1 2 3 4 Page | 1 August 17, 2015 Honourable Bill Mauro Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry 6th Floor, Room 6630, Whitney Block 99 Wellesley Street West Toronto, ON M7A 1W3 Honourable Minister Mauro, Council of the Municipality of Grey Highlands passed the following resolution “Resolve, That Council of the Municipality of Grey Highlands supports the resolution as circulated by the County of Grey regarding the potential impacts caused by fracking operations and a copy of this resolution to be forwarded to the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, local M.P.P’s, County of Grey and all lower tier municipalities in Grey County.” A copy of the County of Grey resolution is attached. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Regards, Debbie Robertson, AMCT Clerk/Director Council & Legislative Services [email protected] 519.986.1216 Ext. 233 cc: Association of Municipalities of Ontario County of Grey M.P.P. Grey County Lower Tier Municipalities The Municipality of Grey Highlands 206 Toronto Street South, Unit One P.O.Box 409 Markdale, Ontario N0C 1H0 519-986-2811 Toll-Free5 1-888-342-4059 Fax 519-986-3643 www.greyhighlands.ca [email protected] 6 7 341 10th St. Hanover ON N4N 1P5 t 519.364.2780 | t 1.888.HANOVER | f 519.364.6456 | hanover.ca CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER & CLERK 8 Clerk's Department 595 gth Avenue East, Owen Sound Ontario N4K 3E3 519-372-0219 x 1227 / 1-800-567-GREY / Fax: 519-376-8998 July 9, 2015 Honourable Bill Mauro Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry 6th Floor, Room 6630, Whitney Block 99 Wellesley Street West Toronto, ON M7A'1W3 Via fax: 416 325-1564 Honourable Minister Mauro: The following resolution PCD90-15 was presented for consideration by the Planning and Community Development Committee on June 16,2015 and was endorsed by Grey County Council on July 7,2015: WHEREAS the Planning and Community Development Gommittee directed staff to prepare a report on fracking and the potential impacts from fracking following a deputation that was made before Committee; AND WHEREAS the Province has indicated that it needs to strengthen regulations around fracking before considering applications within the Province; AND WHEREAS there are known shale resources withln the County of Grey which could attract potential fracking operations in the future; NOW THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED that Repoft PDR-PCD-27-15be received; AND THAT the Province shall do fudher research on the potential impacts caused by fracking operations and either consider banning these operations or strengthening the regulations to ensure there are no negative lmpacts to the environment caused by these operations and ensure that the process includes consultation with the local Grey County: Colour9 lt Your Way Page 2 July B, 20'15 municipalities, Aboriginal communities, stakeholders, and the public prior to approving such operations; AND THAT the Province consider allowing municipalities to determine whether to allow these operations within their jurisdictions; AND THAT the resolution be circulated to the lower tier municipalities in Grey County, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, and the Members of Provincial Parliament for Simcoe - Grey and Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound. Grey County Council respectfully requests consideration of this resolution. Yours truly, Mrs. Heather Morrison Deputy Clerk/Records Manager (519) 372-0219, Extension 1376 h_q alh_eËx o f f Ls an@g re y-qa www.g[gy¿c_a /kn cc. Bill Walker, MPP Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound via fax: 5'19 371-0953 Jim Wilson, MPP Simcoe-Grey via fax: 705 446-3397 Grey County Municipalities The Association of Municipalities of Ontario via email: [email protected]'ca R. Scherzer David Walton via email: [email protected] Grey County:10 Colour lt Your Way 341 10th St. Hanover ON N4N 1P5 t 519.364.2780 | t 1.888.HANOVER | f 519.364.6456 | hanover.ca CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER & CLERK 11 Clerk's Department 595 gth Avenue East, Owen Sound Ontario N4K 3E3 519-372-0219 x 1227 / 1-800-567-GREY / Fax 519-376-8998 July 9, 2015 Honourable Ted McMeekin Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing c/o Mark Cripps, Minister's Office By email only: mark.cripps@ontario,ca Honourable Minister McMeekin: Re: Municipal Elections - Ranked Ballots The communication from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing dated May 28, 2015 was considered by the Corporate Services Committee on June 23,2015. Resolution CS75-15 was subsequently endorsed by Grey County Council on July 7, 2015 as follows: THAT the correspondence from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing titled "Ranked Ballots Would Give More Ghoice to Municipalities" be received; AND THAT the County of Grey does not support the proposed changes to the municipal electoral system which would provide the option of using ranked ballots during municipal elections. Grey County Council respectfully requests consideration of this resolution Yours truly, rs, Heather Morrison Deputy ClerlVRecords Manager (519) 372-0219, Extension 1376 heathel. morrison@grey. ca ww\ry.EeyLâ /kn cc. Grey County Municipalities Terry Garbutt Grey County: 12Colour lt Your Way Aurora Resolution Received for Information PCD47-16 www.springwater.ca 2231 Nursery Road Minesing, Ontario L0L 1Y2 Canada To: Ontario Municipalities From: Council of the Township of Springwater Subject: Land Use – Agricultural Motion The Council of the Township of Springwater adopted Resolution C 339B 2015 at a meeting on July 20, 2015; the Resolution is provided for your consideration. Agricultural Motion RESOLUTION C 339B 2015 Moved by: Allen Seconded by: Ritchie Whereas Agriculture is the largest single land use sector in Springwater, and Whereas Agriculture is the number one value added sector in the Province of Ontario, and Whereas in the Province of Ontario, the Provincial Policy Statement (2014), the Places to Grow Policies, the County of Simcoe Official Plan and the Township of Springwater Official Plan, independently and collectively, acknowledge the need to protect Prime Agricultural Land (defined as CLI Classes 1 to 3) for future generations, Therefore be it resolved that as part of the Township's Official Plan review process, Staff be directed to give particular consideration to the need for new or additional policies, with the following clear and specific objectives: (i) protecting and promoting Prime Agricultural Land for long-term use for agriculture; (ii) ensuring that new land uses are compatible with, and do not hinder, agricultural operations on Prime Agricultural Land; and (iii) ensuring that any identification of settlement areas or expansion of a settlement area boundary fully complies with applicable Provincial policies aimed at protecting Prime Agricultural Land for the long term. CARRIED DISCLAIMER: This material is provided under contract as a paid service by the originating organization and does not necessarily reflect the view or positions of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), its subsidiary companies, officers, directors or agents. Phone: 705-728-4784 Council Fax: 705-728-6957 13 t-L-Coønci\ Office of the President and CEO Georgian ECEIVE Office of the Board of Governors One Georgian Drive, Barrie, ON L4M 3X9 ù,UG I Û ?i115 ït 705.728.1968 GeorgianCollege.ca July 30, 20L5 Mr. Kevin Eccles Warden Grey County 595 gth Avenue East Owen Sound, ON N4K 3E3 Your Worship, On behalf of everyone at Georgian College, l'd like to thank Grey County for its first payment in support of the county's $Z-million pledge toward our Marine Emergency Duties (MED) Training and Research Centre. As the first organization to publicly declare íts financial commitment to this project, you undoubtedly built momentum for others to contribute, culminating in last month's announcement that we are to receive funding from the federal and provincial governments. Since the need for this centre was identified following the closure of the Port Colborne site, Grey County has recognized the importance of this project for the economic health of the region and the sustainability of Georgian's Owen Sound campus. we are so thankful for your advocacy, your support and your friendship. l'm delighted to say that construction of the fire training facility is well underway and on schedule for an August completion. We also look forward to breaking ground soon on the MED Centre and hosting an event that celebrates this great addition to our community and the investors and donors who helped us achieve it. ln the meantime, please find enclosed an official receipt for tax purposes. Since Marylynn West-Moynes President and CEO c Sharon Vokes, Acting CAO/Clerk 14 Georgian ryv6et.4J 15 a Ct', Cø'+n"i\ ) a :iAMCTO Tll rHr MUNrcrPAt ExPERTs August 12,2015 lg(öElvE Warden Kevin Eccles County of Grey AUG I 4 2015 595 - 9th Avenue East Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 3E3 Dear Warden Eccles: AMCTO (Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario) recognizes the importance of celebrating the achievements of our members. To this end, AMCTO annually recognizes its members - in 10 year increments - for longstanding commitment to the Assotiation and to the municipal profession. A certificate recogntzing eachurember's years of service to AMCTO has been forwarded to them directly. This year in your municipality, we acknowledge the commitment of the following valued member(s) of your staff: Heather Morrison 10 years Kevin Weppler 10 years We ask you to assist us in recogniziig the individual(s) for their ongoing support for the Association and for ihe part they continue tó play in helping to improve the municipal profession and in making AMCTO the leading organtzationin fostering and sustaining municipal excellence. sincere gratitude to you for your continued support for these valued AMCTO members and Our 'We dedicated employees of your organization.
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