VOLUME328 NUMBER 2 EI 11999 DECEMBER1991 RANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY EDITED BY Avner D. Ash James E. Baumgartner James W. Cannon Sun-Yung A. Chang Ralph Cohen Richard Durrett David Jerison Jerry L. Kazdan Roger D. Nussbaum Carl Pomerance Judith D. Sally David J. Saltman, Managing Editor Masamichi Takesaki Audrey Terras PROVIDENCE. RHODE ISLAND USA TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY THIS JOURNAL is devoted entirely to research in pure and applied mathematics, and includes, in general, longer papers than those in the PROCEEDINGS. Papers should be at least 16 typed pages in length. PREPARATION OF THE MANUSCRIPT. All papers should be typewritten double-spaced, and two copies should be sent to the appropriate editor. The author should keep a complete copy. To encourage the submission of manuscripts in electronic form using TgX and the ^xS-TgX macro package, the Executive Committee of the Council has adopted a policy that allows for accelerating the publication date of such manuscripts by as much as 20 weeks, which is approximately equal to the time normally needed by the Society for copyediting, typesetting, and proofreading an average manuscript. FORM OF MANUSCRIPT. The first page should consist of a descriptive title, followed by an abstract which summarizes the article in language suitable for workers in the general field (algebra, analysis, etc.). "Some The descriptive title should be short, but informative; useless or vague phrases such as remarks "concerning" about" or should be avoided. Also avoid proper names unless mathematical usage associates them with the work. The abstract should be at least one complete sentence, and at most 300 words, with the upper limit primarily for longer papers. Included with the footnotes to your paper, but placed before the first footnote, there should be first the 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification representing the primary and secondary subjects of the article, which may be followed by a list of key words and phrases describing the subject matter of the article and taken from it. A list of the numbers may be found in the annual subject index of Mathematical Reviews, published with the December issue starting in 1990. SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPT. See the back of this journal. COPYRIGHT TRANSFER AGREEMENT. The signing of a Copyright Transfer Agreement is a requirement for publication. GALLEY PROOF. When a paper with more than one author has been accepted for publication, only one set of galley proof will be sent. Joint authors should, therefore, indicate on the original manuscript which of them should receive galley proof in the event that the manuscript is accepted for publication. BACKLOG. 100 pages. Two-thirds of the papers currently being accepted by the editors will be published in 18 months. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY is published monthly. Subscription prices for Volumes 323-328 (1991) are $780 list; $624 institutional member. A late charge of 10% of the subscription price will be imposed upon orders received from nonmembers after January 1 of the subscription year. Subscribers outside the United States and India must pay a postage surcharge of $27; subscribers in India must pay a postage surcharge of $50. Expedited delivery to destinations in North America $35; elsewhere $127. BACK NUMBER INFORMATION. Back number prices per volume are: for Volumes 78-280, $108 list, $86 institutional members; for Volumes 281-286, $125 list, $100 institutional members; for Vol- umes 287-292, $153 list, $122 institutional members; for Volumes 293-298, $170 list, $136 institutional members; for Volumes 299-304, $182 list, $146 institutional members; for Volumes 305-310, $186 list, $149 institutional members; for Volumes 311-316, $188 list, $150 institutional members; for Volumes 317-322, $179 list, $143 institutional members. Volumes 1-77 may be ordered from Johnson Reprint Corporation, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003. Back numbers may be purchased on micro- film or microfiche from University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Subscriptions and orders for publications of the American Mathematical Society should be addressed to American Mathematical Society, P. O. Box 1571, Annex Station, Providence, R. I. 02901-1571. All orders must be accompanied by payment. Other correspondence should be addressed to P. O. Box 6248, Providence, R. I. 02940-6248. TRANSACTIONS of the American Mathematical Society is published monthly by the American Mathematical Society at 201 Charles Street, Providence, R. I. 02904-2213. Second-class postage is paid at Providence, Rhode Island. Postmaster: Send address changes to TRANSACTIONS, American Mathe- matical Society, P. O. Box 6248, Providence, R. I. 02940-6248. Copyright © 1991 American Mathematical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America Information on Copying and Reprinting can be found at the back of this journal. The paper used in this journal is acid-free and falls within the guidelines established to ensure permanence and durability. @ This publication was typeset using ^^S-TgX, the American Mathematical Society's Tj:X macro system. 109 8 76 5432 1 96 95 94 93 92 91 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society AUTHOR INDEX 1991, Volumes 323-328 Aarts, J. M. and Oversteegen, L. G. Flowbox manifolds, 327, 449. Adams, Colin, Hildebrand, Martin and Weeks, Jeffrey. Hyperbolic invariants of knots and links, 326, 1. Ahmad, Shair. A nonstandard resonance problem for ordinary differential equations, 323, 857. Akcoglu, M. A. and Bradley, R. E. Alternating sequences and induced operators, 325, 765. Albano, Alberto and Katz, Sheldon. Lines on the Fermât quintic threefold and the infinitesimal generalized Hodge conjecture, 324, 353. Alonso, Juan M. Quasi-projective and relative cohomological dimension of groups, 325, 715. Alspach, Dale E. A characterization of the complemented translation-invariant subspaces ofHlÇR), 323, 197. Andersen, Kenneth F. Weighted inequalities for maximal functions associated with general mea- sures, 326, 907. Anderson, J. M., Fernández, J. L. and Shields, A. L. Inner functions and cyclic vectors in the Bloch space, 323, 429. Anderson, J. M. and Hinkkanen, A. Univalence criteria and quasiconformal extensions, 324, 823. Attouch, Hedy and Wets, Roger J.-B. Quantitative stability of variational systems : I. the epigraph- ical distance, 328, 695. Ball, Keith. Shadows of convex bodies, 327, 891. Ballico, Edoardo. On vector bundles on 3-folds with sectional genus 1, 324, 135. Balogh, Zoltán. On collectionwise normality of locally compact, normal spaces, 323, 389. Bardi, Martino and Soravia, Pierpaolo. Hamilton-Jacobi equations with singular boundary condi- tions on a free boundary and applications to differential games, 325, 205. Beattie, M. See Caenepeel, S. Beer, Gerald and Lucchetti, Roberto. Convex optimization and the epi-distance topology, 327, 795. Beerends, R. J. Chebyshev polynomials in several variables and the radial part of the Laplace- Beltrami operator, 328, 779. Bendersky, Martin and Gitler, Sam. The cohomology of certain function spaces, 326, 423. Benedetto, John J. A multidimensional Wiener-Wintner theorem and spectrum estimation, 327, 833. Benzinger, Harold E. Plane autonomous systems with rational vector fields, 326, 465. Bercovici, Hari, Foias, Ciprian and Tannenbaum, Allen. A spectral commutant lifting theorem, 325,741. Berend, Daniel and Katz, Gabriel. Concentrated cyclic actions of high periodicity, 323, 665. Bergvelt, M. J. and Guest, M. A. Actions of loop groups on harmonic maps, 326, 861. Berhanu, S. Microlocal Holmgren's theorem for a class of hypo-analytic structures, 323, 51. Blasco, O. and Pelczynski, A. Theorems of Hardy and Paley for vector-valued analytic functions and related classes ofBanach spaces, 323, 335. Boggess, A., Dwilewicz, R. and Nagel, A. The hull of holomorphy of a nonisotropic ball in a real hypersurfaceof finite type, 323, 209. Bollobás, Bêla and Brightwell, Graham. Box-spaces and random partial orders, 324, 59. Borwein, J. M. and Borwein, P. B. A cubic counterpart of Jacobi's identity and the AGM, 323, 691. Borwein, J. M. and Lewis, A. S. On the convergence of moment problems, 325, 249. Borwein, P. B. See Borwein, J. M. Boyarsky, A. See Góra, P. Boyer, Charles P., Mann, Benjamin M. and Waggoner, Daniel. On the homology ofSV{n) instan- tons, 323, 529. Boyer, Charles P. and Sánchez Valenzuela, O. A. Lie supergroup actions on supermanifolds, 323, 151. INDEX TO VOLUME 323-328 Bradley, R. E. See Akcoglu, M. A. Bratteli, Ola and Robinson, Derek W. Second-order elliptic operators and heat kernels on Lie groups, 325, 683. Brightwell, Graham. See Bollobás, Bêla Bruns, Winfried, Simis, Aron and Trung, Ngô Viêt. Blow-up of straightening-closed ideals in ordinal Hodge algebras, 326, 507. Buoncristiano, Sandro and Hacon, Derek. Characteristic numbers for unoriented Z-homology man- ifolds,323, 651. Caenepeel, S. and Beattie, M. A cohomological approach to the Brauer-Long group and the groups of Galois extensions and strongly graded rings, 324, 747. Cao, Jianguo. The existence of generalized isothermal coordinates for higher dimensional Riemannian manifolds,324, 901. Carasso, Alfred S. and Kato, Tosio. On subordinated holomorphic semigroups, 327, 867. Carlson, James A. Hypersurface variations are maximal. II, 323, 177. Cauty, Robert. Structure locale de l'espace des rétractions d'une surface, 323, 315. Chen, Shaozhu. Asymptotic integrations of nonoscillatory
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