
1L'ttorlJs of jfort ;:t.~torg.e PUBLIC DESPATCHES FROM ENGLAND . .' " , 1757- 1758 VOLUME L",{I PRINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDEN'1" GOVERNMENT PRESS I MA.DRA.S 1 g.6 I PREFATORY NOTE This volume contains the Despatches from the Court of Directors of the East India Company to .the Governor and Council of Fort St. George, ·during the years 1757 and 1758, comprised in Volume 61 of the series of • records known as "Public Despatches from England." The manuscrip1i volume has been mended and is in a. good state of preserva. tion .. EGMORE, B. S. BALIGA, Ist ~priZ 1952. Ouralor, Madras Record Office. INDEX PA.GES RAGBS A B-cont. Abrm [Abraham] & Jacob Franco, Bombay OaBtle 4-5, 11, 16, .1, 58 Messrs. 83,86 95-96,100 Adams, James 83 Borneo 77 .Admiral Watson 33 Boscawen 1,5-6, 8, 65, 94 Africa 105 Boswell, George 96-97 Adlercron [Aldercron], Colonel.. 27 Boulton, Henry Crabb 53,65,72 33-34,37,70-71 Bourchier, Charles ~. ..'. ,I ',,86 Aleppo 15 Bourchier, Mr. [James] 13,24,,26,:36 Alexander, James .• 90 Boyd, John .. .." " '12 Alexander, VV~ .. 90 Brazil [Brazils] .i. 39--40 Allen, Henry 89 Brereton, Major Cholmondeley , .Ii 33-34 Allwright, Captain Richard 3,16 90 41,88,95 Brereton, Cusanna .. 96 America 105 Brereton, Margaret ;.' 98 Amyatt, Peter •• 2,9,12 Brereton" VVilliam ..•• , tl6 30,61,63 l1rittania 6-7,16-17, .32,34, 31,41 Andepeah 22 60, 58,75, 79, 93, 95 Andrew, John 92 Broadbent, Mr. James 28 Andrews, Mr. 25 Brohier, Capt. [Mr.] 55; 67 Andrews, MrL Elizabeth 92 63, Cl9 Anjengo • 19,43 Brown [Browne], John 15,31 ., Annsavill, MI'· 89 58, 60-61, 65~ '12 .Amon 37 Brown, l'homas 86 Ashburner,John 50 Browne, Mr. 43 Asia 105 B~e ,49 Aspiner, John 49 Bmdett, Robert. '94-95 Burmer, King of 618 B Burroughs, James . ' til Burrow, Christopher [Christo] ,13; 15 m Bachop, VV • 91 31, 38-40, 50, 58-&2, 6~ 72, 100 Baillie, Hugh 96 Ballazerow .• 71 Burrow, John ' !~ 6 8-9,17r42 Barton, Captain James 12-13 15, 26, 41, 72-73, 94 Burthen, Capt.. Charles Mason 58 15,20 Harwell, Richard 26 Bussorah :Barwell, VVill 72 :Batavia [Batavia] 17, 43-44, 54, 76 c Bay, the 13, 16 Calcutta , 32., &7' . 18, 33, 40-41. 58, 94-95. 99, 106 Call, Mr. ,57,65, 69 Bay of All Saints, the 94 Calland,John 67 Becher, Richard 2, 9, 12, 30, 61, 63 Caillaud [Calliaud, Cailliaudl, Cap$· :Bencoolen .• 3-4, 16; 41, 66,76-77,93-95 John 52, '10 Bengal •• 2, 4, 9-.J6; 18-19,20-31,34 Campbell. Danl• 83 37-38, 41, 51~61, 64, 69, 70-73 Cann Moodeliar ,22 77-78, 89-90, 93-97 Can~n 1-2,6, 8-9, 11-20, 3r33 Bennett, Charles 26 42,'58,65 Bennett, Samuel 28 Cape of Bona Esperanza ' '•• ' 105 :Bere, George 81 ,Camac, Lieutenant : :. :,:' 71 Best, Thomas 16,40,93,95, 100 i .. ,\ (11 Billers, Mr. •• . 53-54 Carnegie, Thomu •• :',~1.7 ,Blewitt, Captain [John] •• 6,16 Carter, Captain • 32, 41, 75, 79, 93, 95 Carter, Roge". •• 4.0, 4!1i 4$ .. ' i' 41$ Boddam, Thomas ., 2, 9, 12, 25, 30, 61 Cawoor 15.. 31 Bodle, VVilliam ' ' 97 Chambers, Ch!1.rles .. 38-39, 50,58--61. IOe) Bombay . 2, 8-11, 13. 16-17, 19-24 , , ,',26.,30-:32, 41, 44-45, 47, 50-51, 54 Chambers; Hiccox & Cha!Ub3f8, ';:. 57-58, 62, 65-66, 69 7.1 76-77, , Messrs. •• ,:':73-:-76 94-97 . Chandernagore r: ~ ,"~~.::!2- • , ~ .... '.: i.. : . \ \ [NDEX PAGES PAGES C--eont. D--cont. Ohesterfield •• 2, 5-6, 9, 11-13, 15, 21-22 Dispatch 17,33 36, 92, 94-95, 98-100, 102 Dod, Mrs. Elizabeth 27 'Chick, ,Edward Lord . 94-95 Dod, John .. 27 {)~a 2, 6, 8-10, 13, 16-19, 26 Dolbin, George 82 , " 31-33, 40-42, 53, 58, 66, 72, 79 Dorrien, John 15, 31, 38-39, 50 93-97, 101, 105 58-61, 65, 72, 100 Chitty/Mary .-. 96 Douglas; Francis 96 Choromandel, the Coast of [the Doveton, Richard [Captain] 16,41 . Coast] I, 5-8 . 58,95 \ 10-14,16,18,22,26,31,33-34,37- Dpwnes [Downs] [Dowanes], the... 15,41 ':\ . 38, 40-41, 54, 58, 67, 70, 73-75, 89 58,93-95 9~5, 97, 100, 106 Drake 16,41,95-96 Clarke, Jos .• ". .89 Drake,' Mr. •• 13 Olinton . 94-95 Drake, George 80 Clive, Ann ., 97 Drake, Nathan 52 ,Clive, Richard . 36, 80, 86" 90 Drake, Richard 94-95 Cliv&, Robert [Colonel] •. 4, 11-12 Drake, Roger 62, 65 14, 22, 36, 38, 52, 57, 59-61, 63; 68, Drappr, Colonel William .33-36,78,90 80,86,90 Dudley, Geo. 31, 38-39, 50, 72, 100 Clootwyk, ,Jan Dirk Van,; ••.. , 49 Duff, Hugh .. 81 .c6bb, Rev. Richard •. 25 Duke 66 Cocks, ,[MrJ ' •• ~ • • _ 109 Dunkley, Robert 49 Cogigiani StephaD,t •• 90' Coja Shanmir Sultan 28 Oo{cliester 19 E CoJ,lett, Mathew [Matthew] 2,9, 12 EastOourt •• 10,58,65,98 30, 61, 63 East India House 18, 72-73, 78-80, " , .coUihs.i.LoreD,Zo [Captain] 16,41 82-83, 85-87, 90, 92-94, .96-97 57, 95 , 101-102, 107 Combes, Mr. _ 49 East Indies .. 1-6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 32, 38 Cooke, Captain William .. 17,41 40-41,51,60,73-75,78,93-97,100 Cork [Corke] • .57,93-95 102, 105-106, 108-109 Cornish, Thomas ' •• 84 Edgecote 11, 13, 50-51, 94-95 Cotes & Fazakerley, Messrs~ 90 Edwards, Edward 86 Cotsford, .Edw!IXd· •• •• 3, 26, 36 JCgmont 3.,...4, 16, 41-~2, 45, 47, 49-,. CotsforQ., 'William 86 ' 50, 54, 93, 95 ;Coprl, Jonathan 85 Elizabeth . 15, 90, 94-95 {Jou,rl;, Richard . 2, 9, 30, 61 Empson, Elizabeth 97 Creed, 'James, , ' 15, 31, 39, 50, 59, 61 Empson, Frances •• 97 '. \" . 72 England 4-5, 11, 13, 15-16, 21, 26- Crichton, Patrick 91 27, 32, 39, 40-42, 49-50, 52-53 Crichton, Thomas · .16, 41, 95 57-61, 65-66, 69, 72-77, 80, 101, l "Crie, Alex ••• 82 102, 105-106, 109 Crook, Clement 96 Europe 19, 45 \Cuti~, dha · . 65,'72 Evans, Captain Arthur 58 \. ~ Evers, Jameji 87 Exeter 43 l' (:. f , " D,. Expedition (Packet) .. 1-2, 72,94 'D'Ache,M. 14 Eyre, Thomas 2-3, 9, 28-29 'Dacres, Philip 89 'DaiIiari.;' Frederiok . 27 'Danche tDahche], Monsr. · 16,40 F ;David Lopes Fernandes Sam'. -& Falmouth' •• '0 ,! \ Daniel De Castro, Messrs. 90 Fanssett, "Godfrey' 85 .'D' Anville ... 4" G 11 Fennings, Samuel Shepherd \de Bottens, Paul Philip Polier , 62 [Fenyns, Samuel] 52 ;d~Cas.ti'o, David • • 90 Fenwick; Thomas, •• 96 ,D'Fiens, Capt.. 55 Fernal [Fernel], Captain 43 Dehan 71 Fisher, Benjamin 16,41,95 DelaWar' 53,94,96 Fisher, Robert 8~ Den~kerr Lewis 96-97 Fletcher, wm. 91 Denliam •• 37 Flint, James 2,6,8-9, 17,42 . DEWe<'otah, .• 24, 26 Foot; John .. 94-95 'DiU-gen' (Schooner) li6-57, 58, 93 Forriano, Hillary Vanneok 26 IND.lIlX P.A.GES P.A.GlIS P~"'. Fort Marlborough •• , . 3-4, 31, 40, 49,50 Harrington, Joseph .• 2, 6,8-9, 17~'42 . ' 54,77 Harris, James ,; ',,26 ;Fort st. DaTid 21-22, 25, 28, 36-37 Harrison, John 65,72 - . 52, 62-63, 65" 68, 70, 98, 100 Hawke- 17,94-95 Fort st. George •• 1-11, 13, 15-17,20 Hecfnr "Q~9& 22-24, 26-28, 31-32, 34-37, 39-47 Henderson, Alexr: .. , 87 50-53, 55-58, 60-63, 65-66, 68, 70 Higgenson: [Higginson] . .', "~~; 82-83 73-75,~7-80, 82-83, 85-86, 89-90 85-87,,~Q, 92, 101 92-97,100 Hill, Thomas . • , . , .' d i92 Fort William 2, 4, ) 1, 13, 15, 18 Holdwell, Edwd· 92-93 29-30, 32,37, 42,51-52,.57-63,69-7a> Holt, Walter •• '. ,.;,.;~. ,.,~86 Fow~e, J 9seph • • 85 Holwell, Mr.; , '.' ;11 Foz •• ., " ". 15, 94-95 Holwell, Anna .. 97 France , ,4,.5,,16; 40,64,:108 Holwell, Eliza 97 Franpis, Humphrey:· • • .• 87 Holwell, John William ~, ,~', .. 91 , Franco, Solomon '" , , 83, 86 :Hohvell, John Zephaniah .'. ':w, '9: '30, ,61'; !63 ,FranklansIl Tho~,. " - .S9 'Hopkins,. Mr. • ~ : '26 ;Frankland, William 2" 9, 12, 30 ,Hopkins, Charles, ,. '96-'97 61,63,89 Buughton . , •• .;. ',13;94-95 Franks, M~ses . 83 How, John •. • . •• , • 84 French Islands 23 'Howe [Howesj, Capt8.inlThomas].'i; 'I6 Fulta. 53 . 32, 41, 68, ~!S. 84, 93, 95 Howitt, Saml, •• .•.• : ',~. ( : . '.. 90 G Howitt, Thos. :, . 90 Hull; John .. 2, 6, ~9, 17, 33, 42 Gange; .,' 37 Ganjam .. 37 Hume, Alexander • '2,6-9,'17, 42, 9~95 Garden, Mr.• , 44 Hunter, Robert 86 Hurlock,. Mr. •• . ". '49 Genoa. '72 nd George the 2 • King 3 Gillson, Edward 48 I Glover, Alphonsus ,. •• 16,41, 95 Ilchester • 1, .15" 49t ~4-:-~p Godde, Henry .. .• . 90 Impey, M:,[Michq 15,50,58-61 Godfrey, Peter [p.] 13;'15,3i, India . 10-11, 16-1'; ;l~i 23,.26.-27 38-39, '40, 50,5~100 '33-34, 38, 41-42,45;'.53,' 57.. u9 Godfrey, Tho" . 80 68-10, 7~73,,96, ~OQ.;,lO" Godolphin 13,94-95 Ingeram , .. 00 •• , ,;'2i,:~~,~-,\~~ Gombroon ., 20 Jngles, Patrick' , . .' 84 Gough, Chas, 15~31, 38-39, '50 Inglis,Captain [C0l'l:le~us] ,. .. 1;;;l.~"ljJ 58-60, 100 ..";l2j 41, 73, 91, 93, 95 Grady, Derby , '97 Irelan4' . , .•,. 1,8, 51, 65, 100-101, 108 Grafton 51; ,7a-:76, 93 Ironside, Edwa.rd .. ".\: .... p4 Grantham 15, 27, 40, 94-95 Isaac & Saml, Solly, M~s"~. 83 Gray, aeor· Junr .. 89 Isherwood, EdwaJ:,d', .•• 89 Gray, John" 28 Isherwood, John' Great Britain 1-4, 16, 18, 39-40 Island, th~ .
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