RED BANK, Ns J., WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1917, PAGES 1 TO 8. OIL STOVE EXPLODED. NEW CLUB STARTED. Fire in a Shrewsbury Avenue House Thursday Morning. Essex Mutual Benefit Aasaciatio An oil stove in William B. Frank's SCHOOL MEETING TO BE HELD Formed Last Week. homo on Shrewsbury avenue exploded NEXT MONDAY NIGHT. The Essex mutual benefit assoc last Thursday morning. Mrs. Frank ation club was organized last week . V BUSY TIMES AT THESIGMUND .threw the blazing stove out of the Board of Education Will Pre—.. the room over Rumpf'a garage o; wipdow, but not until the woodwork Proposition! to Build a School in West Front street. Meetings will b BARROWS'S PLACE A in the room had caught, fire. Em- Wnt' Red Bank and Anothe held the first Tuesday night of ever; ployees of the Turner steel and con- School on the High School Lot. month. Fool tables and a piano hav FOR THE FEATHERED TUBBE. crete company, who were working on Formal notices for the school meet- been placed in the lodge rooms for th Enough tho new factory building for tho Sig- ing at the Red Bank town hall nexl use of the members. The officers o Government Contracts Ahead for Uniforms mund Eisner company, rushed into Monday night were- posted last week, the club are Albert W. WordentJr. Seventy-Five Nesting Boxes Put Up On His Prop, the house and put tho lire out before in accordance With the law, following president; Ernest Burr and Raymom to the Factories Busy Up to Next March much damage was done/ The fire- the meeting of the school board on Aumack vice presidents; Claude Oak men were.called out, but their serv- Tuesday night. At the coming school erson recording secretary, Albert E erty at Rumson During the Past Two or Three —Seventy-Nine Carloads off Cloth deceived at ices were not needed, as the flames meeting at the town hall propositions Snyder financial secretary and Sam were extinguished by the time they for raising $176,000 for school pur- uel J. Picot treasurer. The club ii Years and Most of These Boxes Are Occupied arrived. poses will be voted on. Women as a benefit organization which pays ac the Red Bank Factories Last Week. well as men can/ vote on raising this cident, sickness and death benefits oi —Protection, Food and Baths are Provided. 1 money. The proposition is divided a basis of $1 a month in premiums, With acvornl largo contracts re- at present. The factories ore well into three parts. J'The first is for buy- Among the bird lovers of this part the cotton and found the eggs stilt ceived from the government tho past equipped to turn out tho work in tlio ing a big lot in-West Red Bank for of Monmouth county wlto are doing worm. In a short time the mother few days, tho Sigmund Eisner com- specified time so far (is facilities are a great deal toward the preservation puny has enough work to keep all its concerned, but holp is lacking. The $6,300; another is for raising $64,000 bird came back and evidently found NO DOUBT ABOUT IT, JIM WAS for building and] equipping a school- OUT 111 NEW MEXICO, of bird life is Ira Barrows of Rumson. the nest and eggs to her liking, for factories taping at top speed until company is short of mon all the wuy house on this lot; and the third-is for Mr. Barrows owns a large place at she re-commenccd her brooding. next March! The company will mnn- from heads of executive departments "SOME BIRD." raising $104,700 for building and Kumson and he is making "it into a Three of the eggs hutched out and ufacture a large part of tho uniforms to errand boys. Tho shortage is par- MRS. LORRAINE M. "WARREN IS bird sanctuary. A great variety of which will bo worn by the now ticularly great in the shipping and Rube White Caught Him When Me equipping a schoolhouse on the high ONE BUSY WOMAN. last week the three young robin*, SCDOOl lot. birds find their homes on Mr. Bart- having grown to be strong young drafted army, besides making cloth- packing departments. Waa Young and He Grew Up to be ruws's place.and he encourages them birds, left the nest. ing for mnhy recruits who have vol- This shortage of labor exists in Very Thieviih and Noisy—Had At a previous meeting the board She ia Poatmaiter, Recruiting Agent, in every possible way. His property unteered since the outbreak of tho clothing factories all over the United Three Owner* and Wai Freed. discussed the Bchool conditions in the Poll Tax Collector, Merchant and comprises about ten acres and there Mr. Barrows is very anxious to- war. Last] week tho company re- States and unless remedied may dis- While on- a trapping expedition town and reached the conclusion that Inn Keepers and She Does a Lot ol are probably upwards of 200 pairs of have bluebirds and martins come to ceived an order to provide uniforms arrange miijtury plans, The Secre- near Lincroft some time ago Reuben additional schobl accommodations Farming on the Side. birds which have made their nests on his bird boxes and nest, but so far for tho,-Ti!itionn! guard companies of he has not been successful in this. tary of War considers this such an White of White street saw n young must be provide? at once. The plan A letter has just been received in his place this year. He has put up 75 He has had special martin and blue seven states. More than half of the important matter that in a statement crow on the ground. The bird was which received tlje most consideration Red Bank from Mrs. Lorraine M bird houses of various kinds during higher officers of tho United States a short time ago he said it was the at that time was the plan adopted at Warren, who was recreation director the past two or three years and bird boxes, made, and although these army wear uniforms made at the not able to fly very well and Reuben boxes have been visited by birds of patriotic duty of all citizens who captured it by clapping his hat on it. last week's meeting. The plan is to 'n Red Bank last year. Mrs. Warren nearly all of these bird houses have these species, they have not nested nor'factories.. Besides all this wur Uould conveniently do so to find work He took the bird1 nhomi e with him and buy the Thomas J. Wise lot on is now at Datil, New Mexico. She ccupants at the present time, or work the company manufactures all Shrewsbury avenue, Bridge avenue left ReB Bank last fall and on reach- there. A number of martins are 1 in factories which" are doing work for it soon became a great pet. Its ap- have had birds nesting in them dur- around the martin houses almost the uniform^ Worn by the boy scouts. the" government. petite was enormous and it grew like and River street, 150x336 feet, for ng Datil she leased a hotel there and ng the earlier part of the season. daily at the present time and Mr. There has been a tremendous inci'eaM Somo idea of the tremendous a weed. The members of the house- $6,3(10, nnd Mr. Wise is to pay-the 3 conducting it. Datil is a small 3ome of the boxes have had tvio vari- Barrows hopes that later in the sea- in orders lor boy scout uniforms amount of work being done by tho hold called it Jim nnd the bird got assessment for paving Shrewsbury ;own but it is the center for a big eties o* birds as occupants this year. son, or next season at latest, he will since war vfaa declared, for tho boy Eisner company con be gained from so that it would come when any one avenue, amounting to $299. An ;erritory. It's a long way from any This is particularly true of bird have a number of martins nesting on tcoutfl havej become very active. the fact that during last week 79 called it by name. eight-room schoi 1 is to be built on •ailroail station. Mrs. Warren writes louses which were put up for screech his grounds. The company employs 6,000 men, carloads of cloth arrived for use at Jim was well behaved in most re- this lot* to be f illowed by additions hat she has just been appointed wls. Mr. Barrows has two screech of whom 1,200 are at Red Bank. tho Red Bank factories alone, Tiia to this schoolhouse ns fast as they lostmaster, and that she is also the wl boxes, in each of which a pair of - The United States government ia spects, but he was very noisy and he are needed. Onthe high school lot a ;overnment recruiting agent, poll tax ;hese birds made their snests this urging the protection of birds as part With tho completion of its new build- cloth ranged in value from 18 cents was a great thief. ' He had a loud of its food conservation campaign, ing on Bridge avenue, the company to $7 a yard. Every day 60,000 piercing voice nnd whenever any- twelve-room scljoolhouse is to be ollector, merchant and inn keeper, ipring and brought forth their young. will have fofir factories in this town. yards of cloth are made into suits, built.
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