Paolo Boccagni Dpt. of Sociology, University of Trento - I [email protected] https://unitn.academia.edu/PaoloBoccagni +39 0461 281393 +39 340 8001021 PhD, Sociology, University of Trento, 2008 Assistant professor in Sociology, Dept. of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento (2011-) ERC STG HOMInG, Principal Investigator (2016-2021) Holder of the National qualification as Associate professor, Sociology, 14/C1, 14/C2, 14/D1 (2013-2019) Main research interests: Migration, Home, Diversity, Care, Transnationalism, Social welfare SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Monographs Tracce transnazionali: vite in Italia e proiezioni verso casa tra i migranti ecuadoriani, Milan, Angeli, 2009. L’integrazione nello studio delle migrazioni: Teorie, indicatori, ricerche (with G. Pollini), Milan, Angeli, 2012. Cercando il benessere nelle migrazioni: l’esperienza delle assistenti familiari straniere in Trentino (with M. Ambrosini), Milan, Angeli, 2012. Journal Articles Migrants' social protection as a transnational process: public policies and emigrant initiative in the case of Ecuador, International Journal of Social Welfare, 20(3): 318-325, 2011 Migration and the global crisis: New prospects for return? The case of Ecuadorians in Europe (with F. Lagomarsino), Bulletin of Latin American Research, 30(3): 282-297, 2011 Reminiscences, patriotism, participation. Approaching external voting in Ecuadorian immigration to Italy, International Migration, 49(3): 76-98, 2011 The framing of return from above and below in Ecuadorian migration: A project, a myth, or a political device?, Global Networks, 11(4): 461- 480, 2011 From rapport to collaboration … and beyond? Revisiting field relationships in an ethnography of Ecuadorian migrants, Qualitative Research, 11(6): 736-54, 2011 Revisiting the “transnational” in migration studies: A sociological understanding, Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, 28(1): 33-50 Practising motherhood at a distance: Retention and loss in Ecuadorian transnational families, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38(2): 261-77, 2012 Rethinking transnational studies: Transnational ties and the transnationalism of everyday life, European Journal of Social Theory, 15(1): 117- 32, 2012 “Whom should we help first?”. Transnational helping practices in Ecuadorian migration, International Migration, 51(2): 191-208, 2013. Mapping social remittances (with F. Decimo), Migration Letters, 10(1): 1-10, 2013 Building Democracy or Reproducing ‘Ecuadorianness’? A Transnational Exploration of Ecuadorian Migrants’ External Voting (with J. Ramírez), Journal of Latin American Studies, 45(4): 721-50, 2013 Migration and the family transformations it ‘leaves behind’: a critical view from Ecuador, The Latin Americanist, 57(4): 3-24, 2013 Caring about migrant care workers: from private obligations to transnational social welfare?, Critical Social Policy 34(2): 221-40, 2014 ‘I’m not like all these Ecuadorians’. Promises and dilemmas of immigrants’ selective ethnicity appropriation, Social Identities, 20(1): 57-73, 2014 Blurred rights, local practices: Social work and immigration in Italy (with E. Barberis), British Journal of Social Work, 44(s1): i70-i87, 2014 What’s in a (migrant) house? Changing domestic spaces, the negotiation of belonging and home-making in Ecuadorian migration, Housing, Theory and Society, 31(3): 277-93, 2014 1 Making the ‘Fifth Region’ a real place? Emigrant policies and the emigration-nation nexus in Ecuador, National Identities, 16(2): 117-37, 2014 (Super)Diversity and the Migration-Social Work Nexus: a new lens on the field of access and inclusion?, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 38(4): 608-20, 2015 Urban multiculturalism beyond the "backlash". New discourses and different practices in immigrant policies across European cities (with M. Ambrosini), Journal of Intercultural Studies, 36(1): 35-53, 2015 Burden, Blessing or Both? On the mixed role of transnational ties in migrant informal social support, International Sociology, 30(3): 250-68, 2015 One (slender) tree, many (social) roots. Revisiting immigrant associations through a case study on Ecuadorians in Italy (with K. Pilati), Journal of Civil Society, 11(1): 62-78, 2015. Emotions on the move: Mapping the emergent field of emotion and migration (with L. Baldassar), Emotion, Space and Society, 16: 73-80, 2015. Social work and migration in Europe: a dialogue across boundaries (with E. Righard), Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 13(3): 221- 28, 2015. Mapping the theoretical foundations of the social work-migration nexus (with E. Righard), Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 13(3): 229-44, 2015. Transnational social work: Taking stock and ways ahead (with E. Righard and C. Bolzman), Transnational Social Review, 5(3): 312-19. Transnational Politics as Cultural Circulation: Toward a Conceptual Understanding of Migrant Political Participation on the Move (with P. Levitt and J.M Lafleur), Mobilities, 2015, online first. Searching for wellbeing in care work migration: Constructions, practices and displacements among immigrant women in Italy, Social Politics, 2015, online first.. Immigrants and home in the making: Thresholds of domesticity, commonality and publicness (with A. Brighenti), Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2015, online first. From the multi-sited to the in-between: Ethnography as a way of delving into migrants’ transnational relationships, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 19(1): 1-16, 2016. Chapters in Edited Collections Public, private or both? On the scope and impact of transnationalism in immigrants’ everyday lives. In R. Baubock, T. Faist (eds.), Diaspora and transnationalism: Concepts, theories and methods, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2010 (chapter 10: 185-205). Social protection as a multi-actor process in Ecuadorian migration: Towards a transnationalism of social rights?. In R. Sabates-Wheeler, R. Feldman (eds.), Migration and social protection, London, Palgrave, 2011 (chapter 8: 210-31). Transnational family life and female migration in Italy: One or multiple patterns? (with L. Banfi). In E. Kofman et al. (eds), Gender, generations and the family in international migration, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2011 (chapter 12: 285-310). Construyendo la Quinta Región (with J. Ramírez). In J. Ramírez (ed.), Con o sin pasaporte. Ensayos socio-antropológicos sobre la migración ecuatoriana, Quito, IAEN, 2010. Even a transnational social field must have its boundaries. Methodological options, potentials and dilemmas for researching transnationalism. In C. Vargas-Silva (ed.), Handbook of Research Methods in Migration, Edward Elgar, 2012. Care (and) circulation revisited: A conceptual map of diversity in transnational parenting (with P. Bonizzoni). In L. Baldassar, L. Merla (eds.), Transnational families, migration and the circulation of care, Routledge, 2013. Voto a la distancia: análisis de la participación política de los ecuatorianos en el exterior (with J. Ramírez). In C. Amescua et al. (eds.), Política en movimiento: estado, ciudadanía, exilio y migración en América, Ciudad del México, CRIM - Diaz de Santos, 2013 (chapter 13: 305- 328). The difference diversity makes: a principle, a lens, an empirical attribute for majority-minority relations. In T. Matejskova, M. Antonsich (eds.), Governing through diversity, London: Palgrave, 2015 (chapter 1: 21-38). Stigmatized, segregated, essential: The position of immigrant live-in care workers vis-à-vis formal social work provision in Italy. In R. Furman, G. Lamphear and D. Epps. (eds.), The immigrant other: Lived experiences in a transnational world, New York: Columbia University Press: 2016 (chapter 14: 194-209). Edited Collections (Special Issues) Mapping social remittances, SI of Migration Letters (with F. Decimo), 10(1), 2013. La ricerca qualitativa sulle migrazioni in Italia, SI of Mondi Migranti (with B. Riccio), 8(3), 2014. Social work and migration in Europe, SI of Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies (with E. Righard), 13(3), 2015. Moving feelings: Emotions and the process of migration, SI of Emotion, Space and Society (with L. Baldassar), 16, 2015. Mapping transnationalism: Social work perspectives on concepts, practice and education, Special section of Transnational Social Review (with E. Righard and C. Bolzman), 5(3): 2015. Home-making practices and domestic spaces of migrants and ethnic minorities, SI of Journal of Housing and the Built Environment (with A. Brighenti), 2015, online first. 2 Journal Articles in Italian Migrazioni e ricerca qualitativa in Italia: opzioni, tensioni, prospettive (with B. Riccio), Mondi Migranti, 8(3): 33-45, 2014. Transnazionalismo e percorsi familiari: profili di genere e di generazione a confronto nell’immigrazione ecuadoriana (with F. Lagomarsino), Studi di Sociologia, 4: 385-404, 2011 Il retroscena del lavoro domestico. Percorsi etnografici nelle catene globali di cura, Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa, 4(3): 459-68, 2011. Una finestra aperta sulla migrazione? L’uso e le potenzialità dei racconti di vita in una ricerca tra i migranti ecuadoriani, Studi Culturali, 8(1): 45-66, 2011. L’altra faccia delle migrazioni: il “care drain” nei paesi di origine, Rivista delle politiche sociali, 2, pp. 257-67, 2010. La cooperazione sociale dà voce agli utenti? (with F. Zandonai), Animazione Sociale, 40, 2, pp. 90-100, 2010. Celebrare da cittadini, vivere da immigrati. Una giornata elettorale in un cortile di Milano, “come se fosse in Ecuador” (with F.
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