Clear tonight Manchester, Conn. and Saturday Fri., Oct. 30, 1981 — See page 2 r Mrralb 25 Cents In Buckland J • 1 $ ^ I « » I Mall fight to resume By Scot French to its approval, including the Herald Reporter requirement that the developer post a $3-million bond for road im­ A South Windsor neighborhood provements. group plans to appeal a zoning Schulman said the suit will ques­ change which would allow construc­ tion the legality of the conditions tion of the massive Buckland Com­ placed on the approval, and will also mons mall on the Manchester/South charge that the approval was in Windsor line. violation of regulations and statutes. The Pleasant Valley He declined to elaborate. Neighborhood Association of South The mall, proposed by Kravco Inc. Windsor plans to file an appeal in and Buckland Associates, both of \ Hartford Superior Court “by the Pennsylvania, would cover 93 acres ' beginning of next week," according in South Windsor and Manchester. It to attorney David L. Schulman of would include four major depart­ Manchester. ment stores, more than 125 other The suit will seek to overturn a stores and restaurants and about 4,- decision last week by the South 000 parking spaces. Windsor Planning and Zoning Com­ The Manchester PZC approved a mission, which approved a zone zoning change to accommodate the Herald photo by Pinto change from one-acre Rural project in March 1974. The property, Residential lots to Designed located in Buckland tobacco land. Commercial zoning. This flat tobacco farmland Is the site of the proposed Buckland Commons, planned for the Manchester-South Windsor border. The PZC attach ^ five conditions Pleusi- tu rn to pugr 8 Cummings and Smith intensify their rhetoric By Paul Hendrie points.” and, in effect, they are smashing Herald Reporter Cummings said individual zoning.” ’ “ Republican candidates are raising Smith said the Republicans op­ As the race for the Board of Direc­ issues that others on their own pose proposals to zone by density, tors enters the final days, the two slates disagree with. rather than regulating building party leaders are stepping up their He cited Donna R. Mercier’s call types by geographic area. He said criticism of the opposition. for election of the town’s zoning density zoning would lead to too "I don’t believe the Republican commissions. much of a mix of different building candidates have a consensus on the “I wonder how the other types in neighborhoods. He cited the issues within their own party," Republican candidates would react Republican mail survey, which in­ Democratic Chairman Theodore R. to that,” said Cummings. dicated that a majority of those Cummings charged at a Thursday Smith said the Republican can­ polled felt zoning is improperly press conference. didates are in agreement that zoning applied. “We do caucus and we do work boards should be elected, not ap­ Cummings also accused the together,” Republican Acting Chair­ point^ as they are now. Republicans of inconsistency on man Curtis M. Smith replied this “We believe people should have a budget matters. morning. "But the Republican Par­ direct say in zoning by electing the “One Republican candidate ^id ty is big enough to allow differences members,” he said. ‘‘The of opinion and different view- Democrats control those positions Please turn lo page 8 3 win All but two puzzle contest hostages free SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (UPI) - his wife Lorraine, of Edgewater, Four Nicaraguan terrorists who Fla.,.and John Leopold of Wayland, A Manchester couple and a hijacked a Costa Rican airliner Mass. Hartford man will share the $360 freed all but two of their hostages Miss Sparks said the Americans prize for winning the Prizeweek today, including three Americans, in told her the most terrifying moment Puzzle that appeared in last exchange for eight jailed friends and as captives was late Thursday when Saturday’s Manchester Herald. took off for Guatemala. gunfire broke out aboard the plane. ’Tim and Mary Derby of 104 The hijacked SANSA airlines But she said they told her no one was Park St. will receive $180 and An­ twin-engine turboprop carrying the threatened individually and they drew L. Diana of Oxford Street, four hijackers, the freed gunmen were generally well treated. Hartford will receive the other and the pilot and copilot took off at The hijacked plane left San Jose Is ‘ $180. 6:50 a.m. EST, apparently bound for almost 18 hours after It was seized ’The Herald called the Derby Guatemala, officials said. on landing in San Jose following a home today and Mrs. Thomas Three Americans, including a hus­ domestic flight by terrorists who Derby said Tim and Mary are her band and wife, among the 19 threatened to kill ope hostage an son and daughter who joined ef­ hostages who were released in a hour unless their demands were forts in doing the puzzle. “They’ll series of overnight exchanges, were met. Herald photo by Tarquinio be all excited. ’They play the immediately taken to the U.S. Em­ Costa Rican President Rodrigo Bingo game too. I have no idea bassy in San Jose and were in good Carazo negotiated the exchange of what they will do with the money condition, an embassy official said. the hostages for eight jailed Teeny Halloweener but I’m sure they’ll put it to good Marilyn Sparks, public informa­ Nicaraguans, with the help of the use,” Mrs. Derby said. tion officer of the U.S. Embassy in Supreme Court, which met all night It turned out Tristan Greszko was the rhother, Karen Greszko, had a good time, ^ r y is a nurse on the staff of San Jose, identified the Americans to quickly dispose of the legal teeniest party-goer at Center Nursery too. Manchester Memorial Hospital aboard the plane as John Breen and charges against the gunmen. School‘s Halloween bash Thursday. Tristan’s and Tim is a' student at Manchester High School. Diana couldn’t be reached for com­ ment. The last time someone won the Talks for captives puzzle prize was in July, when Inside Today's Herald two women split $1,125. In an­ nouncing the awards. Herald Publisher Richard M. Diamond still at an impasse In sports said that for the time being, the A hard life Prizeweek Puzzle will be discon­ GRATERFORD, Pa. (UPI) - ‘”rhey have been talking through Jacob Deesy of Bolton played a key role in the tinued. "I regret the decision,” Hungarian revolution 25 years ago this month. Rich shutout. Page 9. Diamond said, noting it was a Four rebel Inmates bolding 38 the night,” said Ken Robinson of the hostages in the Graterford State state Bureau of Correction. ‘"The Cody interviews him in a two-part series that real challenge to some devoted begins today. Page 18. readers of the Herald. Prison kitchen refused again today negotiators are still trying to con­ Index He said in recent weeks contest to tell authorities what it will take vince them to give up the hostages. entries had dwindled down to ISO for them to surrender or free their The hostages are in very good Advice ............... ...1 7 Entertainment . , . 14 while it is estimated. that more captives. shape.” New plant Area towns ........ 18 L ottery.............. ........2 than 1,500 of the Herald readers ’The captors — armed with' a He said prison authorities do not Business............. 21 Obituaries ........ ........8 are playing the Newspaper Bingo handgun and led by Joseph Bowen, a know whether the captors have A French firm wooed by the governor during his Classified........... .21-23 Peopletalk........ ........2 game. convicted killer of three lawmen — more weapons than the one recent trip to Europe decides to build a second Com ics............... 19 Sports............... .. .9-12 herded the hostages into the prison handgun. plant in Connecticut. Page 7. Editorial ......... .. .6 Television ........ .... 14 Please lurn to page 8 kitchen Wednesday night following a “We’re not planning to just sit botched escape attempt, Pleaiie lurn lo page 8 THE HERALD, Fri., Oct. 30, 1981 - .1 2 - THE HERALD, Fri., Oct. 30, 1981 News Briefing »ono so/tL,. • Jamiaca cuts ties willi Cuba MILOEF — KINGSTON, Jamaica diplomats 48 hours to leave relations with the Castro and give Cuba 24 hours to Ife implicated the op­ (UPI) — Prime Minister and ordered Jamaican regime since its in­ return the three men position party, saying Edward Seaga severed diplomats in Havana to dependence from Britain in allegedly hiding in Cuba. police knew they were in Drug expert Jamaica’s once strong come home in the same 1962. Anthony. Brown, George Cuba from tape recordings diplomatic ties with Cuba, period. “It is an action taken to Flash and Michael Ander­ and letters from Brown completing a dramatic Manley’s opposition curry favor with the son are wanted on charges found on Paul Burke, backs doctor L O W ttT swing in friendship from Peoples National Party, American government in ranging from murder to chairman of the youth TIMPflUTIMt Havana to Washington that which had good relations its war against Cuba,” said bank robbery. organization of the Peoples MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UPI) - It is a National Party. widespread practice for doctors to give began with his election one with Cuba during his eight- the tiny, communist Seaga said he broke •— LMM year ago. year term of office ended Workers Party of Jamaica. relations when Cuba did Seaga and his Jamaica hard-core addicts like Elvis Presley the Labor Party won election same drugs they are hooked on, a drug After Seaga’s announce­ by Seaga Oct. 30, 1980, Cuban diplomatic of­ not comply, saying the men m e n t T h u rsd a y to a charged Seaga with ficials in Kingston were un­ “wouldn’t be in Cuba in 1980 on a platform expert testified in the trial of Uip late cut back on \m W E^TN ill POTOOAPT • stunned Jamaican Parlia­ making a “fictitious available for comment.
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