FEDERAL STATE STATISTICS SERVICE (Rosstat) RUSSIA IN FIGURES 2017 STATISTICAL HANDBOOK Moscow 2017 UDK 31(470) Editorial Board: A. Surinov - Chairman of the Editorial Board E. Baranov, N. Bugakova, M. Gelvanovsky, L. Gokhberg, S. Egorenko, V. Elizarov, V. Zhitkov, Yu. Ivanov, A. Kevesh, A. Kosarev, K. Laikam, I. Masakova, V. Nesterov, G. Oksenoit, O. Rybak, B. Ryabushkin, A. Tatarinov, A. Khoroshilov Russia in Figures. 2017: Statistical Handbook/Rosstat - M., 2017 - 511 p. ISBN 978-5-89476-436-8 The handbook contains information on the social and eco- nomic situation of Russia in 2016 as compared with the previous years. It presents data characterizing the state structure of the Russian Federation, production and use of the Gross Domestic Product. Information is published on the population, its employ- ment and money incomes. The handbook highlights problems of social field, results of R&D work and innovation activities, fin- ances, investments, prices and tariffs. Some materials are dedi- cated to situation in organizations of different economic activi- ties. Reflected are the external economic activities of the Rus- sian Federation. Selected international comparisons are also given. The handbook is intended for managerial personnel, man- agers and employees of enterprises and organizations, scientif- ic, entrepreneurial and banking circles, professors and lecturers, under-graduate and post-graduate students of higher economic education institutions and other users. UDK 31(470) ISBN 978-5-89476-436-8 Federal State Statistics Service, 2017 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.gks.ru PREFACE The concise statistical handbook comprises main indicators cha- racterizing socio-economic situation of Russia in 2016 as compared with a number of previous years. The Handbook has been prepared by the Federal State Statistics Service on the basis of the data collected by the State statistical bodies from enterprises, organizations, population through statistical observa- tions, censuses, sample surveys, data supplied by ministries and agen- cies of the Russian Federation. Information is also received from organ- izations and institutions carrying out surveys and enquiries for the col- lection of some specific data of economic and social character as well as from international organizations. The Handbook starts with the main socio-economic characteristics of the Russian Federation. Information is presented containing the de- scription of the geographic position of the Russian Federation, data on natural resources, national wealth and environment. The data shown reflect demographic processes, problems of em- ployment and unemployment, money incomes of population. Informa- tion is given on social sphere, science and innovations and information technologies, finances, investments, prices and tariffs as well as on the production of Gross Domestic Product and its use. One of the sections contains general characteristics of enterprises and organizations, in- formation on small business and individual entrepreneurship. The handbook highlights the situation of organizations of selected economic activities: industry, agriculture and forestry, fishery and fish farms, construction, transport, communication, organizations rendering services to population. External economic activities are represented by data on foreign trade. Data are given on international comparisons of Russia with se- lected foreign countries. Tabulated data including indicators by types of products, from 2010 is presented in accordance with Russia classification of products by economic activities OK 034-2007 (KPES 2002) (OKPD), adopted to statistical practice since January 1, 2010. Similar information for the pe- riod up to 2009 (including) is developed according to prior Russia clas- sification of products OK 005-93 (OKP), and was published in the con- cise statistical handbook «Russia in Figures, 2010», electronic version of which is available on the official Rosstat web-portal under "Publica- tions" section. For some indicators, data of 2015 are adjusted in comparison with the data published earlier, and some of them are preliminary for 2016. Other indicators are brought up for 2015 in comparison with the pre- vious years, and for 2016 they will be represented in “Statistical Year- book of Russia, 2017». More detailed data on the socio-economic situation in Russia for a number of years will be published in “Statistical Yearbook of Russia” and other official statistical publications of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) and the list of these publications is presented in the Publishing schedule for 2017 on the official Rosstat web-portal. RESPONSIBLE FOR SELECTED SECTIONS Phone State structure of the Russian Z. Zainullina (495) 607-4117 Federation L. Kuz’micheva 607-2785 National wealth A. Tatarinov 607-4256 N. Shashlova 607-2862 Environment protection N. Shashlova 607-2862 Population S. Nikitina 607-2605 Labour Z. Zainullina 607-4117 Living standards of population E. Frolova 607-4801 N. Vlasenko 607-4780 Education O. Dudorova 607-4585 Public health S. Nikitina 607-2605 Culture, recreation and tourism O. Dudorova 607-4585 L. Kuz’micheva 607-2785 Public associations L. Kuz’micheva 607-2785 and religious organizations Z. Zainullina 607-4117 E. Frolova 607-4801 Offences L. Kuz’micheva 607-2785 Production and use of Gross A. Tatarinov 607-4256 Domestic Product Enterprises and organizations I. Ul’yanov 607-3157 E. Shustova 607-2220 N. Shashlova 607-2862 Mining and quarrying, manufacturing, E. Shustova 607-2220 electricity, gas and water supply Agriculture and forestry N. Shashlova 607-2862 E. Shustova 607-2220 Fishing and aquaculture E. Shustova 607-2220 L. Kuz’micheva 607-2785 N. Shashlova 607-2862 Construction N. Vlasenko 607-4780 Transport L. Kuz’micheva 607-2785 Communication O. Dudorova 607-4585 Information and communication O. Dudorova 607-4585 technologies Trade and services rendered to L. Kuz’micheva 607-2785 population Science and innovations O. Dudorova 607-4585 Finances L. Kobrinskaya 607-4447 Investments N. Vlasenko 607-4780 L. Kobrinskaya 607-4447 Prices and tariffs L. Kobrinskaya 607-4447 External economic activities L. Kuz’micheva 607-2785 International comparison I. Kharitonov 607-2620 A. Tatarinov 607-4256 UNITS OF MEASUREMENT thou. - thousand mln. - million bln. - billion trln. - trillion mm - millimeter m - meter run. m - running meter sq. m - square meter cu. m - cubic meter km - kilometer sq. km - square kilometer cu. km - cubic kilometer g - gram kg - kilogram t - ton tkm - ton-kilometer l - liter dkl - decaliter ha - hectare kW - kilowatt kWh - kilowatt-hour kcal - kilocalorie Gcal - gigacalorie hp - horse-power USD - US dollar RUR - Russian rouble pc. - piece ABBREVIATIONS Bank of Russia - Central Bank of the Russian Federation GDP - Gross Domestic Product GKO - State Short-Term Bond EurAsEC - Eurasian Economic Community EU - European Union ZHSK - Housing and Construction Cooperative CEC - Commission of European Communities MIA of Russia - Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Minzdrav of Russia - Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation Minkultury of Russia - Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Minkomsvyaz of - Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia the Russian Federation Minoborony - Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation of Russia Minobrnauki - Ministry of Education and Science of of Russia the Russian Federation Mintrud of Russia - Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Minfin of Russia - Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation Minekonomrazvitiya - Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian of Russia Federation Minyust of Russia - Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation ILO - International Labour Organization Minprirody - Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia of the Russian Federation VAT - Value Added Tax UN - The United Nations Organization OFZ - State Federal Loan Bonds OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Rosaviatsiya - Federal Agency for Air Transport Rosvodresursy - Federal Agency for Water Resources Rosgidromet - Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Rosimuschestvo - Federal Agency for State Property Management Rosleskhoz - Federal Forestry Agency Rosmorrechflot - Federal Agency for Sea and Inland Water Transport Rosnedra - Federal Agency for Mineral Resources Rosobrazovaniye - Federal Agency for Education Rospatent - Federal Service for Intellectual Property Rospotrebnadzor - Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing Rosreestr - Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography Rossvyaz - Federal Communications Agency Rostransnadzor - Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport Rostrud - Federal Service for Labour and Employment Sberbank of - Savings Bank of the Russian Federation Russia CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States SNA - System of National Accounts FMS of Russia - Federal Migration Service FTS of Russia - Federal Tax Service FSB of Russia - Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation FCS of Russia - Federal Customs Service UNESCO - United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture The following designations are used in the book: - not applicable; ... no data available; 0,0 the value is less than the unit of measurement. In some cases insignificant discrepancies between total amount and the sum of items arise due to rounding of figures. Values indicators since 1998
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