THE COLOMA COURIER AND THE BENTON HARBOR HERALD ji ,' ^ _'j. VOL 34 COLOMA. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 13. 1928 NO 38 A.W. AGAIN CHAM NSANITY PLEA TO BE EASTER STORM BROUGHT BROAD SEARCH MADE AM FIREHEN'S BAIL BENTON HARBOR YOUTH MADE BY MURDERER FOR RUNAWAY GIRL , APRIL 19 HELD Fl or BOARD OF mm .Miss Marguerite Bumbaugh WUI Try Overcoat® and Rubber? More in l)e ilattie Fege, 15-Vear-Old St, Joseph If Vou Have Not Purchased a Ticket, William Steinke Arrested on Cliarge of To Make Out That She Was Insane nuind Than Spring Finery—Drop In Girl, Caused Much Anxiety for Her Do So From the Firemen Running Over 4-Year-Old Roger F. W. Drown of WatervUet Given Place When She Killed Walter II. Cook at Mercury Said to Have Caused Little Parents and Officers of County Members of the Coloma volunteer lire Bender of Hollywood and Driving APRIL COURT DOCKET department report that quite a number On Equalization Committee; Jolm Nlles on March 30th. Damage—but Will be of Benefit to Berrien county officials and police of- of tickets have already l»een sold for Away From the Scene flcers of the twin cities were kept busy Ihe annual tlremen's ball to be given Wnnmni of WatervUet Township on So large was the throng of curious Fruit Crop last Friday and Saturday searching for A charge of manslaughter will LISTS MANY CASES at the Crystal Palace. Paw Paw Lake. doubtless be brought against William Finance; ("has. (Jage of llaRar lleodh people who sought admittance to 15-year-old Hattle Fege, of St. Joseph, Thursday evening. April 10th. If you Berrien county fruit growers Steinke, IS-y ear-old Benton Harbor who dropped suddenly out of sight have not yet purchased a ticket for this 1'' 1 very fcarfnl tat am,day that tholr man. who was arrested about noon on Auditing Committee, and John Car- Mies on Tuesday for the premUlnor> i • . _ , , .... , shortly after 5:00 o'clock last Friday annual event, at which everylwdy al- Tuesday after he is said to have run Twenty-six Criminal Cases, Fifty Civil morning. ways has a good time, see some mem- mody of Ualnbrldge Township Is on over and killed Roger Bender, the 4- Thursday evening the young miss ber of the department and buy one And Ninety-three Chancery Cases > i.« ii /-.Ji, e vitno xfiimii snow storm and freezing weather year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen was observed sitting In front of her right away. Kamo Committee Bender, In front of the child's home parents' home In an automobile In coin- Just stop for a minute and think Are Already Hooked For Hearing at at Hollywood. "FlKhtlnn Snm" Miners of Roynlton pay with a young man. The child's what risks the firemen take whenever hersSg—lssSr, and then-the police were cnlled , S Stelnke's arrest followed a slx-mlle tnwiiNhip was choHen tempornry chair- Next Term few cases on low ground mother went out to call the girl Into a lire alarm Is sounded. They are al- to prevent disorder on the part of the house when the car was driven chase by Deputy Sheriff Charles An- mnn of tlio Berrien oonnty lioard of there was but little damage done by ways ready to respond to any call, no Twenty-six criminal cases, fiO civil, many who could not go Into the room. away ami the young woman and her drews and another officer. The of- sniH'rvlHors when that Intdy met on the freeze of Saturday or Sunday night matter what time of the day or the and M chancery cases are listed for escort made their disappearance. The llcers were called to the scene Im- Tnesdny of lids wwk to orRiinlEO for when the mercury dropped to about 20 night, no matter how busy they may be trial In the April term of circuit court, Insanity Will Be Plea following day, Carl Reamland, a 22- mediately after the child had been the year's work, ami Supervisor Allen degrees above zero. at their work at ditTerent things. They opening Monday. April Id. year-old St. Joseph man, was arrested struck down: they were given a good W. linker of Coloma was hkaIii chosen Attorney Edward J. Donahue of Following the several days of heavy are ready to tight for the protection of One murder trial, that of Uohert hy the police on a charge of having description of the car driven by the fttr ehalnnan for the ensuing year. Nlles. who represented the defendant rainfall last week, the temperature be your property. They take the risk of Itohlnson. colored, held for shooting a party who struck the child and a short Supervisor Alvln Knaak of St. Joseph at the bearing. Indicated that a plea of | min |„ ,|rop Saturday afternoon and taken the (jirl away. He told his story Injury while lighting the lire; they take Benton Harltor ncgress, Is listed, hut time later Steinke was overtaken at the offered the motion which resulted In temporary Insanity would be entered the rain turned to a driving snow that to the officers of how he had had the the risk of ruining their clothing and it Is prohahle charges against Mar- irirl out for an automobile ride and dly limits of St. Joseph. At tlrst, it Is the unanimous choice of Mr. Baker for by his client, who went to Cook's fac- made traffic very dlllii-ult. ad It was becoming soaked with water. Yet they guerite Mnmhaiigh and her hrothers. had taken her to her home, but that said, he denied having struck the a second term. tory In Nlles to demand payment of a feared by many that there would be never falter when duty calls them. (Slrnrd and (leorge, for the murder of child, but later he signed a confession duly four new faces appeared on the large snm of. money claimed to be due a repetition of the big Faster snow- the child was afraid of her mother and These men receive very small compen- William II. Cook, Mies, will be added. did not want to enter the house when in which ho stated that he did strike hoard fur the new year—Iceland B. her, lie stated that she became violent- storm of 10-JU, but this was averted. sation for their faithful work and even There Is one case of negligent homi- the Bender child and that he drove Gorton of Benton Haritor; James ("lark ly insane when Cook refused to listen The ground was covered with a light her home was reached. When the now at this annual ball they are not cide. against John Kyland. 85-year-old away, also that he had had a drink of of St. Joseph; Harry Beck of Buehnn- to her pleadings and while In that fall of snow on Sunday murnlng ami mother appeared, Reamland declares, usklng for anything for their own per- Slandlsh hanker, whose car killed a the girl asked him to drive away. He wine at Baroda. Reports further state an. and Charles Handy of Sodns. mental state shot Cook. Donahue de- a little more fell that day, hut after sonal use. Every cent that Is realized pedestrian. that the Chevrolet car which Steinke scribed to the court the twelve years the sun bad shown a little while on told the officers that they drove around from the annual ball will go toward Committee Appointments Other trials listed Include Edward was driving had faulty brakes and Illicit love relations that are said Sunday the snow had completely dis- a while and that he had the girl In bis bettering the tire lighting equipment. Johnson, larceny: Jacoh Hays, larceny; car until about 5:1)0 o'clock Friday that it was necessary to hold one band to have been carried on by Cook and appeared. although the cold and damp Can you really afford not to show At the afternoon session on Tues- Alex Klant. bastardy; Thomas Snel- morning, when he left her at the Y. W. on the gear shift to hold the machine day, the following standing commlttcc he defendnnt and also hinted at Il- wind made the weather quite disagree- your appreciation of the work of ilng. bastardy; U>on Zlebart, bastardy; t", A. In St. Joseph. The girl did not in gear. legal operations. able. the volunteer llremen? Every home appointments were named hy Chairman Clayton Campltell, non-snpi»orl; Kay report there. It Is claimed, but dropped .Miss Irene Myers was one of the Fruit growers are said to have been owner In Coloma and vicinity Mother Witnessed Death linker; I'olhud. larceny; Dick Smallman. Kd leading witnesses for the state. She pleased with the lower temperature, rom view about 1» :0O o'clock Friday should be mighty glad to pay $1.00 for Auditing committee—Charles (Jage, win Bnckel. (leorge Vernon, i'etur Mil- was employed in Cook's office and was as the few warm days of last week had morning and had not since been locat- a ticket to this ball whether they ex- Mrs. Bender was a witness to the He gar. chairman; Prank Miller. Lin- ler. Mike Uayllch. John IMerce, Frank witness to the shooting. Employed caused them much anxiety for their ed. pect to attend the party or not, for the accidental death of her child. The coln; W. F. Dean. Berrien; John Cur- Boone. Ibinor law. Robert Cheney, non in the shipping room at Cook's basket fruit as the warmer weather and warm Trouble .In the Fege household is said cause Is a worthy one.
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