Three Charities Offices »p e n d $ 1,110,300 Member of Audit Bureau of Cireulatiom Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press .Society, Inc., 19B7— Permission to Reproduce, Except on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue 30th Annual Report Records Growth D»IVERCATHaiC $835,642 Provided By Church Groups By Jack Heker REGISTER Recording an “ ascending scale of services midered,” tlie 30th annual report of Catholic VOL. Lll. No. 39. THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1957 DENVER, COLORADO Charities in the Denver Archdiocese noted that in 1956 a total o f $1,110,300 TET PRECISIOW FLYER was expended by the offices in Denver, CoJorado Springs, and Fort Collins. Catholic Actionist Gets In bis foreword to the report, Archbishap Urban J. Vehr re­ marked that o f the total ex­ p Top USAF Pilot Rating pend^ $835,642.13 came from archdiocesao sources and $274,- Major Arthur (Ranger) Curran, prominent as 658.30 cacne from Commuiiicy both a Catholic Actionist and as a member o f the Colo­ Chests in the three cities men­ rado Air National Guard’s jet precision flying team, tioned. received the highest pilot rating o f the TJ. S. Air Force Accoidiag to the Archbishop, this week. a mere statistical array o f fans The officer, who lives in does not adequately express the Blessed Sacrament Parish, Den­ charitable devotion and zeal of ver, received the rsting of com­ the sisters and our self-sacrific­ mand pilot. A member of the Air Guard’s Minute Men, he ing laymen and women who are becomes the only command pilot giving thousands o f hours of flying on an “aerojet” team. service to the less fortunate and Curran has been stationed in needy." Denver since 1951, first as com­ manding officer of the F-80 Jet CrreotesI /(em Support Squadron at Lowry Air munity Chest; Walter Koch, president of the Force Base and now as air ad­ In time and effort the charity Catholic Charities new United Fund; and Monsignor Elmer J. viser with the 120tb Fighter work performed is incakulable. Kolka, director of Catholic Charities. Join United Fund Agencies which entered the new single-fund Interceptor Squadron of the Air By a monetary measure the campaign organization with the Catholic Chari­ Guard at Buckley Naval Air greatest expenditure was in hos­ the format signing of memberahltj) papers of ties include the Ave Maria Clinics, the Infant Station. Catholic Charities in the Blile H i(^ United pital and healtli service, where of Prague Nursery, the Denver Deanery Com­ Distance Flight Record Fund May 3, by affixing the official seal. From 4-.V the total of $595,786 included munity Centers, St. Clara’a Orphanage, JKt. St. He holds the record for non­ left to right are, front row, Archbishop Urban Vincent's Home for Boys, Queen of Heaven stop flight of an F-80 Shooting $324573 given in free care by J. Vehr and Joseph Casados; standing. Kenneth Orphanage, and the Convent of the Good Shep­ Star jet. having flown from • ! 5-V • . ' the eight Catholic hospitals of Miller, executive director of the Denver Com­ herd. Anchorage. A la^ a, to Edmon­ the archdiocese. ton. Alta., Canada, a distance of 1,600 miles, in one hop. Curran In the hospitals 136 sisters UNIVERSITY'S FUTURE DISCUSSED holds the Distin^ished Flying 'Rnmli Riircf * * spectacular aerial effect performed by ;ave consecrated service to the , DUIIIU D U I9 I, (Joiojjdo Air National Guard Minute Cross and the Air Medal with sick and provided 9i885 days 10 oak leaf clusters. He flew 66 Men, is shown here. The group performs this and other sensa­ tional feats at air shows throughout the United States. Among of free care and 33,888 days of N otre D am e O fficial Foresees Lim it Mtj. ‘RaBi«r’ Cnrran combat miuions over Europe in World War II and shot down the members of the Minute Men is Msj. Arthur (Ranger) Cur­ part-pay care. The total o f pa­ three enemy planes. ran. a member of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Denver. tients cared for was 77593, and 4 M ORE SCHOOLS C a r r s D and hJa wife, Celie, the average daily patient atieod- O n Q uantity, W ith Stress on Q uality IN TWO YEARS a coBvart — parenti ol six St. Catherine ParLsliioner ance was 1,079. childran — b a I o n' f to the fo r childrens services there Bv Fra.vk McCarthy tions from devoted alumni, also students. 'The vice president Chrittian Family Mevamant goes a long way to aid in the posed the questioh: of Blciied Sacrament Per- Union was a total donation of $394,- Can the Uoiveraity of support ol the uitiveraity. “Shall we double the size of New Directory iih and to the Denver Cana Holy Name Elects 059 by the Charities office, and Notre Dame compete with Although application* for our university for a 100-per­ Croup. He it frequently for family services a total of public education in the fu­ anrollment have not incraaiad cent increase?” This, he aaid, called on to addrcit ttudentt ture? to any great extent. Father would mean "doubling the size Shows Growth on the vocation to the mar- Attorney Robert Keating $53591. For affiliated societies This was the long-range prob­ Joyce laid, “ within the next of the physical plant It would riad life end on militery ca- and for youth work, including lem cited by the Rev. Edmund 10 year* there will be at cost from $50,000,000 to $60,- reart. the Denver Deanery Community P. Joyce, C.S.C., executive vice leait 75 to 100 par cent 000,000. Another problem would The staunch Catholic couple Robert R. Keating, Denver Denver and groups from Gree­ attorney and member of St. ley. Longmont, mud Golden at- Centers, Inc., and the USO- president of the university, more. Tbi* we know.” be developing a faculty to take were faced eight years ago with Notre Dame now has 5.800 (Turn lo Page » — C o lu m n 7 ) Of Archdiocese Catherine’s Parish, was elected tended the final meeting be­ NCCS, there was a total ex- when he spoke May 1 to the a doctor's “positive” assertion Denver Notre Dame alumni at The steady progress of that .Mrs. Curran would die un­ Eresident o f the Archdiocesan fore the summer receae. The pendinire o f $66,561. ioly Name Union at the quar­ next quarterly rally will be the annual observance of Uni­ WAS PIONEER BUILDER the Church in the Denver less she underwent an abortion. versal Notre Dame Night in the The couple refused to allow the terly meeting in Blessed Sacra­ held at S t Elizabefli's Church, Aid 770 Children Archdiocese is recorded in ment School hall May 1. Previ­ Denver, on Wednesday, Sept Columbine Country Club. abortiw: a healthy baby— In their vigorous child wel­ the new Telephone Direc­ ously he served on the six-man 25. The state universities heve e Ranger— was bora to them; fare program Catholic Charities tory of Clergy, Churches, Mrs. Curran recovered from consultor hoard of the AHNU. To Appoint CoBiullorx decided monetary advantage First Priest Ordained and Institutions that has been T B : and two more children have Other officers ere J. Enunett Mr. Keating aaid eix consul- cared for 770 diildren, 585 in over Notre Dame, Father Joyce released for the archdiocese been born to the couple lince Goggin, Blessed Sacrament to n will be appointed within institutions and 187 in foscef observed, since they receive fi­ the next few weeks. Meetings nancial support from their state with the compliments of the then. families. For Work in Colorado R t g M e r . The Minute Men, jet precision of officers and consultors will legislatures. At ' Notre Dame, be held in the near future to One hundred thirty-five chil­ In comparing the new di­ team of which Curran is a mem­ he continued, the student pays By Paul H. Hauxtt his growing Irish and German develop the AHNU program dren were placed in adoption rectory with the one last is­ ber, are nationally known for only 70 per cent of the cost of (One of a Saria* on Great communities. Consequently he sued in December of 1955, the for the coming year. homes, o f whom 38 were chil­ his education: the university made many stops in the U.S. their acrobatic stunts at speeds A prominent Denver lawyer, Churchmen of Colorado) outstanding fact is found in nearing the sound barrier. The dren of Spanish-American back­ pays the balance. “ We are de­ ON MAY 3, 1869, Bishop along the way. One of them was the increase of Catholic schools. Mr. Keating is associated with pendent to a large extent upon at Cape Girardeau, Mo. There four-member team perform.^ at the law firm of Henry and ground, and six were Negro. Machebeuf left for France to re­ More Schools air shows at Buckley and ^ help from friends outoide of the cruit priests for his "wide-flung be found a young seminary stu­ Keating. He is chairman of the The report said, "It is en­ university,” he added. dent. Henry Robinson, who was other m ilita ry a ir bases subcommittee of the judiciary vicariate. But be did not intend In 1956 there were 33 throughout the country. couraging that an inaeasing willing to face missionary life schools in metropolitan Den­ committee of the Colorado Bar 1 Per Cent of Ford Gronts to get all bis priests from there. n u m ^ o f adoption applicants Above all he wanted priests for in the Colorado Territory.
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