CHRISTOLOGY : A BIBLICAL, HISTORICAL, AND SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF JESUS PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Gerald SJ OCollins | 416 pages | 31 Aug 2009 | Oxford University Press | 9780199557875 | English | Oxford, United Kingdom Christology : A Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Study of Jesus PDF Book Local Book Search. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Despite the assertion that the resurrection is the interpretive key for Christology pp. This integral Christology is built around the resurrection of the crucified Jesus, highlights love as the key to redemption, and proposes a synthesis of the divine presence through Jesus. Just jnr, Arthur J. Please follow the detailed Help center instructions to transfer the files to supported eReaders. Publisher: Oxford University Press. Not many scholars would attempt to provide an overview of biblical, historical, and systematic issues pertaining to Christology. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Bibliografische Informationen. Gerald O'Collins, SJ. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. I personally would like to develop a Christology from its sources in Jewish and Catholic mysticism taking into account the historical Jewish background as an important element. Original publication date. Final two chapters were excellent and very thought provoking.. McIntosh, Mark A. Buy from amazon. Add comment. Read more What should the feminist movement highlight in presenting Jesus? Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. Content protection. Meine Mediathek Hilfe Erweiterte Buchsuche. Want to Read saving…. Audible 0 editions. This book critically examines the best biblical and historical scholarship before tackling head-on some of the key questions of systematic Christology: does orthodox faith present Jesus the man as deficient and depersonalized? You must have a subscription and be logged in to read the entire article. Christology : A Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Study of Jesus Writer Book Description:. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. I Agree This site uses cookies to deliver our services, improve performance, for analytics, and if not signed in for advertising. Natan, Yoel. There is also as number of Catholic writers and theologians that see Christology without a Marian Mariology dimension as an incomplete form of Christology. Welcome back. Clear, balanced, and accessible, this book should be valued by any student reading systematic theology, anyone training for the ministry in all denominations, as well as interested general readers. In the Russian Orthodox Church there are also a number of theologians in the tradition of Soloviev Sophiology 14 linked to the Sophiology of the early Church15 that perceives their Christology through the lens of Marian Sophiology such as Sergei Bulgakov16 and Father Pavel Florenski. New books! Enjoyed the book, which was referenced in a recent book I finished by Polkinghorne. We would LOVE it if you could help us and other readers by reviewing the book. Published on. Bob Jones rated it it was ok Mar 31, Sources for the historicity of Jesus. It would seem to be addressed to those many Jewish priests mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles who have become believers Acts Dewey Decimal. Product Details About the Author. Final two chapters were excellent and very thought provoking.. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Click here to sign up. Need an account? We have received your book review. David Williams rated it really liked it Jul 10, Author of hundreds of articles in professional and popular journals, he has lectured at many universities and colleges in the British Isles, India, New Zealand, the United States, his native Australia, and elsewhere. Is his sinlessness compatible with the exercise of a free human will? Buy from amazon. Gerald O'Collins. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Flag as inappropriate. Ratzinger, Cardinal Joseph. Christine Dalessio rated it liked it Mar 12, Best for. Christology : A Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Study of Jesus Reviews New Quantity available: Sort order. Clear, balanced, and accessible, this book offers an invaluable interpretation of these and other controversial issues for students, general readers, and clergy. This book critically examines the best biblical and historical scholarship before tackling head-on some of the key questions of systematic Christology: does orthodox faith present Jesus the man as deficient and depersonalized? Meine Mediathek Hilfe Erweiterte Buchsuche. Can one reconcile Jesus' role as universal Saviour with the truth and values to be found in other religions? Does up-to- date exegesis challenge his virginal conception and personal resurrection? Author of hundreds of articles in professional and popular journals, he has lectured at many universities and colleges in the British Isles, India, New Zealand, the United States, his native Australia, and elsewhere. Margot rated it it was ok Feb 21, Recently added by. New Book. I am not sure that the separation of Christology into a separate category is always helpful as the trinitarian, mariological, mystical, eucharistic, cosmological and soteriological aspects are so intertwined with Christology that leaving them out gives one a rather impoverished and incomplete vision of who Jesus Christ the God-Man, son of the Theotokos, is for the believer. Readers' Most Anticipated Books of January. By Robert Brown. Download Free PDF. Biblical Index. Author of hundreds of articles in professional and popular journals, he has lectured at many universities and colleges in the British Isles, India, New Zealand, the United States, his native Australia, and elsewhere. Reviews Review policy and info. Is his sinlessness compatible with the exercise of a free human will? An excellent and readable book on Christology. Christology : A Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Study of Jesus Read Online Author of hundreds of articles in professional and popular journals, he has lectured at many universities and colleges in the British Isles, India, New Zealand, the United States, his native Australia, and elsewhere. Is his sinlessness compatible with the exercise of a free human will? Quick Links Amazon. How he comes to this conclusion is beyond me as it assumes some higher standard to evaluate what is While there are certainly some redemptive aspects to this book; overall, O'Collins liberal leanings often undermine much of what he has to say. Jerome's "scandal of particularity" freaks! Just jnr, Arthur J. What should the feminist movement highlight in presenting Jesus? Add to wishlist. Oxford University Press. This work was originally published in with the title Christology: A Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Study of Jesus Christ , but the author thoroughly revised the whole text in to take account of the numerous biblical, historical, and systematic studies of Jesus that appeared following its first edition. Christian perfection Conditional election Conditional preservation of the saints Imparted righteousness Lordship salvation Prevenient grace Total depravity Unlimited atonement. New Book. Dewey Decimal. Adiaphora Assurance Believer's baptism Protestant ecclesiology Branch theory Priesthood of all believers. Seller Inventory OUP Andrew McNeely rated it really liked it Sep 07, Doug Sumowski rated it really liked it May 18, Bintang Gemilang rated it liked it Jul 10, Your Header Sidebar area is currently empty. In this revised and updated second edition of his account of systematic Christology , O'Collins critically examines the more authoritative biblical and historical scholarship before confronting some key questions about orthodox faith and free will as applicable to Jesus in his person, being, and activity. Peter Swindeman rated it it was amazing Feb 03, Chapter 12 offers his universal view of salvation - where all religious paradigms have some value. Preview — Christology by Gerald O'Collins. To browse Academia. 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