Worcestershire Councillors Divisional Fund 2012/13 Organisation Detail Pending Actual Date Amount Paid Cllr Adams Spetchley Gardens Charitable Trust To contribute towards hire of marquee and £750.00 21.06.12 memorabilia for Jubilee celebrations Cllr Adams Kendall Wadley LLP Contribution towards costs relating to Armed Forces £300.00 21.06.12 Day 27 June 2012. Cllr Adams Norton Pre-School Contribution towards the cost of artificial turf for £500.00 14.08.12 Norton Pre-School, which will benefit the youngsters attending pre-school Cllr Adams Flyford Flavell, Grafton Flyford & North Piddle PC To improve the social wellbeing of residents by the £1,000.00 24.07.12 provision of local services in the village and community facilities. Cllr Adams Upton Snodsbury Parish Recreational Association A contribution towards Upton Snodsbury Music £300.00 14.08.12 Festival 'Snodfest 2012', to support the provision of free workshops for attendees and towards a survey to help inform of improvements Cllr Adams Norton Community Games Contribution towards the Norton Community £280.00 14.08.12 Games, specifically to cover the cost of first aid provision and road closure. A popular and well supported local activity Cllr Adams Kington and Dormston Parish Council Contribution towards cost of surfacing the car park £1,500.00 25.02.13 for Kington and Dormston Village Hall. This will improve the social wellbeing (encourage attendance) and economic wellbeing (promote usage) of the Village Hall Cllr Adams Three Parishes Hall To contribute towards equipment for the Parish Hall £250.00 09.01.13 for use by small home worker businesses to improve economic wellbeing. Monies will support provision of broadband and other equipment. Cllr Adams Worcestershire County Council - Environmental Services Signage to Peopleton's village shop and Post Office £484.78 01.03.13 Cllr Adams Evesham Festival of Music Contribution to booking bands and orchestras for £250.00 06.03.13 2013 festival Cllr Adams Worcestershire County Council - Environmental Services Part payment towards 3 VAS for use with Division £5,348.87 01.03.13 Cllr Ahmed Friends of Springfield Park Free activities to help local community engage and £275.00 15.05.12 develop an interest in the park community Cllr Ahmed Pat Parminter Contribution to Big Lunch picnic for residents of £100.00 29.06.12 Roden Avenue Cllr Ahmed Wyre Forest Citizens Advice Bureau Financial assistance to help maintain important £1,000.00 08.10.12 advice services for residents such as debt and benefit advice, employment problems etc, to help the physical and mental wellbeing of the individuals concerned Cllr Ahmed St George's CE Primary School & Nursery Assistance with after school clubs, to develop social £2,000.00 08.10.12 skills, encouraging team work, leadership skills, building relationships, managing aggression and stress etc to help with situations in and out of school Cllr Ahmed Friends of Broadwaters Community event by providing a firework display £500.00 26.10.12 and other entertainments for all residents and to promote the facilities of Broadwaters Park Cllr Ahmed Broadwaters Resident Action Group: BRAG To enhance the shrub beds on the Sion Hill estate. £1,500.00 24.12.12 Improving the environment will encourage the community to take pride in their surroundings in an area of high need Cllr Ahmed St Oswalds Primary School To support the delivery of basic skills and return to £1,500.00 19.12.12 work skills, ICT training for members of the community Cllr Ahmed Friends of Springfield Park Notice Board for Springfield Park £1,500.00 24.12.12 Cllr Ahmed St Mary's CE (VA) Primary School Family Well Being sessions led by Go Wellbeing and £2,000.00 19.12.12 Ukulele music sessions Cllr Ahmed Wyre Forest District Council Contribution towards CCTV on Comberton Hill £625.00 25.02.13 Cllr Amos Worcester Community Trust To contribute towards purchase of tables of £356.02 10.07.12 Warndon Youth and Community Centre. The tables will be used by users of the Community Centre, which include clubs and groups which cover a variety of intersets and activities Cllr Amos Worcester Community Trust Contribution to equip young people with the £750.00 26.10.12 knowledge and ability to cook basic healthy cheap meals and improve the diet of those taking part and their family members. The young people will be identified by those accessing the youth club sessions Cllr Amos Worcester Community Trust Box fitness programme to be run in Warndon £1,000.00 29.11.12 Centre over 50 weeks Cllr Amos Worcestershire County Council Contribution towards the CCTV system at the £2,060.04 28.02.13 Fairfield Learning Centre Cllr Amos Worcester Community Trust Provision of blinds for use in the main hall of £891.94 28.02.13 Warndon Community Centre Cllr Amos Worcester Community Trust Purchase an oven and hob for use in Youth Wing of £942.00 28.02.13 Cllr Amos Worcester Community Trust ContributionWarndon Youth toward Centre. the Get your REAR in Gear £2,500.00 01.03.13 Project. Cllr Amos Worcester Warriors Community Foundation Support of an anti-smoking project with year 4 from £2,500.00 28.02.13 Cranham, Warndon, Gorse Hill and Fairfield. Cllr Askin Colin Legge - Northwick Local Community Committee Purchase and planting of a tree on Northwick Lodge £200.00 06.06.12 to commemorate Queen's Golden Jubilee Cllr Askin 5th Worcester Sea Scouts Contribution towards a project to install new safety £1,000.00 15.06.12 measures for the across the river pontoon. Cllr Askin Worcester Rowing Club Contribution towards the cost of a new sculling £500.00 20.06.12 boat, which will be used by experienced junior rowers and release other boats to be used by new junior members who are learning to row Cllr Askin Perdiswell Young People's Leisure Club Contribution towards replacing ageing community £1,500.00 22.08.12 minibus Cllr Askin Make Time Friendship Group Contribution to set up costs of a website £200.00 29.11.12 Cllr Askin Worcestershire Early Music Support of concert by The Hill Singers and an £750.00 11.01.13 interactive workshop for 21 March at St Stephen's Church, Barbourne Cllr Askin Barbourne Health Centre - Dr M Keeble Support for A Picture of Health Project £500.00 25.01.13 Cllr Askin Northwick Manor Primary School Community cohesion events £750.00 23.01.13 Cllr Askin Perdiswell Playscheme Coontribution towards the running of the summer £1,500.00 08.03.13 playscheme activities. Cllr Askin Friends of Gheluvelt Park Additional marquee at the annual flower show for £1,500.00 13.03.13 traditional competitions such as arts and crafts Cllr Askin 5th Worcester Sea Scouts Provision of life jackets and buoyancy aids £750.00 14.03.13 Cllr Askin St Paul's Church Contribution to the purchase of 2 commercial £500.00 14.03.13 cookers to provide meals for older persons lunch group Cllr Banks Youthcomm Minifest Assistance towards the cost of Worcester's annual £250.00 10.07.12 event which is run by the community radio station Cllr Banks Kendall Wadley LLP Contribution towards costs relating to Armed Forces £150.00 21.06.12 Day 27 June 2012. Cllr Banks Evesham Festival of Music Book bands and orchestras for 2013 festival £1,250.00 22.08.12 Cllr Banks Polish Language School, Evesham Contribution to set up costs £500.00 29.11.12 Cllr Banks Worcestershire County Council - Positive Activities To support an Archaeology Programme with £500.00 21.12.12 Evesham Volunteer Centre, which will explore the history specific to the areas where the young participants live. The programme will include site trips of historical interest and indoor computerised exploration Cllr Banks Edward Higson Contribution towards ambition to become an £1,000.00 25.02.13 Olympian and involvement in the Health Living Programme Cllr Banks The Acquired Aphasia Trust Development of areas of the garden and to equip £500.00 13.02.13 the interior of greenhouse and also help with course fee and transport costs Cllr Banks Evesham Volunteer Centre Funds to help with increasing case work £1,000.00 13.02.13 Cllr Banks Worcestershire County Council Environmental Services A vehicle activated sign for Evesham South Division. £2,500.00 12.02.13 Cllr Banks Ourside Youth Association Ongoing waste clearage charges and the purchase £500.00 20.03.13 of some essential furniture Cllr Banks Thought4Sport Engagement based activities for young people £500.00 28.03.13 Cllr Banks Vamos Theatre Group Mimed theatre assisting in understanding dementia £1,500.00 14.03.13 which will be performed wihtin Division Cllr Banks Shine Evesham Drop in sessions for young people covering £750.00 20.03.13 Preparation for Independence. Cllr Bean Bewdley Toddler Group To purchase equipment for use by the toddler group £132.00 24.05.12 Cllr Bean Offenham Village Hall Supplementary payment for refurbishment of £1,518.00 15.05.12 Offenham Village Hall for the benefit of the Offenham community Cllr Bean Cleeve Prior Diamond Jubilee Working Group Supplementary grant for the social benefit of the £500.00 15.05.12 residents of Cleeve Prior for the Jubilee celebrations Cllr Bean Pebworth Parish Council Village Hall Committee Jubilee celebrations to facilitate social cohesion of £150.00 24.05.12 the village Cllr Bean Pebworth Village Hall Management Committee A contribution towards the replacement of kitchen £750.00 06.07.12 furniture at Village Hall Cllr Bean Evesham Festival of Music Cultural benefit of people living in the Vale including £500.00 30.08.12 residents that are represented in the Littletons Divisions Cllr Bean North and Middle Littleton Village Plan Group To promote localism in the area in order to give £750.00 02.11.12 residents a better chance to have their say in planning matters Cllr Bean Honeybourne Youth Club Contribution towards IT equipment and associated £1,100.00 17.09.12 items to benefit the youth of Honeybourne and support of a trip to Alton Towers.
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