All Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interesti of the People of Hightstown and East Windsor IXTH YEAR-NO. 48 HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE, MERCER COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1974 OldHightstown Science Day Attracts 13 Borough Health Officer Walking Tour Hightstown High Fans Threaten With Arrest; By Doug Currie | weeks the students should know Slated May 30 Thirteen Hightstowa High School how well they did as compared with School Super Apologizes sophomores, juniors, and seniors j other students around the state, | The rich Colonial and Victorian participated Saturday in the Jer-( On Wednesday, May 15, 90 stu- ' |k fl Mrs. Marcella Farley, the Bor­ heritage of Hightstown will be ex­ ome H. Bentley, Jr., 24th anaual( dents from the high school visited IV lC e V I U 1 1 v U p C l l ough of Hightstown’s health officer, plored Thursday, May 30 at 7:30 State Science Day. The science day, Washington D.C. to examine the1 r and Dennis McDonough, sanitarian p,m. when the Hightstown Memor­ is not just another exhibition o f: various exhibits and scientific data 1 for the New Jersey State Depart­ ial Library sponsors a walking tour science projects, R i* a rigorous, at the Smithsonian Institute. This ment of Health, were threatened of Old Hightstown. The walk, which morning of testing. The top notch was the second trip to the Smihson-1 House Sat.; with arrest last Thursday around will cover approximately one mile science students from the school ianjan for high school students this J g J - p j y 10 a.m. when they came unannoun­ and take 45 minutes to one hour, met at the high school at 8 a.m. year. Both trips were sponsored by ced to the Intermediate School will wend its way down historic and drove to Rider College in sev- the mathematics department at the cafeteria to make a routine yearly Main street past the house where eral cars. | | school. The price for the students! if you are tired of sitting around inspection. Dr. John J. Hunt, su­ Clara Barton lived, the old Bap­ Once at Rider, Richard Tuliszew- j on this most recent trip was one the house on Saturday afternoons perintendent of the East Windsor tist Church, the site of John and ski, faculty coordinator for the dollar. I with nothing to do, officials here Regional School District, would not Mary Hight’s mill and other histor­ trip, handed the Hightstown stu- Attending this year's prom will have a solution for you. permit them to make the health ically and architecthurally Interest­ inspection until the "jurisdicitkm- dents their respective answeran I be onlyJ -i-tapproximately --- j -■87 Juniors Saturday, May 18, has been des- ing spots. Alphaeus H. Albert, well sheets. Tbes are the standard type and Senior couples. Most years, the iaryated Armed Forces Day To al" aspect was settled through known local historian and author, of computer scored sheets that high number of couples attending this celebrate the day’s theme "Vigi- will conduct the walking, as well school students around-the country, annual high school formal dinner- ]aift vitaI ani) volunteer” Me-!”.......’ ” ™ ................................— as display his p/hotographs of Old find whenever they tike tests on dance has been about 150. An im- Guice Airforce base will open its °f Health’ the Slate DePartment 0< Hightstown in the library twq a competitive level. To‘mark an an-, mediate cause of the lack of parti- gates t0 the public for a fo _ h Education and the Board’s law weeks prior to the event. HIGHTSTOWN HIGH’S LADY FATIMA. HHS senior Nancy Cohen, 18, swer, the student must blacken in ' cipation is the amount of money jong open house 1 firm’ Tur,)’ *-°ates> E-ssl and Dr'8" a box on the answer sheet. The that all couples will have to pay. , 2ers- will be featured as “Fatima”, the dancing doll in the children’s theatre Somethmg for everyone will be workshop production of the musical “Aladdin” in the high school audi- computer “reads” the* blackened In last week’s Gazette this year’s * J torium,- Saturday,- ----- May 25. boxes when the tests k re scored, prices of the prom were reported. The1.ma)n In any case, the students took tests However, the problem should work . s . ,a axy 1SP a y ; sics. Each test was 90 minutes long out to the benefit of the Junior * * v“ ‘f s ^ rm,tted to in either biology, chemistry, or phy-1 Class (the sponsors for the prom). n* r ana waiK tnrougn’ Memorial Day Saturdag and ranged from 60 to 150 quest­ The fewer the people, the less moii- *“e au6e car8° aircraft is the ions. ey the class should have to sub- wor^ s largest je*-- The C-5 is near- j In the physics room,, where this Sidize. |ly 250 feet long and has a wing Brings Aladdin to Area reporter was taking a test, stu­ On May 9, 10 and 11, the Music sP*n o{ more than 220 feet. Eighty- dents brought slide rules, electron­ Department of the high school pre- two tons of cargo can be transport- By Pat Foley , Foley, who is in his third year ic calculators, notebooks and text­ sented the musical comedy “No No e<* on ^ac^ mission the Galaxy Maryanh Ruggiero at the high school, is the d ra m a books______ to bone up on formulas, and Nanette” flies. The Hightstown High School chil- director and responsible for the concepts yf which perhaps they The sports season of Hightstown addition to the C-5 display, dren’s Theatre Workshop will stage shows done there during the year, were unsure -phe slide rules and High is drawing slowly to a close. °Pen house will offer visitors its second touring production of His Children’s Theatre Workshop, L alcu|ators were perm ^ Sibie dur- Varsity baseball under coach Sam a chance to climb abroad a C-141 “Aladdin” at the high school au- which usually requires a $100 fee jng testing, but notebooks and Turner plays Jamesburg and Starlifter cargo jet. The Starlifter dhtorium Saturday, May 25 at l.p e r production is donating the pro- textbooks were not. students from Northern Burlington at home on w ''<! be arranged to demonstrate p.m. as a special kick-off to the Ruction for the royalty fees alone. the school taking the physics test May 20 and 23 respectively. The several . troop-and cargo-carrying area Memorial Day weekend. Ten For those who are to seniors Karen Knop (who, home season of the track team has configurations, Mrs. Marcella Farley bookings have been lined up. the May 25 show, "Aladdin” will ■ cjdentally is going to MJ.T.), Pete ended, but the team still has sev- An airshow will be featured in The program is a benefit spon- ^ back in the area July 4 for the Kraehenbuehl, this reporter, and eral awav meets The eolf team the day’s activities. F-105 Thunder- J le cafeteria 15assecl with flying Interested persons may call theisored by the Hightstown Education Independence Day Celebration at junior Jacob Brunner. Students suffering this season has a home chief pilots from the New Jersey c0“ s and received a “satisfac- library at 448-1464 to register, as Association to procure money for I the New Jersey State Fairgrounds, taking the chemist% test included match with Allentown on the 17th Air National Guard will put their j tory certlficate. but the inspection the group will be limited to 50 per-'the yearly scholarship awarded by Wendy and Nancy Mikejm 3:30. The girl’s softball team j« s through a precision flying drill sons. Coffee, refreshments and con-'that organization. The Children’s In-Season Trout Keller and Sue Tobin. Sophomores finishes up its season with a home d«™8 this portion of the open Heai;h Divisi6n Food , n vernation will follow at 8:15 p.m. Theatre Workshop is in Its second took the biology test. In about two game with Jamesburg on the 24th. ^ e . ^ ^ ^ q( ^ ^ ,'t io n , Department of Health, arrived at the Hightstown Memorial Li- year under the direction of Pat Stocking Continues be displayed at the open house. A ab°ut an hour later with Don Ben brary, Main and Franklin streets, j Foley. Each‘year a group of stu- Almost 90,000 catchable-sized Registration Set Fokker triplane, like that used by son> public relations officer for the The group will meet to began the. dents produce and tour a children’s trout are being stocked in the wa­ 43 Seniors, walk at 356 S. Main street, except j musical throughout the state. Last For Athletic Camps Baron von Richtofen in World War Pubhc health department, and an- ters of the state this week, says A. 11, will be exhibited along with one other state sanitarian. The five, un- in the case of rain, when the tour!year’s production of “Jack and t h e ____Bruce___________ Pyle, chief of the Bureau The first registration for the East of itg wartime adVersarjeSi a gop- der P°lice escort, then conducted will be postponed till Monday, June Beanstalk” was well received and of Fisheries’of the New Jersey Di- Juniors Earn 3rd at 7:30 p.m. In addition, a book-1 resulted in return bookings for this (vision of Fish, Game and Shell- Windsor Regional Community with Camel. A P-51 Mustang from!tbe 'nsPection. let for a do-it-yourself walking tour year throughout the summer. i fisheries. School Summer Camps will be held World War II and Korean vintage The charges Dr.
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