25. Tribe GALEGEAE 山羊豆族 shan yang dou zu Xu Langran (徐朗然 Xu Lang-rang), Zhu Xiangyun (朱相云), Bao Bojian (包伯坚), Zhang Mingli (张明理), Sun Hang (孙航); Dietrich Podlech, Stanley L. Welsh, Hiroyoshi Ohashi, Kai Larsen, Anthony R. Brach Herbs or shrubs, with simple or T-shaped hairs; glands or glandular punctae sometimes present. Leaves epulvinate or pulvinus reduced, imparipinnate or paripinnate, with many opposite to irregularly arranged or rarely conjugate leaflets, rarely 1–3-foliolate; stipules free or adnate to petiole, estipellate. Flowers in axillary racemes, spikes, or rarely solitary. Calyx campanulate to tubular; standard clawed or narrowed to base; wings auriculate; keel blunt to apiculate. Stamens diadelphous, rarely monadelphous; anthers usually uniform, but slightly dimorphic and with confluent thecae in Glycyrrhiza. Ovary few to many ovuled (sometimes 1-seeded); style slender, bearded or not, with a terminal or lateral stigma. Legumes compressed, angled or inflated, sometimes with sutured margins intruded or longitudinally septate, occasionally torulose, dehiscent or indehiscent. Seeds oblong-reniform, estrophiolate. About 24 genera and 2900–3200 species: principally in Asia, Europe, and North America, but extending thinly in mountainous and/or drier places to S Africa, Australia, and temperate South America; 11 genera and 586 species (324 endemic, two introduced) in China. Galega officinalis Linnaeus (Sp. Pl. 2: 714. 1753), probably native to SW Asia (Caucasus), is cultivated in China. 1a. Style bearded, sometimes just a tuft of hairs below stigma on one side; wings and keel never interlocking (subtribe Coluteinae). 2a. Leaves reduced to scales; flowers solitary; legumes compressed ................................................................. 145. Eremosparton 2b. Leaves imparipinnate, 7–25-foliolate; flowers in racemes; legumes inflated. 3a. Flowers yellow; standard with 2 callosities above claw; shrubs ....................................................................... 143. Colutea 3b. Flowers red to violet, rarely yellow; standard without callosities above claw; shrubs or herbs. 4a. Plants with medifixed hairs; legumes inflated subglobose ............................................................... 144. Sphaerophysa 4b. Plants with basifixed hairs; legumes narrowly ellipsoid to ovoid ..................................................... 138. Phyllolobium 1b. Style glabrous, but stigma sometimes penicillate (sometimes inner side of style upper part hairy in Astragalus); wings and keel mostly interlocking with bosses on keel and matching sockets on wings (indistinct only in Gueldenstaedtia and Tibetia). 5a. Anther thecae confluent toward apex; leaves pulvinate, spirally arranged; some hairs glandular-peltate or -capitate (subtribe Glycyrrhizinae) ................................................................................................................ 148. Glycyrrhiza 5b. Anther thecae separate; leaf pulvinus reduced or absent; plants without peltate glandular hairs. 6a. Legume nerves oblique, closely parallel, raised at maturity, confluent toward placental margin; vexillary filament connate with others; keel petals not auriculate; leaflet nerves extending to margin (subtribe Galeginae) ............................................................................................................. Galega (see note above) 6b. Legume nerves transverse, confluent over middle part of valves, fine or inconspicuous; vexillary filament generally free; keel petals generally auriculate; leaflet nerves usually looped within margin or inconspicuous (subtribe Astragalinae). 7a. Calyx base usually oblique, upper side ± slightly gibbous; wings pinnately nerved; legume valves generally twisting on dehiscing. 8a. Stem obvious; stipules membranous, separated from petiole; calyx campanulate ......................... 142. Chesniella 8b. Stem abbreviated, plants appearing acaulescent; stipules herbaceous, adnate to petiole; calyx tubular ....................................................................................................................................... 141. Chesneya 7b. Calyx base symmetric or suboblique; wings usually palmately nerved; legume valves not twisting. 9a. Keel petals half as long as wings; style shorter than or as long as ovary. 10a. Style incurved; upper 2 calyx lobes free; seeds scrobiculate; stipules free and adnate to base of petiole ............................................................................................................. 146. Gueldenstaedtia 10b. Style curved in right angle; upper 2 calyx lobes connate; seeds smooth, marbled-spotted; stipules connate below apex and opposite to leaves ......................................... 147. Tibetia 9b. Keel petals subequal to or slightly shorter than wings; style longer than ovary. 11a. Keel petals obtuse; legume 1-locular or with a septum intruding from abaxial suture; leaflets ± symmetric ................................................................................................................ 139. Astragalus 11b. Keel petals apiculate; legume 1-locular or with a septum intruding from adaxial suture; leaflets basally ± oblique or, if narrow, falcately incurved ...................................................... 140. Oxytropis 138. PHYLLOLOBIUM Fischer in Sprengel, Novi Provent. 33. 1818. 膨果豆属 peng guo dou shu Xu Langran (徐朗然 Xu Lang-rang), Zhang Mingli (张明理); Dietrich Podlech Perennial herbs with mostly well-developed stems, with basifixed hairs. Stipules free from petiole and from each other, very 322 GALEGEAE 323 rarely shortly connate behind stem. Racemes several, with a distinct peduncle; bracts persistent. Bracteoles present or more rarely absent. Calyx campanulate. Standard wide, mostly suborbicular to transversely elliptic, with a very short claw, emarginate at apex; keel and wing petals not interlocking due to absence of bosses on keel and matching sockets on wings. Style with a brush of straight, rigid, short hairs just below glabrous stigma. Legumes 1-locular or incompletely to completely 2-locular. Twenty-two species: mostly in China, a small number in the Himalayas and one in Tajikistan; 21 species (17 endemic) in China. 1a. Plants with slender stems up to 90 cm, at least in lower 1/2 with long, horizontally spreading lateral branches; hairs slender, 0.1–0.4 mm .............................................................................................................................................. 8. P. eutrichus 1b. Stems mostly shorter, without horizontally spreading lateral branches, if sometimes as long as above, then with other kinds of hair. 2a. Plants in all parts covered with bladderlike, scalelike hairs up to 0.1 mm ................................................................ 4. P. chinense 2b. Plants at least at calyx with slender, longer, not bladderlike hairs. 3a. Petals yellow, rarely with violet-tipped keel. 4a. Plants 30–75 cm tall; calyx 7–12 mm, teeth 4–9 mm; keel as long as wings ............................................. 5. P. dolichochaete 4b. Plants 10–50 cm tall; calyx up to 10 mm, teeth up to 6 mm; keel longer than wings. 5a. Leaflets in 7–13 pairs, 5–16 × 1–4 mm, distinctly more than 2 × as long as wide; peduncles 3–11 cm ..... 9. P. flavovirens 5b. Leaflets in 4–10 pairs, 5–10 × 2.5–5 mm, ca. 2 × as long as wide; peduncles 1.5–4 cm ...................... 2. P. camptodontum 3b. Petals blue or violet, rarely yellow at base only. 6a. Plants at least in part with spreading hairs. 7a. Calyx 8–10 mm, white hairy, teeth 4.5–6 mm; standard 15–19 mm; legumes with a stipe ca. 5 mm, 25–30 mm, 2-locular .................................................................................................................. 21. P. turgidocarpum 7b. Calyx shorter, white and black hairy, teeth mostly shorter; standard 7–13 mm; legumes with a stipe up to 3 mm or subsessile, up to 20 mm, 1-locular. 8a. Leaflets 8–20 mm; bracts 8–10 mm; calyx 7–8 mm, with teeth 4–5 mm ..................................... 12. P. lineariauriferum 8b. Leaflets distinctly smaller; bracts at most up to 4 mm; calyx up to 6 mm with shorter teeth. 9a. Stipules 2.5–4.5 mm; leaflets 3–15 mm; bracts 1.5–4 mm; bracteoles 0.5–2 mm; calyx teeth 1.5–4 mm; legumes 5–6.5 mm high and wide ................................................................................... 20. P. tribulifolium 9b. Stipules up to 2.5 mm; leaflets 2–6 mm; bracts up to 2 mm; bracteoles mostly absent, if present, then ca. 0.3 mm (in P. milingense); calyx teeth up to 2.5 mm; legumes either much higher than wide or much wider than high. 10a. Stems with appressed hairs; leaflets loosely to rather densely hairy adaxially; bracts 1.5–2 mm; legumes 15–20 mm, 8–12 mm high, strongly compressed laterally, without beak ............ 10. P. heydei 10b. Stems with partly spreading hairs; leaflets glabrous to subglabrous adaxially; bracts 0.6–1 mm; legumes 10–15 mm, 2.5–3 mm high and 5–7 mm wide, with a short beak ................ 13. P. milingense 6b. Plants with appressed to ascending hairs only. 11a. Leaflets on both surfaces loosely to densely hairy. 12a. Stipules 2–3 mm; bracts 4–6 mm, with spreading hairs; calyx 7–8 mm, covered with spreading white and dark brown hairs ............................................................................................. 3. P. chapmanianum 12b. Stipules 4–7 mm; bracts 6–10 mm, with appressed to ascending hairs; calyx 9–10 mm, covered with appressed to ascending white and shorter black hairs ........................................................
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