Problems Continue to Plague MCAP SEE STORY BELOW Rain Expected Chance of rain developing THEDAEY HOME and cool today. Bain periods ) . Bed Bank, Freehold T" possible tonight and tomor- (/'" Long Branch J FEVAL row. (See Details Fats 3) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, N0|. 100 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1968 26 PAGES TEN CENTS South Vietnam Premier Quits, Talks Shift Seen SAIGON (AP)-South Viet- and ammunition stores. Information Minister Ton Just what shift in the South day afternoon Thieu reported- namese Premier Tran Van A spokesman said 4 North That Thien, asked about the Vietnamese boycott of the ly had not decided whether to Huong has submitted his res- Vietnamese soldiers were report of Huong's resignation, Paris talks was likely was not accept it. The president was ignation to President Ngu- killed and at least a dozen said the premier had been in- known, and government reported considering^ major yen Van Thieu amid some in- bunkers were destroyed in the formed, "laughed and termed sources would make no of- Cabinet reshuffle, including dication of a possible shift in southern half of the DMZ. ficial comment. But other it not accurate." However, the foreign and information South Vietnam's boycott of Huong's resignation was sources close to the govern- ministries. the Paris peace talks, author- submitted as a result of dif- Thien would not elaborate ment said if a stronger Cabi- One source said Huong was itative sources said today. ferences arising partly from and declined to comment fur- net emerged and the Thieu determined to stay in office On the military front, the the stalemated peace talks, ther when asked if the report regime thus felt more secure, only if he could strengthen U.S. Command accused North the sources said. It was part was true. the president might not feel his Cabinet to meet the do- Vietnam of' violating a mu- of an over-all, Cabinet crisis Other sources in the gov- it so necessary that his dele- mestic political problems tual agreement to keep the which could result in Huong's ernment said a Cabinet gation outrank that of the which might arise as a result demilitarized zone free of mil- return to office as head of a shakeup had been under con- Viet Cong's National Libera- of the talks-. itary activity and sent Amer- stronger government or his sideration for several days tion Front at the Paris talks. Dissatisfaction Reported / ican bombers streaking over departure from Thieu's re- and some kind of official ac- Huong submitted his resig- The premier, who wieldsrlit- AN EAGLE FLIES UP — Dr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Genova of 999 Palmer Avs., the zone to attack bunkers gime* tion was imminent. nation yesterday, but by Fri- tle political power under South River Plaza, beam as they inspect the Eagle Scout badge on the uniform of their Vietnam's constitution was re- ported dissatisfied with the son, Joseph, 16, as Scoutmaster Edmoncj Cote of Troop 32 holds an award for slow progress of his campaign the newly elevated member of his unit, and Bernard Homefield, right, who led Storer Raps Bid to Independents against corruption and inter- the troop for six years, looks on. (Register Staff Photo) ference by the military in • Cabinet affairs. The real power is held by South Vietnam's president. But Huong, who has been in. Form Marlboro GOP Club office less than six months, is widely respected and is • MCAP Gets Loan By HALLIE SCHRAEGER the club's formation except to Mr. Storer said his own the source of much of what MARLBORO - A new Re- say that its purpose is to unify joining of the Purpose and popular support the govern- publican club was formed and revitalize the party. Principle coalition (formed of ment has. 0 here last night "open to all Mr. Storer, president of the Democrats and Republicans) Republicans and independents was "a means to an end, to A factor in these develop- Marlboro Township Regular ments was the long-standing To Pay Employes in the township," and it was have Republican representa- Republican Club and •chair- rivalry between President news to Republican leader man of the Republican execu- tion on the Council. LONG BRANCH — Money Alfred L. Storer, a township Thieu and Vice President MCAP is broke because the next week, this time—and Its tive committee here, said last "I have never disclaimed Nguyen Cao Ky, who was re- problems continue to haunt permission for MCAP to bor- councilman. night he bad "not been told of being a Republican. I have federal Office of Economic ported to be demanding more the county's antipoverty Opportunity — not prompt in row up to $75,000. Roy Spinelli, 17 Fletcher this by anyone." not separated myself from be- of, his supporters in a new agency. Drive, Whittier Oaks, and "I can undei stand Republi- ing a Republican by these turning over the money in the Will Pay Interest Cabinet as his price for sup- Joseph E. Taylor, executive best of times—hasn't yet sent Julius Kurowsky, Bartram cans wanting to associate actions," Mr. Storer declared. porting Thieu in his dispute director of Monmouth Com- As if the empty bankbook Road, Robertsville, were with Republicans," said Mr. But he said his position has with the United States over munity Action Program, re- any of the $1,185,700 nec- isn't burden enough to bear, named co-chairmen, of the Storer. "I'm greatly in favor . always been to go along with the Paris talks. ported last night that the essary to administer and oj> MCAP will have to pay that new Marlboro Township Re- of the two-party system." But the majority. 7 per cent interest on the loan U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth agency has had to borrow erate the community action publican Club at an organiza- he said he questioned the in- "If the majority feels others ?60,000 — at 7 per cent inter- program. out of its grant—when it gets tional meeting last night at clusion of independents in the should be leading and running Bunker met with Thieu today it—reducing its operating for the first time in nearly a est—to meet its October pay- What OEO has sent is Mi. Spinelli's home. party. (the Republican Party here), roll. budget, the agency's board Mr; Kurowsky said 24 per- System Preferred I'm in the minority and I'll week. promises — of payment by of trustees learned. sons attended the meeting "to Mr. Storer said he has "got- take a back seat," Mr. Storer "I don't see how that's help- establish a strong, new Re- ten to the feeling that the said. ing the people who need it," publican club." He said offi- primary and the two-party Hut he said too many one trustee complained. cers will be elected at the system is the better way to people break off from politi- "It's a system designed to first public meeting. The date select candidates" than inde- Alfred L. Storer cal party designations when Bishops in Showdown of that meeting will be an- pendent filings. their own choice of a candi- help the poverty banks," nounced. ''I would hope this new or- try to ionn a good, solid Re- date does not agree with the trustee Herman Shapiro com- Mr. Kurowsky did not wish ganization would contact some publican organization," he jnajority. mented sarcastically. to expand on the reasons for of the older Republicans and said. » "The moral breakdown of Actually, OEO is supposed Over Contraceptives to pay interest incurred be- people to accept their obliga- tions in this respect (party cause it forced the agency to loyalty) is destroying the WASHINGTON (AP) - Ro- backed Pope Paul VI's ban on married couples "should nev- become a borrower, MCAP democratic system," Mr. Stor- man Catholic bishops are fac- -birth control, but said mar- er be complacent" if they re- Deputy Director Wilbert C. Plan Shorter Parade, ersaid. "To claim party af- ing a showdown vote on a ried couples who find it im- sorted to artificial birth con- Russell said, "but they won't possible to follow will not be and they get away with it. filiation and then do as you birth control compromise that trol but would still be open excluded from communion to the church's sacraments. In Checking Account darn please is immoral and calls use of contraceptives a irresponsible." and other church sacraments. Continues Ban Worse yet, when MCAP sin but says married couples Five Inaugural Balls Mr. Storer is one of two P.P One Version The Pope's encyclical con- does get its grant, it has to who break the ban won't councilmen who are subjects A key sentence concerning' tinuing the church's long ban plunk that whole lump sum in three hours in 1965 and ban- it from a sign carried by a be cut off from the church. a checking account; OEO WASHINGTON (AP) — of the recall election here birth control in one version against contraceptives stirred Richard M. Nixon's inaugura- ished military hardware. He young girl during a campaign Nov. 26. He is also on the world - wide controversy. won't allow the agency to use held five inaugural balls. appearance in Deshler, Ohio. The proposed bishops' of a proposed pastoral letter the money for short-term in- tion ceremonies will include bottom of the ballot as a Re- statement also questions the French bishops voted last the traditional inaugural balls From 1945, when President The keynote of Johnson's publican candidate, in case read: week to leave the questions to vestments, Robert W.
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