TO MY LITTLE SON cannot lose tbe thought of you SOME BOOKS It haunts me like a lit tie song, It lllcnds with all I ee or do Ea'b day, tbe whole day long. Are worth while - others are necessary T he tmin, tile lights, the engine's throll, And that one stinging m emor y: Th(' follo7.u illg titles cO lllpl-ise a list which, by gen­ Your llra,'e smile broken with a sob, Your face pressed close to me. eral co ncession to the needs of clea'r-cut workers' edu ca tion, are classed ill the ca tegory of 'necessities: Lips trembling far too much to s peak; '1'h e arms tbat would not come undone: The kiss so salty on yonr cheek; DICTATORSHIP vs. DEMOCRACY '1'he long, long trip begun. By Leon Trotzky. Cloth $1, paper 50 cents. I could n ot miss you more i t s erued, But now I don·t . know wbat to say . It·s harder tban I ever dreamed BETWEEN RED AND WHITE \\'ith you so far away. By Leon Trotzky. 50 cents. NEW POLICIES of SOVIET RUSSIA By Lenin, Rutgers, Bukharin. $1.00. BARS and SHADOWS ABC of COMMUNISM By N. Bukharin. 50 cents. a book of prison poems THE RAILROADERS' written by NEXT STEP-AMALGAMATION By Wm. Z. Foster. 25 cents. RALPH CHAPLIN Write for new price list Lite?'atttre Department an at·tist, wt'iter and member of the I. W . W., who was convicted under the EsPionage Act aJtd is now serv­ ing a twenty-year sentence in the F eclet'al penitentiary WORKERS PARTY .799 Broadway, Room 405 New York City The book also contains an Int roduction by Scott Nearing Dare You Read This Book? Ralph Cbaplin has pent five consecuth'e Christmases in :len who 'will face any danger are afraid to r ead it! jail becau e tbe o pinions wbich he held and expressed were Why? Is it because Joseph Lewis has opened t he distasteful to the authorities. l i r s. Chaplin, in wbose name the book is copyrighted, is working from day to d ay for flood-gates of reason upon the darkest secret of the the su ppor t of b er self and her little son. Ever y cent made ages? Can you be hone t with yourself? Are you on this book above tbe actual cost of manufactu re !lnd dis· afraid of the facts? Dare you read "The Tyranny of tribution goes to ber. God/' the greatest thought-provoking book of the year? If you will read the poems printed he rewith, I think tbat Thousands of copies have already been sold. Clarence you will want to Own this book for its o,,'n sake, and to S. Darrow, the eminent attorney, says: "It is a won­ pass it on to your friends a nd neighbors, in order that they aerful book. Bold and true beyond dispute. Every one may realize just what kind of men we are holc1 ing in prison for tbeir opinions. But more tban tb at-~·o u will want to Should read it." The second edition is now ready. do your part toward assi ting the family of a man who Is P rice only $1.00. Postpaid. serving a jail term in the name of all our liherties. TRUTH PUBLISHING CO., Instead of orderIng a single copy of the bOOk, take five or ten copies. and re·sell them or distribute tbem among your 1400 Broadway, Dept. L New York City friends. If you will sit down a nd write your check for a dollar, I will see tbat you get a copy of the book; for 11\'e dollars, and I will see that you get six copies of the book; Or for ten dollars, and I wil! see that YOU get fift een (!o pies. ( ~l a ke all checks payable to Editb ChnpUn.) Stories, Poems, Essays, Plays Wanted MICHAEL GOLD, We teach you how to write; wbere and when to sell. Pullllcation 138 W est 13th Street, New York City. of your work guaranteed by new. m etbod. \ Valhamor e Institute, Dept. J , L afayett e Building, Philadelphia, PR. I MOURN NOT THE DEAD Mour n n ot the dead that in the cool earth lie­ I Dust unto dust- The calm, sweet earth that rIlotber all who die THE LIBERATOR BOOK SHOP As all men must; Mourn not your ca p tive comrades wbo must dwell­ will fill any order for books promptly. '1'00 strong to strive- The small discount we get from publishers, Within each steel·bound coffin of a cell, Huried aUve; multiplied many times, will net us a small but But rather mourn the a pathetic throng­ important income. And d are not speak! Help us by buying- yoU!" books from us. Who see tbe world's great anguisb a n d its wrong Tbe cowed and the meek- rHE LIBERATOR 138 W. 13th St., Jew York City TO MY LITTLE SON I cannot lose the thought of you SOME BOOKS ", It' haunts me like a little song, It blends with all I see or do Each_ :day, the whole day long. Are worth while - others are necessary The train, the lights, the engine's throb, And that one stinging memory: The follo'lCting titles co'mprise a list which, by gen­ Your brave smile broken with a sob, Your face pressed close to me. eral concession to the needs of clear-cut workers' education, are classed in the category of 'necessities: Lips trembling far too much to speak; The arms that would not come undone: The kiss so salty on your cheek; DICTATORSHIP vs. DEMOCRACY The long, long trip begun. By Leon Trotzky. Cloth $1, paper 50 cents. I could not miss you more it seemed, But now I don't. know what to say. It's harder than I ever dreamed BETWEEN RED AND WHITE ./ With you so far away. By Leon Trotzky. 50 cents. NEW POLICIES of SOVIET RUSSIA By Lenin, Rutgers, Bukharin. $1.00. BARS and SHADOWS ABC of C,OMMUNISM By N. Bukharin. 50 cents. a book of prison poems THE RAILROADERS' written by NEXT STEP-AMALGAMATION ... By Wm. Z. Foster. 25 cents. RALPH CHAPLIN Write for new price list aJ? artist, writer and member of the I. W. W., who Literature Department was convicted under the EsPionage Act aJl-d is now serv­ ing a twenty-year sent'encein the Federal penitentiary WORKERS PARTY ,799 Br~adway, Room 405 New York City The book also contains an Introduction by Scott Nearing . Dare You Read This Book? Ralph Chaplin has spent five consecutive Christmases in Men who lwill face any dang-er are afraid to read it! jail because the opinions which he held and expressed were Why? Is it because Joseph Lewis has opened the distasteful to the authorities. Mrs. Chaplin, in whose name the book is copyrighted, is working from day to day for flood-gates of reason upon the darkest secret of the the support of herself and her little SOll. Every cent made ages? Can you be honest with yourself? Are you on this book above the actual cost of manufacture and dis­ afraid of the facts? Dare you read "The Tyranny of tribution goes to her. God,l' the greatest thought-prov.oking book of the year? If you will read the poems 'printed herewith, I think that Thousands of copies have already been sold. Clarence you will want to own this book for its own sake, and to S. Darrow, the eminent attorney, says: "It is a won­ pass it on to your friends and neighbors, in order that they may realize just what kind of men we are holding in prison aerful book. Bold and true beyond dispute. Every one for their opinions. But more than that-you will want to should read it." The second edition is now ready. do your part toward assisting the family of a man who is Price only $1.00. Postpaid. serving a jail term in the name of all our liberties. TRUTH PUBLISHING CO., Instead of ordering a single copy of the book, take five or ten copies, and re-sell them or distribute them among your 1400 Broadway, Dept. L New York City friendS. If you will sit down and write your check for a dollar, I will see that you get a copy of the book; for five dollars, and I will see that you get six copies of the ,book; or for ten dollars, and I will see that you get fifteen copies. (Make all checks payable to Edith Chaplin.) Stories, Poems, Essays, Plays Wanted MICHAEL GOLD, We teach you how to write; where and when to sell. Publication 138 West 13th Street, New York City. of your work guaranteed by new. method. Walhamore Institute, Dept. J, Lafayette Building, Philadelphia, Pa. MOURN NOT THE DEAD Mourn not the dead that in the cool earth lie- Dust unto dust- , The calm, sweet earth that ,mothers all who die THE LIBERATOR BOOK SHOP A's all men must; Mourn not your captive comrades who must dweU­ will fill any order for books promptly. Too strong to strive-- The small discount we get from publishers, Within each steel-bound coffin of a cell, Buried alive; multiplied many times, will net us a small but But rather mourn the apathetic throng­ important income. And dare not speak! Who see the world's great anguish and its wrong Help us by buying your books from us.
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