jones Pfeifer that empowers its em- would like to thank Wilson for his guid- truck, Bennett said he will be good to go for the last five years,” ployees and promotes ance and support, and the board for plac- as dates continue to be added based on Jones said in a statement. “I am proud of collaboration, personal goals and profes- ing its trust in me.” residents’ requests. the achievements we have made in our sional development. Pfeifer previously led Mercury Marine, culture, products and services and know Pfeifer joined Oshkosh Corp. in May and held various management positions SEE Santa visits ON PAGE 13 they would not have been possible with- 2019 to lead the Access Equipment, Fire with ITT Corp. PAGE 2 x OSHKOSHHERALD.COM NOVEMBER 25, 2020 Packers salute Oshkosh man’s service The Green Bay Packers and WPS Health site and transported material out of Iraq. Solutions paid special tribute last week to Friday earned the Combat Medic’s Oshkosh native U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Badge, one of the highest honors that can Joshua Friday and his family through its be achieved and only awarded to medics 923 S. Main St. Suite C Operation Fan Mail program. who treat a person while under direct en- Oshkosh, WI 54902 Military families and veterans are hon- emy gunfire. ored at each Packers home game through Friday reenlisted while serving in Iraq, General information/customer service: Julie Vandenberg the program that is in its 14th season. and he is now entering his 16th year with [email protected] Friday, a native of Oshkosh, joined the the Army. He trains future medics how to Phone: 920-508-9000 U.S. Army in 2005. He had been inspired function in combat situations at Fort Ir- Website: www.oshkoshherald.com by his stepbrother, Daniel Wyatt, who win in California. joined the Marine Corps after graduating Submitted photo His family includes his wife, Trisha, and Trisha and U.S. Army Sgt. Joshua Friday are from high school and was killed in Iraq in their children Indrie, Andrew, Maddeline News tips and story ideas shown at Lambeau Field. [email protected] 2004 by a remote-controlled IED. Friday and Charlotte, all devout Packers fans. decided to join the Army to save lives, er had been killed. He was selected with As the honoree for Operation Fan Mail, training as a combat medic. a small group of other soldiers to serve at the family will receive a $250 prize pack Support the Oshkosh Herald In 2007, he deployed to Iraq and served Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center, where from WPS Health Solutions and the Pack- less than 50 miles from where his broth- they secured the facility, cleaned up the ers. A total of 132 families have been salut- Membership ed during the past 12 seasons. A $50 annual membership Interested families, or friends of eligi- supports receiving the newspaper ble families, can submit an essay on why weekly. Call 920-508-9000 or visit www.oshkoshherald.com/store a family with a member serving on ac- /membership. tive duty, or a member who is a veteran, should be saluted. More information can be found at pack- Subscribe ers.com/lambeau-field. For $70 annually the Oshkosh Herald is mailed to non-delivery areas via first-class mail. Go to www.oshkoshherald.com/shop /subscribe or call 920-508-9000. Advertising [email protected] Mike Sohm: 920-508-0084 Kristin Magruder: 920-508-0119 Official Toy Drop-off Site Classified advertising DONATE A TOY TODAY! [email protected] 814 Knapp St · Oshkosh 920-508-9000 920-230-8880 www.oshkoshrealty.com All advertisements are subject to the applicable rate card, copies of which are available from our Ad- vertising Department. All ads are subject to approval before publica- tion. Oshkosh Herald reserves the right to edit, refuse, reject, classify or cancel any ad at any time. Errors must be reported in the first day of publication. The Herald shall not be liable for any loss or expense that results from an error in or omission of an advertisement. No refunds will be given for early cancellation of an order. Carl M. Advertising deadline is noon Friday for the following Wednesday. The classified line ads deadline is Hennig, Inc. 4 p.m. Friday for Wednesday. Serving Fox River Publisher Valley investors for Karen Schneider, 920-858-6407 [email protected] 87 Years. Editor Dan Roherty, 920-508-0027 When there is market [email protected] volatility it is important Corrections It is the policy of the Oshkosh to invest with a Herald to correct all errors of fact.
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