NOTICE READ THE DATE ON LABEL A Use mark around this notice II is the date your subscription ; call your attention to your is paid lo. If your time is out yon |; address label, which shows that should renew at once. Please it's time to renew. LOW observe and oblige the publisher. ! and ALTO SOLO XXXVII LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTCBER 10 1919 NO. 20 Two Bandits Mrs. Thomas' Young Men Good Bye 66 Rob Layer's Long Illness Have Sport in Here's Y'rHat Look's Away Oil Station Ends in Peace The Making What's Hurry Today Mr. Look is selecting our Famous $ John Layer was held up by In the death of Mrs^ . L P.' Last Saturday, October 5th, the For some little time there has amateur gunmen at his oil station Thomas Monday morning, Oct. 7, Lowell Boy Scouts motored to been a rumor afloat, that the on East Main street, Lowell, last this community loses a woman Ann Arbor, where they witnessed State Highway Department con- 1930 Wall Paper patterns. He said it was week, Wednesday night at about who will be greatly missed. Dur- the annual University of Michigan templated the re-routing of State 10:80 o'clock, and robbed of a roll the thirty-eight years of her resi- -Michigan State Collegt football trunk line highway M-6G. like picking a Bride at Palm Beach, the had the jof bills he had carried in his hip dence in Lowell, Mrs. Thomas game in the new Mirhigan A certain city in the northern : pocket. won to herself a multitude of stadium. This was the first big part of the state proposed a route whole pattern in sight, but hard to make a Mr. Layer said business seemed friends who admired her for the game many of the boys had ever which would beneflt said city at about through for the night, and excellence of her life and the attended and it furnished many the expense of Greenvillf, Helding choice. While We, at the store, were get- money he was closing up, with but one beauty of her character. Her thrills for them, as well as for and Lowell. light burning when he was ap- life was full of kindness and those who had gone on similar Hastings, practically assured ting the new merchandise ready for Our proached in an old Ford car by good works. For more than a occasions. of having M-Ofi extended to that • two fellows with bandana hand- year her health has been grad- The party numbered about fifty city, was also left out of the pic- Annual Fall One Cent Sale next Thursday, How often you have said this! And kerchiefs over their faces, who ually declining and friends and and left the Kiing Milling com- turc. how often you have heard other* say covered him with their revolvers loved ones have realized that her pany offices at seven-thirty, ar- That reliable information might Friday and Saturday, October 17, 18 and 19. it. ! And how many opportunities you and demanded "Money!" in muf- earthly life was drawing to a riving at Ann Arbor around be had, a delegation representing fled tones. close. Death came to her peace- eleven-thirty. After eating lunch the above mentioned towns wait- This year we offer the best selection of frems ; have missed by NOT having ready Layer said; "Go on! You'r fully early Monday morning at at the V. M. C. A. the boys were ed upon Governor Fred Green in fooling!" But the nearest one 'he home of her son in this vil- checked over and marched to the his office at 1-arising. moneymnni ! 'stepped closer, shook his gun at stadium. This was the Annual It was learned that consider- we have ever offered and at Money Saving [ Layer's breast and repeated Her maiden name was Lydia Boy Scout day at Michigan and able truth was connected with "Money!" in sepulchal tone. Jane Hoag. She was the daugh- one entire section of the stadium the rumor though the plans of the Prices, Two for the price of One plus One All these things should start you to Layer, who has been edging ter of L D. and Mercy Baker was reserved for Boy Scouts from northern city would probably around trying lo get the license Hoag, and was born December 12, all over the state. After the game, miscarry. Cent. This is not Palm Beach but every thinking how foolish it is to go on number decided lo lake no chanc- 1&>3 in Cannon township, Kent roll .call was taken and the scouts It has been proposed by the spending your money as fast as you es and at the demand gave up a county, Mich., one of six chil- were driven home, stopping at Stale Highway Department, that thing will be in sight. Come and see. We roll of bills and the bandit pair dren, two of whom survive her. Portland, where they were treat- a trunk line highway be estab- get it; and not have a Savings Account drove away. She was married to Lyndsey «1 lo a warm supper. The Boy lished which will shorten the give you the opportunity to save. The Bell Telephone central of- '*• I homas on October IS, 1882. Scout Organization and Troop route between Southern Michigan to draw on in case of emergency or fice was appealed to for help, and and ''ved in Cannon township committee wish to thank Mr. and the t'pper Peninsula, a popu- investment opportunity. Oflicers Fred Gramer, Gene Carr until 1891 when they moved to Charles Doyle for arranging this lar demand and a logical proced- and Deputy SherifT Leo Bowland Lowell, where she has since re- yearly event and the following ure. quickly responded. The Night sided. She was the mother of men for the use of their cars: E. Keferring to a map of Michi- Look's Drug Store Start A Savings Account With Us Watch returned to his beat and ,wo children, Mrs. Ethel Doyle, C. Foreman, Earl Dowling, Harry gan. Governor Green, drew a line One of the 10,000 Rexall Chain Drug 5fore$ 4% Interest and Safety for Your Savings • the street car line and hustled mourn the loss of one who meant north. picking up M-OG just south J down town just in time lo see much to them. THE FILIPINO COLLEGIANS. of Belding, then on to Greenville • two men get off of a street car on . -^rs- Thomas has been a life- -r, • .. and the north. City State Bank 0 l F,ll ,n • the line they had followed.^They I "8 member of the Methodist th ir , -P. o Collegians, with Members of the Kent County VM UU, , J:nabbed the pair, took them to po- Episcopal church and her enjoy- ^ »' 1 '"" BoaKoardt CommissioCommissu n who were pres- I Shot Guns Rifles I lice head-quarters, where they ment of this association ™ ZTSl a?.d' the representative ......from. , found the shooting irons and the cecded onh b> her love and care OI, ,!, •.? tempt the musi Lowell, questioned the advisabil- * stolen money. for JUT family. nJtiS'rh^hl tu ^ fl*r" "> of such a ^ange. though their + Ammunition The only help the Lowell offi- . Since the death of her husband objections were set aside. t cers had was that of a policeman I1" home has been with her son- L.. ;"Vr.S «an . fu - r naI That part of M-66 from M-lfi to + in + Our Motto-Service and Quality who accompanied them and their -law, T. M. Doyle and his sons .u zip and a ,)0ini jusl souih (,f Belding will Everything for the hunter—Winchester, un I U 1C prisoners to the police station. J|I 'he past few weeks. ILJ ? ? ? "f.^e j,t. returned Card Honey, lb. 22c; 5 lbs >1.00 Remington, Super X, Ajax Heavies and other Monarch Catsup, large bottle 21c compk well known Shot Shells. Grape Juice, large bottle 52c Calumet Baking Powder, 1 lb 21c Hunting Licenses Issued Here Smith's Flavorings, bottle 25c 3,000 Sheets Toilet Tissue 25c R. D. Stocking Zesto Mayonnaise Dressing, 21c or 5 for $1.00 guns and several Old Home sliced Bread forgotten fop many a day. , , »•<<»•<<< 11 •••••••••• The car belonged to Harley Legion Aux. Th( far1 lha f Beef, Pork, Veal, Lamb, Chickens, Hall, of Ionia, where they had dmmilijT"0 Can bc «" to Belding. follows a crooked = 1 Fresh and Salt Fish stolen it. U . /• r r f' r C,,UrM'' ^ th<> S«m* "ndi- ———1 Organized for , andieme clamor ^fo r muremore. !tiotionn mxN]W()U|d exist iff continued Try our Tea and Coffee The Grand Bapids Herald of Yon*'* ^ from Lowell to Hastings. October 4 has this: ^n"n8 10 Thc S!rand ,b<,ater must be conceded; the proposed I ear S VVOrR , soon. Two youths started out a week re-routing of M-G6 would not to W. J. Gibson's Cash Market ago to be "bad men." They The Legion Auxiliary held its any great extent lengthen the wore —t-i~slopped" short by'lh...er aslorm nit • . J I AUCTION OAL.COSALES,. distance necessary for Lowell The Market Where Your Children Get right arm of the law yesterday i,® .8 otlicers were elected: Thnrsdav October in to reach either of the two the Same Service You Do. when Judge Major L. Dunham in V V \ir ir0Pp at 1 o'clock Pastern time F1ovd c','cs mentioned, should they pre- v,ce r fcr ,0 trsiVe] eircuit court sentenced the two.
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