Safe to Eat Tk^V 鄡 Cu銥 Iqspx Hnhc岌」

Safe to Eat Tk^V 鄡 Cu銥 Iqspx Hnhc岌」

Period of report: 2015 Report No: PAMSTEV 22/2015 P\phcn-- – Unkw_À 2015 January – December 2015 Plan Scheme ¹m³ kvIow: Safe to Eat tk^v äp Cuäv Farm gate Vegetable Samples (January 2015 – December 2015) “Production and Marketing of Safe to Eat (Pesticide free) vegetables, fruits and food products for sale through government outlets” tIcf¯nse IÀjIcpsS ]¨¡dn Dev¸¶§Ä 99.2 iXam\hpw “tk^v äp Cuäv” tIcf¯nse ]¨¡dn IÀjIcpsS IrjnbnS§fn \n¶v t\cn«v tiJcn¨v ]cntim[n¨ 514 km¼nfpIfn 510 F®hpw (99.2%) “tk^v äp Cuäv” am\ZÞw \ne\nÀ¯nbXmbn ]Zv[XnbpsS ]cntim[\m ^e§Ä ImWn¡p¶p. PnÃ, amÀ¡äv, IÀjIÀ, Dev]¶w F¶o {Ia¯n 2015 P\phcn 1 apX Unkw_À 31 hsc IrjnbnS§fn \n¶v tiJcn¨ 514 ]¨¡dn km¼nfpIfpsS hniZhnhc§fmWv Ccp]¯ncണ്ടmas¯ Cu dnt¸mÀ«n sImSp¯ncn¡p¶Xv. Pnà Xncn¨pÅ IW¡v t\m¡nbm ssPhPnÃbmbn {]Jym]n¨ ImkÀtKmUv PnÃbnse IÀjIcn \n¶v tiJcn¨ 8 km¼nfpIfn am{Xw hnjmwiw Isണ്ട¯nsb¦nepw AXn\v F^v.Fk.vFk.vF.sG. ]cn[n \nÝbn¨n«nÃm¯XmWv. Xncph\´]pcw PnÃbn \n¶pw tiJcn¨ 181 ]¨¡dn km¼nfpIfn 23 F®¯nemWv IoS\min\n Ahinã hnjmwiw Isണ്ട¯nbXv; AXn \njvIÀjn¨ncn¡p¶ ]cn[n¡v Xmsg 6 km¼nfpIfpw ]cn[n \nÝbn¨n«nÃm¯ hnjmwiw 13 km¼nfpIfnepamWv Iണ്ടXv. ]mhÂ, ]¨ Noc, Nph¸v Noc, shണ്ട, ]bÀ, ]Shew, kemUv shÅcn, shÅcn, tImh F¶nhbpsS km¼nfpIfnemWv IoS\min\n AhinjvSw Isണ്ട¯nbXv. \njvIÀjn¨ncn¡p¶ ]cn[n¡v apIfn hnjmwiw Iണ്ടXv shണ്ട (1), ]¨ Noc (1), ]bÀ (2) F¶nhbpsS km¼nfpIfn BWv. IvtfmÀss]dnt^mkv F¶ IoS\min\nbmWv ]cn[n¡v apIfn ]¨¡dn km¼nfpIfn ImWs¸«Xv. ]cn[n ewLn¨ km¼nfnsâ hnhc§Ä hn]Wn A[nIrXcneqsS IÀjIsc Adnbn¨v IoS\min\n {]tbmK¯n hcpt¯ണ്ട amä§sf¸än D]tZiw \ÂIp¶p. IÀjIcpsS ]¨¡dn km¼nfpIÄ kuP\yambn ]cntim[n¨v DÂ]¶ ]cntim[\m km£y]{Xw \evIp¶ ]cn]mSn Cu ]²XnbpsS `mKambn XpScp¶p. Irjn B^okdpsS ip]mÀi I¯pambn ]cntim[nt¡ണ്ട ]¨¡dnIfpsS Hcp Intem km¼nÄ hoXw ¹mÌn¡v AÃm¯ _mKn te_en«v shÅmbWn ImÀjnI tImtfPnse ""IoS\min\n Ahinã hnjmwi ]cntim[\m em_d«dn''bn F¯n¨v sImSp¡pIbmsW¦n kuP\yambn ]cntim[n¨v dnt¸mÀ«v \evIp¶XmWv. IqSpX hnhc§Ä¡v: tUm. tXmakv _nPp amXyp, s{]m^ÊÀ B³Uv slUv, dntkÀ¨v Sow: “tk^v äp Cuäv” ]Zv[Xn s]ÌnsskUv sdknUyp em_v , (IoS\min\n Ahinã hnjmwi(PRRAL ]cntim[) \m em_d«dn), 1. _nt\mbv.F.tImin ko\nbÀ dntkÀ¨v s^tÃm 09846062132 ImÀjnI tImtfPv, shÅmbWn ]n.H; 2. {]nb. F Pq\nbÀ dntkÀ¨v s^tÃm 09847240318 Xncph\´]pcw 3. kqcymtamÄ.Fkv Pq\nbÀ dntkÀ¨v s^tÃm 09446018451 695 522 t^m¬ \¼À: samss_Â: 4. kmÂtam³.hn.Fkv. kvInÂUv AknÌvâv 09947916428 0471 -2388167 09895408332 C-- sabnÂ: 5. i_cn\mഥv kvInÂUv hÀ¡À 09037933206 - [email protected] [email protected] Page | 1 Plan scheme fully funded by Department of Agriculture, Govt. Of Kerala & implemented by Kerala Agricultural University in association with Dept. Of Agriculture, Horticorp, VFPCK and K-SHM Period of report: 2015 Report No: PAMSTEV 22/2015 P\phcn-- – Unkw_À 2015 January – December 2015 Plan Scheme ¹m³ kvIow: Safe to Eat tk^v äp Cuäv Farm gate Vegetable Samples (January 2015 – December 2015) “Production and Marketing of Safe to Eat (Pesticide free) vegetables, fruits and food products for sale through government outlets” AlapuzhaBe¸pg slmkqÀHosur, Karnataka IÀ®mSI CSp¡nIdukki KottarakkarasIm«mc¡c KottayamtIm«bw Palakkad]me¡mSv km¼nfpIfpsS F®w (No. Of samples) 37 # IÀjIsâ t]cv ta hnemkw C\w Isണ്ട¯nb IoS\min\nbpsS \njvIÀjn¨ncn¡p¶ ]cn[n “tk^v äp Cuäv” FARMERS NAME FARMERS ADDRESS ITEM IoS\min\nbpsS t]cv Afhv (F^.vFk.vFk.vF.sG.) iXam\w PESTICIDE DETECTED RESIDUE LEVEL FSSAI Limit Safe to Eat % 1. Sri. Jyothish Mattathil, Cheruvaranam, Varanam P.O, Brinjal(round) Nil Nil Nil 100% Cherthala, Kanjikuzhi, Alapuzha Mob: 9447016982 2. Sri. Jyothish Mattathil, Cheruvaranam, Varanam P.O, Bhindi Nil Nil Nil Cherthala, Kanjikuzhi, Alapuzha Mob: 9447016982 3. Sreenivasa Reddy CR Palayam, Denkanikotta Tomato (Hybrid) Nil Nil Nil 100% 4. Prakash Reddy Chinnabalagondapally, Hosur Bitter gourd Nil Nil Nil 100% 5. Prakash Reddy Chinnabalagondapally, Hosur Capsicum(green) s{]ms^t\mt^mkv 0.10 Cà (No MRL) Profenophos 6. Prakash Reddy Chinnabalagondapally, Hosur Capsicum (red) Nil Nil Nil 7. Prakash Reddy Chinnabalagondapally, Hosur Capsicum(yellow) ssUsat¯mtbäv 0.08 0.5 Dimethoate s{]ms^t\mt^mkv 0.19 Cà (No MRL) Profenophos 8. Arogyaswami CR Palayam, Dinnur Village, Denkanikotta Ph No. Brinjal(round) Nil Nil Nil 100% 9655475026 9. Manjunath Reddy Punuganadoddy Hosur Ph No. 9790468009 Cauliflower Nil Nil Nil 100% 10. Ignatius Das Dasarappally, Denkanikotta Taluk, Krishnagiri, Ph Bushbeans Nil Nil Nil 100% No. 9655782130 11. Manjunath Reddy CR Palayam P.O, Denkanikotta, Krishnagiri Ph No. Salad cucumber IvtfmÀss]dnt^mkv 0.11 0.2 ppm 100% 9943471864 Chlorpyriphos 12. Aswathanaryana Kuppatty Village, CR Palayam P.O, Denkanikotta, Cabbage (ordinary) Hari Nil Nil Nil 100% Reddy Krishnagiri Rani Variety Ph No. 9786589815 13. Pushparaj Vattavada, Ph No. 9495748618 Carrot Nil Nil Nil 100% 14. Sasikumar Vattavada, Ph No. 9447133056 Cabbage(ordinary) Nil Nil Nil 100% 15. Ramakrishnan.P Sudha Bhavan, Puthoor Gramam, KanthalloorP.O Carrot Iyp\mÂt^mkv 0.26 Cà (No MRL) 100% Quinalphos 16. M.K Ramswamy Puthoor Gramam, Kanthalloor P.O Cabbage(ordinary) Nil Nil Nil 100% Page | 2 Plan scheme fully funded by Department of Agriculture, Govt. Of Kerala & implemented by Kerala Agricultural University in association with Dept. Of Agriculture, Horticorp, VFPCK and K-SHM Period of report: 2015 Report No: PAMSTEV 22/2015 P\phcn-- – Unkw_À 2015 January – December 2015 Plan Scheme ¹m³ kvIow: Safe to Eat tk^v äp Cuäv Farm gate Vegetable Samples (January 2015 – December 2015) “Production and Marketing of Safe to Eat (Pesticide free) vegetables, fruits and food products for sale through government outlets” # IÀjIsâ t]cv ta hnemkw C\w Isണ്ട¯nb IoS\min\nbpsS \njvIÀjn¨ncn¡p¶ ]cn[n “tk^v äp Cuäv” FARMERS NAME FARMERS ADDRESS ITEM IoS\min\nbpsS t]cv Afhv (F^.vFk.vFk.vF.sG.) iXam\w PESTICIDE DETECTED RESIDUE LEVEL FSSAI Limit Safe to Eat % 17. R. Pazhani swamy Moutain Shine, Vattavada Carrot Nil Nil Nil 100% 18. Thankachan Edasseriparambil (H), Edavetty P.O Amaranthus(red) Nil Nil Nil 100% Joseph 19. Aliyamma Joseph Arikkad, Kanjar P.O Amaranthus(red) Nil Nil Nil 100% 20. Sri. Jose.T.Thomas Thattayath House, Vadakkumury P.O, Vegetable cowpea Nil Nil Nil 100% Karimkunnam, Thodupuzha 21. Anish Joseph Thottupuram (H), Thekkumbhagam P.O Bitter gourd Nil Nil Nil 100% 22. Bastine Litto Koonthanam, Vadakkemmary P.O, Thodupuzha Salad cucumber Nil Nil Nil 100% 23. Bastine Litto Koonthanam, Vadakkemmary P.O, Thodupuzha Vegetable cowpea Nil Nil Nil 24. Sukumaran Pillai Poovakkattu veedu, Anthamon, Kalayapuram Snake gourd Nil Nil Nil 100% P.O, Kottarakkara Ph No. 9745286902 25. Balachandran Chilampinazhikam, Thevalappurampo, Puthoor Bhindi Nil Nil Nil 100% Pillai K.G P.O, Kottarakkara Ph No. 9744718409 26. Balachandran Chilampinazhikam, Thevalappurampo, Puthoor Green chilli Nil Nil Nil Pillai K.G P.O, Kottarakkara Ph No. 9744718409 27. Rajesh Rajendra Vilasam, Maruthamon bhagam, Vegetable cowpea s^³hmetdäv 0.20 Cà (No MRL) 100% Anthamon, Kalayapuram, P.O, Kottarkkara, Ph Fenvalerate No. 9447696695 28. Chandrashekaran Nandanam, Anthamon, Kalayapuram P.O, Bitter gourd Nil Nil Nil 100% Kottarkkara Ph No. 9745159809 29. Joymon.J Vakkayil House, Lakkattoor P.O. Ph No. Vegetable cowpea Nil Nil Nil 100% 9744681731 30. Joymon.J Vakkayil House, Lakkattoor P.O. Ph No. Bhindi Nil Nil Nil 9744681731 31. Joymon.J Vakkayil House, Lakkattoor P.O. Ph No. Drumstick Nil Nil Nil 9744681731 Page | 3 Plan scheme fully funded by Department of Agriculture, Govt. Of Kerala & implemented by Kerala Agricultural University in association with Dept. Of Agriculture, Horticorp, VFPCK and K-SHM Period of report: 2015 Report No: PAMSTEV 22/2015 P\phcn-- – Unkw_À 2015 January – December 2015 Plan Scheme ¹m³ kvIow: Safe to Eat tk^v äp Cuäv Farm gate Vegetable Samples (January 2015 – December 2015) “Production and Marketing of Safe to Eat (Pesticide free) vegetables, fruits and food products for sale through government outlets” # IÀjIsâ t]cv ta hnemkw C\w Isണ്ട¯nb IoS\min\nbpsS \njvIÀjn¨ncn¡p¶ ]cn[n “tk^v äp Cuäv” FARMERS NAME FARMERS ADDRESS ITEM IoS\min\nbpsS t]cv Afhv (F^.vFk.vFk.vF.sG.) iXam\w PESTICIDE DETECTED RESIDUE LEVEL FSSAI Limit Safe to Eat % 32. Joymon.J Vakkayil House, Lakkattoor P.O. Ph No. Curry leaves Nil Nil Nil 9744681731 33. Joymon.J Vakkayil House, Lakkattoor P.O. Ph No. Brinjal (long) Nil Nil Nil 9744681731 34. Joymon.J Vakkayil House, Lakkattoor P.O. Ph No. Green chilli Nil Nil Nil 9744681731 35. Sri. Ranga Nadhan Kinarppallam, Aattiyampathi P.O, Chittor, Green chilli Nil Nil Nil 100% Menampara Palakkad Ph No. 9745456752 36. Sri. Ranga Nadhan Kinarppallam, Aattiyampathi P.O, Chittor, Tomato Nil Nil Nil Menampara Palakkad Ph No. 9745456752 37. Sri. Ranga Nadhan Kinarppallam, Aattiyampathi P.O, Chittor, Nendran Nil Nil Nil Menampara Palakkad Ph No. 9745456752 sam¯w km¼nfpIfpsS F®w (Total Number Of samples) 37 IoS\min\n Is ¯nb km¼nfpIfpsS F®w ണ്ട (Number Of samples with pesticides) 5 \njvIÀjn¨ncn¡p¶ ]cn[n¡v apIfn IoS\min\n Is ¯nb km¼nfpIfpsS F®w ണ്ട (Above MRL Limit) 0 Page | 4 Plan scheme fully funded by Department of Agriculture, Govt. Of Kerala & implemented by Kerala Agricultural University in association with Dept. Of Agriculture, Horticorp, VFPCK and K-SHM Period of report: 2015 Report No: PAMSTEV 22/2015 P\phcn-- – Unkw_À 2015 January – December 2015 Plan Scheme ¹m³ kvIow: Safe to Eat tk^v äp Cuäv Farm gate Vegetable Samples (January 2015 – December 2015) “Production and Marketing of Safe to Eat (Pesticide free) vegetables, fruits and food products for sale through government outlets” XncphTrivandrum\´]pcw km¼nfpIfpsS F®w (No.

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