DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2020, AHMEDABAD, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `4.00, WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM Ahmedabad WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 CALENDAR THEINDIANEXPRESS,MONDAY,OCTOBER19,2020 OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry &TLewis CROSSWORD4253 DAYTODAY BYPETERVIDAL ARIES (Mar 21 -Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 -Oct 23) The fact that If youare confused, Mercuryand Venus it’s because youare areloosely trying toohardto challenging your understand aworld sign should be positive foryour whichiscompletely plans and partnerships, and irrational! Do yourself a amazing gains arepromisedto favour,lie backand letyour Ariens who thrive on dreams carry youtonew challenge. Youmuststickwith lands. Younever know-you practical responsibilities, might come up with some even if your firstinstinct is to utterly brilliant ideas. run away. SCORPIO (Oct 24 -Nov 23) TAURUS (Apr 21 -May 21) Youare still Today’s Moon is inclinedtokeep deeplyfavourable, your feelings to whichisbound to yourself, muchas CALVIN &HOBBES by Bill Watterson help youinalmost youmay wish to brag and anyventure. There’s agolden blusterabout other areas of rule though, and that’s to be as your life. Actually, it would do diplomatic as youpossiblycan. yougood to showoff abit, Travel plans should go well, rather than always being so and youcan afford to indulge humble. Imean, if youdon’t your heart’s desireinlove. blowyour owntrumpet, ACROSS DOWN Don’t hold back. nobody else will. 1They’redevoted to order (5) 2Neglect nothing on ajob (8) 8X-ray unit (8) 3Not onlydon’t come but GEMINI (May22-June 21) SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24 -Dec 22) 9Ismaking acomebackwith prevent others coming Cash plans requirea Aremarkable line- fresh strength (5) (4,4) little extrascrutiny, up of planets 10 It is done wrongly in certain 4Kind of robberymostlikelyto although thereis indicates that career issues (8) occur during rush hours good news on the interests are 11 Trytoput it in writing (5) (4-2) way. If you’reinvolvedinthe becoming moreimportant, 12 Suitable resortfor aspring 5Can turn intoAmerican property market,orotherwise although you’ll have difficulty holiday? (3) fighting formations (5) making large domestic combining existing domestic 16 Rummageabout forsome 6Radiant girlgoes up west (5) purchases, youshould be on commitmentswith new time (6) 7Hangs about and shows asign the right course. But keep a working responsibilities. You 17 Cut down chesty of anger perhaps (5) close eyeonchanging needtobenoticed. But then, complications (6) 12 One side of the coast(3) conditions or youmight be whynot? caught out. 18 Rescue ship of apeculiar kind 13 Presumablypeople don’t MARVIN by Tom Armstrong CAPRICORN (Dec 23 -Jan 20) (3) knowwhen theydoso(3) CANCER (June 22 -July23) Areyou sureyou 23 High church feature 14 Fellowfeeling pity perhaps (8) Youalways tend to want to accept (5) 15 Abel mayget abronze medal makemountains what is on offer, or 24 Ship’s biscuitsnot so easy for (5,3) out of molehills. do youwant to hold the yachtsman (4,4) 19 Price changehas apoint in However, out forthe best?Therecould 25 Impressive sign of temper cookeryinstruction (6) sometimes that is agood thing, be athirdoption, and if you (5) 20 Examine the accuracy of a foronlyifyou exaggeratesmall areextremelyfleetoffootyou 26 Frighten over mistakesand restaurant bill (5) eventswill youconjureupthe mayactually be able to have bloomers (8) 21 Tied as illustrated (5) grand ambitions whichare your cakeand eat it. 27 He is involvedwith anywild 22 Stop working in the stables? necessaryfor atrulyfulfilled Sometimes youget what carnivore (5) (5) life. Alittle imagination can go youdeserve. along way. SolutionsCrossword4252:Across:1Snail’space,6Disc,10Stern,11Stratagem, AQUARIUS (Jan 21-Feb 19) 12Macaroni,13Nitre,15Endmost,17Frights,19Scratch,21Pageant,22Nylon,24 LEO (July24-Aug 23) Youhaveafew Cressets,27Bagatelle,28Crete,29Eats,30Freebooter.Down:1Sash,2Alexander, Financial private fears and 3Linda,4Passout,5Cardiff,7Ingot,8Compensate,9Standing,14Personable,16 conditions still look secret worries, as Ostinato,18Heartbeat,20Heckler,21Precede,23Light,25Secco,26Peer. decidedlypositive youare onlytoo and will continue to aware. Today’s planets do so forsome time. highlight your inner Meanwhile, it will do you insecurity,but give youthe good to checkpractical details chance to overcome your lack JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel5s and uncoverinefficiency. of confidence and lay Instructions Romantic plans take aturn for foundations forthe future. Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, the better,and youwill soon Alittle couragewill come therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 find that youwereright about in handy. theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe 4266 aparticular person. Theideaofhavinga______isappealing.-RobinWilliams(6,3) PISCES (Feb 20 -Mar 20) nineverticalcolumns,in VIRGO (Aug 24 -Sep 23) Partners seem to eachoftheninehorizontal The Sun, Mercury be in atriumphant 4267 TVAEO AILRDY rowsandineachofthe and Jupiter arenow mood. It isn’t nineboxes. flying through your important whether SUDOKU chartlikeaflockof theyhaveanything to be exotic birds, revealing wisdom, pleasedabout or not. Your EGUST ELMUBJ DifficultyLevel good fortune and pressurefor onlyconcern should be change, although not to put your owndoubtstoone SUDOKU 1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; necessarilyinthat order.Let side and be happyfor them. 3s=Medium;4s=Hard; yourself go,and investigate Youmight justfind that they 5s=VeryHard;6s= prospectswhichonce seemed take youmoreseriously SOLUTION lliams Wi obin -R g. appealin is job eady st a ving ha of idea he :T er Answ Genius beyond your grasp. in future. JUMBLE Y, ARIDL T, GUES E, AT OV UTION: SOL Gujarat Water Supply &Sewerage Board indianexpress.com Tender Notice No. 15/2020-21 ExecutiveEngineer,P.H. Mechanical Division, GWSSB,2nd Floor, JalBhavan, Adajan Road, Surat -395009, Mo.9978407593 invites online tenders (ID No.431179 &431242) forthe work of Mini Water Supply Scheme with M&R for5years at (1) Narmada and (2) Tapi -two groups amounting to Rs.170.12 and Rs.64.35 fakhs from those who are registered in appropnate class.The interested con- tractors shall have to payrequired tender fee/EMD in prescribed IREL (India) Limited. manners.Further details and amendments made will be available only on website www.nprocure.com. The last date of tender down- loading uploading is dated 09.11.2020 up to 18.00 hrs. For Drinking Water in Rural Area contact help line No. 1916 No. INF-Surat/737/2020 efveefJeoe met®evee/Tender noTice “IREL (India) Limited, RED” invites e-tenders for the following works using Tender NoticeNo.10 of 2020-21 E-Procurement portal of M/s MSTC Limited. On behalf of Governor of Gujarat the On-line Tender are invited by Construction of RCC Silo Dismantling &removal of the Executive Engineer,A'bad Store (R&B) Division, C-Block, Item No. 9 equipments in Attack Plant 3rdFloor,M.S. Building, Nr.VastrapurGovt. Colony, Drive-In IREL/Udyogamandal IREL/Udyogamandal Road,Ahmedabad-380052 fortotal : 1(One) work costing E-Tender (Public)No. /20-21/ ET/48 /20-21/ ET/49 Rs.24.04Lacs from the appropriate Registered Contractors of Transaction FeetoMSTC ` 15,000/- (Excluding GST) ` 3,500/- (Excluding GST) Irrigation and R&B Department of Gujarat State.Tender docu- TDC to IREL ` 1,680/-(Inclusiveoftaxes) ` 1,120/-(Inclusive of taxes) ments can be seen on www.nprocure.com from Dt.22/10/2020. Iarriveataconclusion EMD to IREL ` 3,88,000/- ` 70,000/- Tender documents maybedownloaded upto Dt.05/11/2020 at not an assumption. Tender starting date &time 19/10/2020 –15.00 hrs 19/10/2020 –15.00 hrs 18:00 hrs.and if possible Tenders will be opened On-Line on Tender closing date &time 16/11/2020 –17.00 hrs 16/11/2020 –17.00 hrs Dt.06/11/2020 at 12:00 Hrs at concernoffice.Tenders will not be Tender opening startdate &time 17/11/2020 –10.00 hrs 17/11/2020 –10.00 hrs received through Hand to Hand /Regd.Post. AnyAddition / Inform your opinion with Validity of tender in days 90 90 Alteration /Corrigendum issued by this office till the last date of detailed analysis. efJeJejCe kesÀ efueS JesyemeeFìosKes Fordetails, visit websites http://www.mstce uploading, will have to be considered by the Agency before quot- commerce.com/eprochome/irel, https://eprocure.gov.in, http://irel.co.in. HeefjefMeä ing the rate in the tender.The agency himself will be held respon- /Megef× kesÀJeue JesyemeeFìeW ceW nesmì keÀer peeSieer. Addendum/Corrigendum shall be sible in this matter. hoisted in the websites only. mHeäerkeÀjCe kesÀ efueS Forclariicationcontact 0484 Also,detailed Tender Notice can be seen on 2545199, [email protected] ceW mebHeke&À keÀjW~ www.statetenders.com of Information Dept. website and Office ceneHe´yebOekeÀ SJeb He´Oeeve (DeejF&[er) G.M &HEAD (RED) Notice Board. Interested Contractors are requested to contact per- sonally at above office in working days except public holidays for more information about this Tender Notice. No.INF/ABD/826/2020 The Indian Express. Forthe Indian Intelligent. Tender Notice No-26 Year 2020-21 Panchayat (R&B) Division ''IMPORTANT'' District Panchayat-Valsad Whilst care is taken prior to In The Name of Government of Gujarat State the Executive Engineer,Panchayat(R&B) Division Dharampur Road acceptance of advertising Valsad Ph. No.(02632) 253694 Invite Tender through E-ten- copy,itisnot possible to verify dering
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