Genet. Sel. Evol. 35 (2003) 103–118 103 © INRA, EDP Sciences, 2003 DOI: 10.1051/gse:2002038 Original article Haplotype diversity of the myostatin gene among beef cattle breeds a a b Susana DUNNER ∗, M. Eugenia MIRANDA , Yves AMIGUES , a c d Javier CAÑÓN , Michel GEORGES , Roger HANSET , e f John WILLIAMS , François MÉNISSIER a Laboratorio de genética molecular, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain b Labogena, 78352 Jouy-en-Josas Cedex, France c Department of genetics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Liège (B43), 20 Bd de Colonster, 4000 Liège, Belgium d Herdbook BBB, 4 rue Champs Elysées, 5590 Ciney, Belgium e Roslin Institute, EH25 9PS Midlothian, UK f Institut national de la recherche agronomique, Station de génétique quantitative et appliquée, Domaine de Vilvert, 78352 Jouy-en-Josas Cedex, France (Received 11 January 2002; accepted 2 August 2002) Abstract – A total of 678 individuals from 28 European bovine breeds were both phenotyped and analysed at the myostatin locus by the Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) method. Seven new mutations were identified which contribute to the high polymorphism (1 SNP every 100 bp) present in this small gene; twenty haplotypes were described and a genotyping method was set up using the Oligonucleotide Ligation Assay (OLA) method. Some haplotypes appeared to be exclusive to a particular breed; this was the case for 5 in the Charolaise (involving mutation Q204X) and 7 in the Maine-Anjou (involving mutation E226X). The relationships between the different haplotypes were studied, thus allowing to test the earlier hypothesis on the origin of muscular hypertrophy in Europe: muscular hypertrophy (namely nt821(del11)) was mainly spread in different waves from northern Europe milk purpose populations in most breeds; however, other mutations (mostly disruptive) arose in a single breed, were highly selected and have since scarcely evolved to other populations. muscular hypertrophy / myostatin gene / haplotype diversity / beef cattle breeds 1. INTRODUCTION The bovine muscular hypertrophy (mh) syndrome has been widely doc- umented since it was first described [1,17,18,25]. It occurs at different frequencies in many European cattle breeds. It was first believed that the ∗ Correspondence and reprints E-mail: [email protected] 104 S. Dunner et al. syndrome had the same origin and mutation [8,11] until recently. When the gene underlying the trait was identified as myostatin [14,21,24], it was found to have a surprisingly high number of polymorphisms [15]. Some changes at the nucleotide level truncate the protein product resulting in a lack of its expression and in the known muscular hypertrophy phenotype. In the many cattle breeds in which it appears, the mh phenotype shows differ- ences in intensity probably due to differences in selection pressure maintained during generations on related traits that vary depending on market necessities as well as on management requirements. In particular, many breeders have tried to limit the occurrence of dystocia, which decreases the economical value of the mh phenotype. As a consequence, some breeds which are well adapted to the binary local management and muscular hypertrophy (e.g. Asturiana de los Valles, Parthenaise or Blanc Bleu Belge), show a high frequency of the mutated gene in their population while others have a very low frequency of any mutation (Pirenaica or Bazadaise). Since a large pleiotropic effect is observed, genotype identification of the mh gene is important to avoid difficulties when selection on this gene is practised, whether fixation, elimination or introgression is desired. Six disruptive mutations were described earlier [4,15,21] in different breeds and explain the most extreme phenotypes. However, some individuals in different breeds do show a phenotype not corresponding to their genotype at the known polymorphic sites. To analyse all these cases and search all other possible mutations that could explain the different phenotypes, we screened the entire coding region and splice sites for mutations in the gene in a large number of breeds by using the Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) technique. This method makes the detection of previously described mutations easy and enables unknown mutations to be identified in new individuals. All the mutations identified were defined in haplotypes and were later grouped according to their possible link with particular phenotypes. An easy and fast method of genotyping based on an oligonucleotide ligation assay (OLA, [16]) which describes the complete myostatin genotype was used to screen the samples, allowing population analysis at the gene level. The greater the knowledge of this gene, the better the management will be, allowing other genes with smaller effects on muscular development to be identified. This study also used distance information estimated from the nucleotide differences between haplotypes to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the bovine populations, allowing the earlier hypothesis on the origin of muscular hypertrophy in Europe to be tested. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. Animals A total of 678 animals from 28 breeds were used in this study; 4 Spanish breeds: Asturiana de los Valles (AV), Asturiana de la Montaña (AM), Rubia Myostatin diversity in beef cattle 105 Gallega (RG) and Pirenaica (PI); 12 French breeds: Aubrac (AU), Baza- daise (BZ), Blonde d'Aquitaine (BA), Bretonne Pie Noire (BR), Charolaise (CH), Gasconne (GA), Inra95 sire line (IN95), Limousine (LI), Maine-Anjou (MA), Normande (NO), Parthenaise (PA) and Salers (SA); 2 Belgian breeds represented by the Blanc Bleu Belge Mixte (BBB mixte) and by the Blanc Bleu Belge culard (BBB); 9 British breeds: Aberdeen Angus (AA), Ayrshire (AY), British Shorthorn (BS), Devon (DE), Galloway (GL), Hereford (HE), Traditional Hereford (HT), Longhorn (LH) and South Devon (SD) and 1 Italian: Marchigiana (MG). Amongst these individuals, a total of 505 indi- viduals belonging to AV, AM, RG, PI, BZ, CH, GA, IN95, MA, and PA were previously phenotyped according to the Euromh (BIO4-CT98–0421) scoring system (Ménissier, unpublished results). Briefly, all animals were scored for three phenotypic traits: (1) general body conformation (animal general classification, muscling depth, back width); (2) muscle expression (shoulder muscle depth, longissimus dorsi and great dorsal hypertrophy, thigh circumference, croup slope, inter-muscular definition) and (3) hypertrophy associated traits (bone size, tail position, posture and gait, abdomen shape, skin type). Each class was scored from 0 (no hypertrophic signs) to 2 (high double muscling) and a general mean note called the Phenotypic score (PS) was produced. Although phenotypes often differ dramatically from one breed to another, this phenotype scoring allowed different sets of animals that belonged to four different categories (0–0.5; 0.5–1; 1–1.5; > 1:5) to be chosen for each breed. 2.2. SSCP All 678 individuals were analysed with the SSCP technique, aimed at detect- ing all mutations present and not described, for posterior sequencing. DNA was extracted according to standard methods [19,32]. The SSCP (single stranded conformation polymorphism) [29,30] technique was used to allow sequence variants to be detected from migration shifts in PCR amplified fragments of the gene. PCR primers were designed to produce eight partially overlapping fragments of different lengths (238 to 419 bp) (Fig. 1) based on previous information ([12,13,15]; M. Georges unpublished information). The eight fragments were generated from four different duplex PCR combinations of primers (Tab. I) in a 50 mL total reaction volume containing 200 mM dNTPs, 2 mM Cl2Mg, 1 U Taq (Biotools), 5 to 20 pmol of each primer and 100 ng DNA with the following PCR conditions: 94 ◦C 10, 55 ◦C 10 and 72 ◦C 10 during 30 cycles initiated with 50 denaturing (94 ◦C) and 50 final extension at 72 ◦C. Three microliters of each PCR sample were mixed with an equal volume of denaturing loading buffer (0.05% xylene-cyanole, 0.05% bromophenol blue, 5.5 mM EDTA, pH 8.0, in deionised formamide), were heat-denatured at 95 ◦C for 5 min, and were snap-chilled on ice. The samples were then loaded 106 Table I. Primers used in multiplex for the amplification of the different fragments of the myostatin gene. Numbering of primers refer to fragment number (shown in Fig. 1). Below, mutated primers used in the PASA technique to define the haplotypes. Forward Primers Reverse Primers Multiplex A 2.1for 50-GATTGATATGGAGGTGTTCG-30 2.1rev 50-CAACATTTGGGTTTTCCTTC-30 2.4for 50-GAGCATTGATGTGAAGACAGTGTTG-30 2.4rev 50-ATAAGCACAGGAAACTGGTAGTTATT-30 Multiplex B 2.2for 50-ATTTATAGCTGATCTTCTAACG-30 2.2rev 50-AGGATTTGCACAAACACTGT-30 2.3for 50-CTAGTAAAGGCCCAACTGTG-30 2.3rev 50-GCCATTCTCATCTAAAGCTT-30 S. Multiplex C 1.1for 50-ATTCACTGGTGTGGCAAGTTGTCTCTCAGA-30 1.1rev 50-TTGAGGATGTAGTGTTTTCC-30 Dunner 3.1for 50-GAAATGTGACATAAGCAAAATGATTAG-30 3.1rev 50-AGCAGGGGCCGGCTGAACCTCTGGG-30 Multiplex D 1.2for 50-GAACAGCGAGCAGAAGGAAAATGTGG-30 1.2rev 50-CCCTCCTCCTTACATACAAGCCAGCAG-30 et 3.2for 50-TTGTATTTTTGCAAAAGTATCCTCA-30 3.2rev 50-ATACTCTAGGCTTATAGCCTGTGGT-30 al. Mutated Primers Common Primers F94L.mut 50-CTCCTGGAACTGATTGATCAGTTA-30 2.4rev nt419.mutrev 50-GTATTGTATCTTAGAGCTATTG-30 2.1for nt821.mutrev 50-GCATCGAGATTCTGTCACAA-30 2.1for nt267.mut 50-CCAAGGCTCCTCCACTCCTGGAG-30 2.4rev nt324.mut 50-GCAGTGACGGCTCCTTGGAAGAT-30 2.4rev S105.mut 50-AGAGATGCCAGCAGTGACGGCTG-30 2.4rev Myostatin diversity in beef cattle 107 n t 4 1 4 ( C - T ) n t 37 4 - 5 0 ( G - A ) n t 7 4 7 + 7 ( G - A ) n t 2 6 7 ( A - G ) n t 37 4 - 1 6 ( d e l 1 ) n t 32 4 ( C - T ) n t 37 4 - 5 1 ( T - C ) n t 38 7 ( G - A ) n t 7 4 7 + 1 1 ( A - G ) n t 7 4 8 - 7 8 ( d e l 1 ) 1 - 1 1 - 2 2 - 2 2 - 4 3- 2 2 - 1 2 - 3 3- 1 6 1 2 4 5 n t 4 1 9 7 8 3 9 S 1 0 5 C F 9 4 L Q 2 0 4 X D 1 8 2 N ( d e l 7 - i n s 1 0 ) E 2 2 6 X C 31 3Y n t 8 2 1 ( d e l 1 1 ) E 2 9 1 X 1 6 2 7 3 4 8 5 9 Figure 1.
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