North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship NCAT Student Newspapers Digital Collections 7-6-1934 The Register, 1934-07-06 North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University, "The Register, 1934-07-06" (1934). NCAT Student Newspapers. 24. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Digital Collections at Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in NCAT Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r Forget the Remember Weather THE REGISTER September 17 Esse Quam Videri VOL. XVIII, NO. 6 GREENSBORO, N. C, JULY 6, 1934 5c PER COPY SUMMER SCHOOL HAS LARGE ENROLLMENT Faculty and Students of A. & T. Summer School as they appeared on opening day. Faculty members occupy seats in center. SUMMER SCHOOL HAS Lyceum Announcement HARRISON SPEAKS CAMPUS FLASHES THREE IMPORTANT Announcement of the complete Prof. C. E. Dean, of the Agri­ ENROLLMENT OF 400 Lyceum schedule and other enter­ AT COMMENCEMENT cultural Department, has been ADDRESSES HEARD tainments for the Summer School loaned to the State for the Summer 53 Leading Institutions of High­ was made by Dean Gibbs, Director of Noted Actor, "De Lawd" of to make a survey of economic and Andrews and Trigg Speak on er Learning Represented Summer School, as folows: "The Green Pastures," De­ sociological conditions of Edge- Democracy and Education, Mrs. Nell Hunter, soprano, June comb county. Among Student Group. 19. livers Literary Address. Hunt on Farm Work. Harrison - H. Ferrell, violinist, A. AND T. fcoELEGE LEADS Isaac Artis, J. F. Bright, and Junp 20. EHRINGHAUS LAUDS A.&T. "Socrates" Johnson are attending SPEECHES ARE INSPIRING Walte>' ftj." MeJJaAr, tenor, July 4. 5 The 37th annual *il^Qtti^fr_ ; . *7mer school' again. T ie 1 . ,-i.v .... .'Light Opera, July-^^ .^Oonime2j£e^B£S.-. , ''"::*'. —"'--history, Q . ,.,. Q».i, .,.-• ..._^kJ0f.;_\, ., l0tal (.£ Boston j;[i;ihiM, .i t.JjTflS.' \ ~y'" ' v nearly 400 students on June 7. Classes arid -lislor.y will surely one of Regular students, especially, will b^s-ed the Summer Other Appearances : began June 8, and will continue to the highest places in the annals .of the be interested to learn that the tun- studi - on Mondav at noor^s'-i"" Supt. T. W. Andrews, June 25 . June 10, when the second session be­ college. nell is almost completed, some of pxar ' Mr. Andrews, who is the H. L. Trigg, June 27. gins. Fifty-three colleges are repre­ Governor Ehringhaus, notwithstand­ the new tennis courts are being effieierit head of tb'o High Point school Faculty, June 28. used, and th«* —c pl»y«i«»] educa­ sented with students from all parts of ing a very rainy day, was present and system, took as the basis of his address W. A. Hunt, June 29. tion building is actually being re­ the state and adjoining states. ^ delivered a spirited address. After hav­ the warning found in the North Caro­ Students, July 2. ing dec.larn'3 iiia.ii nu was nappy to par­ modelled. All of these projects lina Constitution that a frequent re­ That the college makes a strong ap­ T ; Wm. R. Johnson *-'- J "• are expected to be completed before turn to "Fundamental Principles" of peal to many classes of educators over ticipate in a commencement season in J. W. Hillman, July 12, (evening.) September. government is essential in a democ­ a large section of the country may bo which "De Lawd" himself was appear­ racy. seen not only from the large number ing in person, tlie governor declared Naurice F. Woods, '34, received of persons registered in the Summer that he had been watching with inter­ The ideal of democracy was stressed a scholarship to the Workers' Edu­ School but also, from the num­ est the progress of the college: that he in the discourse. A short hisoric ac­ cational School that is being con­ ber and variety of colleges represented ADDITIONS MADE TO was aware of the fact that her appro­ count of American democracy was ducted at Atlanta, 'Ga. by graduates or former students. SUMMER SCHOOL STAFF priations have been inadequate, and given by the speaker. "Justice is the that he hoped the state would be able primary word; freedom the secondary; A glance at the registration cards Euphrey Bigelow is secretary in shows that not less than 53 colleges are to render more financial support in the justice to all men on equal terms; free­ Departments of Natural Science and the Dean's office and Ruby Dusen­ represented. When wo seek the loca­ next few years. dom is a relative term, but you can Social Science Are Augmented by bury is Summer School pianist. tion of these institutions we must be­ But the best known celebrity of the not forfeit right to justice." Outstanding Specialists. season was the great Richard B. Har­ • ••- gin in the far southwest with St. Phil­ The speaker further said that edu­ rison. So much has been written about lips Junior College in San Antonio, cation adhered to tins open mind and. Mr. Harrison during the last four or GREENSBORO STUDENTS Texas, and travel all the way to Colum­ A PRACTICE SCHOOL IS ADDED that the only way a man can be free is five years that it will not be necessary bia University, New York City, and as by co-operation with external control. to do more than state the fact that on HAVE HIGH STANDINGS far West as Ohio State University. Be­ Most of the members of the regular "It lies with the public school teachers this occasion we haw Mm in two entire­ tween these extremes nearly every state college staff are employed in the sum­ Hortense Galloway Graduates With of America to determine to what ex­ ly new roles. In the first lie was com­ is representd by at last one of its lead­ mer school, as usual. In addition, ow­ High Honors; Other Students Are tent the majority of people of America mencement orator, and delivered a very ing institutions of higher learning. ing to the great increase in summer Active in College Work. are capable of being free." tine address. In the second, he was the While it is impossible to make a com- school attendance, other specialists had The "Changing Concepts in Govern­ recipient of the honorary degree of pl«A analysis of the enrollment at this to bo brought in to carry on certain ment" was the subject chosen by H. L. Doctor of Dramatic Litrature. LIST OF HONOR STUDENTS GIVEN work in crowded departments. Trigg, State Inspector of Negro High Mr. Harrison delivered a very fine !Continued on Page Two) Mr. John F. Edwards, a former stu­ Of the 71 Greensboro students, rep­ Schools, who addressed the Summer address. Ho has never spoken in all dent of Cornell University and hold­ resenting 12% per cent of the entire School students on Wednesday at regu­ of his long experience before a more ing a master's degree from the Univer­ enrollment, during 1933-34, approxi­ lar chapel exercises. Mr. Trigg began enthusiastic and sympathetic audience SUMMER SCHOOL FACULTY sity of Chicago, is conducting courses mately 20 per cent of them made the by making a comparison between those than that which sat before him in the in Botany and Bacteriology. He was honor roll. Outstanding in this group problems dealing with government GIVES A UNIQUE PROGRAM Dudley Hall on this occasion. —• formerly a member of the faculty of are Hortense Galloway and Flossie in China, Japan, and Germany, with The class of 1934 lias the distinction Robinson Alston. those of our own government. "There Varied Musical and Literary Talents Howard University. of having the highest scholastic record are all shades of government," he fur­ Are Discovered Among the Group Mrs. D. W. Hall, who holds an A. B. Miss Galloway, one of the three rank­ of any on record. It would inspire any ther stated. "Times bring about new Represented. from Talledcga College and an M. S. ing students of the graduating class of man to address such a group. Harri­ changes and it is the duty of each from Columbia, is giving courses in 1934, and winner of one of the Saslow son was plainly inspired. Negro teacher and principal to be alert MANY ENCORES ARE CALLED FOR Sociology and Geography. Mrs. Hall is medals for scholarship, has maintained to thera. The future of the nation lies regularly employed at the Dudley High a high record throughout her four-year CHORAL CLUB BEGINS in the hands of the boys and girls that The college faculty presented a pro­ School of Greensboro. college career at A. and T... She is a are under your guidance. Therefore, in­ gram on Thursday at noon. Measured Miss Henrietta Brogwell, with bath WITH FIFTY MEMBERS graduate of the. James B. Dudley High still in them, and even allow them to by the applause, the entire program her A. B. in Education and A. M. in School of Greensboro and.came to A. partici) ate in, those organizations that was well received by the audience. Elementary Education from the Uni­ The Choral Club, under the direction and T. upon a scholarship won there. are making for political goals, for we The program consisted of the follow­ versity of Pittsburgh, has charge of the of Miss Ethyl Wise, has been organized.
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