'. • ,. 1- Argen~:-.: ··seniors Elect ' • . J~' GamesBegm Outstanding ' Today Members 1- * * Volumne XXXVI, Number 18 * Wake Forest. N. C~ MO~da:f, February 26, 1951 Telephone 4056 Baseball. Deacons' . Begin· QueSt Fo~ Pan-American CH-ampiOnship ' . I :~ Farewell Into The Wild· Blue Yonder ( I . ' President Harold W. Tribble, third from right, wishes "bon voyage". and good luck to Coach Taylor Sanford and his These are the Demon Deacons as they boarded a plane at the Raleigh-Durham airport for the first lap of their journ­ baseball team as they prep~re to leave. the gymnasium for the Raleigh-Durham airport where they b~arded a plane for ey to Buenos Aires, Argentina, last Thursday. StjLrting at the top and coming down the row on the left,. they are Junie Miami, Fla., the first lap in the journey to Buenos Aires, A_rgentina, and the first Pan-American games. With Coach Floyd, left field; Max Eller, pitcher; Bob Coluni, short stop; Kay Rog~rs, centerfield; Jack Liptak, third base; Wiley Sanford and Dr. Tribble are, in the usual order, Bob Coluni, third ba!!e; Kay Rogers, centerfield; Jack Stallings, sec­ Warren, first base; and Tunney Brooks. Again starting at the top, coming down the right side, they are Dick McCleney, ond base; Coach, Sanford, Dr. Tribble, Jack Liptak, third base; and Alton ''Tunney" Brooks, catcher. pitcher; Frank Wehner, right field; Don Woodlief, pitcher,. Stan Johnson, pitcher; Jack Stallings, second base; and Coach · -Photo By J. B. Benton. Taylor Sanford. -Photo By J. B .. Benton. SENIOR FEE Seniors expecting to graduate Ten Sen.if!ts Ch·osen . iit June 1951 should call at the Bursar's office and pay the Games In ..... Buenos Aires To St.art $5.00 graduation fee, as requir­ ed by the College Catalog. How~ As Most Outstanding ever, those seniors who are vet~ erans under the GI Bill should Today;. 21 Countries Participating . not pay this fee. By Graduating Clas.s Sanford Encout·aged By Team's Condition; Names Students, Elected From List· Of 16, Represent Stan Johnson As Probable Starter; 100,000 Nearly Every' Phase Of Campus A~tivity; Thomas, Bryant Named To Head Radio View Olympic-Style Parade Slim Vote Is Cast Wake Forest College today begins its quest to bring the Pan­ - American baseball championship to the United States of Ameri· Ten members of the 1951 grad­ Methodist Student Fellowship. He Station WFDD In 1951-52 Operation uating class were named to the is a member of the college tennis ca, as all events are scheduled to get underway beneath the Most Outstanding Senior list by team and is active in the Kappa Sophomores Elected By in a letter of recommendations to Not Official Until Fac­ summer Argentine sun today. The Deacs are a part of the 126 their classmates in a quiet election Alpha social fraternity." Upon grad­ the Faculty Board. If the nomina~ participants and •32 officials from the United States who will last Wedm~sday. Those chosen uation, he plans to enter the pub­ ·College Publications tions meet the approval of this ulty. Board Gives engage in 15 of 18 sports events during the three-week }leriod were Bob Auffarth, Dave Clark, lishing field. Board board they will become official. Approval at Buenos Aires. ! I Tom Clark, Marion Davis, Sterling Student Activities New WFDD chiefs will take over Besides haseball, the United States will e1;.ter contestants in Gates; Betty Isbell, Carol Oldham, Tom Clark, Roanoke Rapids, has Nominations for key positions on their duties March 1, 1951. th e B oar d h a d vo t e d t o rna k e pub - b · 1· f · · Lucius W. Pullen, Harriet Smith, been active in student activities radio station WFDD were approv­ The Publications Board also set lications elections earlier than usu- .'oxmg-, eye mg, encmg, gymnast1cs, the modern pentathlon, and Paul (Tinker) Williams. and is outStanding in scholarship. ed by the Student Publications aside March 6, March 13, and al this year so that the 1950-51 , shooting, swimming, water ,polo, weight-lifting, wrestling, and He is a member of Phi Beta Kap­ Board last Thursday afternoon, ac­ March 20 as the time to select heads of the various staffs might various track events. The games al'e patterned after the Olym­ These students were chosen from pa, the B. s; U. Council, the Fresh­ a list of 16 nominees. Written cording to Jewell Livingstone, heads of other school publications. train the new men for their oo- pies, and the American Olympic Organization assembles the man Orientat~on Committee, ODK Board president. On each of these set dates can- sitions a~d thus give them valu- U. S. teams.. All squads headed south last Thursday, 61 leaving nominations were made at a speci­ and is listed in Who's Who among al· call meeting of the Senior class After a thorough interview of didates for one particular publica- able assistance for the 1951-52 frO!ll New York and 97 from lVIiami. · Students in American Colleges and the candidates, Jack Thomas, Mt. tion will be .considered and moni- school year. on Friday afternoon (February Universities. This semester Clark 16). Other seniors receiving nomi­ Holly sophomore and Harry Bry­ nated. The editor and business ''The new publications heads At plane-time, Deacon coach Taylor Sanford wa·s of course is president of the International ant, Greensboro sophomore, were manager Clf the. Student for· }lext will not actually ta~e over until unwilling to predict how his team, the onlv United States base­ nations whose names were on the Relations Club. He has been active unanimously elected to serve as year will be selected on March 6; next Fall," Miss Liviilgstone stat- ball representative in the o-ames would f~re. He expressed the ballot but who did not place in in the Phi Society, on Old, Gold Station Manager and Business 2 the first ten were Cecyle Arnold, and Black, the Howler, and has the heads of the 195 Howler will ed: "but, :,':'ill. work closely _with fear that teams south of "tlle b'order would be much further Julian (Sonny) Burroughs, Lee Manager, respectively for the 51- be named on March 13• and the thts year s edLtors an~ busmess j al on"' with their conditioning than the Deacons· since it i.s now . , served as an assistant in the His­ 52 school year, pending final ap­ editor and business ·manager of managers for the remamder of the . "' . S . · · · Cain, Cree Deane, Jewell Living­ tory department for the past two the Old Gold and Black will be year so that they may be better m1d-summer m outh America. stone, and Harry Wright. proval by the Faculty Board. of years. Next ye;lr he plans to enter Publications. chosen on March 20. prepared to assume their duties Club Further Along Polls remained open in the graduate· school in preparation for These nomin?tions will be sent Miss Livingstone disclosed that next September." However, he did say that his club was much further along WFDD office from 8 o'clock in the a teaching career. morning until 4:3.0 o'clock· in the &i this point than he had expected. "The pitchers' arms are in pretty good shape," he said, "and the only player whose arm afternoon, according to Sterling Marion Davis, w.inston-salem, is I• KITCHIN PORTRAiT Gates, president of the Senior at present president of the Student Tri• bble Speaks In Cap taJ PRESENTED is sore is Kay Rogers. We're not ready to play ball yet, by any , class; however, voting was· rela­ Body. He is a member of Sigma means, but I am encouraged by the progress we have made.'' ' ' ~ tively light. Phi Epsilon social fraternity, and A portrait of Dr. Thurmond he has been active in the Phi So- President H. W. Tribble is in travel to New York where he is The Deac mentor said that he would probably start Stan Gates explained that the out­ I D. Kitchin was presented to the ciety, Intramural athletics, and the Washington, D. C., this morning slated to have several conferences college during the Friday morn­ Johnson in the opener. "He has come along faster than the standing Seniors would be. pictured Little Symphony. Davis is a Bus- (Monday) and is slated to speak having to do with business for the '· in the school annual as has been ing chapel program. The por­ rest," -he said. The probable batting order he dsignated in this iness Administration major and is at a meeting of the Wake Forest college. trait was a gift from the Rich­ order: Bob Coluni, Jack Stallings, Junie Floyd, Frank Wehner, customary in previous years. active in Delta Sigma Pi, one of Alumni chapter in that city this Every Phase Of School Life mond Chapter of the Richmond Kay Rogers, Wiley Warren, Jack Liptak, Tunney Brooks and the two business fraternities on evening. Dr. Tribble ·plans to return to In the 10 students named, prac­ Wake Fo·rest either Wednesday or Alumni Association. Dr. M. T. Johnson. tically every phase of school life the campus. He also is a member The President has been away Thursday morning. Rankin, executive secretary of is represented. of ODK and is listed in Who's from the .campus since Friday the Foreign Mission Board act­ According tq_,all reports, Wake Forest College was the only Who. Bob Auffarth, Baitimore, Md., morning when he left for Winston- p f t T B s k ed as spokesman for the group. school considered by the Olympic Organization to represent the has been particularly outstanding Senior Class Prexy Salem for a series of Committee I 0 ea 0 e pea er United States, and received the bid by an almost unanimous vote in ·athletics, student government Sterling Gates, Kinston, is now meetings and speaking engage~ .
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