Wednesday, May 20th, 1931. Wednesday. May 20th, 1931. THE TEESDALE MERCURY. GENERAL NOTICES. ••••"" GENERAL NOTICES. I EGGLESTON AND ROMALDKIRK THE WHITSUNTIDE MEET. CYCLISTS' AND MOTOR MEET. SHOP ON THE BANK sident - A. NORTON, Esc), NURSING. All arrangements are made for the 52nd North Eastern Cyclists' Meet to be held at • LNER TRIPS ' USEFULNESS EXTENDED. Barnard Castle this Whitsuntide. As usual NARD CASTLE A meeting of the Eggleston and Romald- the wheelmen will be met at Town Head on From Whit-Sunday 24th to Saturday 30th May. WHITSUNTIDE, 1931. 2 THOMPSON'S kirk Nursing Association was held in Saturday at 9 p.m., the procession being led Romaldkirk Schoolroom on Monday by I from the Barnard Castle Band to the Market I BOOT WAREHOUSE. evening, the Rev. C. .Snushall, Itector of Place, where the public welcome will be SATURDAY, MAY 23rd. BARNARD CASTLE Bomaldkirk, presiding. given on behalf of the Urban Council. On The minutes - of the last meeting con- Sunday morning there •will be the custom- CYCLISTS' WELCOME at Barnaza Whit-Sunday Castle. See our New Range of tained reference to the death of Miss ary run to llokeby, permission being given • LAKE ULLSWATER 1.29 pm Hutchinson, a past president of the associa- by Major H. E. Morritt for a return through SUNDAY, MAY 24th, (ratterdale) tion, and recorded that a letter of condolence Rokeby Park. Fo,r the afternoon a short PENRITH 1.29 pm 3/6 11 Ladies' & Children's,: had been sent lto her sister, Miss Amy service at the Parish Church has been SERVICE in Barnard Cast Whit-Monday Hutchinson, at Bath. Thanks were con- arranged, the offertory being for local Parish Church. Chaplain, The 10.15 am 3/6 veyed - to Miss Beal, the past secretary, for charities. In the evening there will be a 0 Rev. H. \V. H. Bircham, ALA APPLEBY NEWCASTLE 11. 4 am 3/6 SHOES her most excellent help and services. visit to ovington. Monday forenoon will 11. 4 am 9/- There was a large and representative be occupied by contests in musical enter- TYNEMOUTH Ei Good Value at all prices. MONDAY, MAY 25th, WHITLEY BAY 11. 4 am 4/- attendance from Eggleston, Romaldkirk and tainments in the Inner Bailey of the Castle, and at 2.30 in the INNER BAILEY, of tile Whit-Tuesday CLOG REPAIRS DONE AS USUAL. Mickleton. p.m. the fancy dress procession • The annual report, read by the Secretary, will start from Hartni • Castle, the Popular 1.40 Pm 11- e and end at the MICKLETON 43, THE BANK, BARNARD CASTLE. Miss Snushall, showed that subscriptions Castle grounds, where the judging will take MIDDLETON-IN-TEESDALE 1.40 pm 11- had been received front 122 members-78 at • ISTS' ENTERTAINMENT 1.40 pm 11- place, this being followed by the Barnard Expensive Engagement of the LDKIRK ROMA Eggleston and 44 at Romaldkirk. The sub- Castle Pageant, written by Mr E. W. Boxall, OMINO " CONCERT PARTY. from scriptions received for the year amounted to 'be produced in the Inner Bailey. The to £25 4s. 6d.; nursing fees, £13 5s. 6d.; and reception of the visitors by the Town DON'T MISS THIS SHOW. OTHER PLACES grants, £52 10s.; the total receipts being Reception Committee follows, and later the . Judging of Procession Competh TO APPLEBY £91 3s. President's dance will be held in the tors in the Inner Bailey, BURGUNDY (in Flagons The Chairman announced that this Church Mission Hall. On Tuesday afternoon Whit-Monday ND THE FINE, HISTORICAL meeting was a very important one owing the Pageant will be repeated. Middlefou-in-Teesdale 8.16 416 Mickleton to the fact that it would have to determine S.20 Rouialdkirk 8.25 and Cotherstone 8.30 EMU whether the association was to be carried ant of Barnard Castle am 41.. HARVEST on under the new system of nursing known NEWS OF THE UPPER DALE. 4f6 as the District Nursing Association, or PERIOD EXCURSIONS TO LONDON whether they would have to give up, as the [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.] TUESDAY, MAY 26th, KEYSTONE EXTENDED FACILITIES old system of cottage nursing was now The Landrail, commonly known as the . THE PAGEANT OF BARNARD extinct. The question was put to the Outward from Barnard Castle Fridays and Beaune, 1917 Vintage 5/-. corn crake, has been heard at Middleton-in- CASTLE will be repeated. Saturdays 7.32 9.9 am 2.52 9.30 pm. Sundays meeting and it was unanimously resolved Teesdale during the week, which is very Pommard, 1915 Vintage 6/.. that nursing under the District Association early for this district. 7.14 am 6.0 pro. be in the the SSION to each Entertainment 6d, Return on following Friday or any subsequent future carried on, and that The famous blue gentian (Gentiana Chairs 6d. extra. day up to "third Sunday after issue. village of Mickleton be affiliated. Verna), an Alpine plant Which grows in Second Sunday in ease of Sunday issues. It was then decided that a District Nurse • be applied for at a salary of £150 per annum England only in Upper Teesdale, is now to ome to BARNARD CASTLE at Passengers returning Sundays Mondays Tues- T. BOARDMAN, be seen in full bloom on Widdy Bank Fell, days Wednesdays or Thursdays travel by any plus transport services. near Langdon Beck. WHITSUNTIDE. ordinary train from King's X (except 10.0 am GROCER, WINE and It was also agreed that the subscription The death took place on Tuesday of Mrs on week-days). On Fridays and Saturdays a SPIRIT MERCHANT, he raised froM 3s. to 8s. per annum, to be choice of trains is given. collected by weekly instalments. Metcalfe, wife of Mr R. Metcalfe, California RETURN FARE 4119 It was proposed by Mrs Kettlewell llow, Middleton-in-Teesdale. Deceased, who Bank, Barnard Castle. (Romaldkirk) and agreed that a committee was 73 years of age, had been in failing DAY EXCURSIONS TO LONDON Telephone 52. he formed of an equal number from each health for a long time. The interment took of the three villages ; and on the suggestion place at St. Mary's Church on Friday Every Friday night and Sunday night during afternoon. Ray, Wednesday night 27th, and Saturday of Mrs S. Moore (Eggleston) it was decided night 23rd May. that the number from each village be five. Miss Stewart, of the Durham County RETURN FARE 1816 It was agreed on the proposal of Mrs T. Dairy, who has been holding cheese- W. Shearwood (Mickleton) that there making classes on two afternoons a week For details, set bills and programmes at stations Men's & Boys' Clothing being not a full and representative attend- at Newbiggin, on Monday afternoon gave a sod on 'Cheap Rail Travel' boards. ance from Mickleton the members of the demonstration of ice cream making as the BOYS' FLANNEL SUITS Association in that village be asked to final lesson. The Newbiggin students IN STOCK from 4/9. nominate their own committee as soon as entertained the Middleton students to tea, possible. Nominations for the Romaldkirk and after the repast Mrs Shield, Stable lapsible Prams Youths' Flannel Trousers, and Eggleston portion of the committee Edge,i with a delightful little speech, pre- sy Smart Durable T. LANGSTAFF'S In Nice Quality Flannel. 4/9 to 5/3. ri were then received, and the following were sented to Miss Stewart a framed picture of Prices from 49'6. elected : Eggleston-Mrs J. Walker, Mrs High Force as a present from the New- Special Show for Whitsuntide of MEN'S FLANNELS, 5/11, 6/3, 7/6. Iledfearn, Mrs S. Moore, Mrs G. East, and biggin students. This brought to a close lour-Brown, Navy, or Plum. Finest Quality Mrs Laden ; Romaldkirk-Mrs W. W. Dent a very enjoyable and interesting series of Prams from 37/6. BOYS' SUITS, (Hunderthwaite), Miss Mills, Mrs Archer classes. (Hunderthwaite), Mrs Snushall, and Mrs Laithkirk Organ Recital. hairs, 8/6, 11/6, 13/6, to 27/6. BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, AT PRICES TO SUIT YOU. Kettlewell. Au excellent organ recital was given in LAMB & VEAL. It was decided that Miss Amy Hutchinson Laithkirk parish church on Friday evening ach-built Prams he elected President ; Mrs T. W. Shearwood, by Mr P. R. Davy, and the congregation First Prize Dairy-fed Pork fed by SEE WINDOWS. secretary ; and Mrs Kettlewell, treasurer. odel, with mudguards, 59/6. It. Green, Esq. was an appreciative one. Mr Davy's imilar to illustration, 65/-. The proceedings terminated with a vote selection included Gounod's " March of thanks to the Rector of Romaldkirk for odels, £3 17s. 6d., £4 4s., £5 5s. MI our dainties made daily as usual. Romaine," Dr. James Lyon's " Des Abends," presidi ng. Beethoven's Minuet in G, a " Liebestraum " FRED REVISOR, by Liszt, and Mendelssohn's " 0 rest in the BARNARD CASTLE PRESENTATION. Lord." Miss Addison sang very effectively THE BONUS SHOP, Mendelssohn's " 0 for the wings of a dove, ' 36, The Bank, On Monday evening at the Three Hoyse 35.39, BANK, BARNARD CASTLE. and the Rev. C. Snushall, Rector of Romald- Barnard Castle. Shoes, Barnard Castle, Mr A. C. Willis was kirk, gave " The Lost Chord " and " The the recipient of a beautiful silver rose bowl Phone 91, Holy City," displaying a very fine voice. on ebony stand as a parting gift from There was also a quartet, " Abide with me," Barnard Castle Cricket Club. Colonel R. C. by Mr and Mrs Shearwood, Mr Stobart, and Che Ceesdale ffiencun Grellet, this year's Chairman of the Cricket Miss Addison. There was a full church, and Club Connnittee, voiced the feelings of the the collection was for the choir fund.
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