H5136 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2020 rights and advance the best interests of gress, and if someone were to ask me, national media assault on you, and the American people. well, what was your favorite session of they are going to attack you with ev- Madam Speaker, I urge all of my col- Congress, I don’t have to worry about erything. They will throw everything leagues to support the rule and under- the 116th being on that list. at you. He didn’t say but the kitchen lying legislation. b 1300 sink, but I got the message. The text of the material previously And when he first brought that up, referred to by Mrs. LESKO is as follows: But I rise to focus on a specific cir- Madam Speaker, I passed it off, be- cumstance here, and that is a misquote AMENDMENT TO HOUSE RESOLUTION 1164 cause I didn’t take it seriously. Noth- of me that was driven into just a na- At the end of the resolution, add the fol- ing like that had ever happened before lowing: tional feeding frenzy. It was validated in the history of this country that I SEC. 3. Immediately upon adoption of this by this Congress, this misquote. knew. resolution, the House shall proceed to the And when I stood on the floor of this And he brought it up a second time, consideration in the House of the bill (H.R. Congress and made a statement to de- and I passed it off again, because I 8265) to amend the Small Business Act and scribe what likely happened in an didn’t take it seriously. But the third the CARES Act to establish a program for interview with The New York Times time, he got my attention. second draw loans and make other modifica- that took place in early January of And the third time he brought it up, tions to the paycheck protection program, 2019, I made the point on what that and for other purposes. All points of order he said: They are going to make an- against consideration of the bill are waived. statement was, and the statement was other run at you. The bill shall be considered as read. All regarding white nationalists, white su- This was the day before Thanks- points of order against provisions in the bill premacists. There always was a pause giving of 2018, by the way. He said: are waived. The previous question shall be between those two odious ideologies They are going to make another run at considered as ordered on the bill and on any and the term ‘‘western civilization.’’ you, and they believe that they were— amendment thereto to final passage without I advised Congress that there would this meaning Democrats, yes, but also intervening motion except: (1) one hour of be a distinct pause to demonstrate a Republicans, establishment, the swamp debate equally divided and controlled by the new thought started rather than jam- creatures, the elitists, those folks, and chair and ranking minority member of the ming those three ideologies together. Committee on Small Business; and (2) one also the media. They are going to make motion to recommit. Who would compare white nation- another run, because they believe that SEC. 4. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not alism and white supremacy, those odi- the midterm elections of 2018 were a bit apply to the consideration of H.R. 8265. ous ideologies, who would compare distracting, they had other races to be Ms. SCANLON. Madam Speaker, I them to western civilization, the very concerned about, and so, therefore, yield back the balance of my time, and foundation of American civilization, they couldn’t bring all their guns to I move the previous question on the the foundation of the First World, and bear on this Member of Congress from resolution. here, America, the flagship of western the Fourth District of Iowa. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The civilization today? There is no com- So he did have my attention by then. question is on ordering the previous parison and should never be equated And as much as it didn’t seem plau- question. between the two. sible, his advice to me was this: They The question was taken; and the Yet, I didn’t tie that thought to- have a messenger that they will send Speaker pro tempore announced that gether, but the stenographers did. to the President, a messenger whom the ayes appeared to have it. And I am not here to be a critic, be- the President trusts and who has his Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, on cause they have done terrific work for ear, who is going to be directed to con- that I demand the yeas and nays. me over the years, and their skill set, vince the President to send out a nega- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and their professionalism are second to tive tweet on Congressman KING, and ant to section 3 of House Resolution none. They are the best in the world, as that negative tweet will be the trigger 965, the yeas and nays are ordered. far as I am concerned, but if they can that launches another media assault, Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, fur- make a mistake, so can The New York all the broadsides that they can get on ther proceedings on this question are Times, which is my point. this Member of Congress. And he used postponed. So in this narrative, Madam Speaker, these words: And they believe they can f I will take you back a little way. And force you to resign. I want the Congress to know what all Now, that is a hard concept to get QUESTION OF PERSONAL has transpired here that brought us to into your head when nothing like that PRIVILEGE the point of the feeding frenzy and the had ever happened before and there was Mr. KING of Iowa. Madam Speaker, I political lynch mob that was here that no substance for that to be based upon, rise to raise a question of personal day on about January 12 or so, or Janu- but he did convince me. privilege. ary 13, and it was this: that during my So I set about preempting this, at his The SPEAKER pro tempore. The election in the year 2018, November of advice, and I did, to the extent I could, Chair has been made aware of a valid 2018, there was a national media focus preempted it at the White House. And basis for the gentleman’s point of per- on attacking me. That happens in I think history proves that that has sonal privilege. other races, but I don’t know that it been successful. President Trump has The gentleman from Iowa is recog- ever happened as intensively as it did not taken a shot at me, even though nized for 1 hour. in my race. there were many others who couldn’t Mr. KING of Iowa. Madam Speaker, I In any case, we came through that resist the press’s temptation to take a appreciate being recognized here on the with a 3.4 percent victory, and I cheap shot, but the President did not. floor of the United States House of thought that was the end of it. I ex- So I take it that the effort to preempt Representatives, and throughout the pected that I would come back. You it at the White House was at least par- years I have had the privilege to serve know, even your political opposition tially successful. Iowans and Americans here. This is a needs a rest from time to time, and so Yet, I couldn’t get a meeting with great deliberative body, although after the election is when they take a the messenger until January 8, 2019. So sometimes we miss the facts. deep breath, retool, and get ready for on January 8, I had that meeting with And I know that there is a phrase the legislative session. the person that was at least named as that I heard back in a political era, But I sat down with a political opera- the potential messenger, and in that which is, whenever you lose a vote, you tive, who was one of the top political conversation, I was assured: I would can sometimes use this analysis: campaign managers at the presidential never do that to you, STEVE. Be as- Nor is the people’s judgment always level in the Nation, and a successful sured that that won’t happen. true: the most can err as grossly as the one at that. He came in to give me a Well, I was fairly confident that few. little bit of his advice, and as I am lis- those words were honest, and actually And that has happened a number of tening to that, he said: They are going felt pretty happy about it when I times in my 18 years that I have served to try again. They are going to try walked out of that meeting. But I also in this Congress. This is the 116th Con- again to drive you out of office with a suspected that the people that were VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:51 Oct 02, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01OC7.044 H01OCPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with HOUSE October 1, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5137 around that individual might find out And as they made their case, I real- And Trip Gabriel says: Don’t worry about the meeting that I had just fin- ized they kind of stumped me a little about whether I am accurate or not, ished and might know that I under- bit.
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