N° XXXIV APRIL 2014 «We must stand The Order in harmony with together» the universal Church “THAT THEY MAY BE ONE”: FRANCIS AT ll those who seek dignity, democracy, THE HOLY SEPULCHRE II «Afreedom and prosperity are under at- THE HOLY SEE IN DIALOGUE WITH ISRAEL tack. We must stand together and speak out in AND THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITIES III truth and freedom (...) Together, we must seek THE CONSISTORY OF 22 FEBRUARY: TWO MEMBERS out all those who dream, as we do, of a socie- OF THE ORDER AMONG THE NEW CARDINALS IV ty in which Muslims Christians and Jews are Proceedings of equal citizens, living side by side, building to- the Grand Magisterium gether a society in which new generations can live and prosper (...) Finally, we pray for all, THE MESSAGE OF THE GRAND MASTER for those who join their efforts to ours, and for IN PREPARATION FOR THE FEAST OF EASTER IV those who are harming us now, or even killing THE COMMISSION OF THE CONSULTA V us. We pray that God may allow them to see THE ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF MEMBERS the goodness He has put in the heart of each OF THE GRAND MAGISTERIUM V one. May God transform every human being PROJECTS OF THE GRAND MAGISTERIUM: VISIT from the depth of his or her heart, enabling OF THE COMMISSION FOR THE HOLY LAND VI them to love every human being as God does, THE LATEST NOMINATIONS VII He who is the Creator and Lover of all. Our INTERNATIONAL MEDIA ATTENTION WELCOMED only protection is in our Lord and like Him BY THE GRAND MAGISTERIUM VII we offer our lives for those who persecute us as well as for those who, with us, stand in de- The Order and fence of love, truth and dignity.» the Patriarchate of Jerusalem Extract from the communiqué published THE WALL IN QUESTION VIII on 2 April 2014 by the Assembly of AID TO SYRIAN REFUGEES VIII Catholic Ordinaries in the Holy Land GAZA TOUCHES THE BISHOPS’ HEARTS VIII and the Committee for Justice and Peace, FIVE NEW DEACONS FOR OUR “MOTHER concerning the persecution of Christians CHURCH” IN JERUSALEM VIII in the Middle East. THE WORLD DAY OF THE SICK IN JORDAN IX News of the Order and its Lieutenancies GRAND MAGISTERIUM OF THE EQUESTRIAN ORDER OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE NEWS OF THE LIEUTENANCY OF PORTUGAL IX OF JERUSALEM BEREAVEMENT IN VANCOUVER IX 00120 VATICAN CITY E-mail: [email protected] II N° XXXIV - APRIL 2014 The Order in harmony with the universal Church “That they may be one” Francis at the Holy Sepulchre hile actively preparing the pilgrim- context since the time of Constantine and age of Pope Francis to Jordan (Am- the Ecumenical Council of Nicaea in 325. Wman), to the Palestinian Territories The Grand Prior of the Equestrian Order (Bethlehem) and to Israel (Jerusalem), the of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, the 30,000 members of the Equestrian Order of Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal, has the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, spread the honour of guiding the Pope during these throughout the world, are in profound spiri- very ecumenical days, which have been pre- tual communion with about 235,000 faithful pared in particular by the fervent prayer of who form the small Latin rite Catholic com- students in Catholic schools of the Patriar- munity courageously present in this region chate, open to Christians of various church- where the Christian faith is rooted for a little es and to members of other religions. Father over 2,000 years. Faysal Hijazen, General Director of the The many Christian Churches in the schools of the Latin Patriarchate of Holy Land, will soon welcome the Holy Fa- Jerusalem in Palestine and Israel, had under- ther Francis during his trip placed under the lined last January, with students, teachers sign of unity, scheduled to take place from and parents, the importance of this prepara- 24 to 26 May. Catholics of the Latin, Syrian, tory prayer to bring to fruition the testament Armenian, Greek Melkite, Maronite rites... of Jesus: “That all may be one” (John 17:21). as well as the Orthodox of Ethiopian, Syrian, These words were also inspirational in the Coptic, Greek, Armenian rites... and also choice of the motto of the papal visit in Lutherans and Episcopalians, all eagerly March by the Catholic Ordinaries of the look forward to sharing this pilgrimage with Holy Land gathered in Tiberias. The motto, the Bishop of Rome. He is scheduled to meet “That they may be one”, is accompanied by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople a logo representing the embrace of St. Peter Bartholomew I at the Holy Sepulchre in the and St. Andrew, the first two disciples of presence of all the Heads of Christian Jesus who respectively became head of the Churches, notably the Greek Orthodox Patri- Church of Rome and head of the Church of arch Theophilus III and the Patriarch of the Constantinople. Orthodox Armenian Apostolic Church Fifty years after the prophetic meeting of Nourhan Manougian. According to histori- Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras of ans this is the most significant event in this Constantinople in 1964, which was marked There is an international website dedicated to this pilgrimage: popefrancisholyland2014.lpj.org You will find the prayer suggested for the intentions of this pilgrimage on the website: terrasanctapax.org III N° XXXIV - APRIL 2014 by the lifting of the mutual excommunica- celebrates Mass at the international stadium, tions dating from the schism of 1054, the then visits the Syrian and Iraqi refugees, and movement towards Christian unity shown young disabled people in Bethany, the tradi- by the pilgrimage of Francis – in the foot- tional site of the Baptism of Jesus, on the steps of John Paul II (2000) and Benedict banks of the Jordan. XVI (2009) – will be a message of reconcilia- Second day, Sunday 25 May, in Bethle- tion between the East and the West more hem, and in late afternoon at the Holy broadly addressed to all mankind. At the re- Sepulchre gional level there will be, no doubt, political Francis is welcomed at the presidential repercussions, since if Christians are more palace by the Palestinian Authorities in Beth- united they can better resist persecution, lehem. He then celebrates Mass at Manger their enemies having for too long been Square and meets children from refugee known to exacerbate their divisions to exer- camps before departing for Jerusalem. An cise power over them since the conquest of ecumenical prayer will take place in the Jerusalem by Saladin ... Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre with the Approximately 4,000 journalists will be Patriarch of Constantinople and the Heads covering the event, the global repercussions of all the Christian Churches. of which can already be described as his- toric. Third day, Monday 26 May, in Jerusalem Francis goes to the Wall of Lamentations, * * * meets the Israeli President and Prime First day, Saturday 24 May 2014, in Jor- Minister, and then prays in silence at the dan foot of the Mount of Olives, before celebrat- Francis, having arrived in Amman during ing Mass at the Cenacle. He departs for the day, meets the officials of the Kingdom, Rome in early evening. The Holy See in dialogue with Israel and the Palestinian Authorities wo important Commissions regularly the life and activity of the Catholic Church Tworking to advance the dialogue in the in Palestine. As regards matters directly con- Holy Land: on the one hand the Holy See - cerning Israel, negotiations on a “final agree- State of Palestine Commission, and on the ment” continue in a constructive climate to other, the Holy See - Israel Commission. achieve a just and comprehensive peace in They met respectively last winter, on 7 Feb- the Holy Land, a privileged area of interreli- ruary in Ramallah, West Bank, and on 11 gious dialogue. On this subject, Pope Francis February in Jerusalem. Bishop Antoine reaffirmed his commitment to strengthen di- Camilleri, Under-Secretary for Foreign Af- alogue with our “elder brothers”, the Jews, fairs, headed the delegation of the Holy See to a delegation of the American Jewish Com- for each meeting. Regarding the Palestinian mittee (AJC), received at the Vatican in Feb- Authority which governs in the West Bank: ruary, recalling the “sure point of reference” following the “basic agreement” signed by the Conciliar Declaration “Nostra Aetate”, John Paul II and Yasser Arafat in 2000, a the 50th anniversary of which will be com- “global agreement” is being drafted, which memorated in 2015. deals more specifically with key aspects of IV N° XXXIV - APRIL 2014 The Consistory of 22 February: two members of the Order among the new Cardinals uring the Consistory of 22 February of the Consistory the Pope spoke of the per- D2014 in Rome, two members of the secuted Christians, mindful especially of Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of those in the Middle East, making this appeal Jerusalem were among the first 19 cardinals to the new Cardinals: “The Church needs created by Pope Francis: Mgr Orani João your compassion, especially at this time of Tempesta, Brazilian Archbishop of Rio de pain and suffering for so many countries Janeiro, and Grand Prior of the Lieutenancy throughout the world. Let us together ex- corresponding to his Brazilian diocese, Bish- press our spiritual closeness to the ecclesial op Gualtiero Bassetti Archbishop of Perugia communities and to all Christians suffering (of which also was the future Leo XIII), vice- from discrimination and persecution. We president of the Italian Episcopal Confer- must fight every form of discrimination! The ence and Prior of the Umbrian section of the Church needs our prayer for them, that they Order.
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