Item No 3 Applic No P/13062/000 Registration Date 01-Dec-2004 Ward Colnbrook-and-Poyle Ref: Mr Smyth Applicant Travelodge Hotels Ltd Agent Nathaniel Lichfield And Partners Ltd 14, REGENTS WHARF, ALL SAINTS STREET, LONDON, N1 9RL Location The Fulcrum Building, Horton Road, Colnbrook, SL3 OAT Proposal DEMOLITION OF EXISTING WAREHOUSE AND ERECTION OF A 297 BEDROOM, SIX STOREY HOTEL, ASSOCIATED WORKS AND LANDSCAPING Recommendation: Refuse 12th May 2005 1 Reason(s) 1. The development fails to comply with Policies T2 and T3 of the Adopted Local Plan for Slough 2004 in that the applicant has failed to demonstrate that the development will provide car parking in accordance with adopted Slough Borough Council Parking Standards 1998, both in terms of the levels of provision and the layout of the car parking. The development if permitted is therefore likely to lead to additional demand for on street parking in an area which currently experiences significant problems with on street parking thereby adding to existing congestion problems to the detriment of general highway safety and convenience. 2. A holding objection is raised on the grounds that the developer has not entered into a legal agreement with the Council for: the carrying out of essential off site highway works in the form of improved signage and road markings;, the provision of a shuttle bus service between the site and the 4 Terminals at Heathrow Airport; the mechanisms to be put in place for managing and operating the shuttle bus service and on site car parking, including any scale of charges to be imposed; and preparation of a Green Travel Plan for staff and guests. 12th May 2005 2 BACKGROUND PAPERS: P/13062/000 LOCAL PLAN: Not a Proposal Site in the Adopted Local Plan. Within the Recognised lakeside Road Estate, Galleymead Road and Poyle Business Area. The following Local Plan Policies apply: PPG2 (Green Belts) PPG6 (Town Centres and Retail Developments) PPG13 (Transport) PPG21 (Tourism) EMP1 (The Sequential Test) EMP2 (Criteria for Business Developments) EN1 (Standards of Design) EN3 (Landscaping Requirements) EN24 (Protection of Water Courses) EN28 (Contaminated Land) EN33 (Floodplain protection) T1 (Integrated Transport Strategy) T2 (Parking Restraint) T3 (Safety of Road Users) CONSULTATIONS: Poyle Place Lodge, Horton Road, Steelcase Strafor, Newlands Drive, Syncronised Systems Installations Ltd. Horton Road, Burmuda Forwarders UK Ltd. Horton Road, Hawke Computer Systems 14 Unit 1 Newlands Drive, Kinnards Ltd Comfort House Newlands Drive, Yamato Transport (Uk) Ltd Units 5 – 6 14 Newlands Drive, International Catering Ltd Watford Meadow Horton Road, Circle Express Ltd A1 Skyway 12 Calder Way, Ashley range Way A1 Skyway 14 Calder way, David Turner Air Cargo Ltd A1 Skyway 14 Calder Way. Objection received from CRGL on behalf of Davies Air Cargo Ltd. 1) The proposal for a hotel development is incompatible with the general industrial use of the area characterised by B8 storage and distribution. 2) Client operates a 24-hour use and notwithstanding any acoustic measures which might be introduced into the construction of the hotel there could be noise conflict. 3) Access is from Calder Way, which is a private road. Hotel traffic would mix with commercial traffic. The road is already at capacity and there would be further congestion and conflict between users. This cannot be designed out with a Traffic Impact Assessment study. 4) In conjunction with other occupiers the client is negotiating possible physical restrictions in Calder Way such as width restrictions CCTV monitoring and 12th May 2005 3 possible electronic barrier. This would be incompatible with the proposed hotel use. 5) Questions whether the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use, particularly whether there is sufficient parking to serve the proposed hotel. Overspill parking from the previous use created difficulties for other occupiers 6) The hotel is not consistent with the definitions of employment in respect of the area’s designation as a recognised business area in the Local Plan. Notice published in local press advertising the application as a major development. No further objections received. Colnbrook With Poyle Parish Council: No objections received. British Airports Authority (Safeguarding Department): The proposals could conflict with the safeguarding criteria unless conditions are attached covering: lighting; landscaping; flat roof construction to allow access to all areas to permit dispersal of birds; cranes and construction. Berkshire Archaeology: The site is located within an area of high archaeological potential. Recommends a condition requiring a phased investigation including evaluation, where necessary mitigation to ensure preservation by record of any remains surviving on site. Spelthorne Borough Council: “That Slough Borough Council be informed that this Council OBJECT to the proposal since the proposed development by virtue of its height and lack of space for adequate landscaping would appear visually intrusive and would be visually detrimental to the Green belt land in this Borough to the south of the application site, which is also designated as an Area of Special Landscape Character in the Spelthorne Borough Local Plan”. London Borough of Hillingdon: No objection subject to: “The securing of a Travel Plan for the site, including a shuttle bus service, providing a direct link to Heathrow Airport’s terminals, to be operated at a regular frequency, from approximately 0600 to 2300 hours daily, together with effective measures to ensure monitoring and review of the Travel Plan”. Thames Water: Waste: Increased flow from the 12th May 2005 4 proposed development may lead to sewage flooding. Developer to fund a impact study. Surface Water Drainage: No disposal to be permitted via the public sewer network Water Supply: Insufficient capacity to meet additional demands of the proposed development. Impact study to be funded by the developer. Environment Agency: Original objection raised on grounds of flood risk withdrawn on the basis that an acceptable flood risk assessment has been made. Further objection raised to development within the 8 metre ecological buffer zone. Amendments have been made to the scheme and whilst there would continue to be a minor infringement of this ecological zone the Environment Agency has confirmed verbally that it would not be sufficient to sustain an objection. Highways Agency: A holding objection was originally raised on the grounds that there was insufficient information submitted on traffic impact to properly assess the proposals. Following submission of the information required the Highways Agency has withdrawn their objection. Land Contamination Officer: Detailed investigation of the site required to establish whether or not there is land contamination on the site. Landfill Monitoring required and possibly a Landfill Gas Risk Assessment. Environmental Protection: No comments received to date. However, conditions likely to cover internal noise levels. Highway Engineers: A number of detailed comments have been raised. Most of the points have been satisfactorily addressed. The only outstanding issues relate to traffic calming on the approaches to the bridge; the inability of two service vehicles being able to pass on the bend within the site because of restricted width; the restricted width of the footway in Calder Way which provides pedestrian access to the site; concerns about the valeting parking area and the need to restrict the size of the hopper bus. Traffic Engineers: There has been considerable discussion and exchange of information on the issue of trip generation, parking and potential off site highway works. Highway and traffic issues are discussed in the main report. 12th May 2005 5 PETITION(S): None received RELEVANT SITE None HISTORY: CONSIDERATIONS 1.0 The Site and Its Surroundings 1.1 This site of 0.633 hectares is located adjacent to Junction 14 of the M25 motorway off Horton Road, just within the southern extremities of Slough Borough Council’s borough boundaries. The site is accessed from a private road, Calder Way with its junction to Horton Road. Horton Road in turn is the main route from the M25 junction west to Poyle and Colnbrook . 1.2 The site is located approximately 1 kilometre to the west of the site of Heathrow’s Terminal 5 which is under construction, with the proposed slip road to Terminal 5, passing adjacent to the site and linking to junction 14 of the M25. 1.3 The site is currently occupied by a large industrial warehouse (approximately 3,200 sq. metres) with ancillary offices and parking for 79 cars and 7 lorries. The warehouse is approximately 17 metres high at its highest point. At its closest point it is approximately 3.5 metres from the bank of the Wraysbury River. 1.4 The site is located in the southwestern corner of the Poyle industrial estate which contains a mix of light industrial, general industrial and warehousing uses. Industrial buildings adjoin the site to the west and north. To the east is junction 14 of the M25 motorway and slip road, but physically separated from the site by a disused railway line. To the south is Green Belt land in the neighbouring authority of Spelthorne. 1.5 Terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport approximately. 1 kilometre east of the application site was granted planning permission in November 2004 and is to become operational and handling its first passengers by 2008, with a final completion date of 2015. It is proposed to create a new coach terminal that will link into local bus services. There will also be two railway stations, one for Heathrow Express services to central London and the other for the London Underground’s Piccadilly line. 2.0 The Proposal 2.1 This is an application for full planning permission for demolition of the existing warehouse building and erection of a 297 bedroom, six-storey hotel, associated works and landscaping. The application includes full plans showing existing and proposed site layout floor plans, elevations, 12th May 2005 6 tree survey and landscaping proposals.
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