Copyright #ERS Journals Ltd 2002 Eur Respir J 2002; 19: 387–389 European Respiratory Journal DOI: 10.1183/09031936.02.00281402 ISSN 0903-1936 Printed in UK – all rights reserved EDITORIAL Legionella spp. in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: what is the evidence? S. Ewig Acute exacerbations are a frequent complication pathogens of acute exacerbations of COPD and during the clinical course of chronic obstructive should antimicrobial treatment regimens, targeted pulmonary disease (COPD). A recent monograph against these pathogens be designed? dealing with COPD exacerbations demonstrated Up to now, Legionella spp. have not been reported that virtually all issues related to the management of to form part of the microbial patterns of acute acute exacerbations remain unsettled and contro- exacerbations. This may simply reflect the principal versial, including the definition, aetiology, microbial methodological problems of diagnosing such infec- patterns, and antimicrobial treatment of this con- tions. Legionella spp. can only rarely be cultured from dition [1]. This is of particular concern in view of the sputum, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid is usually high burden of this complication on public health not suitable in COPD patients with acute exacer- resources. bations. In fact, performing bronchoalveolar may With regards to microbial patterns and their pos- prove harmful in these patients. Antigen detection, sible involvement in the aetiology of acute exacer- although highly specific and sensitive, exclusively bations, it is a common view that Haemophilus covers infections by Legionella pneumophila sero- influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Moraxella group 1. A paired serum for serology is only rarely catarrhalis are the leading pathogens. Viruses have obtained, mainly because hospitalization is not usually also been shown to cause acute exacerbations, fre- required forw2 weeks. Moreover, usual serology only quently working as copathogens together with bact- covers Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1. Using this erial pathogens [2–4]. Only recently, important approach, LIEBERMANN et al. [13] would only have extensions of this concept have been provided. Firstly, detected Legionella infections in 4% of cases. Thus, evidence has grown that microbial patterns may move the study confirmed that a vigorous search usually towards an increasing incidence of Gram-negative results in unexpected findings. In fact, they provided enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in much indirect evidence that these findings are truely more advanced stages of COPD [5]. Similar observa- valid. tions were made in severe exacerbations requiring Legionellosis is known to cause not only pneu- ventilatory support [6, 7]. Secondly, several studies monia but also an acute illness, that of Pontiac fever. found evidence of Chlamydia pneumoniae playing a Fever and chills associated with myalgia, malaise, and role as a pathogen or copathogen in acute exacerba- headache are the leading symptoms. The symptoms tions [7–10]. Finally, new challenges emerge from develop progressively. A dry cough may occur as well drug-resistant micro-organisms [11]. Overall, bacterial as minor respiratory symptoms such as sore throat, pathogens were found to be present in approximately coryza, and sore eyes. In addition, neurological sym- 50%, and atypical bacterial and viral pathogens in an ptoms have been reported [14]. These clinical features additional 25% of cases. The presumptive aetiology in of Pontiac fever are compatible with those described the remaining 25% of cases remained unclear [12]. in the report here. No patient had an abrupt onset of In this issue of the European Respiratory Journal, exacerbation, and all systemic symptoms were more LIEBERMAN et al. [13] present data on a large popu- prevalent in patients with evidence of Legionella lation, hospitalized with acute exacerbations of infections, however due to the limited number of COPD, which provides evidence for the first time for patients studied the difference was only significant Legionella spp. infection as a potential underlying for myalgia/arthralgia. Thus, there is considerable pathogen in as many as 16.7% of cases [13]. These evidence that the group seroconverted for Legionella pathogens were detected serologically by an indirect spp. truely forms a clinically distinguishable group immunofluorescence method using an in-house kit of its own. and applying strict criteria of seroconversion in paired Conversely, serology as an indirect diagnostic tool samples. What is the meaning of these findings: should does not provide irrefutable evidence for the involve- Legionella spp. be included in the list of potential ment of a microbial pathogen. This is particularly true for an in-house kit which is not externally vali- Dept of Internal Medicine, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. dated. Nevertheless, there are several hints which Correspondence: S. Ewig, Medizinischen Universita¨ts-Poliklinik point at the validity of the serological kits as explained Bonn, Wilhelmstraße 35, 53111 Bonn. Fax: 49 2282872112. by LIEBERMAN et al. [13] in the discussion. One of the E-mail: [email protected] most important is the low rate of false-positive results 388 S. EWIG in the control group. The rate of 3% compares involved in the aetiology of acute exacerbations of favourably to serological studies of Chlaymdia pneu- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. However, the moniae in COPD and asthma [15, 16]. study awaits confirmation from future studies. The The rate of 16.7% of infections with Legionella spp. true impact of these pathogens in terms of incidence seems to be excessive. In fact, LIEBERMAN et al. [13] and outcome still remains uncertain. It must be cannot exclude the presence of possible epidemic assessed with priority, including diverse populations outbreaks during the study period. However, the at risk. In the meantime, unless there is evidence of a diversity of Legionella spp. identified argues against local epidemic outbreak of Legionellosis, there is no the presence of such a confounder. Again, the docu- reason to include Legionella spp. as an additional mented figure is comparable to those figures reported target in any empirical antimicrobial strategy. for Chlamydia pneumoniae [7–10]. Overall 65% of patients with seroconversion for Legionella spp. had evidence for an additional patho- References gen, including seroconversion for viruses, bacterial isolates in culture, and, Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Dual 1. Anonymous. 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Chlamydia pneumoniae, strain TWAR, bial resistance, the use of fluoroquinolones should infection in patients with chronic obstructive pulmo-
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