SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME……….FEBRUARY 16, 2020 Reverend John Kha Tran, Pastor ● Reverend Michael Pham, CRM, Parochial Vicar Deacon Dennis Hayes ● Deacon Bob Henkel ● Deacon Steve Klak Deacon John Naber ● Deacon Matt Rust ● Deacon Joe Weir EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION (MASS): Saturday: 5:00 PM PARISH STAFF Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM Mary Alice Greaney—Music Director Weekdays: 8:30 AM (Monday through Saturday) Dana Henkel—Parish Stewardship Director RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION): Jennifer Henkel—Youth Ministry Director We have Confessions on Saturday from 3:30 - 4:30 PM, Beth Jones—Parish Business Manager and at other times by appointment. Eileen Mace—Kolbe Kids EC Program Director Lupe Mendez—Custodian ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Someone who is seriously ill, at home, or in the hospital, or who is Yvette Neider—Parish Night Clerk about to undergo major surgery, should call the parish office, and David Nguyen—Custodian arrange for a Priest to celebrate with them the sacrament for the ill. Sister Vinflora Onije—Pastoral Assistant Miguel Perdomo—Maintenance & Handyman BAPTISM: Phyllis Schoelman—Parish Secretary ADULT BAPTISM: Adults who are preparing to become Catholic, will participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation at Easter. Molly Smith—Director of Evangelization and INFANT BAPTISM: We celebrate infant Baptism on the 2nd Catechesis Saturday of each month, except during Lent. Parents and Diana Thomas—Faith Formation Assistant Godparents of infants to be baptized should attend Baptismal classes, preferably before the child is born. PASTORAL COUNCIL CONFIRMATION: Adults and older youth who have not been Confirmed should Anna Cardona Esteban Teron contact the Parish office. Jason Donat Paul Simon Madelyn Henderson Eileen Torres MARRIAGE: Judy Quinn Jorge Torres Couples who are considering marriage should contact the parish Christian Munoz (Recorder) Chuck Woodruff office, at least six (6) months before the couple's projected Pam Munoz Paul Yim wedding date. Mitch Reece (Facilitator) Ken Zavatsky PRAYER: Rosary: Wednesday at 6:30 PM in Immaculata Chapel FINANCE COUNCIL Evening Prayer: Wednesday at 7:00 PM in Immaculata Chapel Eucharistic Adoration: Daily in Immaculata Chapel Bob Charnock Chaplet of Divine Mercy: Saturday at 4:30 PM in Church Martha Alvarado Sean Kennedy Mark Kohlschmidt Rosary: Sunday following 10:00 AM Mass Wilfred Krenek (Facilitator) Evie Ornelaz David Ricke 10135 West Road Parish Office: (281) 955-7324 Office Hours: Sundays 8am-11am Houston, TX 77064 Fax: (281) 955-7328 Monday—Friday 9am-5pm www.stmaximilian.org Kolbe Kids: (281) 970-0979 Evenings: Mon and Wed 5pm-8:30pm www.cmgconnect.org 2nd and 3rd Saturdays: 9am-3pm SAINT MAXIMILIAN KOLBE CATHOLIC CHURCH Page 2 HOUSTON, TEXAS Save a Life, Give Blood...BLOOD DRIVE th TODAY...Sunday, February 16 8am – Noon Kolbe Hall We need you! It can come from you! It only takes about twenty minutes and in that short BANNS—Rite of Institution as Candidate for time you can touch and possibly save up to DAVID PERSICH four lives. St. Maximilian’s goal is 28 pints— it can be done with your help! It is herewith announced that DAVID PER- SICH, a candidate for the order of deacon will be instituted into the ministry of candidate on February 22, 2020 at a Mass to be celebrated by Bishop George Sheltz. If any persons knows of a serious reason why this candidate should not be called to this ministry, please notify: Deacon George Silva Director of Formation Office of the Permanent Diaconate Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 713-686-4345 [email protected] Please keep DAVID in your prayers as he is instituted in to the ministry of candidate. This announcement is in compliance with Can- on 1051:2 of the Code of Canon Law. Wednesday, February 26th Mass with Distribution of Ashes 8:30 am in the Church 7:00 pm in the Church SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 16, 2020 OUR PARISH MISSION We are the Christian Community of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, a Catholic parish of the Archdiocese of Galveston- Houston. Embracing our many and diverse gifts, we are united in Christ Jesus. Challenged by the teachings of Our Lord, and inspired by the example of our Patron, we strive to serve God, and to minister to others, in prayer, sacrament, faith formation, and charity. CHOICE “If you choose you can keep the commandments,” Sirach tells us. God “has set before you fire and water; to whichever you choose, stretch forth your hand” (Sirach 15:15, 16). This is a great mystery: God does not control us so completely that we cannot choose our own path. We have certain boundaries, of course, but no one but we can choose our way within those boundaries. In today’s reading from Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus reminds us of our freedom and our responsi- bility for our lives. He calls us to look beyond the words of the commandments, all the way to their meaning. Look beyond the adultery to the selfishness that poisons our love. Look beyond the murder to the anger that eats away at our compassion. Look beyond the perjured testimony to the lies and deception that drive our behavior. Our vocation is to choose life for ourselves, and to choose a path through our part of the world that helps make life possible and more abundant for others as well. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. The “Gulf Coast Fellowship of Catholic Men” con- Labor to keep alive in your breast that little tinues to inspire with their 5th annual men’s con- spark of celestial fire, called conscience. ference on Saturday, February 29th from 8am - George Washington 3pm at St. Paul the Apostle Church (18223 Point Lookout Drive in Nassau Bay, TX). The event is hosted by Joe McClane – Catholic Speaker, Ra- Serving the Needy Parishioners of St. Maxi- dio Host, and Documentary film maker. Featured milian will once again be serving lunch at Loaves speakers will be John Sablan – The Man on Fire, & Fishes on Saturday, February 22nd. Volun- co-founder/president of World Ablaze Inc. and Father David Michael Moses – ordained at age teers meet at St. Maximilian (near the BBQ Build- 25 and parochial vicar at St. Faustina in Fulshear, ing) at 8am on the service date and leave for the TX, a Musician, Songwriter, & founder of "Concert location at 8:30am after loading supplies. Please for Life". And finally Mark Hartfiel - VP of Para- wear closed toe shoes and a baseball cap if you disus Dei and National Program Director of “That wish to join us. We typically arrive back at St. Man Is You”. Early Bird specials: $40 for single Maximilian by 1pm. You may contact Bobby ticket or $35 for 2 or more by February 24th or Knight for more information at 281-813-0983 or $45 at the door. Priest, Seminarians and Clergy [email protected]. Please consider volun- are free. All meals and snacks included as well. teering with this ministry. To carpool with someone from St Maximilian, call/ text Don Sextro @ 713-818-7164. Register online at www.gc-cmc.org The Fishers of Men Ministry meets every third Monday of the month; the next meeting will be held tomorrow, February 17th at 6:30pm in Room 215. Please join us, bring a friend and a potluck dish to share. During our short time together we will pray, discuss the readings of the week, life’s challenges and other interest- ing topics that come our way. For more information, call Gabriel Gonzalez at 281-865-6665. Have You Moved? Changed your Phone Number or Email Address? If you have it is important to let us know in the parish office. Please call 281-955-7324 to update your information. Thank you! SAINT MAXIMILIAN KOLBE CATHOLIC CHURCH Page 4 HOUSTON, TEXAS KOLBE SENIORS TODAY’S READINGS The next meeting for Kolbe Seniors will be this First Reading — God allows us to make choices, Friday, February 21st @ 11am. There will be a but we are not to choose injustice or sinfulness catered meal from Luby’s for $9/plate which in- (Sirach 15:15-20). cludes a tip. After lunch there will be a speaker about exercising! Let Becky know by Tuesday, Psalm — Blessed are they who follow the law of February 18th if you plan to join in on lunch. the Lord! (Psalm 119). Upcoming bus trips: March 6th—Monument Inn for lunch. Second Reading — God’s wisdom is mysterious and hidden (1 Corinthians 2:6-10). April 7th—Houston Zoo. April 21st—Houston Astros vs Tampa Bay. Gospel — Jesus has come not to abolish but to All Seniors are welcome to join! fulfill the law and the prophets (Matthew 5:17-37 [20-22a, 27-28, 33-34a, 37]). Call or text Becky Keels @ 713-724-1075 for more information, or you may email her at The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass (c) [email protected]. 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corpora- tion. All rights reserved. That Man is You! On Fridays - Breakfast at 5:30am in Kolbe Hall, For Safety! followed by a video and small group Please do NOT let small children ap- discussion. All men are welcome. proach the candle stands unattended. Call or text Tom Comstock at 281- Parents, watch your children when near 380-0403 for more information. the candles. Thank you! We welcome the following members through the Sacra- ment of Baptism: Cole William Gayle Cody-Daniels Legima Hene TROOP 1277 Zachary Vinh Nguyen A SCOUTS BSA TROOP FOR GIRLS AGE 11 TO 17 Lily Hyeyeong Pena Join us on Monday evenings at 7pm in the Ga- jowniczek Building.
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