See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227024325 Volcanism in Reverse and Strike-Slip Fault Settings Chapter · March 2010 DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-2737-5_9 CITATIONS READS 17 450 3 authors, including: Alessandro Tibaldi Federico Pasquaré Mariotto Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca Università degli Studi dell'Insubria 151 PUBLICATIONS 2,600 CITATIONS 57 PUBLICATIONS 349 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Federico Pasquaré Mariotto on 04 February 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. Volcanism in Reverse and Strike-Slip Fault Settings Alessandro Tibaldi, Federico Pasquarè, and Daniel Tormey Abstract Traditionally volcanism is thought to the volcano to the surface along the main faults, irre- require an extensional state of stress in the crust. This spective of the orientation of σ3. The petrology and review examines recent relevant data demonstrating geochemistry of lavas erupted in compressive stress that volcanism occurs also in compressional tectonic regimes indicate longer crustal residence times, and settings associated with reverse and strike-slip faulting. higher degrees of lower crustal and upper crustal melts Data describing the tectonic settings, structural analy- contributing to the evolving magmas when compared sis, analogue modelling, petrology, and geochemistry, to lavas from extensional stress regimes. Small vol- are integrated to provide a comprehensive presenta- umes of magma tend to rise to shallow crustal lev- tion of this topic. An increasing amount of field data els, and magma mixing is common in the compres- describes stratovolcanoes in areas of coeval reverse sional regimes. In detailed studies from the Andes faulting, and shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes, and and Anatolia, with geographic and temporal coverage monogenic edifices along strike-slip faults, whereas with which to compare compressional, transcurrent calderas are mostly associated with pull-apart struc- and extensional episodes in the same location, there tures in transcurrent regimes. Physically-scaled ana- do not appear to be changes to the mantle or crustal logue experiments simulate the propagation of magma source materials that constitute the magmas. Rather, in these settings, and taken together with data from as the stress regime becomes more compressional, subvolcanic magma bodies, they provide insight into the magma transport pathways become more diffuse, the magma paths followed from the crust to the sur- and the crustal residence time and crustal interaction face. In several transcurrent tectonic plate boundary increases. regions, volcanoes are aligned along both the strike- slip faults and along fractures normal to the local Keywords Compressional tectonics · Reverse faults · · · least principal stress (σ3). At subduction zones, intra- Strike-slip faults Volcanism Magma transport arc tectonics is frequently characterised by contrac- tion or transpression. In intra-plate tectonic settings, volcanism can develop in conjunction with reverse faults or strike slip faults. In most of these cases, magma appears to reach the surface along fractures Introduction striking parallel to the local σ1. In some cases, there is a direct geometric control by the substrate strike- Volcanism has been thought to require regional exten- slip or reverse fault: magma is transported beneath sional tectonics because this stress state favours magma upwelling along vertical fractures perpendicu- lar to the regional least principal stress (σ3) (Anderson, 1951; Cas and Wright, 1987; Watanabe et al., 1999, A. Tibaldi ( ) and references therein). Because the greatest principal Department of Geological Sciences and Geotechnologies, σ University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy stress ( 1) is horizontal in compressional settings, the e-mail: [email protected] resulting hydraulic fractures are horizontal (Hubbert S. Cloetingh, J. Negendank (eds.), New Frontiers in Integrated Solid Earth Sciences, International Year of Planet 315 Earth, DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-2737-5_9, © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010 316 A. Tibaldi et al. and Willis, 1957; Sibson, 2003) and therefore sills Cas and Wright, 1987). Based on field mapping of should form in compressional settings, without asso- plutonic rocks, it has been suggested that transpres- ciated surface volcanism. Based on these arguments, sional tectonics can be an efficient mechanism for many authors have concluded that volcanic activity moving magma through the lithosphere (Saint Blan- should be rare or absent in compressional settings (e.g. quat et al., 1998). More recently, Marcotte et al. (2005) Williams and McBirney, 1979; Glazner, 1991; Hamil- suggest that transpression can act as a mechanism for ton, 1995; Watanabe et al., 1999). However, active magma upwelling, but it results in the movement of volcanoes are common at rapidly convergent mar- only a small volume of magma to the surface. gins, which are under horizontal compression. A good Thus, there is growing evidence for volcanism in example is the Andean margin of South America which compressional settings, although the specific mecha- is actively shortening under a horizontal σ1, accord- nisms are still debated. It is timely to use this review ing to state of stress data and Global Positioning Sys- of the relevant data on volcanism in compressional set- tem measurements (Schafer and Dannapfel, 1994; Nor- tings, including strike-slip and reverse fault tectonics, abuena et al., 1998; Kendrick et al., 2001). Although to help focus the debate. The review is interdisciplinary there are local variations in crustal stress state along in considering structural analysis, petrologic and geo- the Andes and other compressional settings, some vol- chemical data, and results from scaled physical mod- canoes are clearly situated over zones of active com- els. The focus of this review is convergent margins and pression. In the present paper the term “compression” intra-plate volcanism; it does not address the relation- is related to the state of stress where σ1 is horizontal; ship between compressional tectonics and plutonism, this can produce contractional deformation (i.e. reverse which has been the focus of a great deal of recent stud- faulting) if σ3 is vertical, or transcurrent deformation ies (e.g. Olivier et al., 1999; Rosenberg, 2004; Wein- (strike-slip faulting) if σ3 is horizontal. berg et al., 2004, and references therein), nor does it To explain the occurrence of volcanism at con- address the relationship between strike-slip tectonics vergent margins, Nakamura (1977) proposed that and volcanism in ocean ridge or other divergent mar- the overall tectonics of the arcs should be strike- gin settings. slip instead of reverse. Although compression is the Understanding whether magma can reach the sur- simplified stress state of convergent margins, trans- face in a zone of regional compression is not only a pression and strike-slip faulting can initiate when con- leading edge matter of debate; there are also significant vergence is only 10% off of perpendicular (Fitch, 1972; implications to the mitigation of natural hazards and McCaffrey, 1992; Busby and Bassett, 2007). A tran- to natural resources development. The evaluation of scurrent regime would allow magma to ascend through volcanic and seismic hazards involves the reconstruc- vertical dykes parallel to the direction of σ1 (Nakamura tion of the structural architecture and the stress state and Uyeda, 1980). This idea is consistent with numeri- of the volcano and the surrounding basement. More- cal models of Hill (1977) and Shaw (1980) that suggest over, when conducting hydrogeologic and geothermal composite systems of tensional and shear fractures for resource evaluations in volcanic areas, it is crucial to dyke propagation, and it is also consistent with field understand the state of stress in the crust. data (e.g. Tibaldi and Romero-Leon, 2000; Pasquarè and Tibaldi, 2003; Lara et al., 2006) and geophysical data (Roman et al., 2004). In some strike-slip fault set- tings, volcanism has been associated with local dila- Reverse Fault Tectonics and Volcanism tion occurring at releasing bends and pull-apart basins (Pasquarè et al., 1988; Petrinovic et al., 2006; Busby and Bassett, 2007). Field Examples A true contractional tectonic environment with reverse faulting has been considered a highly This section summarizes data for active volcanoes unfavourable setting for volcanism (Cas and Wright, whose tectonic settings have a demonstrated correla- 1987; Williams and McBirney, 1979; Glazner, 1991; tion between reverse faults and volcanism. In conduct- Hamilton, 1995; Watanabe et al., 1999); rather, intru- ing our survey of the literature, we distinguish a true sive emplacement of plutonic rocks is expected (e.g. regional contractional tectonic environment with that Volcanism in Reverse and Strike-Slip Fault Settings 317 derived from local compressional deformation result- during crustal contraction caused by oblique conver- ing from gravitational spreading of substrata under the gence. This compressional stress state was expressed volcano load, such as at Socompa in Chile (van Wyk in reverse faults and transpressional faults. These de Vries et al., 2001). In some cases the temporal coin- authors indicate
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