Molly Hatchet concert set by Peggy O'Neill A contract agreement was requirement that the band not arrive arises in the future. reached last we'ek between on the campus underthe influence of Pinder said last week that the representatives of the rock band alcohol or drugs aqd an agreement university's contract is unrealistic. Molly Hatchet and university that the band could be paid for their He said he. along with officials. finalizing plans for the performance up to thirty days after representatives from the other three group's scheduled performance at the show. University of Maryland campuses, the Fieldhouse Saturday night. either of these provisions w«e hope to change the contract if The resolution was reached included in the contract which the concerts featuring major artists are Wednesday when the university university signed last week. to continue to be held at the signed the band's contract after Beitel said that while the university's campuses. adding ten conditions. The revised university did agree last week to sign "It's great for local groups. but contract was then sent to the band's the agent's contract. se\'eral not bigger groups who are doing the agent. revisions were needed because it university a favor by performing." Jon Pinder. the SGAdirector of contained man~ "unreasonable" Pinder said. concerts. films.. and lectures. said reque ·ts. He . aid these requests Pinder also said that he has been that he recei\ed verbal verification included thar the band receive told by the university that "just of the contract from the agent on $1.000 in cash prior to the because they signed this contract Thursday. and expects the signed performance if the group's name was doesn't mean they will sign others." contract returned today. misspelled in a n~ advertisements or George Preisinger. director of The concert has been in the other publicit~ . campus activities. said Friday that planning since June. but a contract The contract also stated that the the students needed this concert to dispute arose in July when the university must provide cigarettes CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 Lee Beitel. Director of Business Services University of Maryland adopted a and alcohol for the band. Beitel said new standard state contract. that it would not be possible for the Lee Beitel, director of business university to provide alcohol and services. Informed Pinder several cigarettes to the band ",ith state weeks ago that the band would be funds. required to sign the university Beitel said he felt the agents acted contract. although revisions would in a very ~unprofessional way" be considered. because they did not lay down all the The band's agent then informed ' terms of the contract from the RetRieveR Pinder that he would not sign any beginning. <;ontract except one which he had Beitel said he feels the university's Volume 16, Number 6 Un/verslty of Maryland, Baltimore County drawn himself. contract is very effective for most of October 5, 1981 Pinder said there were several the artists that perform here. He stipulatiom in the university's ;tdded. however. that he will be contract which the agent would not willing to negotiate in the best agree to. which included a . interests of the university if the need Concerts draw mixed results by Ronald V. Rube & Denise Lee The SGA lost an estimated $2,000 Pinder said he does not expect the on the Jimmie Walker concert held low attendance to have an adverse in the Recital Hall Friday night. affect on future concerts at UMBC. Walker, a nationally known "Everything you do can't be a comedian. drew an estimated 75 to smashing success," said Pinder. 100 people. The performance by Denise Spence, a member of the activist and comedian Robin Tyler, Women's Union which co­ held the next evening in the sponsored the Saturday concert, Women's Gym, drew an estimated said she was pleased with the 350 people and sponsors of the show attendance at the Tyler show. "I estimate that they broke even. think we had a pretty decent turnout Jon Pinder, the SGA Director of considering the competition." Films, Lectures and Concerts said Spence said she was referring to the yesterday that the five dollar ticket SG A mixer which was held in the prices for the Walker concert may commuter cafeteria the same night. have had an effect on the "They set up 600 chairs. but 1 attendance. He said the SGA gave didn't expect that much," said out free tickets over WUM D, the Spence. campus radio station and over a Claudia Lieght, a member of the ?hoto by L Papineau Baltimore station when they realized New American Movement which that tickets sales were going slowly. also co-sponsered the concert, said Photo by G Swan He said the SGA also "went out and her organization did not expect a Robin Tyler Library sc.ulpture vandalized recruited in the dorms and stuff" in large showing. "It wasn't a big by Alan Feiler an attempt to boost attendance. turnout, but that wasn't what we A modern art sculpture, located week. "I don't know why people didn't were aiming for." Lieght said. "We Lieght said that people outside the outside the library, was vandalized Bill Wilkinson. director of the come." said Pinder. "The show was wanted to give the people the chance campus from as far as Frederick attended the performance. twice during the weekend of library, said he feels the occurence is great. " to experience the show." September 26. not typical of UMBC students and The metal sculpture, which is part • that anchoring the statue down will of an exhibit by artist David Hayes, prevent further vandalism. was found in the water by university "So'meone told me that it would Urban campus site shunned personnel Saturday morning. The take four people to lift it," artwork was returned to its original Wilkinson said. "Unless they were position but was again found in the intoxicated, in which it would take Underlying the question of UMBC: an evolution pond Sunday morning. only two." where the new university should be Third In a series The sculpture was not damaged Patricia Page. coordinator of located, the question of Baltimore and has since been anchored to the exhibitions at the library, said the City arises. Mayor Theodore ground to prevent further pieceisa"~orkofart"'- broughthere­ McKeldin's movement to have the revitalization program. vandalism. for the enjoyment of students and new campus in the city had a major Baltimore City'S urban renewal Greg Roepke, associate director the faculty... It is a shame incidents influence on the new school and agency offered to have a new site of public safety, said there are no like these happen," she said. that proposal deserves special cleared for a downtown campus by suspects and no leads in the Roepke said the incident was a attention. October 1965. Richard L Steiner, investigation of the incidents. "simple, illogical act of vandalism There were many critics to the agency director, stated on October Hayes was informed of the that could happen in any downtown site for the University's 2, 1963, "We could give them any having unreasonable expectations incidents when he arrived at the jurisdiction." new campus. Senator Pine site they wanted, provided it was for an urban campus. "The campus for a reception earlier this complained that there would be no presently a blighted area, and 1 campuses don't include golf space for parking, no room for would think we could offer them as courses and that sort of thing, we athletic fields nor any land for the much land as they would need." couldn' give them another College other facilities which . could be Steiner' did except some Park." On the Cover constructed in the county. He criticism of a city campus, but also The question of location was a states, "We're not planning for just stressed some positive aspects of key factor .in deciding a site and Jon Pinder, director of films lectures and concerts. presents the now, but for the next 40 years. an urban campus. "We would Mr. Steiner believed that an urban rock band Molly Hatchet. The band is scheduled to play this President Wilson Elkinsjust gave a knock ourselves out to make it campus would be accessible and to Saturday. Staff photographer Jefthro ':'all took th~_picture. flat "no" saying that the University successful," he commented. "'The \ more people than the proposed was not interested in havng a campus would be tremendous in county sites. "A university should "skyscrapper campus." the revitalization of downtown. be accessible to as many people as 'Inside The city still was very willing to Many cities · have downtown possible without driving Dorm leaks .... • . • . • • . • . • . • . • • . •• 3 accommodate a downtown campuses. Colubmia, Yale, automobiles and it is easier to get Retrievers on losing streak .•..............••...... - . • . .• 12 campus. Especially since it was Harvard, and the University of downtown than to any place also Public education assaulted ............. ___ .. _. ____ ........ 15 believed a downtown campus Pennsylvania are all downtown." in the area." would greatly aid Baltimore's He did, however, caution about CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 Dorm roof construction begins by Mary Paszek Con s t r u c t ion tor e p I ace· structure will be a completely Two rooms in Chesapeake Hall Chesapeake Hall's leaking roof waterproof five-ply hot pitch roof are closed due to extensive damage began Wednesday. The roof, which replacing the present asphalt roof done by the leakage. Some leaks has been leaking for several years, which is water-resistent.
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