MedCruise News Bringing the Med together September 2014 | Issue 45 he presenT ediTion of The newsleTTer MedCruise centre-stage at Seatrade coincides wiTh some key developmenTs Tin MedCruise. Our AssociaTion heads To Barcelona and The Med in Barcelona SeaTrade Med Cruise ConvenTion enjoying a furTher expansion of iTs membership; MedCruise members hosT over 27 million cruise passengers per year and 14,000 cruise calls. An acTive parTicipaTion and The biggesT MedCruise pavilion ever represenT The enThusiasm of our members To markeT some of The mosT impressive cruise porTs and desTinaTions. Meanwhile, along wiTh The major associaTions represenTing porTs in oTher parTs of Europe and beyond, we are aT The verge of announcing some imporTanT iniTiaTives To promoTe collecTively The inTeresTs of cruise porTs. MedCruise is also engaged in a sysTemaTic dialogue wiTh CLIA, The associaTion represenTing The clienTs of our membership, in order To idenTify besT ways of advancing cruises. Barcelona represenTs anoTher milesTone in The life of MedCruise, The associaTion will elecT iTs new PresidenT and Board of DirecTors To serve The AssociaTion unTil 2017. edCruise pavilion at the 2014 Malaga, Marseille, Mersin, Naples, Palamos, While I wish To Thank all our members for Seatrade Med marks the biggest Palermo/Messina, Piraeus, Portoferraio, The fruiTful collaboraTion over The Three years Mpresence of the Association Azores/Lisbon/Leixoes/Portimao (Portuguese of my Presidency, I am confidenT ThaT representing Med ports, biannual cruise Ports), Savona, Sete, Toulon-Var Provence, MedCruise will conTinue To be viTal for The event ever. Trieste, Tunisian Ports, Valletta, Venice. promoTion and The besT possible represenTaTion The pavilion, located at the centre of the These members hosting the largest stands of cruise porTs in The Med and iTs adjoining exhibition floor, will host 31 stands of more of all are: La Spezia at 50sq mtr, Livorno at seas for many years To come. than 40 exhibiting members, while a common 36sq mtr, Palamos at 32sq mtr, Toulon-Var While I wish To Thank all our members for area hosted by the MedCruise Secretariat provence at 28sq mtr, Balearic Islands at The fruiTful collaboraTion over The Three years will allow interaction of the cruise world 20sq mtr. of my Presidency - as well as Thanos and The with several of the members of MedCruise. At the eve of the exhibition MedCruise is currenT SecreTariaT for Their excellenT work in The list of stands include: Balearic Islands, also sponsoring the Seatrade Conference upgrading The work of The AssociaTion - I am Bari/Brindisi/Taranto (Apulian Ports), Speakers’ Dinner allowing more that 150 confidenT ThaT MedCruise will conTinue To be Cagliari, Cartagena, Civitavecchia, Corfu, person representing its membership, to enjoy viTal for The promoTion and The besT possible Cyprus Ports, Dubrovnik (Croatian Ports), interactions with prominent cruise lines represenTaTion of cruise porTs in The Med and French Riviera, Gibraltar, Heraklion/Souda, executives. iTs adjoining seas for many years To come. Igoumenitsa, Koper, La Spezia, Livorno, Stavros Hatzakos, MedCruise President IN THIS ISSUE Launching new MedCruise website Association News/People 1-3 edCruise celebraTes The launching MedCruise at Seatrade Med 1 of iTs new websiTe and inviTes The Launching new MedCruise website 1 Mcruise world To visiT iT aT Naples Shipping week 2014 2 www.medcruise.com. Sustainable Cruise Project 2 TargeTing a more user-friendly, aTTracTive Seatrade Winter Cruising Forum 2015 3 and accessible siTe, MedCruise redesigned iT Professional Development Course 2015 3 websiTe bring informaTion abouT iTs members Heading to elections 3 MedCruise diary 2014-15 3 To The fronT. The new websiTe has a modern inTerface Port facilities & Destination 4-15 and new feaTures, offering a rich experience To iTs visiTors. Enhances wiTh new Technologies and pracTices iT provides several opporTuniTies for inTeracTion. Read all you wanT To know abouT MedCruise porT members and associaTes aT www. medcruise.com www.medcruise.com Naples Shipping Week 2014 presenTed The work ThaT was successfully compleTed by MedCruise in The conTexT of The LIFE+ ProjecT on exisTing wasTe recepTion faciliTies in MedCruise PorTs. Aimilia also poinTed ouT The imporTance of EnvironmenTal ManagemenT for cruise porTs, nviTed by The organisers, Thanos Pallis, highlighTing ThaT The developmenT of The General SecreTary of MedCruise, delivered European cruise indusTry is a key pillar of The Ia keynoTe speech on ”Expanding in Blue GrowTh sTraTegy. She also highlighTed changing cruise Times: Where should a Med ThaT in collaboraTion wiTh cruise lines, porT focus?”. The inTervenTion Took place in The Medcruise porT members in The Med and iTs conTexT of The indusTrial days discussions. adjoining seas are acTively promoTing The The MedCruise SecreTary General focused susTainable pracTice and profile of cruise on regional developmenTs in differenT cruise acTiviTies. regions of The Med. Thanos provided a Several MedCruise members aTTended The comparaTive analysis of ITalian porTs and an Naples Shipping Week - wiTh speakers assessmenT of The poTenTial and opporTuniTies including Naples Cagliari, CiviTavecchia, creaTed by These Trends along wiTh Those Genoa, La Spezia, LevanTe, Lisboa, Venezia- emerging due To sTrucTural developmenTs in and have The opporTuniTy To discuss wiTh The secTor. The inTervenTion benefiTed by The aTTending cruise lines execuTives, The 2013 ediTion of The MedCruise STaTisTics reporT represenTaTive of The associaTion represenTing and The raw passenger and cruise calls daTa shipowners in Europe (ECSA), sTakeholders, provided by porTs in The MediTerranean and iTs and European and local policy makers - wiTh adjoining seas. The highlighT of NSW being The presence and In anoTher evenT held during The same week, inTervenTion of The IMO SecreTary General, Mr Aimilia PapachrisTou led MecCruise Koji Sekimizu. represenTaTion aT The Final Conference of SusTainable Cruise ProjecT. In her inTervenTion For more information contact: on "Involving offshore sTrucTures and orienTing Aimilia Papachristou The European legislaTion of The secTor”, Aimilia ([email protected]) Sustainable Cruise Project - Reduce, Re-use and Recycle usTainable Cruise, a piloT projecT The projecT, co-funded by The European boTTles of waTer in all sizes. By replacing dedicaTed To increasing wasTe Commission Through LIFE+, The program glass boTTles wiTh recyclable PET plasTic SmanagemenT efficiency on board cruise supporTing acTions in The environmenTal boTTles enables a reducTion in greenhouse ships, recenTly announced The findings of iTs field, was spread over 11 acTions enTrusTed gases of 50% of The life cycle of The boTTles, research spanning almosT Three years. To various parTners including: CosTa Cruises, leading To a reducTion of around 120g of RINA Services and MedCruise, The CO2 equivalenT less per day for each AssociaTion of MediTerranean cruise porTs. passenger. By replacing individual yoghurT Using CosTa Pacifica as a ‘piloT ship’, The poTs wiTh 1 liTre TeTrabriks, resulTed in projecT experimenTed wiTh managemenT almosT 6,500 poTs less per cruise. models and innovaTive Technologies ThaT BiowasTe on a ship The size of CosTa meeT The objecTives laid down by The Pacifica represenTs around 22% of The ToTal European WasTe Framework DirecTive, wasTe generaTed on board. This wasTe can which can be summarized in The so-called be disposed ashore or discharged aT sea if 3Rs: Reduce, Re-use and Recycle. ground To no larger Than 25mm. SusTainable In pracTice, sTarTing wiTh a deTailed Cruise focussed on Two proToTypes for analysis of The wasTe flows on board, The enhancing and commercialising The projecT parTners concenTraTed on Three Types biowasTe generaTed onboard including of wasTe and seT abouT To: building a Turbodryer by parTner VOMM 1) Recover The economic value of 1,700cu ImpianTi & Processi To TreaT biowasTe mTr of biodegradable wasTe per year, direcTly. ResulTs showed The drying process corresponding To around 90% of The wasTe does noT alTer The proTein and nuTriTional generaTed by CosTa Pacifica, 2) Define a properTies of The food Thus making iT a plan for reducing packaging by 30%, 3) poTenTial ‘finished’ producT ThaT in fuTure Define a plan for reducing paper by 40% may be resold and or re-used. The VOMM Packaging - Glass and plasTic boTTles, Turbodryer can also perform addiTional aluminium and conTainers represenT over processing, for example, on paper and PET 50% of The wasTe generaTed onboard. The plasTic. parTners concenTraTed Their aTTenTion on packaging which has a higher incidence for For more information contact: By resizing 126,000 Today daily printed programmes (from A3 to A4) during a six week The purposes of disposal. Each week The Aimilia Papachristou pilot, more than 127kg of paper was saved. ship loads 24,000 eiTher glass or plasTic ([email protected]) 2 Seatrade Winter Cruising Forum MedCruise will be participating at the 2015, Cartagena following events These have lead MedCruise To offer worldwide in 2014-15 iTs supporT To The 2015 SeaTrade WinTer Cruising Forum in CarTagena ThaT will 4th International Ports and bring TogeTher porTs, Tourism auThoriTies and oTher cruise indusTry sTakeholders Shipping Conference, 1-3 October, for an informaTive conference To discuss 2014, St. Petersburg sTraTegies for addiTional deploymenT of cruise vessels To The region. There will be a sTrong focus on The enTire MediTerranean and iTs adjoining seas,
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