Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 12-1-1961 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (1961). The George-Anne. 2446. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/george-anne/2446 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Tj-. u . ruremaucu.— P. O. Box 127 Monmouth, Illinois Marterie Orchestra THE Here GEORGE-ANNE Tuesday Night PUBLISHED BY STUDENTS OF GEORGIA SOUTHERN COLLEGE VOLUME 35 STATESBORO, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1961 NUMBER 9 'Spirit’ Reigns Supreme On Campus Today, Tomorrow * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Marterie Orchestra To Appear At Concert, Dance Tuesday College Polls Season Opener Paving Okayed; Rank Marterie Spurs Activity; Lewis Hall Annex Band As Tops’ Rally Scheduled Bids To Be Open The second! top name band “Operation Spirit,” a week- to appear on the Georgia South- Final approvement was made end of activities preliminary to ern scene is headed this way and by the state highway board | the Georgia Scuthem-Georgia will appear in a concert and Wednesday for the paving o asketball game, got underway dance Tuesday night. a road and a parking lo early this week with the cir- 9 Ralph Marterie and his Orch- on the GSC campus according culation of a petition request- estra, the orchestra which claims to President Zach S. Henderson j ing signatures of Eagle sup- to have more record hits than The board approved the pav- porters. any other band, will present a ing of the read running behind The GSC student council has concert at 7:30 p.m. in McCroan the Frank I. Williams Center and I mapped out special events for ■Auditorium. the parking lot between the Wil- ! today and tomorrow. The pur- - The Marterie group will also liams Center and the Herty pose of the council in sponsor- play for a dance beginning at 9 Building. President Henderson ing this project is to create p.m. in the Old Gymnasium. said that present plans call for school spirit through a catrpus- Tickets On Sale work to begin at the start of Jwide campaign and to include Ticket sales for the concert the Christmas holidays and to as many people as possible in £ and dance are underway and be completed by the start of well-planned activities. crash sales were held Wednes- winter quarter. Before the eighth period class day and yesterday. In charge of Henderson also stated that is dismissed, a jam session will ticket sales is a coordinating bids will be opened for the con- begin in the Williams Center. committee from the social com- struction of a Lewis Hall annex | Among those who are to per- mittee o'? the student council. on January 9, 1962. The bid ... form are Miller Watkins. Billy “OPERATION SPIRIT,” sponsored by the GSC student council, includes two days chock full of Fordhani and Wayne Studdard. Co-chairmen of this group are opening will be advertised cn activities such as a bon fire, pep rally, dances and parade to get the student bo?y in the mood for the following dates: Decemb.r Bon Fire Rally Barbara Brown, Wayne Bland A the big season opener Saturday. Chairman Patsy Ginn, second from left, watches as Joe Patti signs i 7, December \ , .Dejem’ : T. The jam, session will serve as and Carol li iia < 0. fthe, “We’re Behind You Eagles” petition which is being circulated among the students. Patti and Different students have been and January 4. | a warm-Up for the big K'-n fire -4 picked to be in charge of sales The annex will house 52 girls Robert Cantor, third from right, are in charge of the circulation of the petition. (and pep rally to begin at 6:30 which is divided into phases, and will contain rooms other at the Hanner Building. Leaders gj, Lee King and Claudia Smith than bedrooms. at the rally will be the Georgia ^ head the faculty sales; Billy Two> new dormitories, one for Christmas Tree Southern cheerleaders. The high- Martin, club sales; Kay Preston, men and one for women, are light of this event will be the chairman, Lannie Schewe, Joyce also slated for construction early Lighting Service Symphony Conductor burning of the Georgia Bulldog. Clark Madoline Hulsey, Peggy in 1962. They will house a total Following the rally, a movie Alexander, Windy Hodges and of 300 students. “North by Northwest, featuring Amelia Robertson, downtown The construction of the dor- Tentatively Set Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint sales. mitories will cost approximately Speaks At Banquet and James Mason, will he shown Also Furman Cliett, Diane a half-million dollars each and The second annual “Lighting in McCroan Auditorium begin- Pierce and Billie Boole, day stu- is scheduled for completion in of the Tree” service has been By ROLAND PAGE the fraternity’s recent “Shoe- ning at 7:15 p.m. dent sales; Carol Kinard and 1963, each will consist of 75 tentatively set for December 6, News Editor \ string Revue.” The Student National Educa- Barbara Brown, dormitory sales; rooms, housing two to a room. says Dean Carolyn C. Gettys Chauncey Kelly, conductor Kelly, who graduated from tion Association will sponsor a The definite time and place will the Juliard school of music and dance in the Old Gymnasium at ■t- Wayne Bland and Kay Preston, RALPH MARTERIE and founder of the Savannah 1 ~ high school sales. be .posted in the near future. Symphony, de s c r i b e d the played oboe with the NBC Sym- 8 p.m. At this time a rock and Crash Sales Held Plans for the program are changes that have taken place phony Orchestra before going to roll band will play for the stu- Savannah, turned thg clock back The crash sale was held in Honor Society presently underway. Phi Mu Al- in the music profession ever the dents. about thirty years. He said that the dormitories this week be- pha members will lead the stu- past thirty years, at a Phi Mu Big Parade Choir Plans Concert dents in the singing of Christ- Alpha Sinfonia banquet- Monday at that time, the abolishment of The first activity scheduled continued on page 6 Officers Installed mas carols. Dr. Zach S. Hender- night. theatre orchestras created a vast Saturday will be a “Beat Geor- son, president of GSC, will make unemployment of musicians in gia” parade sponsored by Alpha The banquet, which was held America. ■ Mary Wood and five other remarks appropriate for the in Aldred’s Motor Court, was Phi Omega. The council is Thursday In McCroan girls were installed as officers occasion. He said that this brought on urging all students to decorate Carroll Releases given in honor cf Phi Mu Alpha the “renaissance” of concert of the freshman honorary soc- Among other plans for thg Founder’s Day, and in honor of their cars in all ways, shapes The GSC Philharmonic Choir spirituals and folk songs such symphony orchestras. The form- iety, Alpha Gamma Omicron, re- continued on page 6 the six girls who took part in and forms and to join the pa- r^Exam Schedule will present its annual Christ- as “Go Down Moses,” “My cently. ing of WPA orchestras during rade line which forms at the mas Concert in McCroan Audi- Way’s Cloudy,” Black is the The officers are: Mary Wood, the depression furthered this de- rear of the back gate to the The fall quarter examination torium at 8:15 Thursday night, Color of My True Love’s Hair,” Macon, president; Mary Kent velopment. Since then, funds for college. schedule has been announced by according to Robert Gerken, di- ‘Greensleeves,” and “Sing Me A Gillenwatec, Statesboro., vice- local symphony orchestras have The opening basketball game Dean Paul F. Carroll for Geor- rector. Song.” president; Anne Cromley, Brook- been on the increase, and the of the season will begin at 6 gia Southern College students. The concert will consist of Various Christmas carols will let, secretary; Barbara Brown, number of these musical groups p.m. Requirements for getting has expanded tremendously. It is as follows: Monday, Dec- sacred, secular, and Christmas conclude the program. Dublin, treasurer; Sandra Hob- into the game are the same as ember 11, 2:30 p.m. - all eighth by, Ashburn, historian; and Predicting further changes, he in past years. All students must music. Sandra Bacon, Hinesville, will period classes; Tuesday, Decem- The sacred music will include: Henrietta Parker, Savannah, continued on page 3 accompany the choir on the publicity chairman. continued on page 6 ber 12, 8 a.m. - all first period “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring,” piano. Alpha Gamma Omicron is an classes; 1 p.m. - all fifth period Bach; “Adoramus Te,” Pales- classes; Wednesday, December There will be no admission honorary sorority for freshmen trina; TPrayer from Hansel and and the concert is open to the women on the Georgia Southern ^' 13, 8 a.m. - all second period Gretel,” Humperdink; ‘‘How classes; 1 p.m. - all sixth period public. campus. 350 Expected To Attend Debate Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place,” classes; Thursday, December 14, Brahms; “The Heavens Are The GSC Philharmonic Choir 8 a.m. - ail third period classes; Telling,” Haydn. and a brass choir will also go 1 p.m. - ail seventh period class- to Augusta Tuesday to make a KDE To Initiate Clinic In McCroan December 9 es; Friday, December 15 - all Mary Wood, Macon; Harry video tape recording of some fourth period classes.
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