d544705 Index.qxd 4/9/04 9:00 AM Page 331 Index Anna Hazzard Tent House Arts Alive (Ocean City), A AA (American Automo- (Rehoboth), 254 25, 268 bile Association), 55 Annapolis, 1, 110–133 Artscape (Baltimore), 25 Aberdeen Ironbirds, 14 accommodations, 113–119 Arundel Mills, 104 Academy Art Museum area codes, 112 Assateague Island National (Easton), 151 car rentals, 112 Seashore, 5, 236, 283–288 Accommodations, 5, 8, 33, Frommer’s favorite Assawoman Wildlife Area, 42–44 experiences, 124 263 African Americans historic buildings, 127 ATMs (automated teller Annapolis walking tours, layout of, 111 machines), 21–22, 51 128 nightlife, 132–133 Autumn Glory Festival Baltimore cultural tours, 97 organized tours and (Oakland), 26, 223 Banneker-Douglass cruises, 128–129 Avalon Theatre (Easton), 151 Museum (Annapolis), orientation, 110–111 2, 124 outdoor activities, Great Blacks in Wax 129–130 B aker Park Bandshell Museum (Baltimore), 96 parking, 112 (Frederick), 195 Harpers Ferry (WV) restaurants, 120–123 Baldwin’s Book Barn (West National Historical Site, shopping, 9, 130–132 Chester, PA), 313 199–200 sights and attractions, Ballooning, 234 Harriet Tubman Museum 2, 123–128 Baltimore, 59–109 and Educational Center special events and accommodations, (Cambridge), 168 festivals, 24, 26 65–73 The Kunta Kinte-Alex Haley taxes, 113 Arena Players (Baltimore), Memorial (Annapolis), transportation, 111–112 109 2, 126 visitor information, 111 arriving in, 59–60 Kunta Kinte Celebration Annapolis Harbour Center, attractions, 2, 85–97 (Annapolis), 26 131 Canton, 62 Reginald F. Lewis Museum Annapolis Heritage Antiques restaurant, 81 of African American Show, 24 car rentals, 63 History and Culture Annapolis Sailboat Show, 12 emergencies, 64 (Baltimore), 2 Annapolis Summer Garden Fells Point, 62 Airfares, 32–33, 37–38, 53 Theatre, 133 accommodations, Airlines, 36, 37, 41–42, 52–53 Annmarie Garden on St. John 70–72 Air Mobility Command (Solomons), 138 attractions, 89–91 Museum (Dover), 3, 327 Antietam Creek, 198 nightlife, 106, 108 Airports, 38 Antietam National Battle- restaurants, 79–81 Airport security, 36–37 field, 188, 197–198 shopping, 101 AlleganyCOPYRIGHTED Arts Council Antique Row (Baltimore), MATERIALtours, 97 (Cumberland), 222 9, 103 gay and lesbian scene, 107 Allegany County, 210–212, Antiques and collectibles Hampden, 62 218 Annapolis, 24 shopping, 100 American Visionary Art Baltimore, 100, 103 Harbor East, 62 Museum (Baltimore), 2, 85 Berlin, 290 Harbor Pass, 86 Amstel House (New Frederick, 194 hospitals, 65 Castle), 318 Lewes, 242 Inner Harbor, 60, 62 André Harvey Studio at New Castle, 319 accommodations, Breck’s Mill (Greenville), New Market, 203–204 66–70 313 Route 15, 207 attractions, 85–89 Angels in the Architecture Appalachian Trail, 194, restaurants, 73–77 (Frederick), 192 200, 205 shopping, 100 d544705 Index.qxd 4/9/04 9:00 AM Page 332 332 INDEX Baltimore (cont.) Baltimore Symphony Billy Goat Trail, 194 Little Italy, 62 Orchestra, 109 Birding restaurants, 77–78 Baltimore-Washington Inter- best places for, 11 Mount Vernon/Charles national Airport (BWI), 36 Blackwater National Street, 62 Baltimore Waterfront Wildlife Refuge (near attractions, 93–95 Festival, 24 Cambridge), 168–170 restaurants, 81–83 Baltimore Zoo, 95–96 Bombay Hook, 329–330 shopping, 102 Banneker-Douglass Museum Cambridge area, 170 tours, 97 (Annapolis), 2, 124 Chestertown, 174 Mount Washington, 62 Barbara Fritchie House Cylburn Arboretum restaurants, 84–85 (Frederick), 2 (Baltimore), 99 shopping, 102–103 Barton, Clara, Home (Glen Easton, 146–147 neighborhoods, 60–62 Echo), 134 Fenwick Island, 263 nightlife, 104–109 Baseball, 14 Lewes, 243 north of downtown Baltimore, 98–99 Blackwater National Wildlife accommodations, Frederick, 194 Refuge, 11, 168–170 72–73 Wilmington, 303 Bloody Lane (Antietam), 198 attractions, 95–97 Basignani Winery Blue Rocks (Wilmington), 303 restaurants, 83–84 (Sparks), 18 Boast the Coast (Lewes), 238 parks, 99–100 Basilica of the Assumption Boat rentals and charters. performing arts, 108–109 of the Blessed Virgin Mary See also Fishing post office, 65 (Baltimore), 93 Annapolis, 130 restaurants, 73–85 Battle Creek Cypress Swamp Assateague Island, 286 safety, 65 Sanctuary (Prince Baltimore, 99 shopping, 9, 100–104 Frederick), 138–139 Chestertown, 175 special events, 24–27 Bay Bridge, 10 Deep Creek Lake, 224 sports and outdoor restaurants near, 148–149 Rock Hall, 177 activities, 98–100 Bay Bridge Walk, 25 Tilghman Island, 160 tours and cruises, 97 Beaches Boat tours and cruises transit information, 65 Delaware, 233–234 Annapolis, 124, 129–130 transportation, 63–64 Maryland, 236–237 Baltimore, 98 visitor information, 60, 65 Bear Claw tubing park Cambridge, 171 what’s new in, 1, 2 (Wisp), 226 Chesapeake City, 179 Baltimore and Annapolis Bellevue State Park Ocean City, 279 Trail, 129 (Wilmington), 304 Point Lookout, 143 Baltimore and Ohio (B&O) Berlin, 288–290 Rock Hall, 175 Railroad Museum (Balti- Berrywine St. Michaels, 156 more), 2, 91–92 Plantations/Linganore Smith Island, 182–183 Baltimore and Ohio (B&O) Cellars (Mount Airy), 18 Solomons, 138 Railroad Station Bethany Beach, 234, 256–263 Tilghman Island, 160 (Oakland), 228 Bethany Beach Boardwalk Bombay Hook National Baltimore Arena, 104 Arts Festival, 26 Wildlife Refuge, 11, Baltimore Bayhawks, 99 Bethany Beach Country 329–330 Baltimore Blast, 99 Club, 262 Books, recommended, 45 Baltimore Book Festival, 26 Big Run State Park, 212, 214 Boordy Vineyards (Hydes), 18 Baltimore Brewing Company, Big Savage Trail, 10 Bowie Baysox, 14 106 Biking and mountain biking Brandywine Battlefield Baltimore Civil War Annapolis, 129 (Chadds Ford, PA), 313 Museum, 89 Assateague Island, 287 Brandywine River Museum Baltimore Maritime Bethany and Fenwick (Chadds Ford, PA), 313–314 Museum, 85–86 Island, 263 Brandywine Valley, 10, 20, Baltimore Museum of Art Cambridge area, 170 21, 308–317 (BMA), 95 Frederick, 194 Brannock Maritime Museum Baltimore Museum of Garrett County, 214, 216 (Cambridge), 167 Industry, 86 Lewes, 242–243 Brick Chapel (St. Mary’s Baltimore Opera Ocean City, 278 City), 142 Company, 109 Rehoboth, 255–256 Broadford Lake, 214 Baltimore Orioles, 14, 98–99 St. Michaels, 156 Broadkill Canoe and Kayak Baltimore Orioles Museum, southern Delaware, Race, 3, 238 15, 91 234–235 Brookside Gardens Baltimore Ravens, 99 Tilghman Island, 160 (Wheaton), 134 d544705 Index.qxd 4/9/04 9:00 AM Page 333 INDEX 333 Brown, John, Museum Cape Henlopen, 243 Gettysburg (PA) National (Harpers Ferry, WV), 200 Cape Henlopen State Park, Military Park, 201–204 Business hours, 46, 55 12–13, 233, 235, 236, USS Constellation Bus travel, 39, 42, 54 238, 243 (Baltimore), 89 Butterfly watching, 11 Cape May-Lewes Ferry, 39 Civil War Trails, 196 Chestertown, 174 Capital Beltway, 133–135 Clamming, 287 BWI (Baltimore-Washington Car rentals, 33 Coast Day (Lewes), 238 International Airport), 36 Carroll, Charles, House Colonial Players Theater (Annapolis), 124 (Annapolis), 133 Carroll Creek Linear Park Columbia Festival of the C alendar of events, (Frederick), 192 Arts, 25 24–27 Car travel, 38, 39, 41, 54 Commissioning Week Calvert Cliffs State Park, Casselman River, 11, 215 (Annapolis), 123 10, 139 Casselman River Bridge Community and Trail Day Calvert County, outdoor (Grantsville), 227 (St. Mary’s City), 142 activities in, 138–141 Castle Haven School House Community Bridge Calvert Marine Museum (near Cambridge), 168 (Frederick), 192 (Solomons), 2, 138 Catoctin Colorfest Constellation, USS Calvin B. Taylor House (Thurmont), 26, 186 (Baltimore), 89 Museum (Berlin), 290 Catoctin Iron Furnace, 204 Consulates, 55 Cambridge, 145, 164–171 Catoctin Mountain Orchard, Contemporary Museum Camden Yards, Oriole Park at 207–208 (Baltimore), 93 (Baltimore), 5, 14, 92, 99 Catoctin Mountain Park, Country Museum Store (near Camping 194, 204 Cambridge), 168 Allegany County, 210, 212 Catoctin Winery Courthouse (Chestertown), Assateague Island, (Brookeville), 19 173 287–288 Cellphones, 35 Crabbing, 5, 11, 160, 170, best places for, 12–13 Center Stage (Baltimore), 286 Cape Henlopen, 236 108 Cranesville Swamp Nature Deep Creek Lake, 224 Central Delaware, 20 Preserve, 214–215 Garrett County, 212–214 Chaddsford Winery, 314 Creative Alliance Lewes, 243 The Charles (Baltimore), (Baltimore), 89–90 Point Lookout State Park, 107–108 Credit cards, 23, 51–52 143 Chase-Lloyd House Crisfield, 145, 179–183 Canal Place: Chesapeake & (Annapolis), 124, 126 Crisfield Heritage Trolley Ohio Canal National Chesapeake Bay Boat Show Tour, 181 Historical Park, 217 (Baltimore), 24 Crisfield Historical Museum, C&D (Chesapeake and Chesapeake Bay Maritime 181 Delaware) Canal Bridge, Museum (St. Michaels), Cross-country skiing, 213, 177 152, 155–156 216, 225 C&D (Chesapeake and Chesapeake Beach, Cross Keys (Baltimore), 101 Delaware) Canal Museum 137–138, 140 Cumberland, 24, 216–222 (Chesapeake City), 13, Chesapeake City, 177–179 Cumberland Theatre, 222 178, 179 Chestertown, 15, 145, Cunningham Falls State Park, C&O (Chesapeake and Ohio) 171–175 194, 204 Canal, 200, 210, 217 Chestertown Tea Party, Currency, 51 C&O (Chesapeake and Ohio) 25, 172 Customs clearance, 53 Canalfest (Cumberland), Chincoteague Island, Customs regulations, 49–50 217 284, 286 Cylburn Arboretum C&O (Chesapeake and Ohio) Christmas in Odessa, (Baltimore), 99–100 Canal Museum at Great 322, 330 Falls of the Potomac Church of the Presidents, (Potomac), 134–135 Oakland, 228 D ance clubs, Baltimore, C&O (Chesapeake and Ohio) City Dock (Annapolis), 105 Canal Paw Paw Tunnel 123, 130 Dan’s Mountain, 210 (near Cumberland), 218
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