Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 8-16-1963 The Ledger and Times, August 16, 1963 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, August 16, 1963" (1963). The Ledger & Times. 4279. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/4279 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1T 15, 1963 Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper In The Afternoon 1---- ... , God Daily Newspaper el We For Murray arid Trust I Calloway County Lnited Press IN OUR ilith YEAR International Murray, Ky., Friday Afternoon, August 16, 1963 MURRAY POPULATION 10, 100 Vol. LXXXIV No, 194 Picnic Held In City 'School Expansion Program Is Park By Tractor 1More Loot Is° Maintenance Group BULLETIN Explained To Rotary Club MIAMI - A Venezuelan Found Today Red Withdrawal The 4-H 'Tractor Maintenance --- airliner with former dictator Mar- Project Group had a panic at the Fred Schultz was the speaker yes- City Park on Tuesday afternoon. cos terday at the regular Perez Jimenez aboard took oat meeting of august 13. This was sponsored by In Big Theft the Murray Rotary Club. He spoke the implement dealers which in- for Caracas today at 12:10 p. m. to the club on the proposed expan- From Cuba Would elude. The McKee] Equipment Co, dation program of (EST). 1:40 p. m. EDT);. the City School Stokes Tractor Co., Billingtora.For- 'system E S. Ferguson, in charge lee Tractor Co.. Hughes az Sons Tm- By MICHAEL CI AF FEY of the program, introduced &Ir. element Co.. Vincent Trsetor Co.. United Pre., International Schultz. 1. And the Standard Gil Agent. John No One Hurt In I()NOON ,1711. !!-- Police disclosed A shall history of the city school Parker, Aid Peace, Rusk sysOeni was reviewed 'hey have found more of the loot by Schultz as Craig Cellinun was presented with Auto Collision he pointed otiten In last weeks $7.1 million out that even in the a duffel bag for having the best 4-H -- - - latter part of 1800. nusil train robbery. seine of it from Murray was Tractor Book. „lohnnie Kelso had John M.chael Morganaof Hazel WASHINGTON 'let - Secretary tlement of the broad range of U. S. known as an two-middle aged sisters strong five educational center. 'he best Senior Record Book he was and Lally Rex Paschall. of Murray ofState Dean Rusk said today Rus- --Soviet disputes He told the {:ersons formally cherged in the club about the new °resented with a belt. Other mem- eou:e six had a collision on the sia could make a "very helpful con- "Worthwhile" To Explore teachers in the city case today. system this bers who received a belt for a re- Ola Jacl:sun Road about one mile tribution" to overall improvement But he said his talks with the year and how the high Ths totai Ono far recovered to- quality pro- cord book included: . weai of 641 'South yesterdey at 7:50 in U S.-Soviet relations by can- Russians have led him to believe lagrarn is being sustained. 'sled $647.000 with reports that po- Don Spiceland. Murray, Red.Rib- a. M. Morgan was driving a 1955 pletely withdrawing its military it is now -um-the:Me" to explore The rerhainder of lice were seeking an additional $1.5 his talk to the bon; Ronnie Garai]. Murray Red; Oldsmobile and Paschall a 1953 personnel from Cuba with the Soviets some isolated sub- Rotarians was on the need million buried on a farm near the for more Kerry Williams, New Concord. Red: Ford. jects; on which further agreements space in the city scene of the greatest robbsry in system. if the Jerry Chapman, Almo. Blue; Eddie No one was injured an the colli Charles Ahart Named Rusk did not anpear. however, to might be reached. quality educational history.. program is to be Chapman. Almo, White. Bobby Wil- non, however damage to both cars meke this a condition for East-West One of the mast hopeful of these. maintained He WOW District Head Two suitcases crammed with mon- pointed out that llama, New Concord, Blue Ribbon was incurred talks follow up the limited nu- he said worki appear to be station- when ey, believed to be about $280.000. school opens this fall. all the Ind. Craig Calhoun. Lynn Grove. clear -' ban treaty with other ing of observation were found in a forest near Dorking, teams at key rail available space in the system will Blue Ribbon let; VISIT MURRAY tension-casing agreements red Schulte south ef London. and highway junctions. airports and be utilized_ $ha rles E. "Ed" Ahart of Murray Earlier, police said Pat'E. Scott.Lynn Grove. White; Mr! and Mts. J D Story and i seaports to check for and give warn- The has been appointed District Man they had recovered about 1394.000 at - tcai time spent by a Citizen's Ad- Nelson Murdock, Lynn Grove. Red: daughter of Bowling Green art 'Flus a news conference he ing of military movements which visory ago- of the Hopkins-ville District. Bournemouth. and $5.600 in bank- had he Committee appointed by the 'Danny Chapman. Lynn Grove. Red; visaing his parents Mr. and Mrs. a. matter of Rums- might be preliminars to the start Weodinen of the World. notes elsewhere. Murray Board of Education, to study Fishing Still Good Henry Armstrong, Lynn Grove, .N. 0. Story of Murray. Mr. Story according sian troops in Cuba with Soviet of aggression. *the school .State !Olanager Buford Hurt. Ed As detectives moved swiftly and Foreign system, was reviewed by White: Kent McCuiston, New Con- is salesman for the National Cash Minister Andre:. Gromyko Rusk conceded that such observ- Mr. On Kentucky Lake has resided in Murray for the past secretly to track down the gang that during recent Schultz He told the club that cord, Blue Ribbon third, Danny Register Company in the Bowling lataseow test ban talks ers would not have much to do with the five years and has been a full time hijacked the Glasgow-London train and committee studied the problems Williams. New Concord. Red; Max Green district. The fatally will also expressed continuing U S con- warning of nuclear attack. But he FRANKFORT, Ky aft - De- repreeentative for the Woodmen for eight days ago, five persons were certi. of the system, the philosophy and Hughes, Farmington. Red; Johnny visit sa Kentucky Dam -Village State said he does not consider that con- partment of Fish and Wildlife Re; three years. Oropaat into court at Lindlade, four (BAR the objectives He explained how Kelso: Lynn Grove. Blue, Part. ventional armaments are "unun- sources reported Thursday tbat miles from the robbery scene at The secretary declined to say what monthly meetings were held to study portant" even in the nuclear age crappie, black bass and bluegal top Last year he received the "Out- Chedding ton. Gromyko's reply was or give any 00P the financial structure, to evaluate He said a -war might sell start with the het of fish most likely to be standnig Field Representative" a- All five were ordered held for indication whether he thought a the present educational program conventional forces moving first. caught in Kentucky waters this weal %Ouch is presented each year 6.another hearinc Aug. 24. When they reduction in Soviet troops on the and how it could be made better, Breckinridge Prepares Ruling The secretary said he did not in- appeared tod'us in the tiny CoMmunist island is a possibility. and such Items as projected en- weekend. to a repretaspoltive outstanding in court- room in the Linslade terpret the U. S. offer in Geneva rollment, and future needs various phasel of twill work. Among police station. of the Here is the lake-by-lake rundown: Rusk in his first news confer- today to accept such control posts system. other accomplishments. Ed has writ- !police said all denied the charges Kentucky -- Lake, ence the Moscow talks which as meaning agreement is imminent below the dam t)n Use Of Bible In Schools . ten business consecutively for over of complicity in the crime. •The Rotary Club was tola that --Catfishing is the best bet with brought agreement on the test ban, but only that it is a subject which two years, for a total of 126 con- But police reported one of the the committee endorsed a move to minnows said he does not foresee now pros- appears to be ready for further ex- and worms. White Mae secutive weeks of production. men. William Boal. 47. - raise funds threugh a 50e per $100 said at the pects of any "across-the-board" set- ploration. and crappie fishing is good with time :FIELD evaluation to carry out a remodeling Sy CAROLE M. MARTIN Bible might be introduced into the of PIN arrest: "I am silly to get spinners and minnows Some sauger Ed IS a native of Trigg county and construction program costing United Press Internadoml clawircom in a literature or history involved in this. I should have ii is being taken by casting deep run- ant 'has been working in that area. known better.' an estimated $1.171.000. course. He admits this point will ning lures. The water is clear. stable FRANKFORT. Ky. INT - Stale tioWever, he will now act as District' However, :ESE reglAre definite guide-lines and he the pollee said Bowl This question will be placed be- and 80 .
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