VOLUME 18 ' V , 1 9 3 4 c f P NUMBER 81 * On it io ^ Washington, Tuesday, April 28, 1953 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT States of America the one hundred and CONTENTS seventy-seventh. PROCLAMATION 30J2 D w ight D . Eisenhow er THE PRESIDENT World T rade W eek , 1953 By the President: Proclamation Page World Trade Week, 1953________ 2469 |BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES W alter B. S m ith , OF AMERICA Acting Secretary^of State. Executive Order Creation of emergency board to A PROCLAMATION [F. R. Doc. 53-3752; Filed, Apr. 24, 1953; 2:04 p. m.] investigate dispute between New WHEREAS it is the policy of this Gov­ York, Chicago & St. Louis Rail­ ernment to foster mutual understand- road Company and certain em­ ling and friendship among nations; and ployees____________ _________ 2469 WHEREAS world trade, freely con­ EXECUTIVE ORDER 10449 ducted by private enterprise, increases EXECUTIVE AGENCIES [material well-being and develops friendly Creating an E mergency B oard T o Inves­ (intercourse among free peoples; and tigate a D ispute B etween the N ew Agriculture Department WHEREAS international trade among Y ork, Chicago & S t . Louis R ail­ See Farm Credit Administration; [the nations of the free world adds to the road Company and Certain of I ts Farmers Home Administration; [economic strength upon which their Employees Production and Marketing Ad­ [common defense is based; and WHEREAS a dispute exists between ministration. WHEREAS increased international the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Rail­ Army Department [exchange of goods, services, and capital road Company, a carrier, and certain of See also Engineers Corps. [promotes better economic utilization of its employees represented by the Broth­ Notices: [the world's resources and higher stand­ erhood of Railroad Trainmen, a labor National Guard Bureau; organ­ ards of living; and organization; and ization and functions_______ 2476 WHEREAS expanded world trade ad­ WHEREAS this dispute has not here­ Civil Aeronautics Board vances the ideal of unity among all man­ tofore been adjusted under the provisions Rules and regulations: . kind and strengthens the foundation for of the Railway Labor Act, as amended; Scheduled interstate air carrier [lasting peace and prosperity: and certification and operation WHEREAS this dispute, in the judg­ rules___ - ___ 2471 NOW, THEREFORE, I, DWIGHT D. ment of the National Mediation Board, EISENHOWER, President of the United threatens substantially to interrupt in­ Commerce Department States of America, do hereby proclaim terstate commerce to a degree such as See International Trade Office. the week'beginning May 17, 1953, as to deprive a section of the country of Customs Bureau lWorld Trade Week; and I request thfe essential transportation service: Notices: | appropriate officials of the Federal Gov- NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the • White spruce lumber;" tariff f ernrnent and of the several States, Ter- authority vested in me by section 10 of classification_______ 2476 i htories, possessions, and municipalities the Railway Labor Act, as amended (45 Rules and regulations: of the United States to cooperate in the U. S. C. 160), I hereby create a board of Whaling____________ 2471 i observance of that week. three members, to be . appointed by me, Defense Department I also urge business, labor, agricul­ to investigate the said dispute. No See Army Department; Engineers tural, educational, and civic groups, as member of the said board shall be Corps. WeH as the people of the United States pecuniarily or otherwise interested in Engineers Corps ! ^enerally, to observe World Trade Week any organization of employees or any Rules and regulations: j with gatherings, discussions, exhibits, carrier. Intracoastal Waterway near [ ceremonies, and other appropriate activ­ The board shali1 report its findings to Galveston, Tex.; bridge regu­ ities. the President with respect to the said lations ___________________ 2471 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here- dispute within thirty days from the date Farm Credit Administration ; ^to set my hand and caused the Seal of this order. Rules and regulations: of the United States of America to be As provided by section 10 of the Rail­ Spokane Bank for Cooperatives; affixed. way Labor Act, as amended, from this increase in interest rate------ 2471 DONE at the City of Washington this date and for thirty days after the board Farmers Home Administration wenty-third day of April in the year has made its report to the President, no Rules and regulations: of our Lord nineteen hundred change, except by agreement, shall be Direct farm ownership and farm s*Ay and fifty-three, and of the made by the New York, Chicago & St. housing accounts, final pay­ Independence of the United (Continued on next page) ment for_________________ 2471 2469 2470 THE PRESIDENT CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS—-Continued Federal Power Commission Pa®e Securities and Exchange Com- Pa§e FEDERAL|pREGISTER Notices: mission 1934 UNITED V Hearings, etc.: Notices : El Paso Natural Gas Co. et al. 2484 Hearings, etc.: Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Haverhill Gas Light Co_____ 2485 Blackstone Valley Gas and and days following official Federal holidays, Iowa Public Service Co_____ 2484 Electric Co. and Eastern by the Federal Register Division, National - Lawrenceburg Gas Co_____ 2485 Utilities Associates.^_____ 2487 Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Lone Star Gas Co__.____ ____ 2486 Gobel, Adolf, Inc_________ 2486 ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Portland General Electric Co. 2486 Louisiana Power & Light Co_ 2487 thority contained in the Federal Register Wilson, Robert P____.....___ 2486 Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Treasury Department amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Interior Department See Customs Bureau. tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ See National Park Service. mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Wage and Hour Division the President. Distribution is made only by International Trade Office Notices: the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Notices: Learner employment certifi­ m ent Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Koopman, Jack, Co., Inc., et al. ; cates; issuance.__________ 2482 The regulatory material appearing herein revocation and denial of li­ is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, cense privileges___________ 2481 CODIFICATION GUIDE which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Rules and regulations: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Licensing policies and related A numerical list of the parts of the Code amended June 19, 1937. special provisiohs; denial or of Federal Regulations affected by documents The Federal R egister will be furnished by published ip this issue. Proposed rules, as mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 suspension of export privi­ opposed to final actions, are identified as per m onth or $15.00 per year, payable in leges_____________________ 2472 such. advance. The charge for individual copies Interstate Commerce Commis­ (m inim um 15^) varies in proportion to the Title 3 Page size of the issue. Remit check or money sion Chapter I (Proclamations): order, made payable to the Superintendent Notices: 3012______________________ 2469 of Documents, directly to the Government Applications for relief: Printing Offloe, Washington 25, D. C. Chapter II (Executive orders): Automobiles from Kansas 10449..______ 2469 There are no restrictions on the republica­ City, Mo.-Kans., and St. tion of material appearing in the Federal Title 6 Register. Louis, Mo., to Louisiana, Texas, and New Mexico._ 2488 Chapter I: Cast iron pipe from Kewanee, Part 70____________________ 2471 HI., to Mobile, Ala_______ 2488 Chapter III: Coal, fine, from mines in Clin­ Part 361___________ 2471 Principal Officials ton and Linton, ind., dis­ Title 7 tricts to I>avin and Nobles- Chapter VH: in the ville, Ind_______________ 2488 Part 725 (proposed)_________ 2475 Grain from Iowa, Minnesota, Part 726 (proposed)_________ 2475 Executive Branch and Missouri to Texas Gulf ports for export___________ 2488 Title 14 Appointed Chapter I: Labor Department January 20-April 20, Part 40. _____________ 2471 See Wage and Hour Division. Title 15 1953 National Park Service Chapter III: Rules and regulations: Part 373_____ 2472 A listing of approximately 200 appoint­ Hawaii National Park; special Part 382_______ 2472 ments made after January 20, 1953. regulations_______________ 2472 Title 19 Names contained in the list replace cor­ responding names appearing in the Post Office Department Chapter I: 1952—53 U. S. Government -Organization Notices: Part 12___________________ . 2471 Manual Assistant Postmaster General of Title 33 Bureau of Facilities; delega­ Chapter n : Price 10 cents tion of authority with respect •Part 203._____________ 2471 Order from Superintendent of Documents, to leases__________________ 2480 Title 36 Government Printing Office, Washington Rules and regulations: Chapter I: 25, D. C. Domestic mail matter; treat­ Part 20__________ 2472 ment at post offices of mailing and at post offices in transit_ 2473 Title 39 International postal service: Chapter I: postage rates, service avail­ Part 42________ 2473 CONTENTS— Continued able, and instructions for Part 127 (2 documents)_______ 2473 mailing: Title 47 Federal Communications Com- Pa&e China (including Taiwan mission Chapter I: (Formosa) and the leased* Part 3________ 2474 Notices: territory of Ktfimgchowan Part 4_____________________ 2474 Hearings, etc.: (Fort Bayard) ) ____ ____ _ 2473 Part 17____________________ 2474 Lebanon Television
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