E226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 27, 2020 man, Edwin rose through the ranks and be- munity earned him the nickname ‘‘King Wally.’’ quality of life for those who live in Ward 14 came a Lieutenant by 1986, then a Captain Dr. Wilkerson has received several accolades and serve as a model for our entire city as it the following year. His service did not dis- for his effective leadership, vision, and hard struggles with gentrification. I am grateful to appoint because by the mid-1990s, he work, has been selected as a delegate for have Arthur on the frontlines of this fight, and oversaw critical operations for the Department. multiple Republican National Conventions, and I thank him for his work on behalf of Ward 14. Soon enough, Edwin found himself leading the continues to be active in the Associated Re- I thank Arthur for his service. Fire Department as their new Chief by 2004. publicans of Texas. In 1989, Governor William Taking after the long lineage of Philadel- As Fire Chief, he exceptionally performed P. Clements appointed Dr. Wilkerson as a phians who have helped sculpt our democracy his duties and gained a reputation for his ef- member of the San Jacinto River Authority into an increasingly inclusive system that en- fective management capacity. He secured mil- Board. In 1995, Governor George W. Bush se- courages public participation, Arthur Green lions in grant funding and amazingly acquired lected Dr. Wilkerson to Chair the Texas Board has left his own mark on our city. I look for- more responsibilities for the Department. The of Health. ward to years of collaboration so we can cre- increased responsibilities expanded the force In 1996, Dr. Wilkerson retired from family ate a more inclusive, representative democ- and augmented operational capacity. The re- medicine after thirty-eight years of service and racy throughout our community. sponsibilities included expansion in emergency dedication to his community. Today, he relin- medical services and even water rescue serv- quishes the helm as Chairman of the Mont- f ices. With Edwin at the helm for 16 years, he gomery County Republican Patty. Dr. understood the value of camaraderie and his Wilkerson is respected by many and has been HONORING THE SERVICE OF distinguished service is worthy of veneration. a faithful friend and source of professional EDWARD WILLIAM LEAL His love for firefighting and passion for serving guidance to many. We are thankful he chose his community should be admired by all of us. to make a lasting difference right here in our HON. MARK DeSAULNIER Therefore, Madam Speaker, join me to rec- community. Our entire community has been OF CALIFORNIA ognize Chief Allen’s service to the First District inspired by your character, integrity, patience, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and to the Commonwealth. His dedication to fairness and optimism. Your principles of free- the Fire Department exemplifies the type of dom and limited government enhance the lives Thursday, February 27, 2020 leadership that our great Nation demands. Let and opportunity for the people we seek to Mr. DESAULNIER. Madam Speaker, I rise us wish Edwin the best during his retirement, serve. today to recognize Edward (Ed) William Leal as his rest is well deserved. On behalf of the I join the communities of Conroe and Mont- as he celebrates his 100th birthday. Ed is a First District, we say thank you. gomery County in thanking Dr. Wilkerson, and longtime resident of Concord and a former f I am proud to join him and his wife Neddie public servant for Contra Costa County. Jane in celebrating this amazing milestone of Ed was born in Oakland, California in Feb- IN HONOR OF DR. WALTER service and leadership for fifty-six successful ‘‘WALLY’’ WILKERSON ruary 1920. His family lived in Oakley where years. his father was a butcher and ran a local gro- HON. KEVIN BRADY f cery store. Ed attended Antioch High School IN HONOR OF ARTHUR GREEN where he played varsity football, basketball, OF TEXAS tennis, and track and field. He set numerous IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES records, including one for pole-vaulting that Thursday, February 27, 2020 HON. BRENDAN F. BOYLE stood for 27 years. While at Antioch High OF PENNSYLVANIA School, Ed also met his future wife, Wilma. Mr. BRADY. Madam Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES recognize and honor Dr. Walter ‘‘Wally’’ Ed went on to study at the University of Wilkerson’s service to the community as a Thursday, February 27, 2020 California, Berkeley where he was a member physician, community leader, and as Chair- Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. of the track and field team. However, Ed’s col- man of the Montgomery County Republican Madam Speaker, it is an honor and privilege legiate career was interrupted when he de- Party for fifty-six years. to recognize a dedicated public servant who cided to enlist in the United States Army Air Born and raised in Bryan, Texas, Dr. continues to make our community proud as a Corps during World War II. He was stationed Wilkerson stayed close to home and earned a Ward Leader. As public officials, entrusted by in North Africa as a member of the 49th Fight- Bachelor’s Degree in biology from Texas A&M their peers to oversee elections and party ac- er Squadron. Before being deployed, Ed and University in 1951. After graduation, Dr. tivity, Philadelphia Ward Leaders represent a Wilma wed in 1942. Wilkerson pursued a Medical Degree from the corps of unsung heroes that help facilitate the After Ed returned home from the war, he prestigious University of Texas Southwestern progress that molds our city. I am honored to and Wilma moved to Concord where they Medical School in 1955. Just one year after be joined by one of our most distinguished, raised their family. Ed worked for Contra finishing medical school, Dr. Wilkerson joined esteemed Ward Leaders today, and in com- Costa County, serving as the Assistant County the United States Navy and spent two years memoration of Black History Month, ensure Treasurer—Tax Collector. In 1970, Ed was as a General Medical Officer. While stationed that their contributions to our city remain en- elected as the County Treasurer—Tax Col- at Miramar Naval Air Station in San Diego, shrined in our historical record for generations lector and served two terms before retiring. California, Dr. Wilkerson served aboard the to recognize. Ed’s military service, commitment to his USS Hooper Island. In the summer of 1958, Black History Month is more than a mere community, and his 9 grandchildren and 20 Dr. Wilkerson participated in the historic atom- byline on the month of February, it is an op- great-grandchildren are a legacy to be proud ic weapon test operation known as Operation portunity to celebrate and recognize the ex- of. Please join me in congratulating Ed on his Hardtack at Eniwetok Atoll in the southwest traordinary contributions that the African Amer- 100th birthday and his life of service. Pacific Ocean. ican community has made, and continues to When it was time to return to civilian life, he make, on our nation’s history and culture. And f found his way back to home to Texas and I can think of no honoree more deserving of PERSONAL EXPLANATION joined his family in Conroe. After encourage- this recognition, who embodies the selfless ment from his father, he introduced himself to commitment to their neighbors and peers, than a local family medical practitioner, Dr. Deane Arthur Green. HON. CEDRIC L. RICHMOND Sadler. After shadowing Dr. Sadler for a day, Arthur Green, who proudly served our na- OF LOUISIANA a simple handshake sealed the deal and Dr. tion’s Navy before taking over the helm of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wilkerson joined his clinic. Over the years, Dr. Ward 14, oversees a smooth electoral oper- Thursday, February 27, 2020 Sadler, became not only a business partner, ation, but also is a dedicated advocate on be- but a mentor and a friend. half of his constituents. Instrumental in the for- Mr. RICHMOND. Madam Speaker, I was Eager to get involved in the community, Dr. mulation of the 14th Ward Registered Commu- unable to be present for the following votes. Wilkerson entered the Conroe political scene nity Organization, Arthur has made it a priority Had I been present, I would have voted: YEA while working at Sadler Clinic. In 1964, he ran to ensure that as the East Poplar area con- on Roll Call No. 71, the Emmett Till successfully for Chairman of the Montgomery tinues its developmental boom, residents will Antilynching Act, YEA on Roll Call No. 72, County Republican Party. The following years reap the benefits while avoiding gentrification- H.R. 4852, and YEA on Roll Call No. 73, H.R. of leadership and devoted service to the com- induced displacement. His efforts will bolster 2490. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:05 Feb 28, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE8.005 E27FEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS February 27, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E227 PERSONAL EXPLANATION RECOGNIZING THE 150TH ANNIVER- that were enabled by the Azerbaijani govern- SARY OF NEWMAN FIRST CHRIS- ment. From Sumgait to Kirovabad and Baku, TIAN CHURCH Armenian Christians living in the country were HON. JOHN A. YARMUTH murdered, raped, and robbed. These vicious OF KENTUCKY HON. JOHN SHIMKUS attacks led to the displacement of thousands IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ILLINOIS of Armenian families fleeing the targeted vio- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lence as refugees.
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