4 UJK-- W Md slkk. THE TRIBUNE THE WISDOM Publishes Alt tho Of Yesterday, tho Nows All tho Time Nows of Today. fTQy '"""" Ml1111!! IIMIILUM II IT &lx "H "3 rikttu T Vol. io. HILO, HAWAII, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1905. No. 5:. LEGAL NOTICES. 1'UIII.ISHHU KVKKV TUHSOAY Notice to Creditors. ALCOHOL CAN BE MADE FROM HIL Office, Kino Stkkkt, iulu, Hawaii I) LOCK. Tiunu.iK Notice 1 hereby given that the under- Dr. Holland submitted to the Board of Trade, at the meeting (By Wireless to Tint TiUiutNit.) Ililo Tribune Publishing Company, Ltd signed has this day been appointed Ad John miuistrator of the Estate of Antouc do Friday afternoon, samples of banana spirits, or alcohol, extracted from Fubllthera ami Proprietors. Rcgo, deceased, and has qualified as such Hilo bananas, together with a report of Edward C. Shorey, Chemist of Datto on Rampage Again. President C. C. KknnkiiV Administrator by filing an approved bond the United States Hawaii Experiment Station at Honolulu. The report H E. Kiciiaru. and taking out Letters of Administration. T high-proo- f Manila, P. Oct. 16. Datto AH has become oppressive, killing Secretary-Treasure- r shows the perfect feasibility of transforming bananas into J. Castlr KUiuwav All creditors of the said deceased are friendly Moros, Auditor A. Sutton notified that they must present their alcohol. The sample furnished to Dr. Holland w.ts 90'X alcohol, which Directors 1. M. Thompson, I). W. Mamii claims together with duly verified vou- is the usual strength of commercial alcohol. Iu appearance it is as clear chers to the undersigned within six as crystal and has a faint aroma of the banana. It is shown that a sixty-poun- d in Advertisements unaccompanied by specific months from the date hereof or they will Portsmouth Treaty Effect. iustructlons Inserted until ordered out. bunch of bananas, when converted into alcohol, will make one Vffi be forever barred. Tokio, Japan, Oct. 16. The treaty of peace becomes effective when Advertisements dlicoutliiued before expiration JOAQUIM CARVALIIO, gallon of proof spirits The bananas used were the Chinese variety, the of upeclficd period will be charged ai If con fruit being macerated form pulp, from which, after fermentation, published today. Inucd for lull term. Administrator. to the Caki, S. Smith, the spirits were distilled. The waste product, after distillation, forms an Attorney for Administrator. feed for pigs, says Shorey. ATTORSEYS-AT-LAY- excellent Mr. Latest Sugar Quotations. October 10, A. D. 1905. 50-- 4 bpints distilled from bananas would make most excellent brpndy, which ordinarily contains .17 of alcohol. Whiskcv is usually turned San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 16. 960 Test Centrifugals, 3.625c; per ton, 88 analysis Chas. M. LeBlond BY AUTHORITY. out of the distillery at no to 130 proof, or an equivalent to 55J0 to $72.50. beets, 8s. 8d.; per ton, $7u.20. 65 alcohol. Subsequently it is diluted by rectifiers and sold at 90 to ATTORNEY-AT-LA- 95 proof. Commercial alcohol is scld at a strength of 90 to 95 "u, Territory of Hawaii proof spirit. Henry Irving Is Dead. Hawaiian, Japanese, mid Chlneae Interptetera or 50 and Notary Public iu Office. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Professor Shorey s report in part is as follows: London, Eng., Oct. '14. Sir Henry Irving, the actor, died suddenly Office: SUVKRANCK 11UII.D1NG, "In the matter of the amount of alcohol to be obtained from bananas last night. HII.O, HAWAII by fermentation and distillation, I beg to report as follows: UppoitteCour Houte. AR1I0R DAY PROCLAMATION. London, Eng., Oct. 16. It has been suggested that Sir Henry Irving "Analysis ot average well-ripene- d bananas without skin gave the fol be accorded burial in Westminster Abbey. In accordance with the custom ndopt-c- d lowing 1 J .Castas Ridgway Thos. C. Ridgway figures: by other States nnd Territories settiug "Water, 75. ash, .74: protein, 1.25: fat, .21; fiber, 1.98: reduc Christiania, apart a day for the promotion of forest 83: Norway, Oct. 16. Dr. Nansen will probably be appointed Ridgway & Ridgway ing or fermentable sugar, 1.3S; No cane sugar' present. Norwegian Minister to America. growth I do hereby designate Friday, so ATTOKNKYS-AT-I,A- "The skins make about 250 of weight of bananas, that if the Solicitors of Patents General Law Practice November 3rd, 1905, as ARDOR DAY fermentable sugar is calculated to the weight of the whole fruit it will be IIILO, HAWAII. for the Territory of Hawaii. io.35?. The theoretical yield of sugar on fermentation is approxi- Notary Public in Office. nu Captain Gets Divorce. I recommend that appropriate and in- mately 50 of alcohol by weight. Then 100 pounds of bananas of this Taggart 1 IlulldltiK- - OKflCH Tribune eight-tenth- composition give s -- structive exercises be held iu all public should 5.17 pounds absolute alcohol, or of Wooster, O., Oct. 13. Judge Eason has granted Captain Taggart a schools and that a part of the day be de- a gallon, equivalent to 1.6 proof gallon of proof spirit, or 1 gallon of divorce from his wife, The trial of this case has been one of the most ray voted to the planting of trees and shrubs proof spirit from 62.5 pounds of banaras. i. e. sensational that has occurred in Army circles for years. -- school sugar, ATTORNEY-A- T LAW upon the grounds. "There is considerable variation in the content of fermentable NOTARY PUBLIC ' Given under my hand and the great according to the condition, stage of ripeness, etc., but I think the above and seal of the Territory of may be taken as an average theoretical yield. The first lot of bananas Found Guilty of Bribery. Hilo, Hawaii Hawaii at the Capitol received from you were badly infected with a fungus (gleosporium sp.), Waianuenue St. Sacramento, 1 Ex-Stat- e causing ripe rot, and in consequence well Cal., Oct. 2. Senator Emmons has been SBAI. Building in Honolulu, did not become ripened. Of found guilty of bribery. this nth day of October, this lot a number of small lots were ucd in making preliminary tests to J. L. Kaulukou A. D. 1905. determine the best method of treatment, ind then these lots were worked G. R. CARTER. up, with results as follows: Republicans Nominate Mayor. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- BY THE GOVERNOR, "Lot 1. 5.87 lbs. Single extraction. Fermentation, 60 hours. Yield, A. L. C. qt. proof spirit, or 1 gal. proof spirit from lbs. New York, N. Y., Oct. 12. Win. M. Ivins, OFFICE IN TRIBUNE BUILDING ATKINSON, .179 131.x a lawyer, has been Secretary of Hawaii, 51-- 1 "Lot 2. 19.39 lbs. Double extraction. Fermentation, 60 hours. selected as the Republican nominee for Mayor. HILO, HAWAII Yield, 1.06 qt. proof spirit, or 1 gal. proof spirit from 73.17 lbs. "Lot 3. 25.79 lbs. Double extraction. Fermentation, 70 hours. REAL ESTATE, ETC. Notice. Yield, 1.57 qt. proof spirit, or 1 gal. proof spirit for 65.6 lbs. Subsidy to Merchant Marine. Well-ripene- "Lot d Honolulu batfjyias bought in market. 15 lbs. EZUfel 4. Washington, Oct. 12, The Bankers Congress has given its voice in - proof spirit, S. Hilo, Hawaii, Sept. 25, 1905. Double extraction. Fei mentation, honours. Yield, 1.1 qt. favor of a government subsidy to merchant marine. i'SB y F. LYMAN To whom it may concern. or 1 gal. proof spirit from lbs. AGENT 54.5 Win. was "Lot 5. Hilo bananas. 16.7 lbs. Double extraction, FIRE, ACCIDENT AND MARINH Fcruandes this day appointed 78 hours. Yield, qt. proof spirit, or 1 gal. proof spirit from INSURANCE collector for the Serrao Liquor Co., Ltd., 1.5 Governor Wright lo Retire. and therefore he is authorized to collect 89 lbs." Hilo, Hawaii Walanuenue Street, all accounts due said company. lhere is a movement on foot to ascertain the cost of a plant for distil Washington, D. C, Oct. 12. Hon. Luke E. Wright, Governor of JOSE G. SERRAO. ling bananas into commercial alcohol for use in the manufacture of Philippines, and successor to Taft, will retire from office December 1st. H high-proo- 48-t- f Mgr. Serrao Liquor Co., Ltd. brandy and f whiskey. When these figures are received a company will be organized to build such a plant. By this means it is Henry Deacon Hottentots Capture a AGKNT Volt expected that large quantities of bananas which are not now marketable Camp. because size or of ripeness may to CO. Flower mid Vegetable of condition be utilized advantage and Capetown, South Africa, HAWAIIAN FERTILIZER profit. Oct. 12. Morangoaud Morris, chiefs of the Limited. Seeds. rebellious Hottentots of German Southwest Africn, captured Jerusalem Collector of Rents for Waiakca Mill Co, camp after severe fighting. Lieut. Surinam! and five men were killed Collecting General Solicited The Seed Company San Fran- Keolanui Passes on the Problem. and eight wounded. The Hottentots captured a stock of stores. and Returns Promptly Made. Cor of cisco tiave appointed the undersigned as 'TBI! Office with Thco. II. Davies & Co., Ltd, Growing out of the popular demand, as evidenced by the scores of pe- Waiauuenue and Bridge Sts. Hilo, their local agent. Orders for seeds, titions numerously signed in behalf of Japanese horseshocrs, who desired King Alfonso Seeks a Wife. bulbs and plants solicited. Catalogues to ply their trade in and throughout the county, Sheriff Keolanui has and prices furnished on request. passed the problem up to Treasurer Campbell. In the meantime, being Madrid, Oct. 11. King Alfonso departs for Germany in November, ROBERT INNES LILLIE, satisfied that several of the Japanese candidates for licenses were quali presumably in quest of a wife.
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