EAA's New Building Is Dedicated Saturday, January 14 HE EXPERIMENTAL Aircraft Association's new In- Cheste . WellmanR r directoA EA ,d vice-presiden an r t T ternational Headquarters and the EAA Air Educa- of the Illinois Bank & Trust Co. at Rockford, 111., was the tion Museum were dedicated Saturday, Januar , 196714 y , master of ceremonies. wit impressivn ha e ceremony. SPEAKING DURIN e afternooth G n wer . GoverLt e - e culminatioth s Thi wa a sdrea f o nm that turned r Jac e . no StatOlsoth B kf Wisconsinf o eo n , Lcui>. B . into plans only four short years ago. When EAA was Casey, curator of the Smithsonian Institution's national formed back in 1953 no one even dared to dream that air and space museum at Washington, D.C.; Robert Bur- what took plac n Januaro e 4 woul1 y d eve e possibleb r . bick, chief of regulations and directives of the mainten- Through the desires of over 33,000 people to pro- ance division of the Federal Aviation Agency, Washing- mote aviation, educate themselves enhancd an , e statth e e ton, D.C.; Mayor Theodore Fadro e Cit th f Frank o yf wo - of the art of homebuilding of aircraft, the Experimental lin, Wis., and Thomas J. Jordan, director of the Wiscon- Aircraft Association wite constanth h t leadershie th f o p sin Aeronautics Commission. founder, Paul Poberezny s becomha , e outstandinth e g . GovLt . Olson presented Paul Poberezny wit ha cita - organization for the sport flyer in the entire free world. tion signed by Gov. Warren Knowles commending him s thereforIwa t e very fitting that distinguished peo- for "extraordinary effort n educatioi s - d safetex an n n i y shoule pl d e dedicatioassisth n i t f thio n s quarter million perimental aviation." dollar facility that has been completely paid for through The lieutenant governor also commented that the e carefuth l conservatio f fundo n s derived from dona- Associatio s helpeha n d give Wisconsi a reputation s a n tions by members, sales of publications, and donations being an air-minded state. by admirers of a group of people who did not seek gov- Arthur Kilps d buildinan , treasureA gEA comf o r - ernment assistance. mittee chairman, was recognized for the professional The program began with the posting of the colors by wor t intke planning pu thaoth e h t , securin f bidsgo d an , the color guard of the 128th Refueling Squadron of the solicitation of material and labor donations to keep down Wisconsin Air National Guard, after which the Rev. Fath- th e building costh f o t . r Johe n MacGillivray, chaplai e Royath f o ln Canadian Presentations were made to Willis Chomo and Aud- Air Force at Winnipeg, Canada, gave the invocation. rey Poberezny in recognition of the tremendous amount of work that thet inte supervisiopu yth o e conth - f o n struction of the huge building. Through their combined efforts many thousands of dollars were saved by acting as contractors for the EAA and by organizing and super- vising volunteer work parties. George Gruenberger, president of Chapter 18 of the Greater Milwaukee area, presented a check in the amount of $6,340.00 e chapteraiseth a receny b dn i r t fund drive. e furnishin th e mone r Th fo f y y o g wil pa e useb lo t d thfacilityw e ne office e d lobbth . an sf o y . Museuft 0 12 m y b buildin 5 27 e g Th wil e opeb l o t n e publith c from 8:30 A.M o 5:0t .0 P.M. Mondays through Saturdays. Starting in mid-March the Museum will be Lt. Governor Jack Olson was a guest e speakededicationth r fo r . ® ope Sundaysn o n . 4 FEBRUARY 1967 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA E STAT TH WISCONSIF EO N Executive Department C ITATION IN RECOGNITIO e extraordinarth f No y efforts displaye. PauMr l y b Pobereznyd , President- Ex , perimental Aircraft Association e promotioth n i , f no aviation education, flying safety and experimental aviation; an individual who has earned the right to wear the wings of a command pilot, the highest honor accorded an airman by the United States Air Force; an individual who in 1966 was designated as Fr. John McGillivray e Nationae Year"Piloth th y f b o "t l Pilots Associa- tion n individuaa ; l whose work with organizations e likWisconsith e r NationaAi n l a Guar s i d e securitr th ou r f fo o y l sourcal s f pridu o e o t e State and Nation; and a Wisconsin citizen who has earned an international reputation for his high standards of flying; I DO HEREBY officially commend Paul Pober- ezny of Hales Corners, Wisconsin, for channeling his enthusiasm and knowledge of flying into secur- g voluntarin y assistanc n constructioi e d operan n - o houst d preservA an e EA e e th atioexperi f o n - menta d antiquan l e aircrafto alsd od commenan , d him for his many contributions in compiling and maintaining a lasting history of these aircraft. EST TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand causean de Executiv th d e Privy Seal Paul Poberezny, EAA president, speaks to group. Also e Statoth f f Wisconsieo e affixedb o nt . Dont ea pictured here is Chet Wellman, master of ceremonies. the Capitol in the City of Madison this thir- r f JanuarteentLor o e ou yeay dth f ho da rn yi e thousanon d nine hundre d sixty-sevenan d . (Signed) WARRE . KNOWLENP S Governor . KT . Jordan, directo f Wisconsio r n State Aero- nautics Commission addresses the members. Lew Casey, curator of National Air Museum. Paul Poberezny receives check for the Museum from Chapter 18 officers, George Gruenberger, Clayton King, Dick Fink, Ron Scott and Bob Weaver. SPORT AVIATIOS N About 400 members and guests of EAA attended the dedicatio e Experimentath f no l Aircraft Associatior Ai n Education Museum on Saturday, January 14. Theodore Fadrow, e CitMayo f th Franklino y f o r , Wis. e memberspokth o t eguestsd an s . Bob Burbick presents awar o Bilt d l Chome. CHAPTERS PARTICIPAT WEBEN EI R VALLE FAIR YAI R The 1966 Weber Valley Air Fair in Utah, participated in jointly by Chap- ters 23 and 58 in Salt Lake City and Ogden respectively, saw the formal debut of two new aircraft. The first (1) was a beautiful modified D-model "Baby Ace", N-91273, buil Charley b t s Parkinson (EAA 15636 f Routo ) 2 e in St. Anthony, Idaho. Excellent workmanship is indisputable in this finely-finishe d standardol d . Every- thin s streamlinedi g e shith p d an , has a full electrical system. The other e Garneth wa) (2 sr D-260, N-270PJ, a "Senior Aero Sport" recently com- pleted by William Garner (EAA 5875) of 846 S. Bridge, also in St. Anthony, Idaho t I seem. o confort s m strictly with the original, even to the paint job. Pictured next to it is the "Sky- hopper" buil y Freb d Cort dan t Ros- e Lutzenhanth ) -n displa(3 O . s wa y Cassutt "Flying Dutchman", N-13D, complete except for cover, shown with builder Eldon T. Lutz (EAA 21663) of 962 N. Monroe in Ogden, Utah. (Photo Georgy sb e Bettridge) 6 FEBRUARY 1967.
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