REPORT ON ISRAELI SETTLEMENT IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES A Bimonthly Publication of the Foundation for Middle East Peace Volume 15 Number 2 March-April 2005 ISRAEL READIES RETREAT FROM GAZA AND CREATES NEW FACTS IN THE WEST BANK By Geoffrey Aronson settlers affected by it. Nahum Barnea, whose words appear on Settlers now realize that the disen- page 6 in this issue, noted on February After almost five years of grim deter- gagement train has left the station. All 21, “an authoritative military source, mination and little but promises of but the most fanatical among them [described] this revolutionary change in “blood, sweat, and tears,” Israelis and understand that the settlement enter- the settlers’ position: that after 37 years Palestinians sense the beginning of a prise in Gaza is ending and that the of gnawing away at the power of the new phase in their struggle. For the Gaza Strip will be foreign territory by state, the state is trying to return moment, dialogue and handshakes have year’s end, all the more so if an Israeli- authority to itself.” replaced threats and armed confronta- Egyptian agreement can be reached for Yet disengagement from Gaza does tion. Yet Israelis and Palestinians have Israel’s surrender of the “Philadelphi” not signal the beginning of the end of learned from hard experience that smiles border between Egypt and the Gaza the settlement enterprise—not by a long and vague proclamations can conceal Strip. The most politically astute settlers shot—nor does it portend an irrevocable radically different agendas. continue to oppose the plan not because split between the partisans of settlement Israel’s retreat from the Gaza Strip they believe that it can be stopped—20 on the one hand and Israel’s security- and its redeployment from an undeter- percent of Gaza’s 1,200 settler dwelling political establishment on the other. The mined part of the northern West Bank units are already empty—but because ties that bind these three critical power continue to dominate its domestic agen- they suspect that their homes in West centers in Israel in a joint pursuit of ter- da. Having established the political Bank settlements like Ofra and Elon ritorial expansion in the West Bank muscle to ensure the plan’s execution, Moreh and dozens of others deep inside have been forged over almost four the government of Prime Minister Ariel the West Bank are next on Sharon’s decades. Just as it made no sense to Sharon is now completing the opera- agenda. These are not the settlements expect the resolution of claims that had tional aspects of evacuating settlements that U.S. President George W. Bush has festered for half a century in a few days in these areas and compensating those blessed as incontrovertible facts on the of discussions at Camp David, it would ground—Ma’ale Adumim, Modi’in Ilit, be wrong to interpret Sharon’s disen- and others where the bulk of Israel’s gagement plan as a mortal blow to the See our website for recent 415,000 West Bank and East Jerusalem settlement lobby and the beginning of articles, reports, maps, and settlers reside—but those that Yitzhak the end of Israel’s commanding presence Rabin once called “political settlements” in the West Bank. pictures: www.fmep.org. established along the hilltops that dot Sharon, more clearly than most of Also in this issue: the West Bank heartland. his predecessors, sees settlers as instru- Indeed, the alliance that the settle- ments in the execution of a geo-strate- Separation Barrier Map 3 ment leadership built over many gic vision on the West Bank that Settlement Time Line 4–6 decades with politicians like Sharon accommodates Palestinian national Sasson Report Excerpts 7 (and before him Deputy Prime Minister demands only insofar as they do not ——— ◆ ——— Shimon Peres) and with Israel’s security contradict Israel’s strategic domination Arabic and Hebrew translations of establishment has suffered a blow far of the area. That Sharon’s preference to recent Settlement Reports can be viewed more damaging as a consequence of remain in the Gaza Strip was confound- at www.fmep.org. Sharon’s disengagement plan than any- thing that preceded it. Commentator RETREAT, continued on page 7 TO OUR READERS FOUNDATION FOR MIDDLE EAST PEACE The election of President Mahmoud ment of a Palestinian capital in East Jerusa- Abbas, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s dis- lem, the conflict may erupt again. Palestin- Merle Thorpe, Jr. engagement plan, a cease-fire, and Presi- ian militants, absent evidence that non-vio- Founder dent Bush’s renewed support for a viable lence and a commitment to negotiate have (1917–1994) contiguous Palestinian state are welcome transformed Israeli policy, may defy Abbas developments. But as Jeff Aronson points and return to the gun and the bomb. The Philip C. Wilcox, Jr. out in this issue, they do not represent a more radical HAMAS will compete in President fundamental turning point in the Israeli- forthcoming Palestinian parliamentary Geoffrey Aronson Palestinian conflict or justify complacency. elections. And those Palestinians—fortu- Director, Research and Some optimists interpret Sharon’s deci- nately still a minority—who believe that Publications, Editor, Report on sion to withdraw from all Gaza Strip and Israeli “facts on the ground” are now irre- Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Territories four West Bank settlements after a lifetime versible and advocate a single binational of promoting settlements as the beginning state will be emboldened. It will not be Ashley Brott of the end of settlements. But the route of enough, therefore, for Washington to sim- Editorial Assistant the separation barrier, even with modifica- ply encourage full implementation of the Kyle Little tions, and rapid expansion of settlements Gaza disengagement plan and a sustained Intern west of the barrier indicate that Sharon’s effort by Abbas to institutional reform and plan is only tactical. dismantling violent groups. A broader hori- TRUSTEES Neither Abbas nor any Palestinian zon of hope for a real and sustainable two leader could accept the rump “state” cut off state peace agreement is essential, or a new Lucius D. Battle from Jerusalem that Sharon has in mind. crisis will surely erupt. Only the United Landrum R. Bolling Without renewed hope that Israel will States can offer this hope. Calvin H. Cobb, Jr. accept a much wider evacuation of West James J. Cromwell Bank settlements resulting in only minor Peter Gubser and reciprocal border adjustments along the Stephen Hartwell June 1967 border line and the establish- Richard S.T. Marsh —————— ◆ —————— Richard W. Murphy Jean C. Newsom Gail Pressberg William B. Quandt Nicholas A. Veliotes The Foundation, a non- profit I.R.C. 501(c)(3) organization, supports peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians through mutual recognition and a negotiated division of historic Pales- tine. It publishes the bi- monthly Report on Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Territories. Copyright © 2005 2 ❖ Report on Israeli Settlement March-April 2005 March-April 2005 Report on Israeli Settlement ❖ 3 SETTLEMENT TIME LINE November 1 The U.S. government is and providing services outside the borders of budget to fund the demolition of illegal reported to have rejected as inaccurate the Israel. (Ha’aretz) Palestinian construction. list of settlement outposts supplied in July by November 11 Yediot Aharonot reports that Kol Ha’Ir reports an ongoing conflict Israel’s Defense Ministry, which cited the the IDF Southern Command plans to con- between residents of the settlement of Giva establishment of 21 outposts since March struct a second, supplemental fence around Benjamin (Adam) and the Israeli govern- 2001. Washington believes that the actual the Gaza Strip after disengagement. ment over the tripling of the settlement of number is far higher. (Ha’aretz) 500 families. Residents oppose the new con- November 12 Kol Ha’Ir reports settlers November 2 The Bush administration struction for ultra-orthodox members of the from Yitzhar shooting out the tires of an chooses not to deduct from annual loan Haredi sect, arguing to the High Court that IDF ambulance transporting a Palestinian guarantees an amount equal to Israel’s political reasons, including the reluctance of man whom they had shot. The man died expenditures on settlement expansion. In officials to openly declare the creation of a enroute to the hospital. 2003, $170 million was deducted as a “settle- new settlement or the expansion of Jerusa- ment expansion penalty” from available November 17 Seventy settlers from Itamar lem, led to the decision to include the con- guarantees. disrupt an olive harvest conducted under struction as part of Giva Benjamin and thus IDF protection by villagers from Awarta, dramatically change the character of their November 3 Israel’s Central Bureau of near Nablus. The settlers claim that the trees settlement. Statistics reports the sale of 306 new units in are located in a “special security zone” and West Bank settlements from January to December 6 The Association for Civil that the presence of Palestinians there August 2004, a 33% increase compared with Rights in Israel reports that in retaliation for endangers them. (Ha’aretz) sales from the same period in 2003, and sur- acts against Israelis, since October 2001 passed only by the 42% rate increase in Tel November 19 Three plans are approved for Israel has demolished 628 Palestinian resi- Aviv, where 2,077 units were sold. (Arutz 7) the construction of 800 dwelling units in the dences, making homeless about 4,000 peo- East Jerusalem settlement of Pisgat Ze’ev. ple. (Ha’aretz) Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz confirms (Yerushalim) Israel’s intention to complete the separation Demolition of houses constructed without barrier in the Hebron region by August The IDF announces that the Erez industrial permits in Anata, near Jerusalem, leaves 200 2005.
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