LEMONADE STAND LIFESTYLES BOYS EARN $50 FROM REGISTAR TO ON FIRST DAY TASSLE TURNER Whipped it up themselves — See page A2 Emily Cole — See page B1 Madison County’s Serving Madison, Ridgeland, leading newspaper. Canton, Flora, Northeast VOLUME 40 NUMBER 21 Copyright © 2021 Madison County Journal MADISON COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI www.madisoncountyjournal.com MAY 27, 2021 ** $1.00 NURSINGCourt HOME SCANDAL tosses out Mayfield lawsuit By SCOTT HAWKINS The now late Ridgeland Mary, Richard Sager and Clay- Kelly had a plan to claim that The video featuring a photo arrested John Mary. During the [email protected] Attorney Mark Mayfield’s fam- ton Kelly, agreed to help Kelly Senator Cochran was an adul- of Rose Cochran that Kelly shot investigation, John Mary told ily alleged that he killed himself obtain a photo of Cochran’s terer,” the court case states. on Easter Sunday, April 20, officers that Mayfield had Instead of rounding up the after the city of Madison arrest- infirmed and now late wife “They wanted to make a video 2014, was later posted to assisted them in photographing most vocal Chris McDaniel ed him in retaliation for his role Rose inside St. Catherine’s Vil- showcasing how Cochran spent YouTube and was met with Rose Cochran and police arrest- supporters, Madison Police fol- in the scandal during the U.S. lage in Madison, investigators time with his longtime aide in condemnation by supporters of ed Mayfield on May 22. lowed the evidence, a federal Senate race between Republi- said. Washington, D.C., instead of both McDaniel and Cochran for “The police also executed judge ruled last week dismiss- can challenger Chris McDaniel Mayfield’s mother was a with his wife, Rose, a resident its portrayal of the bedridden search warrants on Mayfield’s ing a wrongful death suit and the now late U.S. Sen. Thad resident at St. Catherine's Vil- of the St. Catherine’s Village Rose Cochran. Kelly pulled the home and office,” the court brought by the family of a man Cochran. lage, and he was familiar with assisted living facility in Madi- video within hours of posting. documents state. “The basis for at the center of the Cochran During the 2014 U.S. Senate the facility and the location of son. [John] Mary and his asso- The Madison Police Depart- those warrants was Officer Har- nursing home scandal who took campaign, Mayfield, after com- Rose Cochran’s room said, they ciates wanted the video to fea- ment investigated the incident rison’s affidavits indicating that his own life during the 2014 municating with fellow said. ture a photo of the real Mrs. and on May 16, 2014, arrested Mayfield’s office would have U.S. Senate campaign. McDaniel supporters John “[John] Mary, Sager and Cochran.” Kelly and on May 20, 2014, See LAWSUIT, page A2 RIDGELAND class of 2021 Beverage company bringing 200 jobs By DUNCAN DENT [email protected] RIDGELAND — Southern Beverage Company officials announced Tuesday that they plan to bring a distribution facil- ity to the Highland Colony Park- way and bring 200 jobs. Theo Costas Jr., owner and president of Southern Beverage Company, made the announce- ment on Tuesday in conjunction with the city and the Madison County Economic Development Authority. The 184,000 square foot modern distribution facility will bring the 200 jobs with an aver- age annual wage of $48,000. “This project helps us to bet- ter serve our customer demand,” Costas Jr., said. “Through the years, Southern Beverage has strategically grown throughout Mississippi and this new facility helps position us for the future.” Ridgeland Mayor Gene F. McGee said the facility will be located at the Highland Colony Madison-Ridgeland Acad- 220 Business Park. emy’s Class of 2021 cele- “We are delighted that South- brated the end of their ern Beverage Company chose high school journey on Ridgeland as their newest Mis- sissippi location,” McGee said. May 14 with a graduation “We welcome them to our city ceremony at Trustmark and would like to express our Park in Pearl. It’s gradua- gratitude for their investment in tion season throughout our community. The Highland Madison County as public Colony 220 Business Park is a and private high schools prime location for businesses.” send off their seniors on Construction on the Ridge- the next chapter in their land facility is anticipated to lives. For scenes from begin this summer with comple- other area graduations, tion by November 2022. “The Madison County Board see page B2. of Supervisors is excited to wel- See JOBS, page A8 MADISON CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL Yin named a Presidential Scholar By DUNCAN DENT Easily searchable records Yin said. [email protected] only go back to 2003 but Madi- Next are his parents, Jianjun son County School’s spokesper- Yin and Li Zhow, who Yin said MADISON — A Madison son Gene Wright said that Yin is were always willing to push their Central graduate is one of about the first Madison Central student child and support him. He said 150 in the nation to be named a in recent memory to be named a they are a big reason he will be Presidential Scholar this year. Presidential Scholar. able to attend an Ivy League Matthew Landon Yin spent Yin attributes his success to a School in the fall. his entire education career in the few key people in his life. One is “My parents are more than Madison County Schools and his sister, Sunshine, also a Madi- happy to send me to Penn,” Yin was selected from among seven son Central graduate. She is 16 said. finalists as one of just two Presi- years older and lives in Califor- Finally, Kristin Cooley, Yin’s dential Scholars for Mississippi. nia but Yin said she “is the defi- 11-grade calculus teacher and his “A lot of the ones I saw went nition of success” in his mind. Star Teacher from last year when to Jackson Prep or (Mississippi She has always been there for he was selected as a Star Student, School for Mathematics and Sci- him and because of the time dif- has been a key mentor in his life. ence) and I am proud of the fact ference, was always available for “She always created a nurtur- that I am a product of local pub- a late-night phone call when he ing environment and was so ded- lic schools and was able to needed help with an essay. icated to her students,” Yin said. achieve something at this level,” “She has always been there Cooley has been teaching for Madison Central senior Matthew Landon Yin, left, is one of approximately 150 Presidential Yin said. and always been so supportive,” See SCHOLAR, page A2 Scholars in the U.S. He is pictured with his 2020 STAR Teacher Kristin Cooley. OPINION BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVES OPINION Patrick Buchanan Page A6 Ligon Duncan Page B4 Rich Lowry Page A6 Page A2, Madison County Journal, May 27, 2021 www.madisoncountyjournal.com Enterprising boys earn $50 selling lemonade By DUNCAN DENT pitched in with mixing the range. They aren’t even sure [email protected] lemonade and sales. what the money will be spent “We all whipped it up,” on. For many boys, summertime Spivey said. “We don’t really have a goal is time off to enjoy lazy after- They had hand-made signs we just want to make some noons exploring the woods, advertising to motorists. money,” Hale said. sports leagues or video games in The boys all claimed to a In their free time, the boys the air-conditioning, but four reporter they were 15, but only a have a variety of pastimes, Canton Academy friends saw four-wheeler was present and though Ian Choppala said his dollar signs in a lemonade stand they, well, could have stepped mind has been racing to various they set up outside the Canton out of an episode of “Beevis and business ventures and other Country Club last week. Butthead” with their carrying ways to make some money this Brothers Ian and Stratton on. summer. Choppala and their friends and But the boys were polite, His brother, Stratton Chap- neighbors Daniel Spivey and thanking one Rotarian who pala, said his “real passion” late- Rhett Hale started with $6 to turned around to buy a cup. ly has been tennis. buy supplies. By last Thursday Ian Choppala said that the Spivey and Hale like to afternoon, they had made $50 in idea grew from boredom after spend their time coming up with sales of lemonade and tips. school at Canton Academy let pranks, large and small. Shortly after noon the boys out. Spivey said someone men- They had not nailed down were offering two varieties of tioned the idea and it quickly operating hours or the days they lemonade, pink and regular at caught on. plan to be out there, though $1 a cup or $1.50 for two. “I just remember someone Stratton Choppala did say that They set up a table and their said something about a lemon- Ian Choppala, Daniel Spivey, Stratton Choppala and Rhett Hale sell lemonade in front of they planned to be out there the coolers at the entrance to the ade stand I thought that sounded the Canton Country Club last Thursday. They took home $50 and play to sell more. next day they would be looking Club — just in time for the fun,” Spivey said. at an "every other day" schedule Rotary Club to be wrapping up, “And we wanted to make pala added. were, a variety of numbers from a few hundred dollars to likely on Monday, Wednesday as it would happen.
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